Risk Awareness, Capital Markets and Catastrophic Risks

image of Risk Awareness, Capital Markets and Catastrophic Risks

The OECD contributes to the improvement of the financial management of major catastrophes both through the activities of the International Network on the Financial Management of Large-Scale Catastrophes and through the leadership of its High-Level Advisory Board. This publication compiles a series of reports reflecting the OECD’s extensive work in this field over recent years. These reports include: 1) a stocktaking of initiatives to promote natural hazard awareness and disaster risk reduction education, resulting in the publication of a policy handbook; 2) a review of and recommendations on catastrophe-linked securities and the role of capital markets in supporting the financial mitigation of large-scale risks, aimed at governments promoting these instruments; 3) a review of current mechanisms used to quantify catastrophe losses within the OECD; and 4) a review of hazard risk mapping efforts in South East Asian countries.


Policy Recommendations for Enhancing Natural Hazard Risk Awareness and Risk Reduction Education

The international consensus around the Hyogo Framework for Action, global efforts such as the new International Decade for Education for Sustainable Development, risk reduction research, the OECD project on enhanced risk awareness and the OECD International Network on the Financial Management of Large-Scale Catastrophes all point to the imperative need for enhancing natural hazard risk awareness and risk reduction education in the general population.


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