Government at a Glance 2023

image of Government at a Glance 2023

The 2023 edition of Government at a Glance provides a comprehensive overview of public governance and public administration practices in OECD Member and partner countries. It includes indicators on trust in public institutions and satisfaction with public services, as well as evidence on good governance practices in areas such as the policy cycle, budgeting, public procurement, infrastructure planning and delivery, regulatory governance, digital government and open government data. Finally, it provides information on what resources public institutions use and how they are managed, including public finances, public employment, and human resources management. Government at a Glance allows for cross-country comparisons and helps identify trends, best practices, and areas for improvement in the public sector.

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Breakdown of government spending by functions of social protection and health (COFOG)

The COVID-19 pandemic showed the importance of robust and agile health and social protection systems to help weather crises by protecting people’s lives and preserving living conditions. Social protection and healthcare are on average the largest government spending categories in OECD countries, and increased in significance during the pandemic. Meanwhile, demographic trends, such as higher life expectancy and low fertility rates, add further financial pressure on health and social protection systems, increasing demand for more and better medical care, as well as for pensions and other types of social aid and support (OECD, 2021).

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