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Child rights advocates, parents, governments, and children themselves are increasingly calling for digital safety by design, so that children can be protected online, and also benefit from positive digital experiences. However, the exact meaning of digital safety by design can be unclear. This report explores the concept, considering how it is addressed at international and national levels. Internationally, there are common calls for the proactive integration of safety measures into digital products and services, as well as for transparent, accountable and child-friendly service delivery. National laws prescribe practical tools and measures such as age assurance and accessible complaint mechanisms. Focusing on actions for digital service providers, the report suggests eight key components for digital safety by design for children, including practical tools, measures to foster a culture of safety, and harm mitigation strategies. These components are illustrated through case studies, highlighting a need for diverse and tailored approaches.

The frequency and severity of extreme wildfires are on the rise in Greece, causing unprecedented disruption and increasingly challenging the country’s capacity to contain losses and damages. These challenges are set to keep growing in the context of climate change, highlighting the need to scale up wildfire prevention and climate change adaptation. This paper provides an overview of Greece's wildfire policies and practices and assesses the extent to which wildfire management in the country is evolving to adapt to growing wildfire risk under climate change.

Even as countries have long emerged from the dramatic restrictions imposed on populations during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, an important subset of people infected with COVID-19 continue to struggle with symptoms, in some cases debilitating, that persist for weeks or even months after their initial infection. The analysis in this paper looks at the burden of long COVID across OECD countries. It examines its implications for the health of individuals and how long COVID may impact productivity and the labour force, as well as what countries are doing to address the condition. It further identifies priorities for improving care for people living with long COVID.

Despite European Union efforts to fight discrimination as part of its Union of Equality strategies, it is difficult to analyse discrimination in EU Member States given the scarcity of official data sources. This paper uses new survey data to examine discrimination against people from racialised communities, LGBTIQ+ people, persons with disability and religious minorities. It explores the role discrimination plays in driving well-being gaps between at-risk groups and the majority of the population. Discrimination, particularly when it occurs frequently, is associated with severe effects across many aspects of people’s lives – constraining income-earning opportunities, exacerbating housing and financial stress, subjecting people to violence, fear and low self-esteem, and contributing to mental ill health. These consequences come at a huge personal cost to the individuals directly affected and to society as a whole.

Data plays an increasingly important role for online platforms and the majority of digital business models. Along with data becoming central to competition and the conduct of actors in digital markets, there has been an increase in data privacy regulations and enforcement worldwide. The interplay between competition and data privacy has prompted questions about whether data privacy and the collection of consumers’ data constitute an antitrust issue. Should competition considerations be factored into decisions by data protection authorities, and, if so, how can synergies between the two policy areas be enhanced and tensions overcome? This paper explores the links between competition and data privacy, their respective objectives, and how considerations pertaining to one policy area have been, or could be, included into the other. It investigates enforcement interventions and regulatory measures that could foster synergies or lead to potential challenges, and offers insights into models for co-operation between competition and data protection authorities. This is a joint working paper from the OECD Competition and Digital Economy Policy Secretariat.

The paper contributes to renewed debates about industrial policy in the context of recent initiatives in several OECD economies. It discusses the pros and cons of industrial policies motivated by environmental, national security and place-based/inclusiveness objectives. The paper also considers implementation and design issues, and how to respond to industrial policies in other countries. There are well-grounded economic, social and environmental justifications for some industrial policies. However, there are legitimate concerns that the benefits of such policies could be limited and the costs high. This mainly relates to measures curbing domestic and international competition and the practical and political challenges in designing and implementing effective measures. Thus, while governments may want to experiment with future and welfare-oriented industrial policies, they should exert moderation in scope, exercise caution in design and implementation, and be mindful of possible negative international implications.

Informality is a long-standing structural challenge of Latin American labour markets, as almost half of people in the region live in a household that depends solely on informal employment. Informal workers are often insufficiently covered by social protection policies, for which the eligibility is often tied to formal-sector employment. The need to reform social protection systems across Latin America to make them more effective and fiscally sustainable has become more salient after the COVID pandemic. This paper argues that a basic set of social protection benefits available to all workers, whether they work in the formal or the informal sector, should and can be put in place, although it would require the ability to raise additional tax revenues. Moreover, the incentives for formal job creation would be strengthened if its principal source of financing for such basic social protection were shifted towards general tax revenues, as opposed to social security contributions, which tend to increase the cost of formal job creation. Reforming social protection systems will not be easy, but these reforms can provide the basis for both stronger and more inclusive growth in Latin America.

At the UNFCCC COP21 in 2015, Parties decided that a New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) on climate finance shall be set prior to 2025, from a floor of USD 100 billion per year, taking into account the needs and priorities of developing countries. The ad-hoc work programme on the NCQG commenced at the beginning of 2022 and will conclude in 2024. In this context, the present paper puts forward key findings that can help to inform the final months of international discussions relating to the NCQG. First, the paper provides a stocktake of available evidence highlighting that climate action in developing countries requires significant levels of financing that can be met from a wide, and complementary, range of existing and potential new sources. Second, the paper considers how the NCQG could reflect various individual elements, grouped in three clusters: international public finance, private finance, and domestic efforts. Without pre-empting the future structure of the NCQG, the discussion in this paper illustrates how to potentially reflect both the importance of international public finance as well as the need to scale up private finance, while also recognising the magnitude and effectiveness of such finance depends on the domestic context and actions by all Parties. Third, the paper explores issues relating to tracking and assessing progress towards the future goal. These indicate that while certain elements can be tracked in monetary terms, others would require a different type of quantified indicators or qualitative information. These considerations also highlight that although data and information stemming from the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework will be central, further sources will be needed for such progress assessments to be as comprehensive and policy relevant as possible.

While child poverty has decreased significantly in recent years due to increased support for families with children, measures to assist socio-economically disadvantaged children only partially address their challenges. To enhance equality of opportunity and social mobility in Canada, it is crucial to strengthen efforts addressing the root causes of socio-economic disadvantages and bridge gaps in policies aimed at reducing child poverty. This paper presents an overview of child poverty trends in Canada and discusses the challenges associated with the Poverty Reduction Strategy aimed at enhancing equality of opportunity and social mobility.

This paper examines the current status of water availability, water demand, and influences from climate change in the European Union. It provides an overview of economic policy instruments to address water scarcity and manage water demand. Additionally, the paper explores policy options and considerations for addressing water scarcity and meeting Water Framework Directive (WFD) objectives. These considerations include balancing demand management and supply augmentation, managing water scarcity through robust allocation regimes, and increasing the use of agro-environmental measures and practices. The paper also discusses the principles and features of effective allocation regimes, drivers and incentives for allocation reforms, the hierarchy and sequencing of water use, abstraction charges, ensuring return flows and ecological flows, and improving the coherence of WFD measures and climate change policies. This is the third in a sub-set of four working papers within the Environment Working Paper series destined to support the further implementation of the economic pillar of the Water Framework Directive. The four papers are best read in combination and provide lessons which are relevant beyond the European Union.

This paper examines the challenges and policy imperatives involved in implementing the Polluter Pays principle (PPP) in the context of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). It presents the state of play of the Polluter Pays principle in EU Member States. It also analyses the coherence with other policies in EU Member States, such as agriculture, land planning and industry. Furthermore, it examines the practical limitations of the Polluter Pays principle in relation to diffuse and legacy pollution. Finally, it questions how the principle fits into the Green Deal and future water-related challenges in the EU. This is the second in a sub-set of four working papers within the Environment Working Paper series destined to support the further implementation of the economic pillar of the Water Framework Directive. The four papers are best read in combination and provide lessons which are relevant beyond the European Union.

This paper explores the state of teenage career development in England. It sets out findings from the 2022 round of the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), a comparative international survey of young people in secondary education. PISA 2022 provides considerable data related to young people’s engagement in, and perceptions of, career development, including information on occupational and educational intentions and participation in career development activities. This paper compares student responses in England to OECD averages, disaggregated by a range of student characteristics, including gender, socio-economic background, academic proficiency and school type attended. This comprehensive analysis finds that in many ways student career development in England compares well with many other OECD countries, particularly countries identified as providing most relevant comparisons. However, analysis of longitudinal cohort studies show that students in England and across the OECD fail to engage sufficiently in career development by the age of 15. In England, students from lower socio-economic backgrounds engage less consistently in career development than their more socially advantaged peers. As in many countries, low performing students in England demonstrate forms of career development that raise particular concerns. The career expectations of all students align poorly with patterns of labour market demand.

In recent years, concerns have increased about the use of, or threatened use of, acts of economic coercion, often in the form of trade and investment-related measures. While economic coercion has been the subject of growing attention in fora such as the G7, limited information has been developed on the impacts on affected economies and other trading partners. This work provides an initial, objective economic analysis of economic coercion with a view to helping generate greater awareness and a basis for further discussions on this issue.


In 2020, the Province of Zuid-Holland set up the “Strategy Circular Zuid-Holland: Accelerating Together”, with the commitment of reducing the use of primary raw materials by 50% by 2030 and to reach full circularity by 2050. New challenges in terms of value chain disruptions and increased scarcity of critical materials and opportunities led the province to develop several initiatives and collaborating platforms to advance towards a circular economy. This case study provides ways forward on how to accelerate the transition towards a circular economy through the OECD 3Ps framework: People and firms, Policies and Places.

The Eurométropole of Strasbourg (EMS) started its circular journey in 2010 with a focus on waste prevention, followed by the development of its “Circular Economy Roadmap” in 2019, which aimed to integrate circular economy principles into EMS' public procurement and operations. The EMS is currently in the process of updating the Roadmap to address challenges related to regulation, co-ordination across the 33 municipalities and financing. This case study provides ways forward on how to accelerate the transition towards a circular economy through the OECD 3Ps framework: People and firms, Policies and Places.

  • 17 Apr 2024
  • Christine Arriola, Mattia Cai, Przemyslaw Kowalski, Sébastien Miroudot, Frank van Tongeren
  • Pages: 120

Supply chain disruptions, related to natural events or geopolitical tensions, have in recent years prompted policy makers to identify potential vulnerabilities related to critical trade dependencies. These are commercial links that could potentially impose significant economic or societal harm, be a source of coercion, a risk to national security, or disrupt strategic activities. Using three complementary methodologies — detailed trade data analysis, input-output data techniques, and computable general equilibrium (CGE) modelling — this paper examines the nature and evolution of trade dependencies between the OECD countries and major non-OECD economies (MNOE). It shows that global production has become increasingly concentrated at the product level, with China representing 15% of import dependencies in strategic products for OECD countries in 2020-21 compared to 4% in 1997-99. The methodologies used in this paper unanimously demonstrate a high degree of trade interdependency between OECD and MNOE countries. The current debate on “de-risking” international trade, therefore, needs to carefully consider the possible costs and benefits of different policy choices.

This paper explores the economics of Artificial Intelligence (AI), focusing on its potential as a new General-Purpose Technology that can significantly influence economic productivity and societal wellbeing. It examines AI's unique capacity for autonomy and self-improvement, which could accelerate innovation and potentially revive sluggish productivity growth across various industries, while also acknowledging the uncertainties surrounding AI's long-term productivity impacts. The paper discusses the concentration of AI development in big tech firms, uneven adoption rates, and broader societal challenges such as inequality, discrimination, and security risks. It calls for a comprehensive policy approach to ensure AI's beneficial development and diffusion, including measures to promote competition, enhance accessibility, and address job displacement and inequality.

To meet their international climate commitments and strengthen renewable energy production, many countries will require significant new investment in low emissions infrastructure. To deliver low emissions infrastructure at the necessary rate and scale, many countries recognise they need better ways of planning and regulating infrastructure and its value chains.

This Working Paper describes the challenges and opportunities for using regulatory, stakeholder engagement and public procurement tools to help countries deliver more effective permitting. It provides international good practice case studies to help countries stimulate investment and reduce barriers for new, low emissions infrastructure so they can fulfil their international climate commitments while ensuring existing policy objectives.

This paper first presents a meta-analysis of the causal impact of cultural participation on well-being. The meta-analysis classifies the literature according to the strength of the evidence available and various types of cultural activities. Secondly, this paper uses data from time use surveys from Canada, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States to study individuals’ emotional responses to a series of daily activities. This is then used as a basis for an empirical assessment of the drivers of time allocation across different activities, showing that expectations of future well-being are one of the reasons why individuals decide to engage in cultural activities. Furthermore, the model helps explain why cultural participation, in spite of being one of the most enjoyable human activities, is also the least undertaken. We show that heterogeneity of preferences results in a strong selection effect in available statistics.

This paper argues that countries will need to better assess potential savings in the provision of universal benefits and providing services free to all at the point of delivery. Instead, programmes will need to be targeted at those truly in need, and services only free to those with limited ability to pay. It draws an analogy to the progressivity of the tax system where those with greater means pay higher taxes. A similar philosophy should be the basis of government spending. It highlights examples of the application of means-testing and user charging for key areas including retirement benefits, health care and education. The paper is meant to stimulate discussion among Senior Budget Officials.

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