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This paper reports on a project to improve the comparability and availability of private health expenditure under the joint health accounts questionnaire (JHAQ) data collection. The JHAQ is a framework for joint data collection in the area of health expenditure data developed by OECD, Eurostat, and WHO. In particular, the study questions were: How to overcome the inherent tendency for much private health care financing to occur without the generation of linked, reliable, and comprehensive routine data? How to tackle the issue of private providers likely to operate without reporting of routine data to statistical agencies?

On 28 April 2005, the OECD Council approved the Recommendation on Guidelines for Insurers’ Governance. Guidelines were first endorsed by the OECD Insurance and Private Pensions Committee in collaboration and wide consultation with the 30 member countries’ governmental experts in the insurance sector as well as the insurance and reinsurance industry. These guidelines were also deemed fully compatible and consistent with the OECD Revised Principles on Corporate Governance by its Steering Group in October 2004.

The Guidelines for Quality Provision in Cross-border Higher Education were developed and adopted to support and encourage international cooperation and enhance the understanding of the importance of quality provision in cross-border higher education. The purposes of the Guidelines are to protect students and other stakeholders from low-quality provision and disreputable providers (that is, degree and accreditation mills) as well as to encourage the development of quality cross-border higher education that meets human, social, economic and cultural needs. Based on a survey about the main recommendations of the Guidelines, this report monitors the extent to which OECD countries and a few non-member partners complied with its recommendations in 2011. Twenty-three responses were obtained from 22 Members.
  • 19 Jun 2019
  • Miroslawa Boryczka, Daria Bochnar, Andra Larin
  • Pages: 130

Public sector organisations across the world are increasingly using advanced management concepts. One such concept, internal control, is a set of management arrangements designed to achieve an organisation’s objectives on time, to appropriate performance standards, within budget, efficiently, effectively and in compliance with the law. These Guidelines explain in detail how to develop internal control in public sector organisations and how to assess the quality of existing systems. They are intended to guide ministries of finance and public sector managers in EU candidate countries and potential candidates, but could also be used by other administrations interested in assessing or improving their management and control systems.


A central element of the programme of work of the OECD’s Working Party on Private Pensions has been the development of principles of regulation and supervision and guidelines related to the maintenance and oversight of private pension plans and funds. This work has been done in conjunction with the International Network of Pension Regulators and Supervisors (INPRS). The guidelines set forth below specifically address the rights of pension plan members and beneficiaries, an especially vital aspect of any pension programme. The Working Party previously developed and issued in 2000 broad principles applicable to private occupational pensions, titled “Fifteen Principles for the Regulation of Private Occupational Pensions Schemes”1, which were also approved by the INPRS. In 2002 the Working Party issued “Guidelines for Pension Fund Governance.”2 The document, ...

With half of the world’s habitable land being used for agriculture, monitoring the biodiversity on agricultural land is essential for meeting the objectives of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). This paper seeks to advance the monitoring of farmland biodiversity in OECD countries by investigating current national initiatives and proposing guidelines for the development of an indicator based on habitat. The proposed approach provides a flexible and pragmatic framework to harmonise reporting from national programmes while accommodating cross-country diversity in contextual factors, including farming systems, climate, biophysical conditions and species pools. To facilitate implementation in the near term, the indicator includes a three-tiered approach to reporting based on data availability, which accommodates countries with limited data resources as well as those that currently have monitoring programmes in place.

  • 14 Jan 2022
  • Mariana Prats, Jacobo Pastor García Villarreal
  • Pages: 24

Este informe emite recomendaciones para promover la integridad y la transparencia en la toma de decisiones públicas en el Estado de México, regulando el acceso y facilitando la participación de las partes interesadas, así como para mejorar la transparencia y la integridad del financiamiento a partidos y campañas políticas. El documento aborda los retos actuales relativos al financiamiento politico tales como las contribuciones en efectivo y el clientelismo, así como la necesidad de asegurar capacidades adecuadas de auditoria y sanciones efectivas para mejorar la rendición de cuentas. De igual forma, analiza la situación relativa a las interacciones entre partes interesadas, por un lado, y funcionarios públicos y legisladores, por el otro, proporcionando recomendaciones para prevenir la captura de políticas públicas, preservar la integridad y fortalecer la transparencia.


Embora as medidas excepcionais implementadas ou previstas em alguns países possam mostrar-se, finalmente, eficazes na limitação da propagação do vírus, algumas abordagens têm se mostrado controversas em termos de risco de violação àprivacidade e outros direitos fundamentais dos cidadãos, especialmente quando essas medidas carecem de transparência ou não são objeto de ampla consulta à população.

Spanish, English

Muchos gobiernos están tomando medidas nunca antes vistas para detectar, rastrear y contener la propagación del nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19), al recurrir a las tecnologías digitales y a la analítica avanzada para recabar, procesar y compartir datos a fin de ofrecer primeras líneas de respuesta eficaces.

Portuguese, English

본 책자는 개발원조 프로그램의 공동 평가 담당자를 위한 실용적인 가이드입니다. 새로운 경험을 고려하여 DAC에서 발간한 다수 공여국 공동평가의 효과적 수행법 (Effective Practices in Conducting a Joint Multi-Donor Evaluation, 2000)의 내용을 수정 및 개정 하였다. 새로운 가이드라인의 제목에서 “다수 공여국(Multi-Donor)” 이라는 말을 생략한 것은 비원조기관들이 공동평가에 참여하는 등 보다 광범위해지고 있는 개발협력 파트너십을 반영한 것이다. 개정된 내용은 브리어 (Horst Breier) 자문위원이 2005년에 작성한 DAC 평가네트워크 조사 보고서의 결과 및 제언을 바탕으로 한다. 또한, “공동평가: 통념에 대한 도전 – 수원국 파트너들의 시각에서 (Joint Evaluations: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom – the View from Developing Country Partners)” 2005년 나이로비에서 진행된 워크숍의 결과물 및 평가네트워크 구성원들과 파트너들의 조언과 피드백을 반영하였다.

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