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Against the background of a projected doubling of world greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century, this book explores feasible ways to abate them at least cost. Through quantitative analysis, it addresses key climate policy issues including: an ideal set of climate policy tools; the size of the economic and environmental costs of incomplete country or sector coverage of climate change mitigation policies;  how to concretely develop a global carbon market; the case for, and what can we reasonably expect from, R&D and technology support policies; and  the incentives for major emitting countries to join a climate change mitigation agreement.

  • 18 Sept 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 170
The sources of risk in agriculture are numerous and diverse, ranging from events related to climate and weather conditions to animal diseases; from changes in agriculture commodities prices to changes in fertilizer and other input prices; and from financial uncertainties to policy and regulatory risks. Agricultural risks are not independent, but rather are linked both to each other and as part of a system that includes all available instruments, strategies and policies designed to manage risk. A holistic approach is thus necessary.

This book examines the current magnitude and characteristics of risk-related policies in agriculture and what is known about the quantitative size of agricultural risks. It looks at the on-farm, off-farm, and market instruments available to manage risk, and it explains how the holistic approach helps clarify the role of governments.

  • 17 Sept 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 328
Au fur et à mesure que les régimes de pensions privées gagnent en importance, il convient de suivre leur développement et d’examiner leur performance dans un contexte international, surtout depuis la crise des marchés financiers de 2008. Cette première édition des Perspectives de l’OCDE sur les pensions privées présente des données essentielles sur les actifs, les investissements, les membres et la structure de ce secteur, à partir des dernières statistiques officielles. Ce volume offre aussi un cadre d’évaluation des tendances prédominantes des pensions, en comparant les régimes privés et publics. Enfin, ces Perspectives présente des profils par pays détaillés et décrit les accords de pensions privées qui existent entre les pays de l’OCDE. Cette édition contient un dossier spécial sur les conséquences de la crise financière pour les pensions privées. Un lien dynamique (StatLink) dirige le lecteur, pour chaque tableau, vers une page web où les données correspondantes sont disponibles en format Excel®.

Cette publication annuelle Perspectives de l’Emploi de l'OCDE 2009 présente une analyse détaillée des derniers développements et des perspectives des marchés du travail dans les pays membres. L'ouvrage met l'accent sur la crise de l'emploi et analyse les mesures prises par les gouvernements pour aider les travailleurs et les personnes sans emploi. Elle préconise des solutions pour éviter que les taux de chomage actuels perdurent sur le long terme.

Le premier chapitre examine la crise de l’emploi proprement dite en analysant les conséquences pour l’emploi et la politique sociale. Le second chapitre examine comment  l’industrie, les entreprises et les salariés conditionnent l’évolution de l’emploi et les flux de salariés. Le troisième s’interroge sur le cas des pauvres au travail exacerbé par la crise. Enfin, le quatrième chapitre analyse les prestations d’invalidité : les voies d’accès et de sortie – problème croissant dans la plupart des pays de l’OCDE. Comme dans les éditions précédentes, une annexe statistique exhaustive fournit une mise à jour chiffrée.

Spanish, English
  • 16 Sept 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 286
This 2009 edition of the OECD Employment Outlook provides an annual assessment of labour market developments and prospects in member countries. This issue focuses on the jobs crisis in particular and looks at steps taken by governments to help workers and the unemployed. It recommends ways of preventing current high levels of unemployment becoming entrenched.

The first chapter looks at the jobs crisis itself, analysing the implications for employment and social policy. The second chapter looks at how industry, firm, and worker characteristics shape job and worker flows. The third chapter examines the problem of the working poor, now exacerbated by the crisis. And the fourth examines pathways on to and off of disability benefits, a growing problem in most OECD countries. As in previous editions, a comprehensive statistical annex provides the latest data.
Spanish, French
  • 16 Sept 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 365

Governments are major issuers of debt instruments in the global financial market. This volume provides quantitative information on central government debt instruments for the 30 OECD Member countries. Statistics are presented according to a comprehensive standard framework to allow cross-country comparison. Country notes provide information on debt issuance in each country as well as on the institutional and regulatory framework governing debt management policy and selling techniques.

This report explores the educational performance and attitudes of males and females during childhood and adolescence. It opens with a general summary of gender differences measured outside of the PISA assessment programme and then considers the knowledge gained about gender-related issues from PISA 2000, PISA 2003 and PISA 2006 when reading, mathematics and science respectively were the major domains of assessment. Among the key findings: in reading in PISA 2000, females significantly outscored males in all countries; in mathematics in PISA 2003, males outscored females somewhat; in the combined science scale in PISA 2006, there was no overall significant difference observed between males and females. However, when examining the various science competencies, knowledge components and attitudes to science, there were some marked differences.

  • 16 Sept 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 100

The financial crisis required governments to make massive interventions in their financial systems. This book sets out priorities for reforming incentives in financial markets as well as for phasing out these emergency measures.

  • 14 Sept 2009
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 186

Electricity accounts for more than 40 % of global energy-related CO2 emissions. This issue is most pressing for developing countries where growth in power demand is particularly high, fueling the risk of irreversible investment in CO2-intensive capacity, the so-called “carbon lock-in”.

Sectoral Approaches in Electricity – Building Bridges to a Safe Climate shows how the international climate policy framework could effectively support a transition towards low-CO2 electricity systems in developing countries. Sectoral approaches are intended to address sectors that require urgent actions, without waiting for countries to take nation-wide commitments.

Earlier IEA publications have extensively reviewed developed countries’ efforts to steer generation away from carbon-intensive production modes, from dedicated support to low-carbon technologies to, increasingly, the reliance on CO2 pricing via emissions trading. Following the same logic, there are proposals seeking to use the international carbon market to drive changes at sectoral level in developing countries. This publication illustrates the pros and cons of such an approach in a few key emerging economies. It also asks how international climate policy could support and enhance ongoing efforts on end-use energy efficiency - an essential piece of the climate change/electricity puzzle.

  • 14 Sept 2009
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 324

Industry accounts for one-third of global energy use and almost 40% of worldwide CO2 emissions.  Achieving substantial emissions reduction in the future will require urgent action from industry.  What are the likely future trends in energy use and CO2 emissions from industry? What impact could the application of best available technologies have on these trends?  Which new technologies are needed if these sectors are to fully play their role in a more secure and sustainable energy future? 

Energy Technology Transitions for Industry addresses these questions through detailed sectoral and regional analyses, building on the insights of crucial IEA findings, such as Energy Technology Perspectives 2008: Scenarios and Strategies to 2050. It contains new indicators and methodologies as well as scenario results for the following sectors: iron and steel, cement, chemicals, pulp and paper and aluminium sectors. The report discusses the prospects for new low-carbon technologies and outlines potential technology transition paths for the most important industrial sectors.

  • 10 Sept 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 99

L’OCDE en chiffres, est une publication originale en format de poche, simple d’utilisation et pratique. Comme toujours, cette édition contient des données clés sur l’économie mondiale, la société et l’environnement. On y trouve des tableaux comparatifs par pays portant sur tous les thèmes traités par l’Organisation., du produit intérieur brut à la croissance économique, en passant par l’emploi, la recherche, les banques et les finances publiques.

L’OCDE en chiffres est une source indispensable d’informations statistiques. Comme toutes les statistiques de l’OCDE, les chiffres ont été traités et vérifiés par nos experts. Il s’agit donc de données fiables auxquelles tous les décideurs font confiance, qu’il s’agisse d’experts politiques et du monde des affaires, ou de chercheurs. L’OCDE en chiffres est plus que jamais la porte d’accès à l’une des bases de données les plus riches et les plus fiables dans le domaine économique, financier, social et environnemental.

German, Spanish, English
  • 10 Sept 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 99

OECD in Figures is an original, simple to use, pocket data book.  As ever, this 2009 edition contains key data on the OECD-wide economy, society and the environment. There are comparable tables on the entire spectrum of the organisation’s work, from national income and industry through employment and research to banking and public finances. Our customary OECD in Graphs section highlights key challenges such as public debt, joblessness and climate change.

OECD in Figures is a primary statistical source. As with all OECD data, it is compiled and checked by our experts, so that decision-makers in government, research and business know they can rely on it. OECD in Figures is the public gateway to one of the richest and most respected economic, financial, social and environmental databases around.

Spanish, German, French
  • 09 Sept 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 110

High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs) pose significant challenges to tax administrations due to the complexity of their affairs, their revenue contribution, the opportunity for aggressive tax planning, and the impact of their compliance behaviour on the integrity of the tax system.  This publication examines in detail this taxpayer segment, describes their usage of aggressive tax planning schemes and proposes prevention, detection and response strategies that tax administrations can use to respond to these challenges. It also addresses aspects of voluntary disclosure initiatives for past non-compliance that may be particularly pertinent in the current environment.

The publication outlines a number of innovative approaches to enable governments to better manage the risks involved with marketed tax schemes and tailor-made arrangements.  To improve compliance, tax administrations could consider changing the structure of their operations to focus resources effectively, for example, through the creation of a dedicated HNWI unit. Other recommendations include creating the appropriate legal framework, exploring forms of co-operative compliance and engaging more in international co-operation, at both the strategic and operational level.

  • 09 Sept 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 24

This Interim Report updates projections made in the June 2009 issue of OECD Economic Outlook (Number 85). It finds that recovery from the global recession is likely to arrive earlier than had been expected a few months ago but the pace of activity will remain weak well into next year. It suggests that governments will need to continue to stimulate their economies as rising unemployment and weak housing markets continue to dampen private demand.

Ce rapport intermédiaire actualise les projections du numéro 85 de juin 2009 des Perspectives économiques. Il ressort que la fin de la récession mondiale devrait se produire plus tôt que prévu – contrairement aux prévisions d’il y a quelques mois – quoique le rythme de l’activité doive rester lent en 2010. Les gouvernements devront continuer de stimuler leur économie devant l’augmentation du chômage et l’atonie des marchés du logement qui continueront de freiner la demande privée.

The Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability test method (BCOP) is an in vitro test method that can be used to classify substances as 'ocular corrosives and severe irritants'. The BCOP uses isolated corneas from the eyes of cattle slaughtered for commercial purposes, thus avoiding the use of laboratory animals. Each treatment group (test substance, negative/positive controls) consists of a minimum of three eyes where the cornea has been excised and mounted to a holder. Depending on the physical nature and chemical characteristics of the test substance, different methods can be used for its application since the critical factor is ensuring that the test substance adequately covers the epithelial surface. Toxic effects to the cornea are measured as opacity and permeability, which when combined gives an In Vitro Irritancy Score (IVIS) for each treatment group. A substance that induces an IVIS superior or equal to 55.1 is defined as a corrosive or severe irritant.


The Isolated Chicken Eye  (ICE) test method is an in vitro test method that can be used to classify substances as “ocular corrosives and severe irritants”. The ICE method uses eyes collected from chickens obtained from slaughterhouses where they are killed for human consumption, thus eliminating the need for laboratory animals. The eye is enucleated and mounted in an eye holder with the cornea positioned horizontally. The test substance and negative/positive controls are applied to the cornea. Toxic effects to the cornea are measured by a qualitative assessment of opacity, a qualitative assessment of damage to epithelium based on fluorescein retention, a quantitative measurement of increased thickness (swelling), and a qualitative evaluation of macroscopic morphological damage to the surface. The endpoints are evaluated separately to generate an ICE class for each endpoint, which are then combined to generate an Irritancy Classification for each test substance.


La présente Ligne directrice décrit un essai de dépistage in vivo sur des groupes de poissons (composés de mâles sexuellement matures et de femelles reproductrices) exposés à une substance pendant une durée limitée de leur cycle biologique (21 jours). L’essai à court terme de reproduction a été validé chez le tête-de-boule (Pimephales promelas), qui est donc l’espèce de prédilection. L’essai est mené avec trois niveaux de concentration chimique et les contrôles appropriés, y compris un contrôle contenant le solvent si nécessaire. Pour le tête-de-boule, quatre réplicats sont utilisés pour chaque niveau de concentration et contrôle(s).  Pendant toute la durée de l’essai, la fécondité est en outre évaluée quotidiennement sur le plan quantitatif. A l’issue de cette période d’exposition de 21 jours, deux biomarqueurs sont mesurés chez les mâles et les femelles pour servir d’indicateurs des effets de la substance d’essai sur le système endocrinien ; ces biomarqueurs sont la vitellogénine et les caractères sexuels secondaires. Les gonades sont préservées et l’histopathologie gonadique peut être utilisée pour évaluer l’adaptation du système reproducteur des animaux testés et pour confirmer les éléments de preuve apportés par les autres biomarqueurs.

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