Browse by: "2012"


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Index par année

Décision du Tribunal environnemental relatif aux mesures initiales pour le démantèlement de Barsebäck (2006)
Jugement du Tribunal fédéral administratif portant sur le projet de dépôt Konrad (2007)

Loi relative à la centrale nucléaire d’Ignalina (2007)

République Populaire de Chine
Réponse officielle du Conseil des Affaires d’État aux questions relatives à la responsabilité civile pour les dommages résultant d’accidents nucléaires (2007)

Traduction non officielle de la Loi relative à l’exploitation de centrales nucléaires et à la vente de l’énergie produite par ces centrales (2007)


Afrique du Sud
Jugement de la Haute Cour du Cap dans l’affaire McDonald et autres c. Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources minières et autres (2007) 

Jugement de la Cour d’appel des États-Unis relatif à la prise en compte des effets d’attentats terroristes sur l’environnement (2006)
Annulation de la décision de la Court of Federal Claims des États-Unis concernant l’indemnisation en vertu de la Loi Price Anderson des frais de justice engagés dans une action en responsabilité civile (2007)

Arrêt de la Cour européenne des Droits de l’Homme, relatif au droit à un procès équitable, dans le contentieux opposant le Collectif stop Melox et Mox à la France (2007)
Décision du Conseil d’État concernant l’annulation d’un décret relatif à l’installation nucléaire de la base de Brennilis, pour défaut d’information et de consultation du public (2007)

Décision du tribunal d’instance de Wick condamnant l’Autorité de l’énergie atomique du Royaume-Uni pour exposition au plutonium (2007)

Union européenne
Directive du Conseil relative à la surveillance et au contrôle des transferts de déchets radioactifs et de combustible nucléaire usé (2006)
European Union
Council Directive on the Supervision and Control of Shipments of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel (2006)

Amendment to the Criminal Code (2004)

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) Amendment Act (2006)
Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management Legislation Amendment Act (2006)

Amendments to the Radiation Act and Radiation Decree (2005)

Decree on Securing Financing for Nuclear Charges (2007)
Decree Licensing the Construction of the Basic Nuclear Installation “Flamanville 3” Comprising an EPR Reactor (2007)

Amendment to the Act on Preventive Radiation Protection (2006)
Administrative Provisions on the Supervision of Environmental Radioactivity (2006)
Ordinance on Radioactive Drugs (2007) 
Amendment to the Ordinance on the Treatment of Foodstuffs with Radiation (2006)
European Agreement Relating to the International Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) (2006)
Ordinance on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail (2006)
Ordinance to Amend the RID Regulations (2006)
Ordinance on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods on the Rhine and Mosel Rivers (2006)
Amendments to the 1961 Foreign Trade Act and to the 1993 Foreign Trade Ordinance (2006)

Regulations in the Field of Radiation Protection (2003)

Decree on Nuclear Reactor Licensing (2006)

Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road Act 1998 (Appointment of Competent Authorities) Order (2006)

Decree on Emergency Planning with Regard to the Transport of Radioactive and Fissile Materials (2006)

Covenant Between the Government and the Borssele Operator Concerning the Life Extension (2006)

New Zealand
Consolidated Edition of the 1965 Radiation Protection Act (2005)

Regulation on Ionising Radiation Sources (2006)

Decision Approving the Structure and Organisation of the Romanian Nuclear Agency (2007)
Amendment of the 2003 Decision Approving the Internal Rules of the National Commission for the Control of Nuclear Activities (CNCAN) (2007)
Amendment of the 2003 Ordinance on the Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel and Radioactive Waste, including Final Disposal (2007)

Russian Federation
Act on Administrative and Property Management of the Civilian Nuclear Energy Sector (2007)

Slovak Republic
Amendment of the Atomic Act (2007)

Regulation on Monitoring of Radioactivity (2007)

South Africa
Regulations on the Contents of the Annual Public Report (2006)
Regulations on the Keeping of Records (2006)
Regulations on Safety Standards and Regulatory Practices (2006)

Amendment to the Act and Ordinance on Nuclear Activities (2006)


Résolution du Conseil national de politique énergétique sur la reprise de la construction d’une centrale thermonucléaire (2007)

République Populaire de Chine
Règlement relatif à la gestion et au contrôle des équipements de sûreté nucléaire à usage civil (2007) 
Réponse officielle du Conseil des Affaires d’État aux questions relatives à la responsabilité civile pour les dommages résultant d’accidents nucléaires (2007) 

Amendement à la loi sur l’énergie nucléaire (2007)

Règle finale modifiant la réglementation applicable à la délivrance d’autorisations pour les centrales nucléaires (2007) 
Règle finale mettant en oeuvre le système national de suivi des sources (2006)
Règle finale relative à la menace de référence (2007)

Décret relatif aux enquêtes techniques sur les accidents ou incidents concernant une activité nucléaire (2007)
Arrêté relatif à l’organisation de la Direction générale des entreprises (DGE) du Ministère chargé de l’industrie (2007)
Décret relatif à la nomenclature des installations nucléaires de base (2007)
Décret relatif aux installations nucléaires de base et au contrôle, en matière de sûreté nucléaire, du transport de substances radioactives (2007)

Décret d’application de la Directive 2003/122/Euratom du Conseil du 22 décembre 2003 relative au contrôle des sources radioactives scellées de haute activité et des sources orphelines (2007)
Modification du décret sur le droit de l’environnement (2007)

Amendement à la loi relative au stockage définitif des déchets de haute activité (2007)

Loi relative à la centrale nucléaire d’Ignalina (2007)

Règlement grand-ducal concernant la protection de la population contre les dangers résultant des rayonnements ionisants (2006)
Loi portant approbation de l’Accord entre le Luxembourg et la Belgique relatif aux échanges d’informations en cas d’incident ou d’accident (2006)

Décision du gouvernement relative à la surveillance sanitaire des travailleurs (2007)
Arrêté relatif à la protection physique des matières nucléaires durant leur transport (2007)
Arrêté relatif aux mesures préventives destinées à protéger les installations nucléaires (2007)
Arrêté relatif au contrôle des systèmes de protection physique des installations nucléaires (2007)
Ordonnance relative à la sûreté de la gestion des déchets radioactifs (2007)
Décision du gouvernement relative aux ressources financières nécessaires à la sûreté de la gestion des déchets radioactifs (2007)
Amendement à la loi sur la responsabilité civile pour les dommages nucléaires (2007)

Fédération de Russie
Réforme de l’industrie électronucléaire russe (2007)

République Slovaque
Amendement à la loi atomique relatif au financement de l’autorité de sûreté nucléaire (2007)

Décret relatif au contrôle de la contamination radioactive du chargement de ferraille (2007)

Décision relative à la fusion des autorités de contrôle (2007)

Loi relative à la construction et à l’exploitation de centrales nucléaires et à la vente de l’énergie produite par ces centrales (2007)

Ce document de travail constitue un rapport technique sur la volatilité historique des prix des matières premières dans le cadre du projet traitant du changement structurel dans les marchés agricoles mondiaux. Ces dernières années ont connu une forte hausse des prix de nombreuses matières premières. Ce rapport examine la question de savoir si la volatilité des prix des matières premières a sensiblement évolué avec la rapide montée des prix mondiaux en 2006-09, suivie par une baisse tout aussi marquée des prix de nombreuses matières premières. Le rapport analyse la volatilité des prix internationaux de certains produits agricoles au cours des cinquante dernières années et leur relation avec le pétrole brut, les engrais et le taux de change euro-dollar. L'analyse utilise différentes sources de données, fréquences des relevés de prix, périodes d'observation, mesures de la volatilité des prix et un certain nombre de tests statistiques afin d'examiner les différentes dimensions de la question.

The announcement by American President G.W. Bush and Indian Prime Minister Singh on 18 July 2005 of an agreement on civil nuclear co-operation marked a fundamental change in three decades of American policy on trade in nuclear equipment and applied technology which brooked no exceptions.


The installation of final repositories for nuclear waste has been a most controversial topic on the German political agenda for decades. The beginning of efforts to solve this problem can be traced back to the 1970s when plans for the establishment of an Integrated Nuclear Waste Disposal Centre (Integriertes Entsorgungszentrum) in the State of Lower Saxony were developed. It was in this context that in 1976,1 the Atomic Energy Act (AEA) of 19592 (the 2002 consolidated text is reproduced in Supplement to Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 70) was amended by inserting Section 9a, paragraph 3, sentence 1, which reads very succinctly: “The Federation shall establish installations for the safekeeping and final disposal of radioactive waste.” Despite the subsequent AEA amendments of Section 9a, paragraph 3 and the addition of a paragraph 4 (1998)3 that were to allow the Federation to transfer the exercise of its functions to third parties, these administrative provisions were never used. Accordingly, full responsibility of the Federation for the fulfilment of its obligation under Section 9a, paragraph 3 of the AEA remains intact today.


On 26 April 1986, the international nuclear community experienced a dramatic “wake-up call” when the reactor core of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, situated in the former Ukrainian Republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, melted down. Due to the large volume of radioactive elements which were released into the atmosphere and spread around the globe, particularly across the northern hemisphere, the accident has been categorised as “by far the most devastating in the history of nuclear power”.1 The incident served to dramatically and vividly remind the world of the potentially devastating national and transboundary consequences which may follow a nuclear accident, and it dispelled the myth that nuclear incidents create predominantly national safety risks. Suddenly all countries, even those without nuclear power capacity or situated in relative geographic isolation from nuclear sites, were forced to realise the risks that could be thrust upon them by a nuclear accident, even one occurring in a far distant state. Chernobyl demonstrated that despite the stationary nature of such plants, thanks to global wind currents external damage could be considerable.


Since the realisation, at the beginning of the 1900s, that exposure to ionising radiation could cause detrimental health effects, experts in the field have worked together to establish a scientific basis for describing radiation-related risks, to recommend practical principles for protection against radiation-related risks and to develop international standards and national regulations in this area.


European Union
Council Decision Authorising the Republic of Slovenia to Ratify the 2004 Protocol Amending the Paris Convention (2007) 
Council Decision Approving the Accession of the European Atomic Energy Community to the Amended Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (2007)
Council Decision Establishing the European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy and Conferring Advantages upon it (2007)

International Atomic Energy Agency
Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism (2007)
Resolution on the Exclusion of Small Quantities of Nuclear Material from the Application of the Vienna Convention (2007) 
International Expert Group on Nuclear Liability (2007) 
Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources and its Supplementary Guidance (2007) 
51st IAEA General Conference 

OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
Decision on the Exclusion of Small Quantities of Nuclear Substances from the Application of the Paris Convention (2007)


Judgement of the European Court of Human Rights on the Right to a Fair Trial, in the Litigation Collectif Stop MELOX and MOX versus France (2007) 
Decision of the Council of State Quashing a Decree Concerning a Nuclear Installation in Brennilis, for the Want of Public Information and Consultation (2007) 

South Africa
Judgement of the Cape High Court in the Case of McDonald and Others versus Minister of Minerals and Energy and Others (2007) 

United Kingdom
Decision of the Wick Sheriff Court Fining UKAEA for Plutonium Exposure (2007) 

United States
Judgement of the US Court of Appeals on Environmental Analysis of the Effects of Terrorism (2006)
Vacatur of US Court of Federal Claims Decision Regarding Price-Anderson Compensation of Costs in a Private Tort Claim (2007)


Law on the Nuclear Power Plant (2007)

People’s Republic of China
Official Reply of the State Council to Questions on the Liabilities of Compensation for Damages Resulting from Nuclear Accidents (2007)

Unofficial Translation of the Turkish Law No. 5710 Concerning the Construction and Operation of Nuclear Power Plants and the Sale of Energy Generated from Those Plants (2007)


Resolution of the National Council on Energy Policy on the Resumption of Construction of a Thermonuclear Plant (2007) 

Decree on Technical Enquiries in the Event of Incidents or Accidents Relating to Nuclear Activities (2007)
Order on the Organisation of the General Directorate of Enterprises (GDE) within the Ministry of Industry (2007) 
Decree on the Listing of Basic Nuclear Installations (2007) 
Decree on Basic Nuclear Installations and Verifying the Nuclear Safety of Radioactive Materials Transport (2007) 

Decree Implementing the Council Directive 2003/122/Euratom on the Control of High-activity Sealed Radioactive Sources and Orphan Sources (2007) 
Amendment to the Environmental Law Decree (2007)

Amendment to the Law on Final Disposal of High-level Radioactive Waste (2007)

Law on the Nuclear Power Plant (2007)

Grand-ducal Regulations on the Protection of the Public Against the Risks Resulting from Ionising Radiation (2006) 
Law on Approving the Agreement Between Luxembourg and Belgium Relating to Information Exchange in the Event of an Incident or Accident (2006) 

People’s Republic of China
Regulations on the Management and Monitoring of Nuclear Safety Equipment for Civilian Use (2007) 
Official Reply of the State Council to Questions on the Liabilities of Compensation for Damages Resulting from Nuclear Accidents (2007) 

Government Decision on the Monitoring of the Health of Personnel (2007) 
Order on Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials During Transport (2007) 
Order on Preventive Protection of Nuclear Installations (2007)
Order on the Verification of the Physical Protection System of Nuclear Installations (2007)
Ordinance on the Safe Management of Radioactive Waste (2007)
Government Decision Regarding Financial Resources Necessary for the Safe Management of Radioactive Waste (2007)
Amendment of the Law on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage (2007)

Russian Federation
Reform of the Russian Nuclear Power Industry (2007)

Slovak Republic
Atomic Act Amendment on Alternative Financing of the Nuclear Regulatory Body (2007)

Decree on the Control of Radioactive Contamination in the Shipment of Scrap Metal (2007)

Amendment to the Nuclear Energy Act (2007)

Decision on the Merger of Regulatory Authorities (2007)

Law Concerning the Construction and Operation of Nuclear Power Plants and the Sale of Energy Generated from Those Plants (2007)

United States
Final Rule Amending Regulations Applicable to the Licensing of New Nuclear Power Plants (2007)
Final Rule Implementing a National Source Tracking System (2006)
Final Rule on Design Basis Threat (2007)


On 11 March 2011, Japan endured one of the worst natural disasters in its history when a massive earthquake struck the Pacific coast of the country and was followed by a tsunami which led to considerable loss of lives. It also led to a major accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Soon afterwards, the operator of the plant, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), assumed responsibility and liability for the nuclear accident. On 28 April 2011, TEPCO established a dedicated contact line to provide consulting services for financial compensation related to the damage caused.


The International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) “safeguards system” serves as the foundation of the global nuclear non-proliferation regime, under which the IAEA acts as an auditor, monitor and inspector of state-administered nuclear energy programmes. The system consists of agreements and practices that enable the IAEA to gain a clear picture of a state’s nuclear activities in order to provide credible assurances that nuclear energy is used for exclusively peaceful purposes.

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