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Year Index

  • 25 Jan 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 108

Pensions are a major policy issue in developed and developing countries alike. However, pension reform is challenging and controversial because it involves long-term planning by governments faced with numerous short-term pressures. It often provokes heated ideological debates and, sometimes, street protests.    Countries can learn valuable lessons from others’ pension systems and their experiences of retirement-income reforms. However, national pension systems are very complicated, involving much institutional, technical, and legal detail. Consequently, international comparisons are very difficult to undertake, making it impossible to transfer policy lessons between countries. Hence, this publication aims to fill this gap, with a particular focus on countries in the Asia/Pacific regions

This study combines rigorous analysis with clear, easy-to-understand presentations of empirical results.  It does not advocate any particular kind of pension system or type of reform. The goal is to inform debates on retirement-income systems.

  • 26 Jan 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 98

OECD 2012 Economic Survey of Denmark examines recent economic developments, policies and prospects and looks in particular at consolidating public finances and improving energy and climate change policies.

  • 30 Jan 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 172

In this, the second annual OECD Yearbook, renowned guests from government, business, trade unions and civil society join OECD experts to explore the key questions which confront the world economy in 2012. What has the crisis taught us about the need for a new approach to economic policymaking? What risks do we face and how do we deal with them? Will unemployed youths ever reach their full working potential? How do we give greater economic empowerment to women? Is the middle class on the way out in advanced economies and on the way up in the emerging world? Can better governance prevent future crises? Do green and growth go together? How do we really measure the progress of our societies?

The OECD Yearbook looks at these and other questions. It also presents country snapshots for 40 economies with data and commentary from selected OECD publications. This Yearbook counts as issues 288 and 289 of the OECD Observer.

This publication reviews the telecommunication market in Mexico, examines the current policy and regulatory framework of the sector and puts forward proposals for reform in order to develop competition in the market.


El presente estudio ha sido realizado por la Dirección de Ciencia, Tecnología e Industria de la ocde (dsti) bajo los auspicios del Comité de Políticas de la Información, Informática y Comunicación (Comité iccp) en respuesta a una solicitud del gobierno de México, a instancias de la Comisión Federal de Telecomunicaciones (Cofetel), y a través de la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes (sct), por ser ambas instituciones las encargadas de representar a México en el Comité iccp.

La revisión de la ocde de la política y la regulación de las telecomunicaciones tomó como base las respuestas de las autoridades mexicanas a un cuestionario, así como los resultados de una extensa serie de entrevistas realizadas a los principales actores del sector de las telecomunicaciones durante una misión de investigación efectuada en México. El informe fue objeto de una revisión de pares en el Comité iccp el 27 de octubre de 2011, siendo la revisión encabezada por la doctora Mónica Ariño (Ofcom, Reino Unido) y el señor François Lions (arcep, Francia). Se terminó a principios de noviembre de 2011 y refleja los avances hasta ese momento.

  • 30 Jan 2012
  • Paulo Santiago, Alison Gilmore, Deborah Nusche, Pamela Sammons
  • Pages: 162

This review provides analysis and policy advice to the Czech Republic on how the different assessment and evaluation procedures – student assessment, teacher appraisal, school evaluation and system evaluation – can be embedded within a consistent framework to bring about real gains in performance across the school system. The review focuses on primary and secondary education. The country review reports provide, from an international perspective, an independent analysis of major issues facing the evaluation and assessment framework, current policy initiatives, and possible future approaches.

  • 31 Jan 2012
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 52

The report shows how China, already the world’s largest wind market, could reach 1,000 GW of wind power by the middle of the century, an achievement that would reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1.5 gigatonnes per year, or roughly equivalent to the combined CO2 emissions of Germany, France and Italy in 2009. The China Wind Energy Roadmap is the first national roadmap that has been developed by a country with IEA support, drawing from its global roadmap series.

Cette publication présente le fondement théorique qui sous-tend l’élaboration de la dernière enquête PISA. Ce cadre retravaillé et étendu couvre non seulement l’évaluation des compétences en lecture et en compréhension de textes imprimés, mais aussi une composante innovante qui permet d’évaluer les compétences des élèves en lecture, navigation et compréhension de textes électroniques. Par ailleurs, cette publication fournit également la base d’évaluation des compétences en mathématiques et en sciences. Enfin, elle présente la théorie sur laquelle reposent les questionnaires utilisés pour rassembler des informations de la part des élèves, des établissements scolaires et des parents sur des sujets tels que le contexte familial et les approches des élèves vis-à-vis de l’apprentissage et des environnements scolaires.


This OECD publication provides statistics on international trade in services by partner country for 33 OECD countries plus the European Union (EU27), the Euro area (EA16), and Hong Kong, China as well as definitions and methodological notes. The data concern trade between residents and non-residents of countries and are reported within the framework of the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services.

This book includes summary tables of trade patterns listing the main trading partners for each country and by broad service category. Series are shown in US dollars and cover the period 2005-2009.

  • 02 Feb 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

This publication explores current global security issues, their development in West Africa and their potential impact on regional stability. It takes a close look at issues such as terrorism and trafficking, climate change, and the links between “security and development”. Some of these issues are still the object of heated debate. This book draws attention to the risk of oversimplified analyses and biased perceptions of security risks. It also highlights the need for coordinated policies and dialogue between West Africa, North Africa and OECD countries.

The book presents a major meta-analysis of 'value of a statistical life' (VSL) estimates derived from surveys where people around the world have been asked about their willingness to pay for small reduction in mortality risks. The analysis seeks to explain the differences in the estimates, for example across countries. Differences in incomes and the magintude of the risk reduction people have been asked to value were found to be the factors having the strongest impact on VSL, but a number of other policy-relevant factors are also important. Based on the meta-analysis, and a broad review of the literature, the book also presents clear advice on how VSL values best can be used in assessments of environmental, health and transport policies, such as in cost-benefit analyses. Using explicit VSL estimates to quantify the benefits to society of fatality risk reductions can play an important role in the development of more cost-effective public policies.


С 2000 года рост экономики Республики Казахстан увеличивался в среднем на 8-9% в год, что позволило стране войти в десятку самых быстроразвивающихся государств в мире. Казахстан привлекает больше прямых иностранных инвестиций, чем все остальные страны Центральной Азии вместе взятые. До сих пор высокие экономические показатели страны обеспечивались, главным образом, добывающей промышленностью. В нефтегазовую отрасль уходят три четверти всех иностранных инвестиций, поступающих в страну. Однако благодаря определ èнным конкурентным преимуществам новыми источниками роста могут стать неэнергетические отрасли экономики Казахастана. В 2009 году Казахстан приступил к реализации масштабной программы диверсификации источников прямых иностранных инвестиций. С этой целью правительство обратилось к ОЭСР с просьбой о проведении Обзора отраслевой конкурентоспособности. В настоящем докладе, представляющем первую стадию реализации проекта, содержится оценка и излагается стратегия повышения конкурентоспособности неэнергетических отраслей экономики Казахстана, в том числе агропромышленного комплекса, агрохимии, логистики, сектора деловых услуг и информационных технологий. Несмотря на то что правительство страны успешно провело первый этап реформ, направленных на создание благоприятного делового климата, государству рекомендуется устранить основные политические барьеры, препятствующие развитию рассмотренных отраслей. Так, для улучшения качества продукции и модернизации производства необходимо принять меры по обеспечению доступа к финансированию, привлечению современных предприятий розничной торговли и повышению квалификации персонала. Настоящий обзор был подготовлен в рамках Программы ОЭСР по повышению конкурентоспособности стран Евразии, региональной программы, направленной на содействие экономическому росту и развитию одиннадцати республик бывшего Советсткого Союза, а также Афганистана и Монголии.


Le programme d’examens environnementaux de l'OCDE propose des évaluations indépendantes des progrès accomplis par les pays eu égard à leurs engagements nationaux et internationaux en matière d’environnement, ainsi que des recommandations orientées vers l’action des pouvoirs publics. Ces examens ont pour objectif de promouvoir l’apprentissage entre pairs, d’encourager les pays à rendre compte de leur action aux autres pays et à leur opinion publique, ainsi que d’améliorer les performances environnementales des gouvernements, individuellement et collectivement. Les analyses s’appuient sur un large éventail de données économiques et environnementales.

Cet ouvrage est le deuxième examen effectué par l'OCDE des performances environnementales de la République slovaque. Le précédent examen a été publié en 2002.

English, Slovak
  • 06 Feb 2012
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 160

The Slovak Republic imports virtually all of its natural gas and crude oil from a single supplier, the Russian Federation. Energy security is therefore an overarching concern and priority in the Slovak Republic�fs energy policy agenda. The government is taking steps to diversify supplies and build on lessons learned from the gas supply disruption in 2009. 

Enhancing regional co-operation, particularly in the development of gas and electricity interconnections, is an essential step towards meeting the dual policy objectives of enhancing energy security and market competition. The Slovak Republic has moved forward with coupling its electricity market with the Czech Republic's, and supports the construction of a North-South pipeline connection that would link planned LNG terminals in Croatia and Poland, including an interconnector to Hungary. 

Despite a sharp decline in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions since 1990, the Slovak Republic remains a GHG-intensive economy by OECD standards, with energy-related CO2 emissions accounting for over 70% of total GHG emissions. The country must continue to implement policies that ease the transition to a low-carbon economy. Nuclear power and renewable energy can play crucial roles in the Slovak Republic�fs efforts to decarbonise its electricity production. Significant efforts can also be made to improve energy efficiency, especially in the transport and building sectors. District heating is a notable area with huge potential for reducing national GHG emissions. 

This review analyses the energy-policy challenges currently facing the Slovak Republic, and provides sectoral studies and recommendations for further policy improvements. It is intended to help guide the country towards a more secure and sustainable energy future.

  • 07 Feb 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 118

OECD's 2012 Economic Survey of Finland examines recent economic developments, policies and prospects; examines what could be done to restart economic growth  and includes a more detailed analysis of health care in Finland.


Cette publication rassemble les statistiques sur les échanges internationaux présentés par pays partenaires pour 33 pays de l’OCDE, l’Union européenne (UE27), la Zone euro (EA16), et Hong-Kong, Chine, ainsi que des liens vers des définitions et des notes méthodologiques. Les données se réfèrent aux échanges entre résidents et non-résidents et sont présentées selon les recommandations du Manuel des statistiques du commerce international des services.

Ce volume inclut des tableaux récapitulatifs par pays partenaires et par principales catégories de services. Les séries sont exprimées en dollars des États-Unis et couvrent la période 2005-2009.

Cette publication est également disponible sous forme de base de données en ligne via www.oecd-ilibrary.org sous le titre Statistiques de l'OCDE sur les échanges internationaux de services(http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/tis-data-fr).


Across OECD countries, almost one in every five students does not reach a basic minimum level of skills. In addition, students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds are twice as likely to be low performers. Lack of fairness and inclusion can lead to school failure and this means that one in every five young adults on average drop out before completing upper secondary education.

Reducing school failure pays off for both society and individuals. The highest performing education systems across OECD countries combine quality with equity. This report presents policy recommendations for education systems to help all children succeed in their schooling.


This conference proceedings from the OECD Conference on Agricultural Knowledge Systems (AKS), held in Paris, on 15-17 June 2011, discusses a large range of experiences and approaches to AKS  explores how to foster development and adoption of innovation to meet global food security and climate change challenges. The conference considered developments in institutional frameworks, public and private roles and partnerships, regulatory frameworks conducive to innovation, the adoption of innovations and technology transfers, and the responsiveness of AKS to broader policy objectives.

  • 14 Feb 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 118

OECD's 2012 Economic Survey of Germany examines recent economic developments, policies and prospsects as well as a more detailed look at labour market reforms and climate change policies.

German, French
  • 14 Feb 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

Der OECD-Wirtschaftsbericht Deutschland 2012 untersucht die jüngsten wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen, Maßnahmen und Aussichten und wirft einen genaueren Blick auf die Arbeitsmarktreformen.

French, English
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