Documents de travail de l'OCDE sur la santé

Cette série d’étude s’adresse à un large public. Il s’agit généralement d’un travail collectif, mais les noms des principaux auteurs sont cités. Ces documents existent en général uniquement dans leur version originale – anglais ou français – avec un résumé dans l’autre langue.

Anglais, Français

Health literacy for people-centred care

Where do OECD countries stand?

In the 21st century care, the old paradigm “because the doctor said so” no longer holds. Individuals are now seeking ways to understand their health options and take more control over their health decisions. But this is not an easy task. Professionals continue to use medical jargon, drug instructions are not always clear, and health information in clinical settings continue to be complex and challenging to navigate. Widespread access to digital technologies offset some of these barriers by democratising access to health information, providing new ways to improve health knowledge and support self care. Nonetheless, when health information is misused or misinterpreted, it can wrongly influence individuals’ preferences and behaviour, jeopardise their health, or put unreasonable demands on health systems.


JEL: I12: Health, Education, and Welfare / Health / Health Behavior; I18: Health, Education, and Welfare / Health / Health: Government Policy; Regulation; Public Health
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