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Title Index

Year Index

  • 21 Apr 2010
  • Miho Taguma, Moonhee Kim, Gregory Wurzburg, Frances Kelly
  • Pages: 84

By international standards, immigrant students in Ireland, on average, perform as well as their native peers at age 15. However, non-English speaking immigrants face particular challenges and do less well. Ireland is undertaking measures with a focus on language support and intercultural education. There is scope to improve access to quality early childhood education and care for all, especially for immigrant children; strengthen learning opportunities for language support teachers; concentrate efforts on mainstreaming language support and intercultural education into regular curriculum, teacher education and research; enhance capacities of teachers and school leaders to be more responsive to the growing linguistic and cultural diversity of students; ensure access to school, home and community liaison services for immigrant families; collect better data to further encourage schools to adopt diversity and inclusive education; and set up a framework for continuous feedback embedded in policy evaluation and school inspection.

  • 21 Apr 2010
  • Deborah Nusche, Gregory Wurzburg, Breda Naughton
  • Pages: 79

The immigrant population in Denmark is one of the smallest in Western Europe but is made up of highly diverse groups coming from about 200 different countries. Compared to their native Danish peers, immigrant students, on average, leave compulsory education with significantly weaker performance levels in reading, mathematics and science. Immigrant students are more likely to go to the vocational education and training (VET) sector, which qualifies primarily for access to the labour market. There is scope to develop the capacities of leaders and teachers in schools and VET colleges; build on the existing framework for teaching Danish as a Second Language by standardising structure and mainstreaming the language support offered across all municipalities and school types; involve immigrants’ parents and communities as partners in children’s education; and strengthen monitoring and evaluation at all levels of the system to ensure migrant education policies are implemented and effective.

Although learning often takes place within formal settings and designated environments, a great deal of valuable learning also occurs either deliberately or informally in everyday life. Policy makers in OECD countries have become increasingly aware that non-formal and informal learning represents a rich source of human capital.

Policies which recognise this can play a significant role in a coherent lifelong learning framework, and present practices can be improved to make the knowledge and competencies people acquire outside of formal schooling more visible. The challenge for policy makers is to develop processes for recognising such learning, processes that will generate net benefits both to individuals and to society at large.

This report, based on an OECD review in 22 countries, explores the advantages of recognising non-formal and informal learning outcomes, takes stock of existing policies and practices, and recommends how to organise recognition of these learning systems.

  • 08 Apr 2010
  • OECD, The World Bank
  • Pages: 308

In recent years, the Government of Egypt has driven major reforms for modernising the country. However, Egypt’s higher education system has remained largely unchanged and without fundamental reform of the sector the country will face difficulties in improving its competitiveness.

This independent review of Egypt’s higher education system focuses on areas in need of attention by policy makers and stakeholders, including system steering and institutional governance; student access to higher education; educational quality and effectiveness; research, development and innovation; and finance. It contains an analysis of the system and valuable recommendations which, taken together, represent a major programme of structural and cultural reform of Egyptian higher education over the decade to 2020.


In recent years, the Government of Egypt has driven major reforms for modernising the country. While the success of this effort depends heavily on the quality of education and skills of the population, Egypt’s higher education system has remained largely unchanged in this context. Without a fundamental reform of the sector the country will face difficulties in improving its competitiveness in an increasingly knowledge-based world, in providing for a larger and more diverse student population, and in reducing social inequalities.

This book represents an independent review of Egypt’s higher education system and focuses on areas in need of attention by policy makers and stakeholders, including system steering and institutional governance; student access to higher education; educational quality and effectiveness; research, development and innovation; and finance. It contains an analysis of the system and valuable recommendations which, taken together, represent a major programme of structural and cultural reform of Egyptian higher education over the decade to 2020.

Reviews of National Policies for Education: Higher Education in Egypt will be of interest to Egyptian policy makers and education professionals, as well as others involved in education policy and research.


Si l’apprentissage a souvent lieu dans un cadre formel et au sein d’un environnement spécialement dédié à cette activité, on apprend aussi une quantité de choses essentielles dans la vie de tous les jours, et ce de façon délibérée ou informelle. Les décideurs des pays de l’OCDE sont d’ailleurs de plus en plus conscients de la source abondante de capital humain que représente l’apprentissage non formel et informel.

Les mesures d’action publique reconnaissant cet état de faits peuvent jouer un rôle clé dans un cadre cohérent d’apprentissage tout au long de la vie, et les pratiques actuelles pourraient être améliorées afin d’attirer l’attention sur les connaissances et compétences que les individus acquièrent en dehors de l’enseignement formel. Le défi auquel font face les décideurs est celui d’un développement des processus visant à reconnaître un tel enseignement et à générer des bénéfices nets, à la fois pour les individus et pour la société dans son ensemble.

Ce rapport, qui repose sur des examens de 22 pays, explore les avantages de la reconnaissance des résultats de l’apprentissage non formel et informel, et dresse un état des lieux des politiques et pratiques existantes avant d’émettre des recommandations sur les façons d’organiser la reconnaissance de ces systèmes d’apprentissage.

  • 31 Mar 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 276

The OECD’s new Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) has been designed to provide data and analyses on the conditions needed for effective teaching and learning in schools. As the first international survey with this focus, it seeks to fill important information gaps that have been identified at the national and international levels of education systems.

This TALIS Technical Report describes the development of the TALIS instruments and methods used in sampling, data collection, scaling and data analysis phases of the first round of the survey. It also explains the rigorous quality control programme that operated during the survey process, which included numerous partners and external experts from around the world.

The information in this report complements the first international report from TALIS, Creating Effective Teaching and Learning Environments: First Results from TALIS (OECD, 2009) and the User Guide for the TALIS International Database.

OECD has conducted policy reviews of migrant education in Austria, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden and has examined the migrant education experience in many countries. This book offers comparative data on access, participation and performance of immigrant students and their native peers and identifies a set of policy options based on solid evidence of what works.

Using data from PISA 2006, this book analyzes to what extent investments in technology enhance educational outcomes. One of the most striking findings of this study is that the digital divide in education goes beyond the issue of access to technology. A new second form of digital divide has been identified: the one existing between those who have the right competencies to benefit from computer use, and those who do not. These competencies and skills are closely linked to the economic, cultural and social capital of the student.

This finding has important implications for policy and practice. Governments should make an effort to clearly convey the message that computer use matters for the education of young people and do their best to engage teachers and schools in raising the frequency of computer use to a level that becomes relevant. If schools and teachers are really committed to the development of 21st century competencies, such an increase will happen naturally. And only in these circumstances will clear correlations between technology use and educational performance emerge.

  • 04 Mar 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 246

People from many countries have expressed interest in the tests students take for the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Learning Mathematics for Life examines the link between the PISA test requirements and student performance. It focuses specifically on the proportions of students who answer questions correctly across a range of difficulty. The questions are classified by content, competencies, context and format, and the connections between these and student performance are then analysed.

This analysis has been carried out in an effort to link PISA results to curricular programmes and structures in participating countries and economies. Results from the student assessment reflect differences in country performance in terms of the test questions. These findings are important for curriculum planners, policy makers and in particular teachers – especially mathematics teachers of intermediate and lower secondary school classes.

Presents the findings of Canada's Youth in Transition Survey, which complements OECD's PISA survey and offers significant new policy insights in understanding students’ choices at different ages and the impact of these decisions on consequent education and labour market outcomes. YITS is a longitudinal study that tracks 30 000 Canadian students who took part in the PISA 2000 assessment and, with interviews every two years, follows their progress from secondary school into higher education and the labour market.

Learning for Jobs is an OECD study of vocational education and training (VET) designed to help countries make their VET systems more responsive to labour market needs.

Ireland has a wide range of VET provision targeted at different client groups. The national qualifications framework is comprehensive and includes a strong commitment to the avoidance of dead-ends and pathways of progression. At the same time, the economic crisis is making intense demands on the Irish VET system, particularly on the apprenticeship system, which focuses on a narrow set of occupations. Weak literacy and numeracy are serious problems for many learners, and many of those looking after VET students, in particular those in companies, lack pedagogical training.

The OECD review assesses the main challenges faced by the VET system and presents an interconnected package of policy recommendations. For each recommendation, the report describes the challenge, the recommendation itself, supporting arguments, and issues of implementation.

  • 25 Feb 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 316
This publication summarises key research findings which can be used to redesign initial and continuing teacher education to help practitioners effectively teach diverse students. It looks at challenges teachers face in OECD countries and presents a range of policies and practices used in various contexts, from countries with long histories of diversity to those with more recent experiences. The key role of evaluation – of teachers, schools and systems – is emphasised. Educating Teachers for Diversity: Meeting the Challenge asks how these insights can inspire continuing educational reform for our changing classrooms, with a special focus on key questions for research, policy and practice.

Esta obra proporciona nuevas perspectivas acerca del aprendizaje, se sintetizan los hallazgos existentes y en surgimiento de la ciencia cognitiva y del cerebro, y explora cómo esta nueva información puede impactar la enseñanza, la crianza y la elaboración de política educativa. El libro muestra que las más recientes técnicas de imagenología cerebral y otros avances en las neurociencias revelan realmente acerca de cómo el cerebro se desarrolla y funciona en las distintas etapas desde el nacimiento hasta la vejez y cómo el cerebro se relaciona al adquirir competencias tales como la lectura y el cálculo. También se presentan perspectivas científicas de lo que sucede cuando el cerebro padece enfermedades como la dislexia o el mal de Alzheimer.

French, English

La educación superior transfronteriza está emergiendo para convertirse en un fenómeno fascinante pero muy complejo. La movilidad de estudiantes, de profesores, de conocimiento e incluso valores ha sido por siglos parte de la educación superior, pero esta ha crecido a un ritmo sin precedentes. Durante las últimas dos décadas se ha visto un crecimiento significativo de movilidad en los programas y proveedores de educación superior mediante modos presenciales y virtuales de entrega. Esto presenta muchas nuevas oportunidades entre las que están mayor acceso a la educación superior, alianzas estratégicas entre países y regiones, además de la expansión del recurso humano y la capacidad institucional. De forma paralela existe un número igual de retos: un incremento potencial de proveedores de baja o dudosa calidad, la falta de reconocimiento de las cualificaciones extranjeras por parte de los empleadores o instituciones de educación locales, junto al elitismo y las tensiones que este crea. En muchos casos, estas tendencias nuevas propician que los países reconsideren diferentes aspectos de su política educativa, en particular el marco normativo para el aseguramiento de la calidad y de la educación superior privada.
El propósito del libro es generar nueva información sobre los retos y oportunidades que se presentan especialmente en los países en desarrollo para aprovechar la educación superior transfronteriza como una herramienta para el desarrollo. Esta obra analiza el concepto desarrollo de competencias mediante la educación transfronteriza, con énfasis el papel crucial del aseguramiento de la calidad y las negociaciones comerciales. Este volumen es de especial interés tanto para diseñadores de política educativa como para los incontables interesados en la educación superior de los países en desarrollo.

French, English

В данной публикации ОЭСР предлагается обзор текущей образовательной политики в отношении детей с особыми образовательными потребностями в Казахстане, Кыргызской Pеспублике и Таджикистане. Дается представление о социально-

историческом контексте, системах образования и соответствующего законодательства, критически анализируются принятые взгляды на доступ к образованию для самой уязвимой группы детского населения в данных странах. Особое внимание уделяется

политическим мерам, направленным на обеспечения инклюзивности образования, процедурам идентификации и оценки, общей координации предоставления образовательных услуг, интеграции в общеобразовательную систему, а также наиболее

успешным практикам и роли НПО и общественных доноров. Публикация входит в серию изданий ОЭСР “Oбзор национал ьной политики в области образования”, ее готовит Программа по Сотрудничеству со странами, не входящими в

состав ОЭСР Директората по Образованию.


This OECD publication reviews the current state of education policies for children with special education needs and those with disabilities in Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Tajikistan. It offers an overview of the respective country backgrounds, education systems and relevant legislation, and takes a critical look at access to education for what is considered to be the most vulnerable group of children in the countries reviewed. Particular attention is paid to inclusive education policies, to the processes of identification and assessment, to overall policy co-ordination for the provision of education services, to integration in mainstream education, as well as to good practices and the role of NGOs and the donor community.


Ovatko oppilaat valmiita kohtaamaan tulevaisuuden haasteet? Osaavatko he analysoida, päätellä ja ilmaista tehokkaasti ideoitaan? Onko heillä kykyä elinikäiseen oppimiseen? OECD:n PISA-tutkimusohjelmassa (Programme for International Student Assessment) haetaan vastauksia näihin kysymyksiin. Siinä tutkitaan kolmivuosittain (2000, 2003, 2006, …) keskeisten teollistuneiden maiden 15-vuotiaiden oppilaiden kykyä käyttää hankkimaansa lukutaidollista, matemaattista ja luonnontieteellistä osaamista. Ensimmäisessä tutkimuksessa vuonna 2000 painottui lukeminen ja toisessa vuonna 2003 matemaattinen osaaminen. Luonnontieteelliseen osaamiseen keskittyvä PISA 2006 täydentää ensimmäisen kokonaisen tutkimusjakson. Luonnontieteiden, lukemisen ja matematiikan osaamisen arviointi – PISA 2006 -viitekehys esittelee PISA 2006 -tutkimuksen aihepiirien määrittelyt. Siihen sisältyy uudistettu ja laajennettu luonnontieteellisen osaamisen viitekehys, tähän liittyvä uudenlainen oppilaiden asenteiden arviointitapa, sekä viitekehykset lukemisen ja matemaattisen osaamisen arvioimiseen. Näistä kolmesta aihepiiristä itetään sisältö, joka oppilaiden tulee omaksua. Lisäksi esitetään taidot, joista heidän tulisi suoriutua, sekä ympäristöt, joissa tietoja ja taitoja sovelletaan. Aihepiirejä ja niiden eri puolia havainnollistetaan esimerkkitehtävillä. TÄYDENTÄVÄÄ KIRJALLISUUTTA PISA 2003 -tutkimuksen ensitulokset julkaistiin teoksissa Learning for Tomorrow’s World – First Results from PISA 2003 (OECD, 2004) ja Problem Solving for Tomorrow’s World – First Measures of Cross-Curricular Competencies from PISA 2003 (OECD, 2004). OECD:n PISA-tutkimusohjelma (Programme for International Student Assessment) PISA on 30 OECD-jäsenmaan ja lähes 30 kumppanimaan yhteistyöhanke, jossa yhdistyy osallistujamaiden tieteellinen asiantuntemus ja jota ohjaavat maiden hallitukset yhteisesti hyväksyttyjen periaatteiden mukaan. PISA on monella tavalla uudenlainen yritys mitata oppilaiden osaamista: – Arjen osaamisen korostaminen: PISA:ssa ei määritellä arvioitavia aihepiirejä (luonnontieteellinen, lukemisen ja matematiikan osaaminen) ensisijaisesti koulun opetussuunnitelmien mukaan, vaan keskeisiä ovat tiedot ja taidot, joita aktiivinen kansalainen tarvitsee yhteiskunnassa. – Tutkimuksen pitkäjänteisyys: Osallistujamailla on mahdollisuus seurata säännöllisesti ja luotettavasti edistymistään tärkeimpien oppimistavoitteiden saavuttamisessa. – Ikäryhmän valinta: Koska kohderyhmänä ovat 15-vuotiaat eli oppivelvollisuutensa loppuvaiheessa olevat oppilaat, PISA kertoo selkeästi koulujärjestelmän toimivuudesta. – Elinikäisen oppimisen näkökulma: PISA:ssa ei arvioida vain oppilaiden tietoja ja taitoja, vaan myös heidän omaa oppimismotivaatiotaan, uskomuksiaan itsestään ja oppimistapojaan.

French, Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese, All
  • 17 Feb 2010
  • Louise Stoll, Julie Temperley
  • Pages: 56

La présente Boîte à outils est un outil de perfectionnement professionnel à l’usage des individus ou des groupes. Elle a été conçue pour aider les décideurs, les intervenants et les parties intéressées à analyser leurs politiques et leurs pratiques actuelles en matière de direction des établissements scolaires et à élaborer une conception commune de où et comment intervenir sur la base des recommandations formulées par l’OCDE dans Améliorer la direction des établissements scolaires.

English, Spanish
  • 17 Feb 2010
  • Louise Stoll, Julie Temperley
  • Pages: 52

This Toolkit is a professional development tool for individuals or groups. It is designed to help policy makers, practitioners and relevant stakeholders to analyse their current school leadership policies and practices and develop a common understanding of where and how to take action based on the OECD Improving School Leadership policy recommendations.

French, Spanish
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