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The institutional framework of a country plays a determining role in the well-being of the women who live in it. This paper examines the cases of four case countries: India, Kenya, Sudan and Tunisia. In each of these case studies, the status of women has been analysed along with the reforms that have been implemented to improve it. Comparisons between the four countries have brought to light several obstacles to change in the institutional framework such as age-old traditions, religion, economic interests and parliamentary opposition. Where there are important initial obstacles, the government’s room for manoeuvre is limited, particularly in the short-term since magistrates, administrations, media and families often endeavour to postpone the application of new, more inclusive, laws. There are, however, examples of successful reform efforts. These successes are generally attributable to the presence of numerous women in parliament and government and in the legal service, the ...

  1. Dementia and its most common manifestation, Alzheimer’s disease, is a complex disorder that afflicts primarily the elderly, affecting an estimated 10 million people in OECD member countries. The complexity of the disease makes treating dementia extremely difficult, involving a wide variety of social and health care interventions. Typically, these two aspects of dementia care are examined separately. This paper adopts a conceptual model that examines both types of interventions and how they interact along the dementia care continuum.
  1. There are no effective health care treatments for stopping dementia, which is why the social care aspect plays an important role in treating the disease, with family members an integral part of this process. This paper shows that programs designed to help alleviate the burden of family members caring for a relative with dementia can have positive health benefits to both patient and family. In particular, the use of group-living, where dementia ...

The intricate issue of detecting and forecasting macroeconomic cycles turning points has been once more perfectly illustrated with the global downturn experienced by most countries around the world in 2000-2001. Governments and Central Banks are very sensitive to economic indicators showing signs of deterioration in order to adjust their policies sufficiently in advance to avoid further deterioration or even a recession. These indicators require at least two qualities: they must be reliable and they must provide a readable signal as soon as possible. In this paper, we discuss ...

In an important paper, Diebold and Rudebusch (1991) find that, despite good performance for post revision historical versions, the U.S. Index of Leading Economic Indicators (LEI) fails to improve forecasts in real time out-of-sample tests. This paper revisits the issue of real-time performance of the LEI using growth rate forecast specifications. We contrast real-time out-of-sample tests of LEI forecasts using „composition-changing” or „as-published” versions of the LEI with those based on „composition-constant” indexes. The goal is ...

The objective of this article is to reassess the validity of the consumer confidence (or sentiment) indices in anticipating the evolution of economic activity by considering a fairly high number of countries across the world (i.e. France, Germany, Italy, UK, USA, Japan, Canada and Australia) over a period of about thirty years, from the beginning of the seventies till the end of 2002 (quarterly data). To our knowledge this is the first attempt to analyse the consumer confidence index for several countries over such a long period of time. We model the CSIoutput relationship in a cointegrated vector autoregression (VAR) framework, by considering a common set of variables for all countries. Our findings suggest that: (a) what appears to be the main driving forces of consumer confidence cannot be simply summarised on the basis of ...

This paper fits Markov switching models to quarterly New Zealand aggregate GDP growth rates for the period 1978:1 to 2003:2 in order to analyse changes in mean and volatility over time. The models considered are drawn from a simple class of parsimonious, four state, Markov switching models which encompass a wide range of stationary time series behaviour from linear AR(1) models to non-linear models with persistent cycles and outliers. An overall objective is to use the models to help understand and identify changes in the historical growth performance of New Zealand's small open economy, particularly pre and post wide ranging economic reforms. Conclusions to emerge are that, in contrast to the 1980s, New Zealand GDP growth experienced an unusually long period of time in high growth and low volatility regimes since the early 1990s. In addition, New Zealand does not appear to have ...

La présente étude fait partie du projet sur les échanges de services que l’OCDE mène en coopération avec la CNUCED en vue d’aider les Membres de l’OMC à organiser les négociations fondées sur le principe des « offres et requêtes » dans le cadre de l’AGCS. Elle a pour principal objectif de permettre aux responsables des Membres de l’OMC de mieux connaître les questions qui revêtent une importance particulière pour le secteur des services juridiques, ainsi que de savoir comment les aborder au cours des négociations. Si le Cycle d’Uruguay n’a permis d’obtenir qu’une libéralisation limitée des échanges de services juridiques, les négociations en cours offrent la possibilité de la faire progresser davantage, avec – à la clef - d’importants avantages économiques pour tous les pays. En outre, la caractéristique propre aux services juridiques est que les inconvénients pouvant découler de la libéralisation – tant en termes d’incapacité du marché à atteindre les objectifs sociaux que du point de vue du remplacement des fournisseurs locaux – seront vraisemblablement moindres dans ce secteur des services.
Regulatory reform efforts in a broad range of industries have resulted in increased importance of competitive forces as a means to allocate resources and improve economic efficiency. A number of indicators suggest that such forces have been stronger in the United States than in most other OECD countries for some time. This has contributed to sizeable productivity gains and good economic performance over the past decade or so. Nonetheless, despite the generally pro-competitive thrust of policies, a number of challenges remain. Although there are few sectors of the economy from which competition policy and law are completely excluded, given the high risk of sanctions and damages for violation, many anomalous exemptions and special regimes have found their way into US legislation. Contrary to other OECD countries, government related firms are exempted from competition enforcement. Intellectual property rights create special challenges for competition policy and some problems have followed their strengthening over the past two decades, such as the soaring cost of patent litigation. The generally favourable experience with deregulation created pressures for liberalisation in network industries, where the United States has rather been a laggard, at least in the electricity sector. Reforms in the 1990s have entailed some positive results but also some setbacks, reflecting both the difficulties in ensuring competition in such industries and policy mistakes.
The Domain Name System’s need to have unique identifiers, and a consequent need for there to be a single registry for each name, means that any registry can exercise a degree of monopoly power over the domain for which it has responsibility.
This paper examines the extent to which fiscal policy actions may be offset by simultaneous, anticipatory changes in private saving, as well as the determinants of that offset. The conditions under which private agents will engage in forward-looking consumption-smoothing behaviour are quite strict and unlikely to hold fully in practice. However, based on a sample of at most 21 OECD countries spanning the period 1970-2002, there is strong evidence of partial, yet substantial, offsetting movements in aggregate private and public saving. The overall offset is estimated at between about one-third and one-half, depending on model specification, and applies both to public consumption and revenue shifts. This is consistent with a marked degree of anticipatory private sector behaviour, insofar as the ex ante saving “leakage” embedded in the pure Keynesian or IS/LM type models would be expected to be smaller and apply only to revenues and transfers. Wealth effects, as in the case of rising equity and housing prices, are found to have an important complementary impact on saving, usually in reinforcing the direct saving offset. Initial conditions, as reflected in debt/GDP ratios are also found to influence the size of the offset.
The number of people logged on simultaneously to popular file sharing networks approached close to 10 million in April 2004, a rise of 30% from the same period a year earlier, according to this new OECD report.
Digital technologies and the diffusion of new transmission technologies have increased the number of platforms capable of providing video transmission, and have also altered the traditional characteristics of broadcasting.
This report is intended to provide an understanding of the benefits and limitations of biometric-based technologies. It also includes information on existing privacy and security methodologies for assessing biometrics.

This paper analyses the impact of exchange rate regimes on real exchange rates, as defined by the relative price of nontradables to tradables in Argentina, Brazil, Chile (ABC) and Mexico from 1990 to 2002. The real exchange rate is determined in the long-run by the Balassa-Samuelson effect, but in the medium run also by government expenditure and terms of trade. Another determinant is fixed exchange rate regimes, which force exporters to adjust their local price of tradables. Moreover, fixed regimes attract portfolio inflows that increase demand and prices for nontradables. The econometric results of the paper confirm the impact of exchange rate regimes on relative prices in all countries except Chile, which maintained exchange rate flexibly and adopted capital controls ...

Reviewing media mergers may be more complicated than reviewing other mergers because of the huge variety of possible media content and the two-sided market aspect of many media, i.e. those earning advertising revenue. A wide variety of content means that market definition is rendered more complex. The twosided market characteristic has important and sometimes far from obvious impacts on how mergers affect economic efficiency, media plurality and content diversity...


The question of who owns our newspapers, television and radio is vital to democracy. The information and opinion we draw on must reflect a range of different voices and views if we are to be able to understand and debate the issues of the day. The Government’s task is to create a framework for media ownership which protects that plurality of voices and encourages a diversity of content whilst, at the same time, promoting the most competitive market for media businesses and attracting new investment ...


The Chairman made three general opening points: market definition is an important issue in most jurisdictions, and seems to be fairly similar across countries; behavioural remedies are heavily used and are highly case specific; and competition authorities are wrestling with the relationship between competition and pluralism issues but generally try to avoid it. Some competition authorities believe that promoting competition in itself promotes pluralism so nothing else is needed from competition authorities. Some contributions note, however, that competition authorities are criticised for ...


Le Président ouvre la table ronde en soulignant trois points : premièrement, la définition du marché, élément crucial pour la plupart des juridictions, est entendue de manière à peu près équivalente d’un pays à l’autre ; deuxièmement, les mesures comportementales, le plus souvent définies au cas par cas, sont très usitées ; troisièmement les autorités de concurrence sont confrontées à nécessité de concilier concurrence et pluralisme, mais ont tendance à éviter cette situation. Pour certaines autorités de concurrence, promouvoir la concurrence est, en soi, bénéfique au pluralisme, et par conséquent leur rôle peut s’arrêter là. D’autres contributions notent toutefois que les autorités de concurrence se voient reprocher de ne pas protéger suffisamment le pluralisme ...

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