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  • 04 déc. 2009
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 214
This review of India's investment policy finds that India has made tremendous progress in building a policy environment to encourage investment. As a result, the country’s economy is growing more rapidly and FDI inflows have accelerated impressively. However, investment remains insufficient to meet India’s needs, particularly in infrastructure. Current efforts to strengthen and liberalise the regulatory framework for investment need to be intensified. India’s well-developed economic legislation should be implemented at an accelerated pace both at national level and right across India’s States and Union Territories.

OECD Investment Policy Reviews: India charts India's progress in developing an effective policy framework to promote investment for development, especially since the acceleration of economic reform from 1991 onward. It focuses on policies towards investment, trade, competition and other elements of the business environment. Finally, it outlines some of the challenges of implementing national-level reforms at state level.


Cette publication démontre que les ressources naturelles peuvent contribuer à la croissance, à l’emploi, aux exportations et aux recettes budgétaires dans les pays à faible revenu où le capital naturel représente un quart de la richesse totale. Elle souligne l’importance de l’adoption de mesures qui encouragent une gestion durable de ces ressources. Elle met enfin en évidence la nécessité de bien appréhender les enjeux politiques de la gestion des ressources naturelles pour favoriser une croissance économique à long terme qui profite aux pauvres. La partie I propose une vue d’ensemble des enjeux économiques et politiques de l’utilisation des ressources naturelles. Elle décrit les caractéristiques propres aux ressources naturelles et les difficultés de gestion qui en résultent, le rôle que peut jouer une gestion durable des ressources naturelles à l’appui d’une croissance pro-pauvres, et les enjeux politiques et en matière de gouvernance associés à ces ressources naturelles. Elle formule ensuite des recommandations à l’intention des responsables des politiques quant aux moyens à mobiliser pour concrétiser les approches préconisées dans la publication. La partie II analyse sept secteurs en particulier : la pêche, la forêt, la faune et la flore sauvages, l’écotourisme, la productivité des sols, la sécurité relative à l’eau, les ressources minérales et les énergies renouvelables.

  • 03 déc. 2009
  • OCDE, Banque africaine de développement
  • Pages : 170

This second volume of the Partnership for Democratic Governance Series investigates whether ‘contracting out’ core government functions and services has been conducive to capacity development. Each case study discusses the evidence and emerging lessons of contracting out in fragile and post-conflict situations.

The chapters contained in this publication first appeared as contributions to the Partnership for Democratic Governance's collaborative online platform, PDF Online. Through this platform, users are able to post comments on discussion papers, send messages to the authors and easily find ifnormation relevant to the topics covered in this publication.

Selected as a 2009 Notable Document by the American Library Association Government Documents Round Table.

  • 03 déc. 2009
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 144

At a time when world economy is in the midst of the most severe economic downturn since the Great Depression, the OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2009 provides the statistical information necessary to define a response to the global challenges accompanying the downturn.

This edition of the  Scoreboard  illustrates and analyses a wide set of indicators of science, technology, globalisation and industrial performance in OECD and major non-OECD countries (notably Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa). Indicators are organised around five issues: responding to the economic crisis, targeting new growth areas, competing in the world economy, connecting to global research, and investing in the knowledge economy. The Scoreboard also includes StatLinks, "clickable" access to the underlying data in Excel® spreadsheets.


The latest System of National Accounts (the 2008 SNA) explicitly recognises, for the first time, that expenditures on research and experimental development (R&D) should be recorded as capital formation. This is a natural extension to the 1993 SNA, which recommends recording many acquisitions of software and databases, mineral exploration, and entertainment, artistic and literary originals as capital formation, too. These products have a common characteristic, namely that their value reflects the underlying intellectual property they embody, which is why they are referred to collectively in this publication as intellectual property products (IPPs). But they also share another important characteristic: their measurement is not straightforward, and in the absence of clear guidance it is highly likely that estimates will not be comparable between countries. This Handbook is designed to provide that guidance by considering IPPs collectively, based on their common characteristics, by type, based on any specificities, such as data availability, and by detailed transaction - for example the valuation of IPPs that have been produced for internal use by their developers, the valuation of unsuccessful IPPs, and the production of IPPs produced and made freely available by government.

  • 03 déc. 2009
  • OCDE, Banque asiatique de développement
  • Pages : 218
Bribery is bad for business, so why do businesses continue to bribe? What roles do business, government, and civil society have in the fight against corruption - and notably in the fight against bribery in business? The 6th Regional Anti-Corruption Conference for Asia and the Pacific gathered experts from countries and jurisdictions of Asia and the Pacific, OECD member countries, leading enterprises and businesses associations, civil society, and development partners to respond to these questions and to share their experiences in fighting bribery in business.

The conference, organized by the ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific in late November 2008, explored (i) possible drivers and incentives for anti-corruption reform; (ii) the role of criminal law standards and corporate compliance mechanisms; (iii) the risks and countermeasures against private-to-private corruption; (iv) preventing and managing conflicts of interest; (v) international initiatives to counter bribery; (vi) how development partners can become involved in the fight against bribery and corruption. This book presents the proceedings of the conference.

  • 02 déc. 2009
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 176

L'édition 2009 de l'examen périodique de l’OCDE consacré à l’économie de la Slovénie contient des chapitres qui envisagent le rétablissement d’une croissance durable au sein de l'Union monétaire, le redressement permanent des finances publiques assorti d’une plus grande efficacité et d’un meilleur fonctionnement du marché du travail, tout en valorisant le rendement des entreprises pour encourager les gains de productivité.

Slovène, Anglais
  • 02 déc. 2009
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 166

Les gouvernements de nombreux pays de l’OCDE, mais aussi de plusieurs pays non membres, s’emploient activement à promouvoir la production et la consommation de nouveaux carburants de transport issus de produits agricoles. Le rapport conclut qu’il existe d’autres solutions que les politiques actuelles de soutien des biocarburants qui permettraient aux gouvernements de réaliser plus efficacement leurs objectifs.

  • 02 déc. 2009
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 192

First experiences on the labour market have a profound influence on later working life. This report on the United States contains a survey of the main barriers to employment for young people, an assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of existing measures to improve the transition from school-to-work, and a set of policy recommendations for further action.

  • 02 déc. 2009
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 96

Willkommen zu Die OECD in Zahlen, Ausgabe 2009, der originellen, einfach zu nutzenden Datenquelle in Taschenbuchformat. Wie immer enthält auch die diesjährige Ausgabe Schlüsseldaten zu Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Umwelt in den OECD-Ländern. Die Publikation bietet Vergleichstabellen zum gesamten Arbeitsspektrum der Organisation, von Volkseinkommen und Industrie über Beschäftigung und Forschung bis hin zu Bankwesen und öffentliche Finanzen. Der  Abschnitt „OECD in Abbildungen“ beleuchtet entscheidende Herausforderungen wie Staatsverschuldung, Arbeitslosigkeit und Klimawandel.

Die OECD in Zahlen ist eine grundlegende statistische Quelle. Wie alle Daten der OECD wurden auch diese von unseren Experten zusammengestellt und geprüft, so dass die Entscheidungsträger in Politik, Forschung und Wirtschaft wissen, dass sie sich darauf verlassen können.

Espagnol, Français, Anglais
  • 02 déc. 2009
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 96

Bienvenidos a la edición 2009 de la OCDE en cifras, libro original, práctico y fácil de usar. Como siempre, esta edición contiene datos clave sobre la economía, la sociedad y el entorno en la OCDE. Hay cuadros comparables por países sobre temas cubiertos por la Organización, desde el producto interno bruto al crecimiento económico, pasando por el empleo y la investigación, el sector bancario y las finanzas públicas. Usted encontrará en nuestra sección « OCDE en gráficos »  los temas más importantes del año, como el cambio climático, el desempleo y la deuda pública.

OCDE en cifras es una fuente esencial de información estadística. Al igual que todas las estadísticas de la OCDE, los datos fueron procesados y verificados por nuestros expertos. Por lo tanto, expertos políticos, hombres y mujeres de negocios, o investigadores saben que pueden confiar en ellos.

Allemand, Anglais, Français

Lobbying can improve policy making by providing valuable insights and data, but it can also result in unfair advantages for vested interests if the process is opaque and standards are lax.‪‪ Lobbying is resource intensive. The financial services sector in the United States spent USD 3.4 billion lobbying the federal government between 1998 and 2008, principally promoting the deregulation of the financial sector. Legions of lobbyists provide “guns for hire” worldwide. In 2008, there were over 5 000 registered lobbyists in Canada at the national level, while the European Commission in Brussels had over 2 000 registered as of August 2009.


This report reviews the experiences of Australia, Canada, Hungary, Poland, the United Kingdom and the United States with government regulations designed to increase scrutiny for lobbying and lobbyists. Current approaches, models, trends and state-of-the-art solutions are examined to support a deeper understanding of the potential and limitations of existing norms.‪ ‪The report also presents building blocks for developing a framework for lobbying that meets public expectations for transparency, accountability and integrity

  • 01 déc. 2009
  • OCDE, Agence pour l'énergie nucléaire
  • Pages : 76
Many countries have recognised that greater use of nuclear power could play a valuable role in reducing carbon dioxide emissions. However, given the high capital cost and complexity of nuclear power plants, financing their construction often remains a challenge. This is especially true where such financing is left to the private sector in the context of competitive electricity markets. 

This study examines the financial risks involved in investing in a new nuclear power plant, how these can be mitigated, and how projects can be structured so that residual risks are taken by those best able to manage them. Given that expansion of nuclear power programmes will require strong and sustained government support, the study highlights the role of governments in facilitating and encouraging investment in new nuclear generating capacity.

The Pan Yellow Sea Region (PYSR) covers the coasts of Northern China (Bohai Rim), western and southern Korea and south-western Japan (Kyushu). It has been one of the fastest growing economic zones in East Asia since China’s opening in the early 1990s, thanks to the region’s extensive manufacturing and transportation networks. Development has been driven by cities such as Dalian, Qingdao and Tianjin in China, Busan and Incheon in Korea, and Fukuoka and Kitakyushu in Japan. 

However, the PYSR has yet not fully utilised its assets nor reached its potential for growth.  Further economic integration has been hindered by excessive competition and inadequate co-operation within the region. The regional transportation system requires structural changes to be integrated, especially in the container transportation market. Deepening the region’s social and cultural network remains a challenge. And environmental concerns are increasingly attracting attention. This report analyses these factors and assesses a wide range of policies to improve the PYSR’s competitiveness and integration.

In particular, the report examines the PYSR’s trans-border governance system, which has emerged since the 1990s as a key regional policy agenda. The harmonisation of authorities within the region is a prerequisite to achieving economic success and addressing the PYSR’s diverse challenges. A comparative analysis of trans-border cooperation in OECD countries in Europe and North America is also included in an annex. This report will be of special interest to policy makers, researchers, NGOs and others active in trans-border development or Asian economic development. 

  • 30 nov. 2009
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 264
Contrariando a visão predominante, os países latino-americanos que abriram os seus mercados à concorrência internacional durante a última década não foram mais vulneráveis à desaceleração econômica global. Perspectivas Econômicas da América Latina 2010 da OCDE oferece uma análise original e exaustiva das tendências econômicas da região com uma atenção especial ao papel da migração internacional e das remessas na formação do contexto actual.

“Uma das surpresas mais interessantes da crise econômica mundial é que até hoje o seu impacto na América Latina tem sido menor do que antecipavam os peritos. Este relatório da OCDE oferece um destacado análise dos factores que explicam este fenómeno”. Moisés Naím, Editor em Chefe, Foreign Policy

“Este indispensável estudo mostra que os países com abertura internacional e com políticas monetárias e fiscais sérias estavam melhor preparados para enfrentar esta crise. Desde uma análise realista, o relatório explica também porquê as políticas migratórias devem formar parte de uma agenda internacional”. Ricardo Lagos, Ex Presidente do Chile

“Este volume sugere que a migração pode ajudar ao processo de desenvolvimento, sempre e quando se façam algumas intervenções, tanto por parte dos países de destino quanto de origem”. Mauricio Cárdenas, Investigador Sénior e Director da Iniciativa da América Latina, Brookings Institution

“Funcionários públicos, académicos e outros públicos interessados na América Latina poderão encontrar aqui uma contribuição séria e relevante para avançar em seu trabalho”. Santiago Levy, Vice-Presidente de Setores e Conhecimento, Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento

Anglais, Espagnol, Français
  • 30 nov. 2009
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 250
Contrary to prevailing wisdom, Latin American countries that opened their markets to international competition during the last decade have not been more vulnerable to the global economic downturn. The OECD Latin American Economic Outlook 2010 provides a fresh analysis of economic trends in the region with a particular focus on the role that international migration and remittances play in shaping the current context.

“Among the most interesting surprises by the global economic crisis: so far its impact on Latin America has been less than anticipated. This OECD report offers a clear analysis of the factors that explain this phenomenon.” Moisés Naim, Editor in Chief, Foreign Policy

“This essential study shows that countries open to the international economy with serious fiscal and monetary policies were better prepared to confront this crisis. The reprot also explains, with realistic analysis, why why migration policies belong on the international agenda.” Ricardo Lagos,former President of Chile

“This volume suggests that migration can help the development process provided that some interventions are adopted both in the sender and recipient countries.” Mauricio Cárdenas, Senior Fellow and Director of the Latin America Initiative, Brookings Institution

“Policy makers, academics and others interested in Latin American will find here a serious and relevant contribution to advancing their own work.” Santiago Levy,Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge, Inter-American Development Bank

Espagnol, Français, Portugais
  • 30 nov. 2009
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 272

A diferencia de lo que suele pensarse, los países de América Latina que abrieron sus mercados a la competencia internacional durante la última década no han sido más vulnerables a la desaceleración económica global. Perspectivas Económicas de América Latina 2010 de la OCDE ofrece un análisis original y exhaustivo de las tendencias económicas de la región, con una especial atención al papel que las migraciones internacionales y las remesas juegan en la configuración del actual contexto.

“Una de las sorpresas más interesantes de la crisis económica mundial es que hasta ahora su impacto sobre América Latina ha sido menor del que anticipaban los expertos. Este informe de la OCDE nos ofrece un lúcido análisis de los factores que explican este fenómeno”. Moisés Naím, Editor en Jefe, Foreign Policy

 “Este estudio indispensable muestra que los países con apertura internacional y a la vez con políticas monetarias y fiscales serias, estaban mejor preparados para enfrentar esta crisis. Desde un análisis realista, el informe explica también por qué las políticas migratorias deben ser objeto de una agenda internacional.”  Ricardo Lagos, Ex-Presidente de Chile

“Este volumen que la migración puede ayudar al proceso de desarrollo, siempre y cuando se lleven a cabo algunas intervenciones, tanto por parte de los países de destino como de origen.”  Mauricio Cárdenas, Investigador Seniór y Director de la Iniciativa de América Latina, Brookings Institution

“Funcionarios, académicos y otros públicos interesados en América Latina podrán encontrar aquí una contribución seria y relevante para  avanzar en su trabajo.” Santiago Levy, Vicepresidente de Sectores y Conocimiento, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo

Portugais, Français, Anglais
  • 30 nov. 2009
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 264
Contrairement aux idées reçues, les pays d’Amérique latine qui ont ouvert leur marché à la concurrence internationale ces dix dernières années ne se sont pas montrés plus vulnérables à la crise économique mondiale. Les Perspectives économiques de l’Amérique latine 2010 offrent une analyse novatrice des tendances économiques à l’œuvre dans la région et portent une attention particulière au rôle que jouent les migrations internationales et les transferts privés sur l’environnement actuel. 

 “L’une des surprises les plus intéressantes de la crise mondiale est que son impact en Amérique latine est jusqu’à présent resté en deçà des prévisions. Ce rapport de l’OCDE offre une analyse claire des facteurs qui expliquent ce phénomène” Moisés Naím, Éditeur en chef, Foreign Policy 

“Cette étude essentielle montre que les pays qui se sont ouverts à l’économie internationale en maintenant des politiques monétaires et budgétaires sérieuses ont été mieux préparés à affronter cette crise. Le rapport explique aussi, à travers une analyse très réaliste, pourquoi les politiques migratoires doivent s’inscrire à l’ordre du jour international.” Ricardo Lagos, ancien Président du Chili  

“Ce rapport suggère que les migrations peuvent contribuer au processus de développement pour peu que certaines mesures soient adoptées tant dans les pays d’origine que dans les pays d’accueil” Mauricio Cárdenas, Associé et Directeur de l’Initiative pour l’Amérique latine, Brookings Institution  

“Les décideurs politiques, les chercheurs et tous ceux qui s’intéressent à l’Amérique latine trouveront dans cette publication un appui sérieux et pertinent pour poursuivre leurs propres travaux” Santiago Levy, Vice-président pour les secteurs et le savoir, Banque Interaméricaine de  Développement  

Espagnol, Portugais, Anglais
  • 30 nov. 2009
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 158

Chile es uno de los participantes más importantes del ámbito pesquero internacional. Este informe describe el reto que ha supuesto el complejo proceso de aprendizaje que el sector pesquero y acuícola chileno ha llevado a cabo y la evolución de sus políticas y sistemas de gestión. Pero durante los últimos cincuenta años el gobierno de los sectores  industrial, artesanal y acuícola ha seguido diferentes trayectorias de desarrollo de políticas y la gestión actual refleja las presiones concretas a las que cada segmento del sector hace frente. Chile ha tenido que afrontar cuestiones de sobreinversión, severos descensos en los niveles de captura, disputas entre las partes implicadas, disminución del tamaño de las flotas y enfermedades acuícolas, entre otras. Y la evolución de las políticas continúa, con una serie de iniciativas en marcha para responder a los desafíos actuales. El Estado Chileno ha sido una de las principales fuerzas que se encuentran tras estos avances, sirviendo de base para un sector pesquero y acuícola sólido y robusto.

  • 27 nov. 2009
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 578

Prenant acte des changements fondamentaux qui ont affecté l'approche des gouvernements face aux problèmes d'environnement liés a l'énergie, l'AIE a préparé ce document présentant les émissions de CO2 liées àla combustion d'énergie fossile.  Ce document, publiée pour la première fois en 1997, est devenu un outil essentiel pour les analystes et décideurs politiques de nombreux forums tel que les Conférences de Parties.

Les données présentées dans ce document ont été structurées afin d'aider à mieux comprendre l'evolution des émissions de CO2 de plus de 140 pays et régions par secteur d'activité et par combustible, pour la période de 1971 à 2007. Les émissions calculées se fondent sur les bases de données de l'AIE ainsi que sur les méethodes et las facteurs d'émissions définies dans les Lignes directrices deu GIEC pour les inventaires nationaux de gaz à effet de serre - Version révisée 1996.

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