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Ce manuel a pour but de sensibiliser les vérificateurs fiscaux aux problématiques liées aux pots-de-vin et autres formes de corruption. Il donne des clés pour identifier les indicateurs de pots-de-vin ou autres formes de corruption éventuels lorsqu’ils effectuent régulièrement des contrôles et vérifications fiscales.

Latvian, Dutch, Portuguese, Greek, English, All

This Handbook is designed to raise the awareness of tax examiners and auditors of issues concerning bribery and other forms of corruption. It provides guidance on how to recognise indicators of possible bribery or corruption in the course of regular tax examinations and audits.

French, Greek, German, Portuguese, Dutch, All
  • 04 Nov 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 100

Economic textbooks predict that taxes and emission trading systems are the cheapest way for societies to reduce emissions of CO2. This book shows that this is also the case in the real world. It estimates the costs to society of reducing CO2 emissions in 15 countries using a broad range of policy instruments in 5 of the sectors that generate most emissions: electricity generation, road transport, pulp & paper and cement, as well as households’ domestic energy use. It finds wide variations in the costs of abating each tonne of CO2 within and among countries, as well as in the sectors examined and across different types of policy instruments. Market-based approaches like taxes and trading systems consistently reduced CO2 at a lower cost than other instruments. Capital subsidies and feed-in tariffs were among the most expensive ways of reducing emissions.

  • 07 Aug 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 584

Les Impôts sur les salaires fournissent des données sans équivalent sur l’impôt sur le revenu dans les pays de l’OCDE. La publication traite de l’impôt sur le revenu et des cotisations de sécurité sociales versés par les salariés, des cotisations de sécurité sociale et des taxes sur les salaires versés par les employeurs et des prestations versées en espèce aux familles en emploi. Il s’agit d’illustrer comment ces taxes et prestations sont calculés dans chaque pays membre et d’examiner leurs impacts sur le revenu des ménages. Les résultats permettent aussi de faire des comparaisons internationales quantitatives des coûts de main-d’oeuvre et de la position globale vis-à-vis de l’impôt et des prestations des célibataires et des familles à différents niveaux de revenus.

La publication montre cette information pour huit types de ménages représentatifs dont la composition et le niveau du salaire diffèrent. Les résultats mettent aussi en évidence la pression fiscale moyenne et marginale qui s’exerce sur les ménages disposant d’un ou de deux salaires, ainsi que les coûts de main-d’oeuvre pour les employeurs. Les données sont largement utilisées pour la recherche universitaire, comme pour la préparation et l’évaluation des politiques économiques et sociales.

L'édition 2013 des Impôts sur les salaires inclut une étude spéciale intitulée « Progression des taux moyens de l’impôt sur le revenu des personnes physiques et du coin fiscal moyen dans les pays de l’OCDE».

Note. La partie III Informations détaillées par pays n’est disponible que dans la version anglaise de cette publication.


Revenue bodies are increasingly focusing on improving their understanding of taxpayers and taking advantage of opportunities for collaboration where win-win situations exists. This is not least true for the large and heterogeneous SME segment, which in many countries has proven difficult and costly to administer with traditional approaches.

This Forum on Tax Administration study provides inspiration and guidance to revenue bodies wishing to explore the potential for improving outcomes, reducing costs, improving services and generating other benefits by engaging and involving SME taxpayers and stakeholders. The study provides a conceptual framework illustrating the benefits and situating the approach in the context of public sector reform, technological developments and trends in compliance risk management. It further provides a comprehensive review of current and emerging practices across the areas of information and guidance, compliance risk management, and systemic solutions. Finally the study provides guidance to support successful implementation.

The study finds that while revenue bodies have substantial experience to build on, there is also potential for more systematic, far-reaching and potentially transformative approaches. A key barrier in this regard is that performance metrics relying extensively on output measures channel resources and attention away from innovative approaches that work back from the desired ultimate outcomes.

The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes is the multilateral framework within which work in the area of tax transparency and exchange of information is carried out by 120 jurisdictions, which participate in the Global Forum on an equal footing.

The Global Forum is charged with in-depth monitoring and peer review of the implementation of the international standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes. These standards are primarily reflected in the 2002 OECD Model Agreement on Exchange of Information on Tax Matters and its commentary, and in Article 26 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital and its commentary as updated in 2004. The standards have also been incorporated into the UN Model Tax Convention.

The standards provide for international exchange on request of foreseeably relevant information for the administration or enforcement of the domestic tax laws of a requesting party. Fishing expeditions are not authorised but all foreseeably relevant information must be provided, including bank information and information held by fiduciaries, regardless of the existence of a domestic tax interest or the application of a dual criminality standard.

All members of the Global Forum, as well as jurisdictions identified by the Global Forum as relevant to its work, are being reviewed. This process is undertaken in two phases. Phase 1 reviews assess the quality of a jurisdiction’s legal and regulatory framework for the exchange of information, while Phase 2 reviews look at the practical implementation of that framework. Some Global Forum members are undergoing combined  – Phase 1 and Phase 2 – reviews. The Global Forum has also put in place a process for supplementary reports to follow-up on recommendations, as well as for the ongoing monitoring of jurisdictions following the conclusion of a review. The ultimate goal is to help jurisdictions to effectively implement the international standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.

All review reports are published once approved by the Global Forum and they thus represent agreed Global Forum reports.

The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes is the multilateral framework within which work in the area of tax transparency and exchange of information is carried out by 120 jurisdictions, which participate in the Global Forum on an equal footing.

The Global Forum is charged with in-depth monitoring and peer review of the implementation of the international standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes. These standards are primarily reflected in the 2002 OECD Model Agreement on Exchange of Information on Tax Matters and its commentary, and in Article 26 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital and its commentary as updated in 2004. The standards have also been incorporated into the UN Model Tax Convention.

The standards provide for international exchange on request of foreseeably relevant information for the administration or enforcement of the domestic tax laws of a requesting party. Fishing expeditions are not authorised but all foreseeably relevant information must be provided, including bank information and information held by fiduciaries, regardless of the existence of a domestic tax interest or the application of a dual criminality standard.

All members of the Global Forum, as well as jurisdictions identified by the Global Forum as relevant to its work, are being reviewed. This process is undertaken in two phases. Phase 1 reviews assess the quality of a jurisdiction’s legal and regulatory framework for the exchange of information, while Phase 2 reviews look at the practical implementation of that framework. Some Global Forum members are undergoing combined  – Phase 1 and Phase 2 – reviews. The Global Forum has also put in place a process for supplementary reports to follow-up on recommendations, as well as for the ongoing monitoring of jurisdictions following the conclusion of a review. The ultimate goal is to help jurisdictions to effectively implement the international standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.

All review reports are published once approved by the Global Forum and they thus represent agreed Global Forum reports.


This report examines the relationship between large business taxpayers and revenue bodies, five years on from the publication of the FTA’s Study into the Role of Tax Intermediaries. The study recommended that revenue bodies develop a relationship based on trust and co-operation. The report is based on a detailed examination of the practical experiences of countries that have established this type of relationship.

The report finds that the pillars of an improved relationship highlighted in the Study remain valid. However, it identifies some additional features that are equally important: the part played by the tax control framework used by a large business in providing an objective basis for trust is emphasised. It also suggests that “co-operative compliance” is a better description of the recommended approach than the original “enhanced relationship” label.
The report addresses some questions that have been raised about the compatibility of the new approach with certain legal principles and discusses the internal governance of these programmes within revenue bodies. The importance of making a sound business case for the approach and how to measure the results of co-operative compliance programmes is addressed. The report concludes with some thoughts about the future direction of the co-operative compliance concept.


This book provides guidance on a whole-of-revenue body approach for managing service demand effectively. It sets out a possible ‘model’ for governance arrangements based on leading revenue body practice – in this case the Australian Taxation Office—that has been examined and is supported by the FTA’s Taxpayer Services Sub-group. It also sets out practical steps in the form of a step-by-step framework to support revenue bodies in their efforts to better identify, analyse and address the causes of service demand.

The guide has been designed to support all revenue bodies, from those that are in the early stages of developing comprehensive service delivery programs to those with mature programs in place. While it focuses on the revenue body’s role in tax administration it acknowledges that some revenue bodies have a broader set of responsibilities, for example, in the administration of some social policies. This guide has not explored how such roles should integrate at a broader demand management level and revenue bodies will need to assess this issue, if relevant, having regard to their individual circumstances.

Dans un environnement fiscal international en mutation, un certain nombre de pays s’inquiètent de la façon dont les normes internationales, sur lesquelles sont fondées les conventions fiscales bilatérales, répartissent les droits d’imposition entre États de la source et de la résidence. Ce Plan d’action est centré sur la lutte contre l’érosion de la base d’imposition et le transfert de bénéfices. Les mesures prises à cette fin permettront de rétablir l’imposition dans l’État de la source et dans celui de la résidence dans un certain nombre de cas où, en l’absence de telles mesures, les bénéfices tirés d’activités transnationales seraient soumis à un taux d’imposition nul ou très faible, mais ces mesures n’ont pas pour objectif direct de modifier les normes internationales existantes relatives à l’attribution des droits d’imposition des bénéfices transnationaux.

Portuguese, Spanish, German, English, Russian
  • 19 Jul 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 48

Taxation is at the core of countries' sovereignty, but in recent years, multinational companies have avoided taxation in their home countries by pushing activities abroad to low or no tax jurisdictions.  The G20 asked OECD to address this growing problem by creating this action plan to address base erosion and profit shifting. This plan identifies a series of domestic and international actions to address the problem and sets timelines for the implementation.

German, Russian, Spanish, French, Portuguese

La erosión de bases imponibles constituye un grave riesgo para los ingresos tributarios, la soberanía fiscal y la equidad tributaria de muchos países. Si bien existen numerosas formas de erosionar las bases imponibles dentro de cada jurisdicción, una fuente significativa de la erosión es el traslado de beneficios al exterior. En este informe se describen los estudios y datos de carácter público relativos a la existencia y magnitud de estos fenómenos, se presenta un panorama general de los acontecimientos internacionales con repercusión en la tributación de las empresas, y se incluye un panorama general de los principios fundamentales de la imposición de las actividades transfronterizas, así como de las posibilidades de erosionar la base imponible y trasladar los beneficios a que tales principios pudieran dar lugar. A modo de conclusión, el informe sostiene que las reglas vigentes permiten manipular los beneficios a base de estructuras jurídicas artificiosas y de derechos y obligaciones intangibles, y trasvasar legalmente los riesgos intragrupo, con la consecuencia de reducir la parte de los beneficios relacionados con las actividades productivas. Este informe recomienda la elaboración de un plan de acción a escala mundial para resolver el problema de la erosión de la base imponible y el traslado de beneficios.

Japanese, Portuguese, German, English, Russian, All

A erosão da base tributária constitui um grave risco à receita, à soberania e à equidade fiscais de muitos países. Embora essa prática possa afetar o erário nacional de diversas maneiras, a transferência de lucros é uma das mais comuns. Esse relatório apresenta os estudos e dados de domínio público disponíveis com relação à existência e à magnitude da problemática da erosão da base tributária e da transferência de lucros, apresenta também um panorama dos desenvolvimentos globais que podem ter impacto na tributação de pessoas jurídicas e delinea os princípios que norteiam a tributação das atividades transnacionais e as oportunidades de erosão da base tributária e de transferência de lucros que possam daí advir. O relatório conclui que as regras atuais oferecem possibilidades de aumentar os lucros, associando-os a disposições legais, direitos e obrigações intangíveis, bem como de transferir riscos legalmente no interior do grupo, o que, por conseguinte, reduz a parcela dos lucros associados a operações concretas. O relatório recomenda desenvolver um plano de ação de alcance mundial para abordar a problemática da erosão da base tributária e a transferência de lucros.

English, Japanese, German, Spanish, Russian, All

Le Linee Guida dell’OCSE sui prezzi di trasferimento per le imprese multinazionali e le amministrazioni fiscali forniscono orientamenti sull'applicazione del "principio di libera concorrenza", che è il principio riconosciuto a livello internazionale sul quale si basa il regime del transfer pricing, cioè la valutazione, a fini fiscali, delle transazioni transfrontaliere tra imprese associate. In un'economia globale nella quale le imprese multinazionali hanno un ruolo significativo, il regime dei prezzi di trasferimento assume un'importanza prioritaria sia per le amministrazioni fiscali sia per i contribuenti. Gli Stati devono assicurarsi che gli utili imponibili delle multinazionali non siano artificialmente trasferiti in un altro Paese e che la base imponibile dichiarata dalle multinazionali nei loro rispettivi Paesi corrisponda alla loro attività economica reale. È essenziale, inoltre, che i contribuenti vedano ridotti i rischi di doppia imposizione economica legati a un contenzioso tra due Paesi sulla determinazione della remunerazione a valori di mercato delle transazioni transfrontaliere con imprese associate.

La versione originale delle Linee Guida dell’OCSE sui prezzi di trasferimento è stata approvata dal Consiglio dell'OCSE nel 1995. Le Linee Guida sono poi state parzialmente aggiornate nel 2009, in primo luogo per integrare le modifiche introdotte nel 2008 al Modello di Convenzione fiscale OCSE riguardanti il nuovo paragrafo 5 dell'articolo 25 in materia di arbitrato e il commentario dell'articolo 25 sull'uso della procedura amichevole per risolvere le controversie tributarie internazionali. Nell'edizione del 2010 sono state apportate notevoli revisioni ai capitoli I, II e III, introducendo nuovi orientamenti sulla scelta del metodo più appropriato alle circostanze del caso per la determinazione dei prezzi di trasferimento, sull'applicazione pratica dei metodi basati sull'utile delle transazioni (il metodo del margine netto della transazione e il metodo di ripartizione dell'utile) e sulla performance dell'analisi di comparabilità. È stato inoltre aggiunto un nuovo capitolo IX che presenta gli aspetti delle riorganizzazioni aziendali relativi ai prezzi di trasferimento. Notevoli cambiamenti sono stati anche apportati in tutti gli altri capitoli delle Linee Guida dell’OCSE sui prezzi di trasferimento.

Spanish, Hungarian, French, Serbian, Ukrainian, All

El Foro Global sobre Transparencia e Intercambio de Información con Fines Tributarios es el marco multilateral dentro del cual más de 100 jurisdicciones trabajan en el área de transparencia tributaria e intercambio de información, a la vez que participan del Foro Global en igualdad de condiciones.
El Foro Global tiene a su cargo la vigilancia exhaustiva y la evaluación de pares de la puesta en práctica de los estándares internacionales de transparencia e intercambio de información con fines tributarios. Estos estándares se encuentran refl ejados principalmente en el Modelo de Acuerdo sobre Intercambio de Información de la OCDE del año 2002 y su comentario, y en el Artículo 26 del Modelo de Convenio Tributario de la OCDE sobre la Renta y el Capital y su comentario actualizado en el 2004. Estos estándares han sido también incorporados al Modelo de Convenio Tributario de la ONU.
Los estándares prevén el intercambio internacional a solicitud de la información que sea previsiblemente relevante para la administración o aplicación de la legislación tributaria interna de una Parte solicitante. Las solicitudes masivas de información (“fishing expeditions”, expediciones exploratorias) no están autorizadas; no obstante se deberá brindar toda información que sea previsiblemente relevante, incluyendo la información bancaria y la información en poder de fiduciarios, independientemente de la existencia de un interés tributario nacional o la aplicación de un principio de doble incriminación.
Todos los miembros del Foro Global, así como las jurisdicciones identificadas por el Foro Global como relevantes para su trabajo, están siendo evaluados. Este proceso se realiza en dos fases. La revisión de la Fase 1 evalúa la calidad del marco legal y normativo de una jurisdicción para el intercambio de información, mientras que la revisión de la Fase 2 observa la implementación práctica de ese marco. Algunos miembros del Foro Global se someten a revisiones combinadas (Fase 1 y Fase 2). El Foro Global estableció también un proceso de informes suplementarios con el fin de poner en práctica las recomendaciones, como así también para la supervisión permanente de las jurisdicciones luego de la conclusión de una revisión. El objetivo primordial es ayudar a las jurisdicciones a que apliquen con eficacia los estándares internacionales de transparencia e intercambio de información con fines tributarios.
Todos los informes de revisión son publicados una vez aprobados por el Foro Global.


Las Directrices de la OCDE aplicables en materia de precios de transferencia a empresas multinacionales y administraciones tributarias ofrecen pautas para la aplicación del “principio de plena competencia” que constituye el consenso internacional sobre los precios de transferencia, es decir, sobre la valoración, a efectos fiscales, de las operaciones internacionales entre empresas asociadas. En una economía globalizada en la que las empresas multinacionales desempeñan un papel preponderante, los precios de transferencia ocupan un lugar destacado en la agenda tanto de las administraciones tributarias como de los contribuyentes. Los gobiernos necesitan asegurarse de que las rentas imponibles de las multinacionales no se desvían artificialmente fuera de sus jurisdicciones y de que la base imponible que declaran las multinacionales en sus respectivos países refleja la actividad económica efectuada en cada uno de ellos. Para los contribuyentes, es esencial limitar el riesgo de la doble imposición económica que puede tener su origen en una controversia entre dos países respecto de la determinación de la contraprestación de plena competencia correspondiente a sus operaciones internacionales con empresas asociadas.
Las Directrices de la OCDE aplicables en materia de precios de transferencia recibieron la aprobación del Consejo en su versión original en 1995. En 2009 se llevó a cabo una pequeña actualización tendente básicamente a reflejar la adopción de un nuevo apartado 5 en el artículo 25 en la actualización del Modelo de Convenio Tributario de 2008 que trata sobre el arbitraje, así como los cambios efectuados en los comentarios a dicho artículo 25 referidos a los procedimientos amistosos para la resolución de controversias fiscales de ámbito internacional. En la edición de 2010 se ha procedido a una importante revisión de los Capítulos I a III, en los que se ofrecen nuevas pautas para la selección del método de determinación de precios de transferencia más apropiado en función de la casuística, sobre la aplicación práctica de los métodos basados en el resultado de las operaciones (el método del margen neto operacional y el método de distribución del resultado) y el funcionamiento de los análisis de comparabilidad. Se ha añadido, además, un nuevo Capítulo IX que trata aquellos aspectos de las reestructuraciones empresariales que están relacionados con cuestiones de precios de transferencia. A lo largo de todas las Directrices de la OCDE aplicables en materia de precios de transferencia se han efectuado cambios tendentes a dotarlas de coherencia.

Ukrainian, French, Hungarian, German, Italian, All

This  is a unique reference source of high level comparative information on aspects of tax administration system design and practice covering the world’s major revenue bodies. This edition updates performance-related and descriptive material contained in prior editions with new data and supplements this with new features including coverage of 3 additional countries (i.e. Brazil, Columbia, and Hong Kong (China). For the first time, this edition of the series includes comparative information on all 34 member countries of the OECD, the EU and, the G20, as well as certain other countries (e.g. Singapore and South Africa).

New subject covered in this series include: 1) a description of how revenue bodies engage and support tax intermediaries. In addition, the series includes extensive description of organizational reforms underway in many countries to improve efficiency and effectiveness, for many in an environment where public sector funding is being significantly reduced.

  • 03 May 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 578

Taxing Wages provides unique information on the taxes paid on wages in OECD countries.   It covers personal income taxes and social security contributions paid by employees; social security contributions and payroll taxes paid by employers and cash benefits paid by in-work families.   The purpose is to illustrate how these taxes and benefits are calculated in each member country and to examine how they impact on household incomes.   The results also enable quantitative cross-country comparisons of labour cost levels and the overall tax and benefit position of single persons and families on different levels of earnings.

The publication shows this information for eight household types which vary by income level and household composition and the results reported include the marginal and average tax burdens for one and two earner families and the total labour costs of employers.  These data are widely used in academic research and in the preparation and evaluation of social and economic policy making.

Taxing Wages 2013 includes a special feature entitled: ‘Average personal income tax rate and tax wedge progression in OECD countries.

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