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Being able to swim empowers individuals to make choices, have agency, and be free to choose core aspects of their life, such as working safely on or near water. It is also associated with lifelong health benefits and reduces the risk of drowning. Using data from the Lloyd’s Register Foundation World Risk Poll 2019, this paper provides the first global estimates of adults’ ability to swim without assistance. Individuals in high-income countries are considerably more likely to report being able to swim without assistance than individuals in low-income countries. Disparities also exist within countries. In particular, women are less likely to be able to swim without assistance than men in virtually all countries, birth cohorts, and levels of education. Investing in reducing inequalities in life skills, such as swimming, can foster economic development and empowerment, especially in light of threats, such as climate change.

This paper focuses on Swiss GDP revisions and the uncertainty they generate from the point of view of monetary policy. After a description of the revisions features, we use GDP vintages to compute real-time output gaps using a production function approach. Then, with a nominal feedback rule, we assess the impact of GDP – and hence output gap – on revisions monetary policy. The main results are threefold. First, Swiss GDP revisions – similarly to those of other small economies – are large, and estimates converge slowly to their final value. Second, GDP mismeasurements clearly exacerbate the difficulty in estimating output gaps. Third, the impact of revisions on monetary policy varies over time. Via its effect on output gaps, ceteris paribus, the inaccuracy of GDP estimates risks introducing a procyclical bias in monetary policy decisions.

This paper examines the synergistic relationships between trade in environmental services and trade in environmental goods. It forms part of a series of OECD studies that analyse various issues related to Paragraph 31(iii) of the World Trade Organization’s 2001 Doha Development Agenda, which mandates negotiations at the WTO on “the reduction or, as appropriate, elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers to environmental goods and services.” For the purpose of this study, environmental services are defined as wastewater management services, solid-waste management services, sanitation and similar services and other environmental services. Services related to the collection, purification and distribution of water are also discussed in the paper. After describing the nature of each environmental service, the paper identifies broad categories of goods used in the performance of those services, and notes that for some goods environmental services are what is driving growth in their markets. The analysis then draws on case studies of actual business-to-business exports of environmental services, mainly from OECD countries to developing countries, to form general insights into the kinds of environmental goods used by service providers, and how these goods are procured. The case studies provide qualitative evidence that many of the goods included on either the APEC or the OECD lists of environmental goods are used in the performance of environmental services. These include, in particular, items for holding, conveying, treating and filtering liquids, and instruments for monitoring and measuring. Many of these goods are procured from local suppliers, if not initially then over time as local demand for the associated services develops. The benefits to the businesses that engage environmental-service providers are many, allowing them to concentrate on their core activities, and to shift some of the liability of meeting environmental regulations to other companies. Local employment is also generated. The general implication of this study for developing economies is that the potential benefits to simultaneously liberalising trade in environmental services and in environmental goods are likely to be much greater than liberalising trade in only one or the other.

This report develops quantitative and qualitative frameworks to test the possibility of systematically assessing a range of policies and their intended and unintended effects. The analysis spans the three policy objectives of enhanced productivity, climate change mitigation, and climate change adaptation. The preliminary findings and lessons learned are drawn from two applications of a qualitative framework (France and the Netherlands), where information was gathered through a wide-ranging questionnaire, and from two applications of a quantitative modelling framework which was tested using data from Finland and from selected sites in one region of the United States.

The world's raw materials consumption is expected to nearly double by 2060. This is particularly alarming because materials extraction, processing, use and waste management lead to significant environmental pressures. A circular economy aims to transform the current linear economy into a circular model to reduce the consumption of finite material resources by recovering materials from waste streams for recycling or reuse, using products longer, and exploiting the potential of the sharing and services economy.

This paper underlines the synergies policy makers can create between different resource-efficient and circular economy transition objectives when designing policy packages. It also highlights potential trade-offs that may arise in their implementation. The paper shows that the existing OECD policy analysis provides a toolkit for governments to take more ambitious actions toward a resource-efficient, circular economy. In addition, OECD modelling studies project that the transition can bring significant environmental gains while preserving economic growth and social objectives.

Improved integration of cycling and transit has the potential to overcome the fundamental limitations of each mode by combining their opposite strengths of flexibility and action radius. The benefits of such integration potentially extend beyond user benefits and the trip level. We present seven conceptual mechanisms that lead to synergies, understood as benefits not attributable to cycling or transit in isolation, but to their integration only. As an illustration, we analyse and allocate such synergies by a case study of the Dutch cycling-transit system. Where the practical absence of cycling has limited such potential in many locations elsewhere, the recent resurgence in cycling practice and culture, especially in urban agglomerations, enables new opportunities for improved cycling-transit integration. Urban agglomerations are also the locations where land-use and mobility related issues seem particularly pressing and where we claim cycling-transit synergies are strongest. The article concludes with a discussion of implication and application.

The design of intergovernmental fiscal relations can help to ensure that tax and spending powers are assigned in a way to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth. Decentralisation can enable sub-central governments to provide better public services for households and firms, while it can also make intergovernmental frameworks more complex, harming equity. The challenges of fiscal federalism are multi-faceted and involve difficult trade-offs. This synthesis paper consolidates much of the OECD’s work on fiscal federalism over the past 15 years, with a particular focus on OECD Economic Surveys. The paper identifies a range of good practices on the design of country policies and institutions related strengthening fiscal capacity delineating responsibilities across evels of government and improving intergovernmental co-ordination.

“System accreditation” is a new approach developed for German universities to conduct the mandatory accreditation of all their study programmes. A pilot project at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz is playing an important role in paving the way for this alternative to prevailing programme accreditation. This article describes how system accreditation, an innovative approach towards organisational adaption to national regulations, was conceived and how it functions. Based on the experience of Johannes Gutenberg University, the article explores the potential of system accreditation to improve quality assurance and the development of study programmes. System accreditation faces three global challenges: that of creating an integrated approach, establishing a solid evidence base and fostering the effectiveness of evaluation efforts.

Safety governance refers to the approaches taken to minimise the risk for patient harm across an entity or system. It typically comprises steering and rule-making functions such as policies, regulations and standards. To date, governance has focused on the clinical level and the hospital setting, with limited oversight and control over safety in other parts of the health system. All 25 countries that responded to a 2019 OECD Survey of Patient Safety Governance have enacted legislation that aims to promote patient safety. These practices include external accreditation and inspections of safety processes and outcomes. Safety governance models are also moving away from punishment and shaming towards increased trust and openness. Learning from success as well as failures represents a paradigm shift in safety governance, an approach that has been increasingly adopted in OECD countries.

Systemic financial crises are a recurrent phenomenon, and despite regulatory efforts they are likely to occur again. This report compares the ex ante funding of deposit insurance schemes in a selection of countries, highlighting the “funding gap” left by these arrangements in the recent systemic financial crisis. To fill that gap, different approaches have been adopted across countries in the recent crisis. Where support for the financial sector was provided as part of policy response to the crisis, new taxes have been adopted to generate revenues ex post, although the specific approaches have differed. While there is no single solution in this regard, this report finds that ex ante funded systemic crisis resolution funds, together with strengthened failure resolution powers, are in principle adequate to help fill the gap. JEL Classification: E44, G01, G21, G28, E61, H21. Keywords: systemic financial crisis, systemic crisis resolution fund, deposit insurance, financial activities taxes, ex ante versus ex post funding.

Over the last several years the author conducted 126 interviews and held four focus groups with academic staff, administrators and others associated with Australian universities, about the problems and challenges they believed faced the system of tertiary education. Widespread concern and pessimism pervaded the interviews about the future of tertiary education in Australia. Approximately three quarters of the interviewees said that the system was worse, or certainly no better, today than a decade ago; a similar number held out little hope that the system would improve, if not deteriorate further, in a decade. In this article the author outlines what he sees as systemic barriers to change and then offers suggestions for ...

Bank regulation might have contributed to or even reinforced adverse systemic shocks that materialised during the financial crisis. Capital regulation based on risk-weighted assets encourages innovation designed to circumvent regulatory requirements and shifts banks’ focus away from their core economic functions. Tighter capital requirements based on risk-weighted assets may further contribute to these skewed incentives. The estimated macroeconomic costs of redirecting banks’ attention away from such unconventional business practices are low. During a medium-term adjustment period, for each percentage point of bank equity, regulation that is not based on risk-weighted assets would affect annual GDP growth by -0.02 percentage point more than under the risk-weighted assets framework. Refocusing banks’ attention toward their main economic functions is a core requirement for durable financial stability and sustainable economic growth.

To poročilo vsebuje poglobljeno analizo ekosistema politik za socialno podjetništvo in socialna podjetja v Sloveniji. V njem so opredeljene prednosti in izzivi Slovenije ter podana priporočila za podporo razvoju močnejšega ekosistema politik. Po pregledu družbeno-gospodarskega in političnega ozadja (1. poglavje) poročilo opiše temeljni okvir za socialna podjetja in socialno ekonomijo (2. poglavje) ter analizira institucionalne in pravne okvire za socialna podjetja (3. poglavje), dostop do financiranja za socialna podjetja (4. poglavje) ter dostop do trga v javnem in zasebnem sektorju (5. poglavje), skupaj z merjenjem in poročanjem o družbenih učinkih za razvoj socialnih podjetij (6. poglavje).

  • 07 Dec 2021
  • Katherine Baldwin, Francesca Casalini
  • Pages: 42

Episodi di siccità sempre più frequenti e gravi minacciano il settore agricolo italiano. Si prevede che il cambiamento climatico accelererà questa tendenza, pertanto il settore deve sviluppare una resilienza nel lungo periodo. A questo fine, saranno necessarie una pianificazione e una preparazione migliore per assorbire l’impatto degli episodi di siccità e per la successiva ripresa, nonché una maggior efficacia in termini di adattamento e trasformazione a fronte di tali eventi. I recenti sviluppi positivi nel paese includono una migliore raccolta dei dati sull’approvvigionamento idrico e sui danni e le perdite subiti dall’agricoltura a causa di rischi naturali, i quali consentono maggiore consapevolezza nella gestione delle risorse idriche e nelle decisioni di investimento; un maggiore impegno verso politiche di prevenzione per la gestione dei rischi; e approcci più partecipativi alla gestione delle risorse idriche. Tuttavia il portafoglio delle politiche agricole al momento sottovaluta gli investimenti per la preparazione ad affrontare le emergenze e per l’adattamento a livello di azienda agricola, prediligendo strumenti che sono mirati ad assorbire gli impatti, come gli strumenti assicurativi. Ulteriori sforzi per sviluppare la resilienza del settore agricolo potrebbero trarre vantaggio da una strategia olistica di gestione dei rischi settoriali nel lungo periodo; una valutazione del bilanciamento tra le spese relative agli strumenti per l’assorbimento degli impatti, e gli investimenti per la misure volte a alla preparazione per la gestione delle catastrofi naturali e alla mitigazione degli impatti; e una considerazione più esplicita della demografia e delle capacità degli agricoltori nell’elaborazione delle politiche.


En esta nota se analizan los principales aspectos sobre política de seguridad digital que han surgido durante la crisis de COVID-19, con base en las contribuciones que las delegaciones participantes en el Grupo de Trabajo de la OCDE sobre Seguridad en la Economía Digital (SDE, por sus siglas en inglés) hicieron al iniciarse el pico de la crisis. Esta nota contiene lecciones para organizaciones y formuladores de política pública que muestran claramente la urgente necesidad de: 1) emprender un trabajo continuo por parte de las organizaciones públicas y privadas para gestionar el riesgo de seguridad digital durante las crisis al poner en marcha procesos flexibles y ágiles; 2) emprender iniciativas importantes para fortalecer la seguridad digital en el sector de la salud y para las empresas pequeñas, y 3) alimentar de manera constante un ecosistema de seguridad digital de múltiples actores, para propiciar el intercambio de información en circunstancias excepcionales.

  • 07 Sept 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 57

I settori culturali e creativi sono importanti per il loro impatto su economia e occupazione. Esse stimolano inoltre l'innovazione in tutta la sfera economica e contribuiscono a numerosi altri canali per un impatto sociale positivo (benessere e salute, istruzione, inclusione, rigenerazione urbana, ecc.). Rappresentano settori tra i più colpiti dalla pandemia, con la maggior parte dei posti di lavoro a rischio concentrati nelle grandi città. Le dinamiche variano da un sotto-settore all'altro, con le attività legate ad eventi e luoghi fisici (venue-based) e le relative catene di approvvigionamento che risultano tra le più colpite. Le politiche di sostegno alle imprese e ai lavoratori adottate durante la pandemia possono non essere adeguate ai modelli imprenditoriali e occupazionali non tradizionali che caratterizzano il settore. Oltre al sostegno a breve termine per artisti e imprese, che proviene sia dal settore pubblico sia da quello privato, le politiche possono anche valorizzare la cultura all’interno degli interventi per la ripresa e degli sforzi per trasformare le economie locali.

Spanish, English

Las consecuencias de la pandemia de coronavirus (COVID-19) para el mercado laboral serán probablemente graves. Muchas empresas están luchando por mantenerse a flote durante las medidas de confinamiento, a menudo estrictas, y un gran número de trabajadores ya han estado involucrados en diversos programas de empleo de corta duración o han sido despedidos. Los servicios de empleo públicos y privados (PES, por sus siglas en inglés) desempeñarán un papel crucial para impedir que el mercado laboral colapse durante la crisis y promover una rápida recuperación una vez que comiencen a levantarse las medidas de confinamiento. Estos servicios tendrán que prestar un apoyo cada vez más virtual (es decir, no presencial) a una afluencia sin precedentes de solicitantes de empleo. Esto incluirá garantizar que las prestaciones se paguen sin demora, proporcionar información y alentar a los solicitantes de empleo a mantenerse activos incluso si hay menos vacantes. A corto plazo, el impacto económico de la pandemia está desplazando la demanda de mano de obra entre sectores y regiones y queda por ver si esto conducirá a una reasignación más permanente de la mano de obra. Por lo tanto, los PES en cada país no sólo se enfrentarán a un aumento en el número de solicitantes de empleo, sino también a la necesidad de reasignar potencialmente muchos de ellos entre ocupaciones, sectores y regiones. Esto requiere proporcionarles buena información sobre el mercado de trabajo y apoyo para el desarrollo de competencias. Para cumplir con estas tareas particularmente difíciles, los PES deben ser ágiles y adaptarse rápidamente a la nueva situación. Esta nota proporciona orientación sobre cómo se puede hacer esto.


Esta nota examina como os governos da OCDE estão gerenciando os servidores públicos em resposta à pandemia de coronavírus (COVID-19). O documento resume os princípios subjacentes às medidas mais comuns adotadas na OCDE como um todo e identifica oportunidades nascentes para gerir e promover mudanças. O conteúdo deste informe foi desenvolvido por meio de uma Sessão Especial do Grupo de Trabalho sobre Emprego e Gestão Pública, realizada em 15 de abril de 2020.

English, French

La pandemia de coronavirus (COVID-19) pone de relieve la necesidad de desarrollar una estrategia global e integrada para proteger la salud humana. El mejoramiento de la salud ambiental a través de una buena calidad del aire, del agua, de los servicios de saneamiento y de la gestión de los residuos, junto con la protección de la biodiversidad, reducirá el grado de vulnerabilidad de las comunidades en caso de pandemia y, en consecuencia, aumentará el bienestar general de la sociedad, al tiempo que reforzará nuestra resiliencia frente a futuras pandemias.

Portuguese, English, French, Japanese

A pandemia do coronavírus (COVID-19) destaca a necessidade por uma abordagem mais compreensiva e integrada para a saúde humana. Fortalecer a saúde ambiental por meio de melhor qualidade do ar, disponibilidade de água, saneamento e gestão de resíduos, unido aesforços de resguardar a biodiversidade, irá reduzir a vulnerabilidade das comunidades a pandemias e, portanto, melhorar o bem estar geral e a resiliência das sociedades. A exposição a poluição aumenta o risco de doenças cardiovasculares, respiratórias e relacionadas ao desenvolvimento, assim como o risco de morte prematura, tornando os indivíduos mais vulneráveis à COVID-19. Acesso à água de qualidade e a proteção da biodiversidade são chaves para combater a propagação de pandemias, enquanto uma gestão deresíduos eficaz é essencial para minimizar os impactos secundários na saúde e no meio ambiente.

Spanish, Japanese, English, French
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