Health at a Glance 2023
OECD Indicators
Health at a Glance provides a comprehensive set of indicators on population health and health system performance across OECD members and key emerging economies. These cover health status, risk factors for health, access to and quality of healthcare, and health system resources. Analysis draws from the latest comparable official national statistics and other sources.
Alongside indicator-by-indicator analysis, an overview chapter summarises the comparative performance of countries and major trends. This edition also has a special focus on digital health, which measures the digital readiness of OECD countries’ health systems, and outlines what countries need to do accelerate the digital health transformation.
Also available in: French
Digital health
A digital health transformation is reshaping how health services are delivered, public health is protected, and chronic disease is managed and prevented. Through the expanded use of digital tools such as telemedicine and artificial intelligence, as well as utilising health information to monitor population health and manage system performance, countries are investing more in digital health systems. The COVID‑19 pandemic demonstrated that the most resilient countries had strong digital systems for collecting and sharing health information. Health systems with robust digital infrastructure and the ability to utilise quality health information were able to inform evidence‑based policy making and respond more flexibly and quickly to system shocks (OECD, 2023[1]). As a result, the use of digital tools such as telemedicine and artificial intelligence is expanding. These digital interventions have the potential to reshape patient care, improve workforce productivity, enable equitable access to health services, and achieve better health outcomes.
Also available in: French
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