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This article explores how citizens are being engaged in an important area of policy making – the budget – and suggests ways in which budget officials can use the powerful resource of the Internet to further that involvement.

Performance budgeting and accrual budgeting are analytic tools that provide information and insights which are not available through conventional approaches. But neither innovation is ready for widespread application as a decision rule in the budget process. This article urges fuller understanding of these innovations and their implications, and more systematic use of performance and accrual information for policy makers

The Turkish budget process has three features which set it apart from other OECD countries: a centralised yet fragmented decision-making process; the IMF stand-by agreement as a de facto fiscal rule; and a very detailed line-item classification. This article analyses these features and makes suggestions for policy adjustment to improve effectiveness and efficiency. The article examines all stages of the budget process (preparation, parliamentary approval, execution, and accounting and auditing) and assesses Turkey’s recent rapid progress with reform. The article offers suggestions for next steps and new priorities for Turkey in the light of other OECD country experience.

As part of its work on regionalism, the OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate has completed a series of studies that compare rule-making provisions in regional trade agreements with those in the World Trade Organisation (e.g., in the area of services, investment and competition). This paper aims to complement existing studies, by examining legal provisions regarding "technical barriers to trade" (i.e., technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures) in selected bilateral and regional trade agreements, and their degree of similarity and convergence with the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, and with each other. The study reveals that most provisions regarding technical barriers to trade (TBT) included in bilateral and regional trade agreements converge towards the multilateral trading system. When implemented effectively, agreements seeking deeper economic integration and regulatory cooperation, in particular, can complement and strengthen the implementation the WTO Agreements on Technical Barriers to Trade by setting the pace for improved regulatory practices and TBT-related infrastructure in member countries (e.g., through regional consultation fora and joint standardisation and accreditation bodies). Some caveats however remain. When overlapping agreements promote different criteria for the harmonisation of standard-related measures and when bilateral or regional initiatives are conducted in isolation from international efforts and divert attention from multilateral trade and standards-related negotiations, new obstacles may arise both for regulators and businesses. Such constraints are further magnified for low income countries afflicted by administrative and technical capacity-related problems. To remedy these potential problems, the study proposes a number of policy recommendations.
Since 2004, the fiscal deficit has been brought down by over 5% of GDP to below the 3% limit in 2006, which is a major achievement. The government plans a more gradual reduction over coming years so that overall balance or surplus is reached no later than 2010. However, fiscal consolidation should continue, possibly at a more rapid pace than planned, given the high level of government debt, favourable outlook for output growth, and long-term fiscal costs of ageing which are estimated to be among the largest in the OECD. There are as yet no specific proposals to reform pensions, which account for most of the prospective ageing-related increase in public expenditure, although the government is expected to announce reforms following the publication of a report from a Committee of Experts. Delaying fiscal consolidation, particularly the urgently needed pension reform, would have substantial longer-term costs in terms of higher taxes and additional debt service costs, including an increase in the risk premium paid on government debt. In addition, this would heavily skew the tax burden towards future generations. Consolidation should focus on reducing primary spending and on enhancing tax revenues. This can be achieved particularly through increased efficiency of public administration and by measures to tackle tax evasion and further broaden the tax base. Ensuring long-run fiscal sustainability will also require the implementation of wide-ranging reforms in the key area of health care, as well as an early decision to introduce a comprehensive reform of the pension system.
This paper quantifies and examines the contribution of capital, labour and multifactor productivity (MFP) to GDP growth and analyses the role of measurement of capital and labour inputs for the MFP estimate, using a comprehensive growth accounting exercise for 14 OECD countries. For most OECD countries, the strongest contributions to GDP growth over the past decade have come from growth in total capital input and MFP. This is to some extent related to an increasing role of information and telecommunication technologies in economic growth, particularly over the 1995-2003 period. The importance of measurement issues varies substantially with the type of measurement issue being considered. Substantial differences are observed between employment and hours worked based MFP growth rates. Also, the respective weights with which capital and labour enter the growth accounting equation, and thus, the assumptions concerning the efficiency of production and competition in product markets, significantly influence the resulting MFP estimate. Finally, the results suggest that policy conclusions on the basis of different empirical studies should be made very carefully, in particular as regards the time period for which the respective studies have been undertaken, as well as whether actual or trended time series are being considered.
  • 11 Oct 2007
  • Marie-France Houde, Akshay Kolse-Patil, Sébastien Miroudot
  • Pages: 91
Le présent document expose les résultats des travaux conjoints que le Groupe de travail du Comité des échanges et le Groupe de travail du Comité de l'investissement ont consacrés, au cours de la période 2006-2007, aux interactions entre chapitre sur l'investissement et chapitre sur les services dans un échantillon représentatif composé de 20 accords commerciaux régionaux (ACR). Notre étude comporte trois parties, précédées d'un bref récapitulatif des principaux résultats et d'une synthèse. La première partie analyse les interactions entre chapitre sur l'investissement et chapitre sur les services dans un échantillon représentatif de 20 accords. La deuxième partie analyse leurs effets sur le niveau de protection de l'investissement, tandis que la troisième analyse les effets des interactions et du principe NPF sur le degré de libéralisation.
This report is an update to the OECD Health Working Paper No. 22, Health Care Quality Indicators Project: Initial Indicators Report that was based on data collected between 2003 and 2005 and released in 2006. That report presented the OECD’s initial work on developing a set of health care quality indicators that could be used to raise questions about differences in quality of care across countries. The 2006 report covered 21 “initial indicators” with data provided by 24 countries. It identified 17 of these indicators as being fit for international comparisons of which 4 were identified as needing further work. Following the release of that report in March 2006, the OECD undertook a second round of data collection on the initial indicator set and also gathered data for the first time on new indicators in a questionnaire sent to participating HCQI countries. This paper reports on the results of that second round of data collection. Data is presented here on an augmented indicator set considered fit for the purpose of making international comparisons on quality of health care. The data is comprised of 19 indicators (17 initial indicators plus 2 new ones). The paper also presents the data provided on 7 other indicators that are not yet considered fit for international comparison. In this round of data collection, data were reported by 32 countries...

Values and ethics are automatically incorporated into any teaching/learning environment or endeavour, whether or not they are consciously stated objectives. The focus on “quality of education” has sharpened as people have become concerned about a perceived rise in materialism as standards of living have improved; materialistic ambitions increasingly fill the ideological gap created by the move to a pluralistic society in which there is a less general consensus of values and ethics. There is increasing demand for insight into the potential of the formal teaching/learning process for inculcating, learning/unlearning (as the case may be) and consolidating values. The manner in which teachers are trained has far-reaching implications for the youth in schools, and a systemic inquiry into the structure, role, responsibilities, aims and curricular objectives of teacher education is the obvious starting point. This paper tries to delineate the global normative aims of education as a model for assessing the composition of the teacher education curriculum in Pakistan. It looks at the intended curriculum, bearing in mind that the formal and the active curricula may not necessarily converge. The paper accepts that ethics and values education is still in a formative stage. However, one critical question that will remain open at the philosophical level is “which values should be included?” and this needs to be vigorously researched to establish guidelines that have global consensus. The next crucial question will then be “how best to teach to ensure that these ethics and values are internalised by learners?” 


Qu’elles soient ou non considérées comme des objectifs bien définis, les valeurs et l’éthique sont au cœur de toute démarche d’enseignement ou d’apprentissage. L’attention portée à « la qualité de l’éducation » s’est renforcée à mesure que les personnes ont constaté une montée en force du matérialisme liée à l’augmentation du niveau de la vie ; les ambitions matérialistes ont peu à peu comblé le vide idéologique laissé par l’ouverture à une société pluraliste réduisant le consensus sur les valeurs et l’éthique. On observe une demande accrue d’exploiter le potentiel du schéma classique d’enseignement et d’apprentissage pour inculquer, apprendre ou désapprendre, le cas échéant, et consolider les valeurs. La façon dont les enseignants sont formés a de vastes répercussions sur la jeunesse à l’école et une enquête systémique de la structure, du rôle, des responsabilités, buts et objectifs scolaires de la formation des enseignants en est le point de départ évident. Cet article tente de définir les objectifs prescriptifs globaux de l’éducation en tant que modèle pour évaluer la composition de la formation des enseignants au Pakistan. Il détaille le cursus prévu, en tenant compte du fait que les formations théoriques et pratiques ne convergent pas nécessairement. Cet article admet que l’enseignement de l’éthique et des valeurs en est encore à ses balbutiements. En revanche, l’une des principales questions restant ouverte d’un point de vue philosophique est « Quelles valeurs doivent être inculquées ? », ce qui requiert une recherche approfondie pour établir les grandes lignes d’un consensus global. La prochaine question clé est donc « Comment enseigner afin de garantir que cette éthique et ces valeurs seront assimilées par les apprenants ? ».

The Korean labor market has created many jobs over the past several decades, accompanying rapid economic growth. More recently, this favorable job performance has gone hand-in-hand with a rapid increase of temporary employment and other flexible or atypical work arrangements (usually called "non-regular" work in Korea. This trend has raised much concern in Korean society about the risk of persistent labor market duality and the various downsides associated with such a development...
Two-thirds of pension reforms in OECD countries in the last 15 years contain measures that will automatically link future pensions to changes in life expectancy. This quiet revolution in pension policy means that the financial costs of longer lives will be shared between generations subject to a rule, rather than spreading the burden through potentially divisive political battles as happened in the past. As a result, nearly half of OECD countries - 13 out of 30 - now have an automatic link between pensions and life expectancy in their retirement-income systems, compared with only one country (Denmark) a decade ago. Indeed, the spread of this policy has a strong claim as the major innovation in pension policy in recent years. The link to life expectancy has been achieved in four different ways...
Indicators based on patents provide a good measure of the innovative performance and technology outputs of countries. However, because of legal rules imposed by the patent application process, information on patents is generally publicly disclosed after 18 months. Patent indicators are consequently faced with a timeliness issue, which can extend to more than five years depending on the computational method used to develop indicators. This study aims at designing simple but robust methods that would enable to "nowcast" patent indicators - forecast the present (or the recent past) - in order to mitigate the timeliness issue. The nowcasting exercise is conducted here on two separate sets of patent indicators: the number of patents applied to the European Patent Office (EPO) and the number of Triadic Patent Families (patents taken at the EPO, the Japan Patent Office (JPO) and the United States Patent and Trademarks Office (USPTO)). Portion of patent filings at the EPO were made under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). The nowcasting method developed in the present document is based on estimates of the transfer rate of patents filed under PCT into the EPO regional phase, given that information on PCT patents at international phase is disclosed before reaching the regional/national phase. This method provides robust estimates up to year t-2 (instead of year t-4), even though patenting activity of small patenting countries or emerging economies are difficult to predict, in terms of both level and growth...
This paper describes the results of a detailed study relating the performance of undergraduate students admitted to Brazil’s State University of Campinas (Unicamp) from 1994 through 1997 and their socioeconomic and educational background. The study is based on a hierarchical model for the relevant variables involved. The main result is that students coming from disadvantaged backgrounds, in both educational and socioeconomic aspects, have a higher relative performance than their complementary group. We report on an affirmative action programme established at Unicamp for undergraduate admissions, partially motivated by those findings, and present evidence from an initial evaluation showing the programme’s positive impact. Finally, we comment on the effect this study and the Unicamp programme have had on the present debate about affirmative action access policies in Brazilian higher education institutions.

by Renato H.L. Pedrosa, J. Norberto W. Dachs, Rafael P. Maia and Cibele Y. Andrade, Benilton S. Carvalho


This paper analyses changes in the governance of universities as a result of growing demands from society as well as of a strong penetration of management ideology into all kinds of institutions. For this purpose the paper uses a theoretical framework focusing on two governance mechanisms in social systems: entry control and performance control. These belong to a larger set of homogenising forces, which the new institutionalists label as (1) coercive, (2) normative and (3) mimetic. Using this theoretical framework to analyse the development of Swedish universities, the author concludes that their governance has undergone a considerable change. Coercive forces that were previously exercised through detailed budgeting have, in recent years, been operating through representation in leading bodies and through the selection of university leaders. This has occurred through a crowding out of normative forces. At the same time there have been strong mimetic forces based on modern management ideas. 


Bien qu’il soit généralement admis que les consommateurs bénéficient des baisses de tarifs s’il ne s’agit pas de prix d’éviction, plusieurs pays sont dotés de lois contre les ventes à perte même lorsque ces ventes ne risquent guère d’étouffer la concurrence. Ces textes semblent protéger les concurrents au lieu de préserver la concurrence proprement dite. Le Comité de la concurrence a axé les débats de sa Table ronde d’octobre 2005 sur les efforts déployés en vue de réviser ou de supprimer les dispositions juridiques sanctionnant ces ventes à perte, ou d’empêcher l’adoption de restrictions de ce type. Dans sa note de référence, le Secrétariat a fait valoir que les règles sanctionnant les ventes à perte de produits d’appel devraient être abolies, étant donné que ces règles risquent de porter préjudice aux consommateurs et de protéger des concurrents inefficients, qu’elles ne prennent pas en compte de manière adéquate les justifications économiques de ces ventes à perte qui vont dans le sens de la concurrence, et qu’elles affaiblissent le dynamisme et la croissance de l’économie. le Japon, l’Allemagne et la France ont défendu leurs règles contre la concurrence par les prix, bien que la France soit en train de réformer sa législation. Un deuxième groupe de pays s’est employé à abolir les dispositions juridiques qui visent les ventes à perte de produits d’appel. Les membres d’un troisième groupe de pays ne possédant pas de dispositions juridiques relatives aux ventes à perte de produits d’appel ont indiqué que des groupes de concurrents s’efforcent de faire appliquer des règles de ce type sur l’ensemble du territoire national, ou au niveau d’un État ou d’une province du pays considéré. Dans leurs contributions, tant les consommateurs que les entreprises soulignent que l’interdiction des ventes à perte de produits d’appel risque de porter préjudice aux consommateurs et de protéger des concurrents, au lieu de préserver la concurrence.


Competition policy played a central role in the development of the EU and its institutions. The European Commission, supported by the European courts, developed the framework for competition policy in Europe. This framework has been built since the Treaty of Rome in 1957 on a foundation of promoting market opening while strengthening the institutions of the European Community. The competition policy of the European Community is now in transition toward a basis in market-centered economic considerations, as well as on application through the now-extensive network of nationallevel authorities. The “modernisation” reforms of the enforcement process became effective in May 2004, along with changes in the control of mergers, and the Commission has been considering revisions to its policies about other topics, notably abuse of dominance and state aid. As the Member States adapt their substantive rules to those of the Community, the roles of the European Commission, the national competition agencies and the courts are changing. Co-ordination of enforcement among many agencies in the European Community, particularly concerning applications for leniency as part of cartel investigations, is increasingly important. The Commission moved to strengthen its capacity for economic analysis and to correct weaknesses in its decision process that had been revealed in critical court decisions. The challenge to this system, well adapted for administrative application, is to produce results that are convincing to the courts while maintaining policy consistency in a system of decentralised enforcement. This report served as the basis for a peer review in the Competition Committee in 2005.


La politique de la concurrence a joué un rôle clé dans le développement de l’Union européenne et de ses institutions. La Commission européenne, avec l’appui des tribunaux européens, a mis en place le cadre de la politique de la concurrence en Europe. Ce cadre a été édifié depuis le traité de Rome de 1957 avec le souci fondamental de promouvoir l’ouverture du marché tout en renforçant les institutions communautaires. La politique de la concurrence de la Communauté européenne connaît actuellement une transition vers une orientation axée sur l’économie de marché et sa mise en oeuvre s’effectue par le réseau désormais étendu des autorités de la concurrence nationales. Les réformes destinées à la « modernisation » du processus d’application sont entrées en vigueur en mai 2004, ainsi que les modifications intervenues en matière de contrôle des fusions. La Commission envisage en outre de revoir son dispositif dans d’autres domaines, comme l’abus de position dominante et les aides publiques. À mesure que les États membres adaptent leurs règles substantielles aux principes communautaires, le rôle de la Commission européenne, des autorités nationales de la concurrence et des tribunaux évolue aussi. La coordination du processus d’application entre les nombreux organes de la Communauté européenne, notamment en ce qui concerne les demandes de clémence déposées dans le cadre d’enquêtes relatives aux ententes, est de plus en plus importante. La Commission a pris des mesures pour renforcer ses capacités d’analyse économique et pour corriger les faiblesses de son processus de décision qui étaient apparues à l’occasion d’importantes décisions de justice. Tout le problème pour ce dispositif, qui est adapté aux méthodes administratives d’application, est de produire des résultats convaincants pour les tribunaux, tout en préservant la cohérence de l’action des pouvoirs publics dans un contexte d’application décentralisée. Ce rapport a servi de base à l’examen par les pairs réalisé en 2005 dans le cadre du Comité de la concurrence.


Les entreprises en position dominante peuvent utiliser diverses stratégies en vue d’éliminer ou de dissuader la concurrence, notamment les baisses de prix illicites, également appelées « prix d’éviction ». Cette stratégie suppose une volonté d’absorber à court terme des pertes qui ne se justifient que par les bénéfices plus importants qui en découleront à plus long terme, une fois les concurrents mis au pas ou éliminés. Malgré les dispositions différentes existant d’un pays à l’autre, les débats de la Table ronde organisée par le Comité de la concurrence en octobre 2004 ont rapidement mis en évidence une quasi unanimité de vue sur le fait que le droit de la concurrence est destiné à protéger et à promouvoir la concurrence plutôt que les concurrents. En ce qui concerne les méthodes de détection des prix d’éviction, notamment les tests prix/coûts, les positions ont été plus diverses car les indicateurs de coûts qu’il convient d’utiliser diffèrent selon les situations. Les pays membres ont largement admis qu’il faut notamment examiner, lors des enquêtes, si une entreprise présumée pratiquer des prix d’éviction serait susceptible de récupérer les pertes résultant de cette pratique et si rien ne l’indique, en conclure que la pratique en cause ne risque guère d’être préjudiciable à la concurrence.


Despite general agreement that consumers benefit from lower prices that are not predatory, several nations have laws against loss leader sales even when they are unlikely to foreclose competition. These laws appear to protect competitors rather than competition. The Competition Committee’s roundtable discussion in October 2005 focused on efforts to reform or remove laws against loss leader sales and efforts to prevent such restrictions from being enacted. The Secretariat background note argued that rules again loss leader sales should be sunsetted because they are likely to harm consumers and protect inefficient competitors, fail to account adequately for pro-competitive business justifications for loss leader sales and detract from economic dynamism and growth. Japan, Germany and France, defended their rules against price competition, although France was in the process of a reform. Members of a second group of countries were working to remove laws against loss leader sales. The nations in a third group with no law against loss leader sales, reported efforts by groups of competitors to have such rules applied either at the national level or at the state/provincial level. Both the consumer and business submissions argued that prohibiting loss leader sales is likely to harm consumers and protect competitors, rather than competition.

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