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Title Index

Year Index

  • 14 Jul 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 116

Navigating beyond COVID-19: Recovery in the MENA Region reflects on the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on MENA countries and the potential changes it may bring to their reform agendas. It addresses not only the ongoing effects of the crisis, but also examines long-term consequences and identifies emerging new trends. The analysis was completed shortly before the start of Russia’s large-scale aggression against Ukraine, when signs that recovery was already faltering were observed across the world economy. Since then, global growth prospects have been further affected by the war. Still, the policy recommendations to build long-term resilience in MENA countries have not changed. On the contrary, they are all the more pertinent, as many of the challenges ahead come from structural factors. However, realistic strategies will depend on fiscal affordability.

French, Arabic
  • 05 Mar 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 304

This report provides a synthetic view of national risk assessments (NRAs) in twenty OECD Member countries. NRA are used to support risk management decisions in a rapidly changing global risk landscape characterized by increasingly complex, interconnected societies and highly mobile people, information and goods. The report highlights good governance practices in establishing NRAs and how the results are used to inform public policy. It identifies challenges that OECD Member countries continue to confront in their efforts to implement NRA, and makes concrete recommendations where improvements could still be made.

  • 15 May 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

Cities are crucial for national economic, social and environmental performance. A national urban policy (NUP) has been recognised by the international community as an important instrument for harnessing urbanisation to achieve national and global goals. This report, prepared for the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III), provides an assessment of the state and scope of NUPs across 35 OECD countries. It also describes how urban policy, and its place in national political agendas, is evolving.

This publication has been prepared for the Habitat III conference and builds on existing United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat) methodology. It is inspired by the joint work of UN-Habitat and the OECD following their co-leadership of Policy Unit 3 on National Urban Policies during the preparations for the New Urban Agenda. The findings of this report will contribute to the global monitoring process of National Urban Policy, as will the Global Report on National Urban Policy, jointly produced by UN Habitat and the OECD.


National schools of government operate in a context of rapidly changing needs and expectations for governments, citizens and civil servants. Drawing on a 2014 survey, the report reviews how schools of government are adapting to address countries’ most pressing political and economic challenges. It analyses best practices, and includes recommendations on designing and implementing whole-of-government and organisation-specific civil service learning and development strategies. The report suggests ways to align learning programmes with the priorities of national governments, to enhance innovative techniques in the delivery and content of learning, and to ensure their stable and adequate funding.

Northern Ireland is currently undertaking public administration reforms organised around three main objectives: improving strategic approaches, improving operational delivery of services to citizens and businesses, and improving engagement with people. This review supports those reforms by providing an assessment and recommendations on a wide range of issues, including strategy-setting and co-ordination, strategic government-wide human resources management, open government, regulatory reform and digital government. It highlights areas where Northern Ireland possesses strengths upon which to build future reforms and suggests actions for the future. This is the first Public Governance Review to be conducted by the OECD at the subnational level.

A hazai és nemzetközi tapasztalatok alapján az intézményi, helyi és rendszerszintű változások elősegítéséhez célszerű az érintettek partnerségére törekedni, és a párhuzamos erőfeszítések révén nyert tudást, valamint a működő gyakorlatok cseréjét a hálózatos működés lehetőségeivel támogatni. A meglévő tapasztalatok ellenére a hálózatokban zajló munka, különösen új hálózatok építése és működésük vagy növekedésük segítése, áldozattal járó kihívás a többség számára. A horizontális együttműködéssel járó erőfeszítések olyan befektetést jelentenek, amelyek számos közvetett hatáson keresztül és gyakran csak hosszabb távon „térülnek meg”. A hálózatosodás szakmai és pénzügyi ösztönzése csökkentheti a többletvállalásoktól való tartózkodást, a szakmai elbizonytalanodás és a konfliktusoktól való félelem kockázatát. A pályázati lehetőségeken túl az eredményes együttműködés technikai és emberi dimenzióira is nagy hangsúlyt kell fektetni. Az e területre vonatkozó tudás gyarapításához kíván lendületet adni a kiadvány, melynek kérdésfelvetéseit, elméleti alapvetéseit és esettanulmányokra épülő gyakorlati következtetéseit reményeink szerint izgalmas viták és a hálózatosodás további erősödése követheti majd.

English, French
  • 12 Nov 2004
  • OECD
  • Pages: 309

New forms of governance are emerging. Government, business and civil society are increasingly seeking ways to develop and pursue economic development strategies and solve socio-economic problems jointly. Regional strategic platforms, partnerships, open governments and other agents of change help release the potential of their area thanks to better co-ordination, and adaptation of public policies to local conditions.  This book examines how the new forms of governance overcome administrative, political and financial obstacles and impact local prosperity and the quality of life. These new approaches are illustrated with the results of some of the ambitious initiatives taken by Belgium, the Czech Republic, Mexico, Norway, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.


What are the gains and risks of modern alternatives to current education systems? This new report explores the practical implications of the profound changes underway in education.

OECD countries are increasingly characterised as "network societies", raising the possibility that educational networks could progressively supplant cumbersome bureaucracies both for management functions and as sources of innovation and professionalism. As schools become more autonomous and the world more complex, what forms of organisation and governance will ensure that education does not just fragment into chaos? Such questions inspired seminars organised in Hungary, the Netherlands and Portugal with the OECD's Center for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI). The resulting analysis is published in this latest report in CERI's Schooling for Tomorrow series, useful for both shapers and students of educational change.

Hungarian, French
  • 26 Sept 2000
  • OECD
  • Pages: 263
Today, corruption has moved to the top of the global political agenda as its dramatic impact on economic development and its corrosive effect on political stability and democratic political institutions has become increasingly obvious. A whole arsenal of legal instruments to combat corruption has now been developed to improve ethical standards in the public sector, to end tax deductibility for bribes, to curtail money laundering, and to clean up public procurement practices. The private sector and civil society will continue to play a critical role in making these new rules a reality. This collection of papers provides the key elements needed to build and preserve corruption-free institutions, systems, and private enterprises.
French, Spanish
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