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Title Index

Year Index

  • 12 Sept 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 169

This book is a compilation devoted to high quality school and university buildings from 21 countries. Full-colour photographs and plans illustrate the 55 educational facilities selected by an international jury in recognition of their forward-looking response to the changing environment of teaching and learning. Readers will also find an overview of activities of the OECD Programme on Educational Building in the context of lifelong learning, carried out in collaboration with other organisations specialised in teaching, research and resource management.

  • 21 Jun 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 201

Who finances educational facilities? What are the criteria used and how are they applied? Each country has its own system; however, the general trends are towards diversification of funding sources and decentralisation of responsibility. This publication examines the links between decentralisation and new means of financing. Although local control can guarantee greater effectiveness and responsiveness to local needs, central government remains responsible for ensuring access to equity and equality of educational opportunity. The greatest challenge in education funding consists of achieving compatibility between these objectives and technological development.

  • 10 Dec 2003
  • OECD
  • Pages: 172

Access to institutions of higher education is as important for disabled people as it is for non-disabled students, since it can offer them the same opportunities for employment, social inclusion and poverty alleviation. Inclusive practices in schools also encourage the need for greater access in higher education. This book offers a detailed account of practices in Canada (Ontario), France and the United Kingdom, and provides additional information on the situation in Germany and Switzerland.

Im vorliegenden Bericht werden Ergebnisse der internationalen Schulleistungsstudie PISA analysiert, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Motivation, dem Vertrauen in die eigenen Fähigkeiten und der Anwendung verschiedener Lernstrategien liegt.

Betrachtet werden vor allem solche Merkmale, die zusammengenommen die Wahrscheinlichkeit erhöhen, dass ein Schüler zu einem selbstsicheren und autonomen Lerner wird.

Die Ergebnisse bestätigen, dass zwischen den Lernansätzen und den messbaren Lernergebnissen der Schülerinnen und Schüler ein enger Zusammenhang besteht. So erzielen z.B. Schülerinnen und Schüler, die ein ausgeprägtes Leseinteresse zeigen und vergleichsweise stärker auf ihre Fähigkeit zur Lösung ihnen selbst schwierig erscheinender Probleme vertrauen, tendenziell auch bessere Ergebnisse. In dem Bericht wird ferner nachgewiesen, dass ein besonders enger Zusammenhang zwischen der Tendenz der Schülerinnen und Schüler zur Selbstkontrolle des Lernprozesses durch bewusste Beobachtung ihrer Fortschritte bei der Realisierung persönlicher Ziele einerseits und ihrer Motivation und ihrem Selbstvertrauen andererseits besteht. Das legt den Schluss nahe, dass effektives Lernen nicht einfach als spezielle Fertigkeit gelehrt werden kann, sondern in erheblichem Maße von der Entwicklung einer positiven Einstellung abhängt.

  • 23 Oct 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 150

Many educational experts are identifying  a critical shift from supply-led systems — operating to procedures decided by educational authorities, schools and teachers — towards systems which are much more sensitive to demand.  But, whose demands should these be? What are they? And how will schools recognize and cope with them?  This book examines different aspects of the demand concept and presents international evidence from Austria, the Czech and Slovak Republics, Denmark, England, Finland, Hungary, Japan, Poland, Spain, and the United States to reveal attitudes and expectations. 

  • 01 Sept 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 192
Drawing on a wide range of data sources, this publication constructs and analyses different indicators of child well-being across the OECD. These indicators cover six key areas: material well‑being; housing and environment; education; health and safety; risk behaviours; and quality of school life. They show that no one OECD country performs well in all areas and that every OECD country can do more to improve children’s lives.

How much countries are spending on children and when is also closely considered, the first time such a comparative exercise has been undertaken across the OECD. Additional chapters offer detailed examinations of countries’ policies for children under age three, the impact of single parenthood on children and the effect of inequalities across generations. The publication concludes with broad policy recommendations for improving child well-being.

  • 16 Nov 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 278
Higher-level skills are increasingly demanded by the knowledge-based economy. But with rising mobility and demographic change, it is no longer so simple to invest in a skilled workforce for the future. Actions are needed on a variety of fronts, including attracting and retaining talent, better integrating disadvantaged groups into the labour force, and upgrading the skills of low-paid workers. Much of the responsibility for these actions falls squarely on the shoulders of local policy makers.

Drawing from a wide array of case studies, this book analyses best-practice local strategies for increasing workforce skills. And it also takes a close look at the opportunities and challenges presented by international migration. The in-depth case studies in this report range from Shanghai’s “Highland of Talent Strategy” to new “career ladders” which help immigrants escape low-skilled, low-paid employment in New York. National and local-level recommendations on local skills development are provided, for both OECD and non-OECD countries.

Designing for Education: Compendium of Exemplary Educational Facilities 2011 showcases over 60 recently built or refurbished educational facilities from 28 countries. Collectively, these projects demonstrate state-of-the-art design in this field and each one is lavishly illustrated with colour photos, plans and descriptions.

The individual chapters – which are in higher resolution format – are available on the OECD iLibrary.

  • 28 Jun 2012
  • Tony Zanderigo, Elizabeth Dowd, Sarah Turner
  • Pages: 82

This case study describes the policy-making process in Australia leading to the public release of information on every school in Australia through the My School website. Policy lessons are described to provide insight for OECD member countries which may be grappling with similar issues in developing school accountability systems, particularly those working within federal-state contexts.

While some of the lessons from this policy development and implementation process relate specifically to Australia’s circumstances, there are general policy prescriptions of broader interest to other countries seeking to improve school education through measurement and reporting of key factors of school operations and performance.

La digitalización, la globalización, así como los cambios demográficos y de la estructura laboral están readaptando constantemente las necesidades de habilidades. Esto puede conducir a una escasez y disparidad persistentes de las mismas, que son costosas para los individuos, las empresas y la sociedad en términos de reducción de salarios, de una menor productividad y menos crecimiento. Estos costos pueden reducirse mediante una mejor evaluación y anticipación de las necesidades cambiantes de habilidades y mejorando la capacidad de respuesta para desarrollarlas y enfrentar dichos cambios.
Este informe identifica estrategias efectivas para mejorar la información del mercado laboral con respecto a las necesidades de habilidades y asegurar que esta información se utilice efectivamente para desarrollar las habilidades correctas. Proporciona una evaluación comparativa de las prácticas en 29 países en las siguientes áreas: i) recopilación de información sobre las necesidades actuales y futuras de habilidades; ii) el uso de esta información para guiar sobre políticas de desarrollo de habilidades en las áreas de trabajo, educación y migración; y iii) mecanismos de gestión para garantizar una buena coordinación entre los actores clave en la recopilación y el uso de información relacionada con las necesidades de habilidades.

  • 23 Oct 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 288

Wales (United Kingdom) considers the development of schools as learning organisations as vital for supporting schools to put its new, 21st century curriculum into practice. A growing body of research evidence shows that schools that operate as learning organisations can react more quickly to changing external environments and embrace changes and innovations.
This report aims to support Wales in this effort, gauging the extent to which schools have put into practice the characteristics of learning organisations and identifying areas for further development. It also examines the system-level conditions that can enable or hinder schools in Wales in developing as learning organisations. It offers a number of concrete recommendations for consideration by the Welsh Government and other stakeholders at various levels of the system.
The report will be valuable not only for Wales, but also to the many countries that are looking to establish collaborative learning cultures across their school systems.

  • 10 Apr 2019
  • Patricia K. Kuhl, Soo-Siang Lim, Sonia Guerriero, Dirk van Damme
  • Pages: 260

This book highlights new scientific research about how people learn, including interdisciplinary perspectives from neuroscience, the social, cognitive and behavioural sciences, education, computer and information sciences, artificial intelligence/machine learning, and engineering. These new developments offer fascinating new perspectives, based on technological advances, which enable a re-examination of longstanding problems in learning, raise new questions, and offer new approaches to the study of learning. This report seeks to catalyse discussions on the implications of these research findings for education practice and policy, and in turn, on how knowledge and experience from real-world education practice and policy could challenge and inform research agendas and theory building.

  • 10 Feb 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 234

Digitalizācija Latvijā analizē jaunākās attīstības tendences Latvijas digitālajā ekonomikā, pārskata ar digitalizāciju saistītās politikas un sniedz ieteikumus par politikas saskaņotības palielināšanu šajā jomā, pamatojoties uz ESAO Going Digital integrētās politikas struktūru.

Pārskatā tiek izmantots stratēģiska perspektīva, lai izpētītu trīs alternatīvus nākotnes scenārijus, kas var izveidoties globālās ekonomikas un sabiedrības digitālās transformācijas rezultātā. Tajā tiek pētīta arī sakaru tīklu un pakalpojumu pieejamība Latvijā, kā arī saistītās politikas un regulējumi. Turklāt pārskatā tiek aplūkotas fi zisku personu, uzņēmumu un valdības tendences digitālās tehnoloģijas izmantošanas jomā, kā arī izpētītas politikas, lai sekmētu izplatīšanu. Visbeidzot pārskatā tiek analizētas digitalizācijas radītās iespējas un izaicinājumi galvenajās jomās, sākot ar inovācijām un prasmēm un beidzot ar digitālo drošību un datu pārvaldību, kā arī novērtētas politikas reakcijas uz šīm pārmaiņām Latvijā.

Šī publikācija ir Going Digital in Latvia tulkojums, kas ir daļa no OECD Reviews of Digital Transformation sērijas, kas publicēts tikai angļu valodā.


COVID-19 has put renewed focus on the importance of addressing longstanding challenges that OECD governments face in delivering public services, especially in regions with people spread over a wider area where economies of scale are more difficult to achieve. The physical infrastructure needed to provide good quality education and health services can be more complex and expensive in rural and remote regions that also struggle to attract and retain education and health care professionals. Acute ageing trends in many rural regions and, in some cases, a shrinking population will require sustainable policy responses that will need to be coherent with pressure to drive efficiencies in public spending. This report examines the nuances specific to the delivery of education and health care to people everywhere, offering recommendations on how to better adapt provision to the realities of today and the emerging realities of tomorrow to face the challenges of distance, demographic change and fiscal belt-tightening. The report also examines digital connectivity issues in rural and remote regions, recognising the significant scope for digital delivery of services to mitigate challenges related to distance. Finally, the report looks at governance issues, including fiscal issues, through which the delivery of these critical services is administered and paid for.

  • 10 Jun 2021
  • African Union Commission, OECD
  • Pages: 301

Dinâmicas do desenvolvimento em África usa as lições de cinco regiões do continente – África Central, África Oriental, Norte de África, África Austral e África Ocidental – para desenvolver recomendações em matéria de políticas públicas e partilhar boas práticas. Com base nas estatísticas mais recentes, esta análise das dinâmicas de desenvolvimento visa ajudar os líderes africanos a cumprirem as metas da Agenda 2063 da União Africana a todos os níveis: continental, regional, nacional e local.

A edição de 2021, agora publicada no início do ano, analisa a forma como a digitalização pode criar empregos de qualidade e contribuir para a concretização da Agenda 2063, tornando assim as economias africanas mais resilientes à recessão mundial desencadeada pela pandemia do COVID-19. O relatório identifica quatro áreas principais para a transformação digital de África: colmatar o fosso digital, apoiar a inovação local, capacitar os trabalhadores independentes, e harmonizar, aplicar e monitorizar as estratégias digitais. Esta edição inclui um novo capítulo que analisa as perspetivas de financiamento do desenvolvimento de África no contexto da crise económica mundial de 2020.

Dinâmicas do desenvolvimento em África tem por vocação alimentar o debate entre os membros da União Africana, assim como os cidadãos e os empreendedores. O seu objetivo é contribuir para um novo modelo de colaboração entre países e entre regiões centrado na aprendizagem mútua e na preservação dos bens comuns. O relatório é o resultado de uma parceria entre a Comissão da União Africana e o Centro de Desenvolvimento da OCDE.

French, English

Die fehlenden Unternehmer 2019" ist die fünfte Ausgabe einer Reihe von zweijährlichen Jahresberichten, die sich mit damit befassen, wie Politikmaßnahmen auf nationaler, regionaler und lokaler Ebene die Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen unterstützen kann, indem sie Unternehmensgründungen sowie selbstständige Tätigkeiten von Menschen aus benachteiligten oder unterrepräsentierten sozialen Gruppen fördert (z. B. Frauen, Jugendliche, Senioren, Arbeitslose, Einwanderer, Menschen mit Behinderungen). Der vorliegende Bericht bietet Daten und Analysen zu Ausmaß und Umfang von Unternehmertum und selbstständigen Tätigkeiten dieser sozialen Zielgruppen, einschließlich der Selbstständigkeitsquote, der Wachstumserwartungen, der Einschätzung unternehmerischer Fähigkeiten und mehr. Die Ausgabe enthält Fachkapitel, die sich auf zwei politische Fragestellungen konzentrieren: Das Potenzial von Politikmaßnahmen digitales Unternehmertum für Leute aus den unterrepräsentierten und benachteiligten Gruppen zu unterstützen und das Potenzial von Politikmaßnahmen, die Skalierbarkeit von Unternehmen zu fördern, die von unterrepräsentierten und benachteiligten Gruppen gegründet wurden. Jedes Kapitel behandelt die wesentlichen Themen und politischen Herausforderungen und bietet Beispiele für mögliche politische Ansätze und Ratschläge für politische Entscheidungsträger. Anschließend werden in Länderprofilen neue Trends im Unternehmertum der sozialen Zielgruppen sowie wesentliche politische Herausforderungen und jüngste politische Maßnahmen aller 28 EU-Mitgliedstaaten vorgestellt.

French, English

This publication is part of the OECD workstream on Preparing Regions for Demographic Change. It elaborates a case study for the Portuguese region of Alentejo and focuses on improving the delivery of educational services taking into account the multi-level governance context. The study highlights the need to better articulate and co-ordinate the delivery of educational services among levels of government to improve access and quality. It also sheds light on the decisive role that geography plays and the importance of adopting a spatial lens to mitigate the rising inequality present in Portugal in access to education services. Alentejo is a rural region that expects to lose 30% of its population between 2020 and 2080, hence it needs to put in place forward-looking and effective policy levers to delivery sustainable education services to citizens living in rural communities.

  • 30 Aug 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 267

There is a discernible and growing gap between the qualifications that a university degree certifies and the actual generic, 21st-century skills with which students graduate from higher education. By generic skills, it is meant literacy and critical thinking skills encompassing problem solving, analytic reasoning and communications competency. As automation takes over non- and lower-cognitive tasks in today’s workplace, these generic skills are especially valued but a tertiary degree is a poor indicator of skills level. In the United States, the Council for Aid for Education developed an assessment of generic skills called the CLA+ and carried out testing in six countries between 2016 and 2021. This book provides the data and analysis of this “CLA+ International Initiative”.

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