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  • 08 janv. 2019
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 144

This volume collects four studies that were prepared as background research to the 2018 OECD Economic Survey of the United States. Using micro-data survey responses, regional and sectorial data, these studies seek to provide insights into how employment responds to labour market disruption and the drivers of household financial vulnerability in the United States. This volume represents a collaborative effort by a team of OECD and academic researchers.

  • 05 janv. 2019
  • Agence pour l'énergie nucléaire
  • Pages : 72

National programmes for radioactive waste management require very large amounts of data and information across multiple and disparate disciplines. These programmes tend to run over a period of many decades resulting in a serious risk of data and information loss, which in turn can threaten the production and maintenance of robust safety cases.

Metadata and associated tools and techniques play a crucial role in modern data and information management. The Radioactive Waste Repository Metadata Management (RepMet) initiative has prepared the first international study on the application of metadata to the field of radioactive waste management. This report introduces the concept of metadata, explains how metadata can help to facilitate data management, and gives advice on the issues arising when developing metadata within radioactive waste management programmes. It is aimed at readers looking to obtain a highlevel overview of metadata, and associated tools and techniques, and the strategic importance they can play in Radioactive Waste Management Organisations (RWMOs).

  • 04 janv. 2019
  • Agence pour l'énergie nucléaire
  • Pages : 104

Les Données sur l’énergie nucléaire, compilation annuelle de statistiques et de rapports nationaux préparée par l’Agence de l’OCDE pour l’énergie nucléaire, présentent la situation de l’énergie nucléaire dans les pays membres de l’AEN et dans la zone de l’OCDE. Les informations communiquées par les gouvernements comprennent des statistiques sur la production d’électricité totale et nucléaire, les capacités et les besoins du cycle du combustible et, lorsqu’elles sont disponibles, des projections jusqu’en 2035. Les rapports nationaux présentent brièvement les politiques énergétiques, la situation des programmes électronucléaires et ceux du cycle du combustible. En 2017, l’énergie nucléaire a continué de fournir des quantités importantes d’électricité en base faiblement carbonée, et ce dans un contexte de forte concurrence avec les combustibles fossiles bon marché et les énergies renouvelables. Les pays décidés à inclure ou conserver le nucléaire dans leur bouquet énergétique ont poursuivi leurs projets de déploiement ou d’augmentation de leur puissance nucléaire installée. Ainsi, des projets de construction progressent en Finlande, en Hongrie, au Royaume-Uni et en Turquie. De plus amples informations sur ces évolutions et d’autres développements sont fournies dans les nombreux tableaux, graphiques et rapports nationaux que contient cet ouvrage.

Cette publication contient des « StatLinks ». Fonctionnant comme un lien internet, un StatLink fournit l’accès à la feuille de calcul correspondante.

한국 농업은 변화하는 국내수요를 충족시키고, 경쟁력을 보유한 제조업과의 보조를 맞추도록 생산성을 향상시키며, 국제수준으로 경쟁력을 갖추라는 거센 압력을 받고 있다. 현재까지 정부는 가격지지, 직불금, 세금우대, 투입재 비용감면 등을 통해 농가소득에 대한 광범위한 지원을 제공해왔다. 그러나 이제는 농업부문의 저소득 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 일반 사회보장정책과 농정의 연계가 요구되며, 젊은 세대를 위한 고용기회를 창출하기 위해서는 보다 포괄적인 농촌개발정책이 필요하다.
한국은 풍부하고 독특한 식문화가 반영된 차별적인 농산물과 가공식품의 수출가능성을 모색해야 한다. 이러한 농업부문의 잠재력을 발휘하려면 농업정책은 상업농과 농업법인, 기업 등의 생산성과 지속가능성을 개선하고, 식품가공 분야를 발전시키는 데 초점을 맞추어야 한다. 한국의 농업혁신시스템은 정보통신기술(ICT)의 강력한 경쟁우위를 토대로 보다 통합되고 협력적인 체계로 발전해야 한다.

  • 04 janv. 2019
  • Agence pour l'énergie nucléaire, Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique
  • Pages : 460

Uranium is the raw material used to produce fuel for long-lived nuclear power facilities, necessary for the generation of significant amounts of baseload low-carbon electricity for decades to come. Although a valuable commodity, declining market prices for uranium in recent years, driven by uncertainties concerning the evolution in the use of nuclear power, have led to significant production cutbacks and the postponement of mine development plans in a number of countries and to some questions being raised about future uranium supply.

This 27th edition of the “Red Book”, a recognised world reference on uranium jointly prepared by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), provides analyses and information from 41 producing and consuming countries in order to address these and other questions. The present edition provides the most recent review of world uranium market fundamentals and presents data on global uranium exploration, resources, production and reactor-related requirements. It offers updated information on established uranium production centres and mine development plans, as well as projections of nuclear generating capacity and reactor-related requirements through 2035, in order to address long-term uranium supply and demand issues.

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