Talent Abroad: A Review of Moroccan Emigrants

image of Talent Abroad: A Review of Moroccan Emigrants

Close to 3 million people who were born in Morocco lived in OECD countries in 2010/11. To assess the potential that this group represents for the Moroccan economy, this review looks at the distribution of Moroccan emigrants over OECD countries, as well as their age, sex, and educational attainment. It analyses the labour market outcomes of Moroccan emigrants and documents the characteristics of return migrants in Morocco. Moroccan emigrants primarily reside in France, followed by Spain and Italy, where their numbers grew strongly before flows were affected by the economic crisis. Moroccan emigrants have lower educational attainment and less favourable labour market outcomes than native-born persons in destination countries, and many work in low-skill occupations. Those who have returned to Morocco are often retired, but they are also especially likely to become entrepreneurs there.

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Numbers and locations of Moroccan emigrants

This chapter establishes the total numbers of Moroccan-born emigrants residing in OECD countries. The main destination countries of Moroccan emigrants are identified, and the chapter determines their composition by age and gender. Changes in numbers and locations between 2000/01 and 2010/11 are discussed. Comparisons are made notably between Moroccanborn individuals and Moroccan citizens living abroad as well as between Moroccan emigrants and other emigrants from major origin countries or from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The chapter also presents evidence on emigrants’ reasons for migration and on international students.

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