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  • 01 Aug 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 118

Stimulating innovation is key for achieving sustainable economic growth. Recently, however, prevailing practices and institutions of innovation governance have come under pressure. This publication examines the sources of these pressures, and provides lessons on how governments can adapt their governance practices to achieve better coherence and co-ordination of policies to promote innovation. The changes under way point to the emergence of a "third generation" of innovation policy: a broadly based, strategic policy area, crossing traditional ministerial boundaries.

  • 15 Jul 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 300

This book presents the outcomes of a review of legal and institutional frameworks for fighting corruption in Georgia, which was carried out in the framework of the Anti-Corruption Network for Transition Economies based at the OECD. The review examined national anti-corruption policy and institutions currently in place in Georgia, national anti-corruption legislation, and preventive measures to ensure the integrity of civil service and effective financial control.  This publication contains the recommendations as well as the full text of the self-assessment report provided by the government of Georgia.

  • 15 Jul 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 152

This book presents the outcomes of a review of legal and institutional frameworks for fighting corruption in Armenia, which was carried out in the framework of the Anti-Corruption Network for Transition Economies based at the OECD. The review examined national anti-corruption policy and institutions currently in place in Armenia, national anti-corruption legislation, and preventive measures to ensure the integrity of civil service and effective financial control. This publication contains the recommendations as well as the full text of the self-assessment report provided by the government of Armenia.


  • 15 Jul 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 172

This book presents the outcomes of a review of legal and institutional frameworks for fighting corruption in Azerbaijan, which was carried out in the framework of the Anti-Corruption Network for Transition Economies based at the OECD. The review examined national anti-corruption policy and institutions currently in place in Azerbaijan, national anti-corruption legislation, and preventive measures to ensure the integrity of civil service and effective financial control. This publication contains the recommendations as well as the full text of the self-assessment report provided by the government of Azerbaijan.

  • 12 Jul 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 184

This book presents the outcomes of a review of legal and institutional frameworks for fighting corruption in Ukraine, which was carried out in the framework of the Anti-Corruption Network for Transition Economies based at the OECD. The review examined national anti-corruption policy and institutions currently in place in Ukraine, national anti-corruption legislation, and preventive measures to ensure the integrity of civil service and effective financial control.  This publication contains the recommendations as well as the full text of the self-assessment report provided by the government of Ukraine.

  • 12 Jul 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 172

This book presents the outcomes of a review of legal and institutional frameworks for fighting corruption in Tajikistan, which was carried out in the framework of the Anti-Corruption Network for Transition Economies based at the OECD. The review examined national anti-corruption policy and institutions currently in place in Tajikistan, national anti-corruption legislation, and preventive measures to ensure the integrity of civil service and effective financial control.   This publication contains the recommendations as well as the full text of the self-assessment report provided by the government of Tajikistan.


This book presents the outcomes of a review of legal and institutional frameworks for fighting corruption in the Kyrgyz Republic, which was carried out in the framework of the Anti-Corruption Network for Transition Economies based at the OECD. The review examined national anti-corruption policy and institutions currently in place in the Kyrgyz Republic, national anti-corruption legislation, and preventive measures to ensure the integrity of civil service and effective financial control. This publication contains the recommendations as well as the full text of the self-assessment report provided by the government of the Kyrgyz Republic.

  • 06 Jul 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 424

These proceedings, based on a conference held in November 2004 at OECD in Paris, present leading academic analysis as well as government and private sector information and experience-sharing on how governments and the financial and insurance sectors can deal with losses caused by terrorism, atmosperic perils, and other large-scale risks.

  • 05 Jul 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 291

This book presents OECD policy conclusions and leading academic analysis on the financial management of terrorism risk nearly four years after the World Trade Centre attacks. It examines how the insurance market reacted after the 9/11 attacks, financial market solutions for terrorism risk, and possible roles for governments in the coverage of terrorism risk. It includes a table comparing terrorism insurance schemes in various OECD countries as well as an analysis of terrorism coverage in South Africa, Israel, and India.

  • 17 Jun 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 142

In recent years, the main focus of territorial policy has been on sustaining growth, not only to address relative decline, but also to make regions more competitive. Putting this in practice is complicated because different regions have different characteristics (urban, intermediate, industrial, rural, etc.), which imply specific policy and investment needs. This report assesses the strategies pursued by OECD member governments to address the competitiveness of regional economies and the accompanying governance mechanisms on which the implementation of these strategies rests. The report is principally based on findings from the series of reviews undertaken by the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee at national and regional levels.

  • 31 May 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 173

Low growth, population ageing and depopulation, and new trade relationships with the East Asia region have made it increasingly necessary for Japan to reform its economic and institutional systems.   A key element of this reform concerns Japan's policies for regional development.

This report reviews progress with different aspects of this reform, such as reform of territorial planning, regional economic policy, urban policy, rural development and administrative and fiscal decentralisation.  It highlights the challenge facing the Japanese government as it combines new approaches to policy-making at the central level with mechanisms that assign a greater voice to regional and local actors.

  • 31 May 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 144

This publication continues efforts by the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) to develop tools and instruments for conflict prevention and for improving security and stability in the long term.  The guidance underlines the positive role that the integrated reform of a country’s security system can play in stabilising fragile, conflict-prone or conflict affected states.  This includes not only the armed forces, police and gendarmerie, intelligence services and justice and penal systems, but also the civil authorities responsible for oversight and democratic control.

Part I contains a policy statement and paper endorsed in 2004 by development ministers and agency heads of the DAC and by the OECD council. It sets out the key concepts of security system reform (SSR) and suggests ways to support it in developing countries, taking into account regional dynamics. In Part II, a lead consultant examines the origins of the SSR agenda and the challenges that donors face in promoting it in partner countries.  The Annex to the publication contains work by an expert working in each of the four regions: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, and South-east Europe, the Baltics and the CIS.  It sets out their assessment of the changes that are taking place in the way that developing countries in these regions think about security and provides an account and analysis of individual reform activities currently being undertaken.

Ce livre met en lumière les leçons à tirer de l’utilisation des TIC à des fins d’information, de consultation et de participation citoyenne à l’élaboration des politiques publiques. Douze pays sont étudiés : Allemagne, Australie, Canada, Finlande, Italie, Mexique, Nouvelle-Zélande, Pays-Bas, République slovaque, République tchèque, Royaume-Uni, Suède ainsi que la Commission européenne. Il ne traite pas de l’offre de services en ligne ni des applications des TIC aux élections (par exemple le vote électronique), encore que certaines des questions commentées ici, comme la fourniture d’informations en ligne, puissent concerner ces deux points. Enfin, ce livre propose 10 principes directeurs pour assurer la réussite d’une consultation en ligne et recense les cinq défis majeurs de la participation citoyenne en ligne aux décisions publiques.

Croatian, English
  • 20 May 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 217

This report presents an overview of performance-related pay policies (PRP) for government employees in selected OECD member countries over the past two decades.  Both the strengths and the weaknesses of PRP policies are assessed.  The report explores the various paths of reform in each country, investigating the reasons why PRP policies are being implemented and how the policies operate concretely.  The outcomes of PRP policies at the individual and team levels are evaluated, and recommendations are made on what should be done or avoided with the implementation of PRP. The report includes a number of case studies.

  • 28 Apr 2005
  • OECD, The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre at the University of South Australia
  • Pages: 285

This report, published by the OECD's International Futures Programme in co-operation with the Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre in Australia, aims to stimulate informed debate about the main integration issues facing the Asia-Pacific region in the decades ahead.  It examines such issues as how the region compares to other regions of the world in terms of economic and political integration; regional co-operation on trade, investment and environment; and security and transportation concerns.  The book concludes with Mike Moore's "Reflections on Asia Pacific Integration".

Le Royaume-Uni présente un contraste stimulant de tradition et de modernité, qui se traduit par un système de réglementation mûr et novateur. L’éventail des réformes opérées est impressionnant. Les réformes permanentes du système de gestion de la réglementation, de la politique et du droit de la concurrence, ainsi que des régimes réglementaires des principaux secteurs économiques constituent une base solide pour produire une réglementation de grande qualité qui contribue à stimuler encore les performances économiques. Le Royaume-Uni est un des premiers pays à avoir libéralisé ses entreprises de services publics et à avoir défini de nouvelles approches réglementaires pour résoudre les problèmes complexes que pose la gestion des industries de réseau. Il a également été parmi les premiers pays à instaurer un système d’analyse d’impact de la réglementation qui, parallèlement à la politique et au droit de la concurrence, fait l’objet depuis lors d’aménagements constants. Le Royaume-Uni a la réputation de disposer d’un cadre réglementaire qui est l’un des plus favorables au monde à l’ouverture des marchés et à la concurrence à l’échelle planétaire. Le Royaume-Uni est à présent confronté à des défis caractéristiques d’un régime réglementaire en pleine maturité qui se trouve à la pointe des évolutions. La complexité et la diversité - des objectifs de la réglementation, de l’architecture institutionnelle et des procédures - sont des questions essentielles qui doivent être suivies de manière continue. C’est en poursuivant ces efforts et en continuant à relever les défis que pose la réglementation et à remédier aux insuffisances que le Royaume-Uni parviendra à se maintenir au premier rang dans la gouvernance de la régulation.

Le Royaume-Uni est l’un des nombreux pays de l’OCDE a avoir demandé à l’Organisation d’examiner ses pratiques réglementaires et ses réformes. Tout en décrivant le contexte macro-économique, cet ouvrage présente un panorama des résultats et des enjeux de la réforme de la réglementation dans des domaines comme la qualité du secteur public, la politique de la concurrence et l’ouverture des marchés. Il évalue aussi les progrès réalisés dans les secteurs du gaz, de l’électricité et des télécommunications.

Dans la même série :
La réforme de la réglementation au Canada
La réforme de la réglementation en Corée
La réforme de la réglementation au Danemark
La réforme de la réglementation en Espagne
La réforme de la réglementation aux États-Unis
La réforme de la réglementation en Grèce
La réforme de la réglementation en Hongrie
La réforme de la réglementation en Irlande
La réforme de la réglementation en Italie
La réforme de la réglementation au Japon
La réforme de la réglementation au Mexique
La réforme de la réglementation aux Pays-Bas
La réforme de la réglementation en Pologne
La réforme de la réglementation en République tchèque
La réforme de la réglementation en Turquie

Ces examens s’inscrivent dans la continuité du Rapport de l’OCDE sur la réforme de la réglementation - Synthèse, et du document d’appui en deux volumes : Rapport de l’OCDE sur la réforme de la réglementation - Études sectorielles - Études thématiques, qui ont été publiés en 1997.


Première publication d’une série d’examens nationaux consacrés à l’administration électronique, ce rapport suit une méthode d’analyse commune élaborée dans le cadre du projet de l’OCDE sur l’administration électronique. Il s’agit d’aider les pays à évaluer leur politique en la matière, d’assurer la comparabilité des résultats nationaux et de constituer une banque de données empiriques à l’appui des bonnes pratiques d’administration électronique.



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