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Les Perspectives des politiques de l’éducation ont pour objectif d’aider les décideurs dans leurs choix de réformes dans le domaine de l’éducation. Ce rapport examine le besoin d’amélioration du secteur éducatif selon une approche comparative, en tenant compte de l’importance du contexte national. À travers l’étude de l’expérience de mise en œuvre des réformes éducatives dans différents pays, l’ouvrage propose des orientations et des stratégies visant à faciliter le changement.

Chaque pays ayant un contexte particulier, les défis que posent les réformes ne peuvent être simplement transposés d’un pays ou d’un système à un autre. Néanmoins, les pays font face à de nombreux défis similaires et mettent en œuvre des réformes dans des domaines analogues. L’édition 2015 des Perspectives des politiques de l’éducation présente un examen comparatif des tendances en matière d’action publique et étudie des réformes spécifiques adoptées dans l’ensemble des pays de l’OCDE au cours des sept dernières années, afin d’aider les pays à apprendre les uns des autres et à choisir les réformes les mieux adaptées à leurs besoins et à leur situation.

Les Perspectives des politiques de l’éducation s’adressent autant aux décideurs qu’aux analystes et aux professionnels de l’éducation.

  • 19 janv. 2015
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 316

The Education Policy Outlook is designed to help education policy makers with reform choices. It addresses the need for improvement in education in a comparative manner, while taking into account the importance of national context. Through a review of different countries’ experiences in implementing education reform, the publication offers directions and strategies to facilitate future changes.

Given different national contexts, individual countries’ reform challenges cannot be simply transposed into a different country or system. Nevertheless, countries face many similar challenges and implement reforms in similar areas. The 2015 edition of the Education Policy Outlook provides a comparative review of policy trends. It explores specific reforms adopted across the OECD over the past seven years to help countries learn from one another and choose the reforms best adapted to their needs and context.

The Education Policy Outlook will be of interest to policy makers, analysts and education practitioners alike.

  • 02 févr. 2015
  • José-Luis Álvarez-Galván
  • Pages : 92

Higher level vocational education and training (VET) programmes are facing rapid change and intensifying challenges. This report on Egypt examines what type of training is needed to meet the needs of a changing economy,  how programmes should be funded,  how theyshould be linked to academic and university programmes and how employers and unions can be engaged.  The country reports in this series look at these and other questions. They form part of Skills beyond School, the OECD policy review of postsecondary vocational education and training.

  • 25 févr. 2015
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 144

Höhere berufliche Bildungsgänge sind einem raschen Wandel und sich verschärfenden Herausforderungen ausgesetzt. Welche Form von Ausbildung ist erforderlich, um dem Bedarf sich verändernder Volkswirtschaften gerecht zu werden? Wie sollten die Bildungsgänge finanziert werden? Wie sollten sie mit Hochschulprogrammen verknüpft werden? Und wie können Arbeitgeber und Gewerkschaften eingebunden werden? In diesem Bericht sind die Ergebnisse der Länderprüfberichte zusammengefasst, die für die Publikationsreihe Postsekundäre Berufsbildung erstellt wurden.

Anglais, Coréen, Français, Espagnol

This fascinating compilation of the recent data on gender differences in education presents a wealth of data, analysed from a multitude of angles in a clear and lively way. In particular it looks at underperformance among boys, lack of self confidence among girls and family, school and societal influences before addressing policies to help boys and girls reach their full potential.


Today’s children will need a balanced set of cognitive, social and emotional skills in order to succeed in modern life. Their capacity to achieve goals, work effectively with others and manage emotions will be essential to meet the challenges of the 21st century. While everyone acknowledges the importance of socio-emotional skills such as perseverance, sociability and self-esteem, there is often insufficient awareness of “what works” to enhance these skills. Teachers and parents don’t really know whether their efforts at developing these skills are paying off, and what they could do better. Policies and programmes designed to measure and enhance socio-emotional skills vary considerably within and across countries.

This report presents a synthesis of the OECD’s analytical work on the role of socio-emotional skills and proposes strategies to raise them. It analyses the effects of skills on a variety of measures of individual well-being and social progress, which covers aspects of our lives that are as diverse as education, labour market outcomes, health, family life, civic engagement and life satisfaction. The report discusses how policy makers, schools and families facilitate the development of socio-emotional skills through intervention programmes, teaching and parenting practices. Not only does it identify promising avenues to foster socio-emotional skills, it also shows that these skills can be measured meaningfully within cultural and linguistic boundaries.

Français, Portugais, Espagnol

Successful education systems are those that promote leadership at all levels, thereby encouraging teachers and principals, regardless of the formal positions they occupy, to lead innovation in the classroom, the school and the system as a whole. This report summarises evidence from the OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey and the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment that underpins the three themes of the 2015 International Summit on the Teaching Profession: school leadership, teachers’ self-efficacy and innovation in education. It also offers examples from around the world of how some schools are introducing innovative ways of teaching and learning to better equip students with the skills they need to participate fully in 21st-century global economies.

Slovène, Coréen, Français

L’efficacité d’un système d’éducation tient à sa capacité de promouvoir le leadership à tous les paliers,
encourageant ainsi les enseignants autant que les membres de la direction, peu importe leur poste officiel,
à prendre les rênes de l’innovation dans la classe, dans l’école et dans l’ensemble du système. Ce rapport
résume les éléments de l’Enquête internationale sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage et du Programme
international pour le suivi des acquis des élèves (PISA) de l’OCDE, qui sous-tendent les trois thèmes
du Sommet international sur la profession enseignante de 2015 : la direction des établissements,
le sentiment d’efficacité chez les enseignants et l’innovation en éducation. Il donne par ailleurs en exemple
des méthodes d’enseignement et d’apprentissage novatrices mises en oeuvre par diverses écoles
d’un peu partout dans le monde afin d’aider leurs élèves à acquérir les compétences dont ils ont besoin
pour participer pleinement à l’économie mondialisée du xxie siècle

Slovène, Anglais, Coréen
  • 20 mars 2015
  • OCDE, Eurostat, Institut de statistique de l'UNESCO
  • Pages : 118

The structure of education systems varies widely between countries. In order to produce internationally comparable education statistics and indicators, it is necessary to have a framework to collect and report data on education programmes with a similar level of educational content. UNESCO’s International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) is the reference classification for organising education programmes and related qualifications by education levels and fields. The basic concepts and definitions of ISCED are intended to be internationally valid and comprehensive of the full range of education systems.

ISCED 2011 is the second major revision of this classification (initially developed in the 1970s and first revised in 1997). It was adopted by the UNESCO General Conference in November 2011. Prepared jointly by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), the OECD and Eurostat, this operational manual provides guidelines and explanatory notes for the interpretation of the revised classification, by each education level. It also includes country examples of programmes and qualifications that have been classified to ISCED 2011.

This manual will be useful for national statisticians collecting and reporting data on education to international organisations, as well as for policymakers and researchers interested in better understanding of these data.

  • 25 mars 2015
  • OCDE, Banque asiatique de développement
  • Pages : 332

Having made impressive progress in widening access to basic education, Indonesia must now consolidate these gains and develop an education system that will support better the needs of a rapidly emerging economy in its transition towards high-income status. This report provides guidance on how Indonesia can rise to this challenge. It highlights three main policy directions which, pursued together, would help Indonesia advance on the path towards stronger growth and more inclusive and sustainable development. The first priority is to raise the quality of education and ensure that all learners acquire the skills they need to succeed in life and work. The second goal is to widen participation, requiring a concerted effort to improve access for disadvantaged groups and expand provision beyond the basic level. The final challenge is to increase efficiency, with a more data-driven approach to resource allocation, better tailoring of provision to local needs, and stronger performance management.

  • 01 avr. 2015
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 180

Skills are central to Portugal’s future prosperity and the well-being of its people. The OECD Skills Strategy Diagnostic Report: Portugal identifies 12 skills challenges for Portugal. The first nine challenges refer to specific outcomes across the three pillars of developing, activating and using skills. The next three challenges refer to the “enabling” conditions that strengthen the overall skills system. Success in tackling these skills challenges will boost performance across the whole skills system. All of the challenges identified are strongly interlinked, and their connections with each other are identified throughout the report at the end of each challenge. Failure to look beyond policy silos will have implications for specific groups in Portugal, such as youth, as well as for the economy and society’s ability to recover after the economic crisis and build a solid foundation for future prosperity.

  • 24 avr. 2015
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 132

Les programmes de formation professionnelle supérieure font face à des marchés du travail qui évoluent rapidement et à des défis de plus en plus difficiles à relever. Quel type de formation est nécessaire pour répondre aux besoins d’économies en pleine mutation ? Comment financer les programmes ? Comment les relier aux programmes d’enseignement général et supérieur ? Comment associer les employeurs et les syndicats à ce processus ? C’est à ces questions, et à d’autres, que tentent de répondre les rapports nationaux de la série de l’OCDE Apprendre au-delà de l’école, qui étudie les politiques nationales en matière de formation professionnelle postsecondaire.

Allemand, Anglais, Coréen, Espagnol

De nombreux pays sont parvenus à combler les écarts entre les sexes en termes de résultats d’apprentissage. Pourtant, même lorsque filles et garçons font jeu égal en mathématiques et en sciences, leurs attitudes à l’égard de l’apprentissage et les attentes qu’ils nourrissent pour leur avenir diffèrent fortement – avec l’incidence considérable que ces éléments peuvent avoir sur leur décision de poursuivre ou nous leurs études et sur leurs choix de carrière.

L’égalité des sexes dans l’éducation : Aptitudes, comportement et confiance essaie de comprendre les raisons pour lesquelles, à l’âge de 15 ans, les garçons sont en moyenne plus susceptibles que les filles d’être peu performants dans toutes les matières, et les filles très performantes, de réussir moins bien en mathématiques, en sciences et en résolution de problèmes que les garçons très performants. Comme l’indiquent clairement les données du rapport, les différences de performance scolaire entre les sexes trouvent leur origine dans les attitudes des élèves à l’égard de l’apprentissage et leur comportement à l’école, dans la façon dont ils choisissent d’utiliser leur temps libre, et dans la confiance qu’ils ont – ou non – dans leurs propres capacités en tant qu’apprenants.

  • 13 mai 2015
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 112

While access to schooling has expanded around the world, many countries have not realised the hoped-for improvements in economic and social well-being. Access to education by itself is an incomplete goal for development; many students leave the education system without basic proficiency in literacy and numeracy. As the world coalesces around new sustainable development targets towards 2030, the focus in education is shifting towards access and quality. Using projections based on data from the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and other international student assessments, this report offers a glimpse of the stunning economic and social benefits that all countries, regardless of their national wealth, stand to gain if they ensure that every child not only has access to education but, through that education, acquires at least the baseline level of skills needed to participate fully in society.

Partout dans le monde, les jeunes peinent à entrer sur le marché du travail. Dans certains pays de l’OCDE, un quart des 16-29 ans sont sans emploi et ne suivent ni études ni formation. Les Perspectives de l’OCDE sur les compétences 2015 montrent combien une stratégie d’ensemble est nécessaire pour améliorer l’employabilité des jeunes. Si les politiques éducatives, sociales et du marché du travail tiennent chacune un rôle essentiel à cet égard, la coordination entre secteur public et secteur privé n’en est pas moins déterminante. La présente publication s’appuie sur les résultats de l’Évaluation des compétences des adultes de 2012, objet de la première édition des Perspectives, et contient des exemples de politiques menées avec succès dans différents pays.

  • 27 mai 2015
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 156

Young people around the world are struggling to enter the labour market. In some OECD countries, one in four 16-29 year-olds is neither employed nor in education or training. The OECD Skills Outlook 2015 shows how improving the employability of youth requires a comprehensive approach. While education , social, and labour market policies have key roles to play, co-ordination between public policies and the private sector is also crucial. The publication, which builds on the results of the 2012 Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) presented in the first edition of the Skills Outlook, also presents examples of successful policies in selected countries.

  • 28 mai 2015
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 120

This report analyses the incorporation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in higher education in Latin America, focusing mainly on what is commonly referred to as “e-learning”. Access to and quality of higher education, financial constraints and relevance to the needs of the labour market are all crucial challenges facing the higher education system in the region. The study attempts to understand how ICTs and new learning and teaching practices can help to meet these challenges. The report also provides the results of a questionnaire showing the degree of implementation and the impact of e-learning on a group of higher education institutions in Latin America and includes a set of policy recommendations in this area.

  • 23 juin 2015
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 188

The report provides an in-depth analysis of the results from the Survey of Adult Skills related to problem solving in technology-rich environments, along with measures concerning the use of ICT and problem solving. The Nordic countries and the Netherlands have the largest proportions of adults (around 40%) who score at the higher levels in problem solving, while Ireland, Poland and the Slovak Republic have the smallest proportions of adults (around 20%) who score at those levels. Variations in countries’ proficiency in problem solving using ICT are found to reflect differences in access to the Internet and in the frequency with which adults use e-mail. The report finds that problem-solving proficiency is strongly associated with both age and general cognitive proficiency, even after taking other relevant factors into account. Proficiency in problem solving using ICT is related to greater participation in the labour force, lower unemployment, and higher wages. By contrast, a lack of computer experience has a substantial negative impact on labour market outcomes, even after controlling for other factors. The discussion considers policies that promote ICT access and use, opportunities for developing problem-solving skills in formal education and through lifelong learning, and the importance of problem-solving proficiency in the context of e-government services.

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