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  • 16 sept. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 362

Ce volume fournit des informations quantitatives sur les titres d’emprunt d’État pour les 30 pays membres de l'OCDE en vue de répondre aux besoins analytiques des utilisateurs tels que les pouvoirs publics, les spécialistes de la gestion de la dette et les analystes de marché.  Les statistiques sont présentées selon un plan d’ensemble normalisé pour permettre une comparaison entre les différents pays. Les notes par pays donnent des informations sur les émissions de titres d’emprunt dans chacun des pays, ainsi que sur le cadre institutionnel et réglementaire dans lequel s’inscrivent la politique de gestion de la dette et les techniques de vente.

  • 22 déc. 2008
  • OCDE, Agence pour l'énergie nucléaire
  • Pages : 942

This volume is the eleventh in the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) “Chemical Thermodynamics” series. It is based on a critical review of the thermodynamic properties of thorium, its solid compounds and aqueous complexes, initiated as part of the NEA Thermochemical Database Project Phase III (TDB III). The database system developed at the OECD/NEA Data Bank ensures consistency not only within the recommended data sets of thorium, but also amongst all the data sets published in the series. This volume will be of particular interest to scientists carrying out performance assessments of deep geological disposal sites for radioactive waste.

  • 18 déc. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 35

Climate change is a fact of life. We need to act urgently if we are to avoid an irreversible build-up of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and global warming at a potentially huge cost to the economy and society worldwide. OECD analysis suggests that if we act now, we have 10 to 15 years’ “breathing space” during which action is possible at a relatively modest cost. But every year of delay reduces this breathing space, while requiring ever more stringent measures to make a difference. Current financial turmoil is not a reason to delay. Indeed, its macroeconomic consequences will be resolved in a relatively short time, after which growth will resume, while the consequences of inaction on global warming will continue to grow more and more costly over time...

  • 29 juil. 2008
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 512

Coal Information is the International Energy Agency's comprehensive annual review of historical and current market trends int he world coal sector.  It brings together essential statistics on coal and therefore provides a strong foundation for policy and market analysis.

Part I of the publication provides a review of the world coal market in 2007, while Part II provides a statistical overview of developments, which covers world coal production and coal reserves, coal demand by type (hard, steam, coking), hard coal trade and hard coal prices. Part III provides, in tabular and graphic form, a more detailed and comprehensive statistical picture of historical and current coal developments in the 30 OECD member countries, by region and individually. Part IV provides for selected non-OECD countries summary statistics on hard coal supply and end-use statistics for about 40 countries and regions worldwide. Complete coal balances and coal trade data for selected years are presented on 16 major non-OECD coal producing and consuming countries.

  • 30 oct. 2008
  • OCDE, Banque interaméricaine de développement
  • Pages : 50

El Salvador’s first competition law took effect on 1 January 2006. The law, following some important amendments in 2007, is sound in most respects. It employs enforcement standards that are consistent with best practices in the worldwide competition community. It provides the new competition agency, La Superintendencia de Competencia (Superintendency) with the powers that it needs to enforce the law effectively. In less than three years El Salvador is off to a good – one might say excellent – start. Its experience can serve, in some ways at least, as an example of an effective way to begin to implement a competition policy...

  • 22 sept. 2008
  • OCDE, International Social Security Association
  • Pages : 540

This comprehensive and in-depth reference work provides detailed information on the regulation and supervision of voluntary and mandatory occupational pension plans as well as mandatory private pension schemes in 58 countries worldwide. Designed to be complementary to Social Security Programs throughout the World, each country profile contains information on the regulatory framework, the institutional framework, coverage, financing/investment, benefit provisions, benefit adjustment, disability, protection of rights, and regulatory and supervisory authorities.   


Complementary and Private Pensions Throughout the World 2008 is the product of the cooperative efforts of three key international bodies in the area of pensions: the International Social Security Association (ISSA), the International Organisation of Pension Supervisors (IOPS) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

  • 11 juin 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 132

This volume reviews the state of the art in conducting sustainability assessments, including the range of methodologies and tools available. It describes current practice in OECD countries, as well as the continuing debate on quantifying and comparing diverse types of short- and long-term policy impacts. 

This publication presents information about VAT/GST and excise duty rates in OECD member countries as well as information about indirect tax topics such as international aspects of VAT development and application of VAT to small and medium-size enterprises. It also describes a range of taxation provisions in OECD member countries, such as the taxation of motor vehicles, tobacco and alcoholic beverages. This edition’s special feature describes the way VAT is implemented in three significant non-OECD economies: China, Russia and India.

  • 11 mars 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 94

This Glossary explains the key elements required to classify corruption as a criminal act, according to three major international conventions: (1) the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions; (2) the Council of Europe’s Criminal Law Convention on Corruption; and (3) the United Nation’s Convention against Corruption.

The Glossary examines and elaborates on the requirements of the conventions and explains how they can be effectively introduced into the national legislation. The Glossary is also a practical tool for monitoring country compliance with the international anti-corruption conventions, as well as raising awareness of these conventions.

  • 19 sept. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 214

Countries today face numerous environmental policy challenges, such as climate change, air and water pollution, natural-resource management, natural disasters and environment-related hazards. The costs of not responding to them can be considerable, in some cases representing a significant drag on OECD economies. Estimation of these costs can be an important part of identifying areas in which policy interventions are required, as well as of establishing priorities for future action. There is, however, considerable uncertainty associated with all stages of “costing” the impacts of  environmental and resource degradation. Even when the costs of inaction are deemed important, identifying the areas where environmental policies need to be strengthened still requires careful comparison between the marginal costs of inaction versus action. This report provides introductory perspectives on the costs of inaction and discusses some of the future problems likely to be encountered in this very complex area.

Cette publicationprésente des statistiques complètes sur les apports d’aide à la lutte contre le VIH/sida. L’analyse couvre la période 2000-2006, y compris les tendances des apports d’’aide par les donneurs et l’adéquation de ces apports avec les besoins des pays bénéficiaires ; des estimations sont fournies pour 2007.  La publication rassemble également les activités d’aide pour la lutte contre le VIH/sida notifiées par les membres du CAD et par les institutions multilatérales dans la base de données SNPC sur les activités d’aide (Système de notification des pays créanciers). Les informations sont fondées sur les engagements et versements individuels d'Aide publique au développement (APD) à la lutte contre le VIH/sida.

Cette publication présente des statistiques complètes sur les apports d’aide dans le secteur de l’approvisionnement en eau et de l’assainissement. L’analyse couvre la période 2001-2006, y compris les principales tendances de l’aide des donneurs et le ciblage des pays où la situation est la plus critique.

Les profils de l’aide des donneurs contiennent des statistiques spécifiques à chaque donneur sous forme de tableaux et graphiques, ainsi qu’un résumé de la politique de coopération pour le développement suivie dans le secteur de l’eau.

La publication fournit également la liste des activités d’aide concernées, déclarées par les membres du CAD et les institutions multilatérales dans la base de données SNPC (Système de notification des pays créanciers). Les informations sont fondées sur les engagements et versements individuels d’Aide publique au développement (APD) dans le secteur de l’eau et de l’assainissement.

Cette édition résulte de la collaboration entre le Secrétariat du Comité d’aide au développement (CAD) de l’OCDE et le Conseil mondial de l’eau (CME).

Les informations présentées sont uniques, comparables et conformes aux définitions et à la méthodologie des statistiques du CAD. Elles visent les besoins des agences et institutions de coopération au développement en soutien de la programmation et de l’analyse par pays et par secteur.

  • 10 oct. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 82

Cette brochure est publiée dans le cadre des activités du Régime pour l'Application de Normes Internationales aux Fruits et Légumes, créé en 1962 par l'OCDE. Elle fournit des commentaires et des illustrations en vue de faciliter l'interprétation commune des normes en vigueur et constitue donc un outil précieux tant pour les services de contrôle que pour les milieux professionnels responsables de l'application des normes ou s’intéressant au commerce international de ces produits.

  • 29 sept. 2008
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 639

Deploying Renewables: Principles for Effective Policies examines the key factors that will determine the success of renewable energy policies and how current policies can be improved to encourage greater deployment of renewables. Responding to the Gleneagles G8 call for a clean and secure energy future, it highlights key policy tools to fast-track renewables into the mainstream. This analysis illustrates good practices by applying the combined metrics of effectiveness and efficiency to renewable energy policies in the electricity, heating and transport sectors. It highlights significant barriers to accelerating renewables penetration, and argues that the great potential of renewables can be exploited much more rapidly and to a much larger extent if good practices are adopted.

  • 01 févr. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 155
Development Aid at a Glance is a dynamic and comprehensive publication from the OECD focused on the various aspects of foreign aid. For each continent, it provides 40 tables and graphs covering subjects such as trends in aid by donors and recipients and distribution of aid by sector, accompanied by short texts presenting the main aspects of development aid for each region. It also focuses on efforts in the domains of education, health and water, which relate closely to the Millennium Development Goals.  For each table, the book provides a dynamic link (StatLink) which directs the user to a web page where the corresponding data are available in Excel® format. 
  • 18 déc. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 156
Development Aid at a Glance is a dynamic and comprehensive publication from the OECD focused on the various aspects of foreign aid. For each continent, it provides 40 tables and graphs covering subjects such as trends in aid by donors and recipients and distribution of aid by sector, accompanied by short texts presenting the main aspects of development aid for each region. It also focuses on efforts in the domains of education, health and water, which relate closely to the Millennium Development Goals.  For each table, the book provides a dynamic link (StatLink) which directs the user to a web page where the corresponding data are available in Excel® format. 
  • 04 févr. 2008
  • Richard Manning
  • Pages : 238

The OECD Development Assistance Committee's annual report on international aid.  This year's edition includes an overview by the DAC Chairman reviewing recent trends in aid volume, allocation, and effectiveness.  Special chapters on Effective Aid Management and Aid Effectiveness examine DAC experience in these areas. Individual chapters for each donor country summarise key features of each country's programme including data on total flows, breakdowns by income group, geographical region and sector, and listing of the top ten recipients. Country chapters also include commentary on the donor's commitment to the MDGs, aid effectiveness, and policy coherence. The comprehensive statistical annex provides graphs and tables showing the evolution of aid flows.

Allemand, Français
  • 11 avr. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 558

This directory provides official information on the mandates, dates of creation and durations of current mandates, composition of member countries and observers, and chairmanship of the OECD Council and its related committees, sub-committees, working groups, expert groups, and ad hoc groups.  It includes coverage of the International Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and is updated annually.  It is, in effect, a guide to country participation in the many activities of the OECD for the year 2008. 

  • 22 août 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 83

This report evaluates strategies to improve the efficiency with which environmental resources are used to meet human needs. Many firms in OECD countries have developed strategies that involve:
- developing goals to reduce resource use and pollutant release while improving customer service;
- working towards the goals through innovation in technology, practices, and ways of thinking; and
- designing indicators to monitor progress.
Similar approaches have been used outside business, for example by governments, communities and groups of households. Such strategies have achieved improvements in material and energy efficiency in the region of 10% to 40%. The full potential for improving eco-efficiency is much greater, but it is only likely to be achieved through coherent government policies for sustainable development. The report identifies policies that can encourage innovation by firms and communities, and provide an economy-wide framework of economic and regulatory incentives for the adoption of more sustainable patterns of production and consumption.

Climate change poses a serious challenge to social and economic development. This report provides a critical assessment of adaptation costs and benefits in key climate sensitive sectors, as well as at national and global levels. It also moves the discussion beyond cost estimation to the potential and limits of economic and policy instruments - including insurance and risk sharing, environmental markets and pricing, and public private partnerships - that can be used to motivate adaptation actions.

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