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Title Index

Year Index

  • 02 Oct 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 240
Expecting substantial savings and improved public services – a trend further accentuated by the financial and economic crisis beginning in 2008 – OECD countries have invested in the development of e-government services over the past 10-15 years. However, despite the initial exceptional take-up, governments later saw low adoption and low use of e-government services which are still far from satisfactory today.

This report gives a broad description of the shift in governments' focus on e-government development –  from a government-centric to a user-centric approach. It gives a comprehensive overview of challenges to user take-up of e-government services in OECD countries and of the different types of approaches to improving it. The monitoring and evaluation of user take-up are also discussed, including the existence of formal measurement frameworks. Good practices are presented to illustrate the different concrete approaches used by OECD countries.

Why do some regions grow faster than others, and in ways that do not always conform to economic theory? This is a central issue in today’s economic climate, when policy makers are looking for ways to stimulate new and sustainable growth. OECD work suggests that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to regional growth policy. Rather, regions grow in very varied ways and the simple concentration of resources in a place is not sufficient for long-term growth. This report draws on OECD analysis of regional data (including where growth happens, country-by-country), policy reviews and case studies. It argues that it is how investments are made, regional assets used and synergies exploited that can make the difference. Public investment should prioritise longer-term impacts on productivity growth and combine measures in an integrated way. This suggests an important role for regional policies in shaping growth and economic recovery policies, but also challenges policy makers to implement policy reforms.


Reducir la burocracia para mejorar la actividad empresarial se ha vuelto una prioridad en los países de la OCDE. Este estudio piloto mide y compara internacionalmente las cargas administrativas en el sector de transporte por carretera en once países miembros de la OCDE: Alemania, Bélgica, Canadá, Dinamarca, Francia, Holanda, Italia, Noruega, Nueva Zelanda, Suecia y Turquía. El objetivo del ejercicio es doble: identificar las buenas prácticas y proporcionar aportaciones para la simplificación de las estrategias nacionales, y desarrollar y probar un modelo para la comparación internacional.
La medición, la cuantificación y la elaboración de políticas basada en evidencia son características que están predominando la estrategia en muchos países. Al estandarizar la metodología para la medición nacional, se puede realizar comparaciones internacionales. Así se facilita la identificación de buenas prácticas, las cuales pueden ser usadas para desarrollar estrategias de simplificación.

  • 09 Apr 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 248

We expect governments to protect citizens from the adverse consequences of hazardous events. At the same time it is not possible or necessarily in the best interest of citizens for all risks to be removed. A risk-based approach to the design and implementation of regulation can help to ensure that regulatory approaches are efficient, effective and account for risk/risk tradeoffs across policy objectives. Risk-based approaches to the design of regulation and compliance strategies can improve the welfare of citizens by providing better protection, more efficient government services and reduced costs for business. Across the OECD there is great potential to improve the operation of risk policy as few governments have taken steps to develop a coherent risk governance policy for managing regulation.  

This publication presents recent OECD research and analysis on risk and regulatory policy.  The chapters discuss core challenges today. They offer measures for developing, or improving, coherent risk governance policies. Topics include: challenges in designing regulatory policy frameworks to manage risks; different cultural and legal dimensions of risk regulatory concepts across OECD; analytical models and principles for decision making in uncertain situations; key elements of risk regulation and governance institutions; the use of management-based regulation to help firms make risk-related behavioural changes; an analysis of the risk-based frameworks of regulators in five OECD countries (Australia, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom) and across four sectors: environment, food safety, financial markets and health and safety; and the elements for designing formal guidelines for risk prioritisation, assessment, management and communication.


  • 25 May 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 170

Die Maßnahmen und Vorgehensweisen von Regierung und Verwaltung berühren zahllose Aspekte unseres täglichen Lebens. Die Quantifizierung und Messung staatlichen Handelns kann Politikverantwortlichen Entscheidungshilfen liefern und dazu beitragen, Regierung und Verwaltung den Bürgern gegenüber rechenschaftspflichtig zu machen.

Regierung und Verwaltung auf einen Blick ist eine neue, im zweijährigen Turnus erscheinende Publikation der OECD, die mehr als 30 Indikatoren enthält, die die Regierungs- und Verwaltungsleistung beschreiben. In der Publikation werden die politischen und institutionellen Rahmenstrukturen von Regierung und Verwaltung in den OECD-Ländern verglichen, wobei auch auf Staatseinnahmen und -ausgaben sowie die Beschäftigung im öffentlichen Dienst eingegangen wird. Sie enthält ferner Indikatoren, die die staatlichen Maßnahmen und Vorgehensweisen in den Bereichen Integrität, E-Government und offene Regierung beschreiben, und stellt verschiedene Mischindizes vor, die die wichtigsten Aspekte der öffentlichen Managementpraktiken auf dem Gebiet des Personalmanagements, der Haushaltsplanung und des Regulierungsmanagements zusammenfassen. Zu jeder Abbildung ist ein StatLink angegeben, der den Leser zu einer Internetseite führt, auf der die entsprechenden Daten im Excel-Format verfügbar sind.

Spanish, Italian, French, English
  • 04 May 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 316

Regions and Innovation Policy addresses the needs of national and regional governments for greater clarity on how to strengthen the innovation capacity of regions. The first part of the book examines strategies, policies and governance, explaining why regions matter, what makes smart policy mixes, and multilevel governance.  The second part of the book looks at agencies, instruments and country information, showing how agencis can maximize their impact and what policy instruments work. The final chapter provides country-by-country summaries of what countries are doing.


  • 12 Aug 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 164

The OECD contributes to the improvement of the financial management of major catastrophes both through the activities of the International Network on the Financial Management of Large-Scale Catastrophes and through the leadership of its High-Level Advisory Board. This publication compiles a series of reports reflecting the OECD’s extensive work in this field over recent years. These reports include: 1) a stocktaking of initiatives to promote natural hazard awareness and disaster risk reduction education, resulting in the publication of a policy handbook; 2) a review of and recommendations on catastrophe-linked securities and the role of capital markets in supporting the financial mitigation of large-scale risks, aimed at governments promoting these instruments; 3) a review of current mechanisms used to quantify catastrophe losses within the OECD; and 4) a review of hazard risk mapping efforts in South East Asian countries.

Regulations are indispensable to the proper functioning of economies and societies.  They underpin markets, protect the rights and safety of citizens and ensure the delivery of public goods and services.  At the same time, regulations are rarely costless.  Businesses complain that red tape holds back competitiveness while citizens complain about the time that it takes to fill out government paperwork.  More worrying still, regulations can be inconsistent with the achievement of policy objectives.  They can have unintended consequences and they can become less effective or even redundant over time. The 2008 financial crisis, and the ensuing and ongoing economic downturn are stark reminders of the consequence of regulatory failure.  

Reflecting the importance of getting regulation right, this report encourages governments to “think big” about the relevance of regulatory policy. It assesses the recent efforts of OECD countries to develop and deepen regulatory policy and governance.  It evaluates the comprehensive policy cycle by which regulations are designed, assessed and evaluated, revised, and enforced at all levels of government.  It describes progress developing a range of regulatory management tools including consultation, Regulatory Impact Assessment, and risk and regulation. It also illustrates more nascent effort to promote regulatory governance including creating accountability and oversight of regulatory agencies and creating a “whole of government” approach for regulatory design and enforcement.  The report provides ideas on developing a robust regulatory environment, a key to returning to a stronger, fairer and more sustainable growth path.

  • 15 Feb 2012
  • Hansjörg Blöchliger, Camila Vammalle
  • Pages: 136

This book describes and examines reforms of fiscal federalism and local government in 10 OECD countries implemented over the past decade. The country chapters identify common patterns and factors that are conducive to reforms of the intergovernmental fiscal framework, using a common methodological approach. The summary chapter highlights the cross-cutting issues emerging from the country chapters and shows the key factors in the institutional, political, economic and fiscal areas that are supporting reform success. The report’s approach results in valuable insights for policy makers designing, adopting and implementing fiscal federalism and local government reforms.

  • 19 Apr 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 148

This report compares urbanisation trends in OECD countries on the basis of a newly defined OECD methodology which enables cross-country comparison of the socio-econimic and environmental performance of metropolitan areas in OECD countries. The methodology is presented and results from its application to 27 OECD countries are discussed together with policy implication both on national growth and governance of cities. The report also includes three original papers that present the urbanisation dynamics and prospects in China and South Africa and the governance challenges resulting from the new policy agenda on cities in the United Kingdom.

هذه التوصيات هي أول اداة دولية لمعالجة السياسات التنظيمية والإدارة والحوكة الرشيدة  كنشاط تشارك فيه الحكومة ككل. وهي تحدّد التدابير التي يمكن للحكومات من خلالها تنفيذ أو تعزيز الإصلاح التنظيمي

Korean, Portuguese, English, Slovak, Spanish, All

Esta Recomendação é o primeiro instrumento internacional para tratar a política regulatória, gestão e governo como um todo da actividade governamental. Fornece as medidas pelas quais os governos podem implementar ou fazer progredir a reforma regulatória.

Spanish, Korean, Arabic, English, German, All

This Recommendation is the first international instrument to address regulatory policy, management and governance as a whole-of-government activity. It sets out the measures by which governments can implement or advance regulatory reform.

German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, All

Tieto Odporúčania sú prvým medzinárodným nástrojom pre riešenie regulačnej politiky, riadenia a správy regulácie ako horizontálnej aktivity naprieč vládou. Stanovuje opatrenia, s pomocí ktorých môžu vlády implementovať alebo zlepšovať reformu regulácie.

Korean, Arabic, French, Portuguese, English, All

La Recomendación es el primer instrumento internacional en desarrollar un marco sistémico sobre gestión y gobernanza regulatoria como una política de gobierno completo. Establece mecanismos, y ofrece asesoría sobre el desarrollo de instituciones, por medio de las cuales los gobiernos puedan implementar regulación de calidad.

French, German, Portuguese, Korean, English, All

This Recommendation is the first international instrument to address regulatory policy, management and governance as a whole-of-government activity. It sets out the measures by which governments can implement or advance regulatory reform.

Spanish, French, German, Slovak, Portuguese, All
  • 21 Nov 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 272

This report gives an update on fiscal consolidation strategies across OECD member countries since last year. Chapter 1 describes the scope and composition of country plans, compares them with calculated fiscal need, and provides information on the timing and details. Chapter 2 contains notes on each of the countries which present the current fiscal position and announced fiscal paths, the consolidation plans, and detailed expenditure and revenue measures. Chapter 3 discusses the financial situation and consolidation needs of sub-national governments, and the policies that are being carried out at both levels of government to reach the consolidation objectives.


This study examines the Spanish Information Society strategy plan Avanza 2. Upon request from Spain, focus has been on two selected perspectives corresponding to overall objectives of the Plan Avanza 2: Improving the communication infrastructures and  achieving a paperless administration. The e-government section on a paperless administration is grounded in the two areas of e-taxation and e-justice. Thus the study is not a comprehensive review of Plan Avanza 2 – only of selected parts.

Since 1999, the Asian Roundtable on Corporate Governance has brought together the most active and influential policy makers, practitioners and experts on corporate governance in the region, as well as from OECD countries and relevant international institutions. Participants exchange experiences and push forward the reform agenda on corporate governance while promoting awareness and use of the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance as well as the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises. This Report supports decision-makers and practitioners in their efforts to take corporate governance to a higher level. It reflects the discussions and conclusions of various recent Roundtable. The next phase of the Roundtable will focus on how to change behaviour to achieve better outcomes.

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