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Title Index

Year Index

  • 16 Jun 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 418

Despite macro-economic stability in recent years, Mexico still suffers from stagnant productivity growth. Mexico’s long-term competitiveness in a global context will require greater public and private action to spur innovation and economic growth in regions throughout the country. This report reviews how both national and state policies in Mexico can better support regional innovation systems and includes profiles of 15 states.

  • 08 Jun 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 250

Piedmont is one of the top ten manufacturing regions in Europe and enjoys the highest levels of business investment in R&D in Italy. Birthplace of the most famous Italian automotive company - Fiat – and home to many heavy engineering and manufacturing firms, the region has long been a central part of the national industrial core. Yet since the early 1970s, the fragility of Piedmont's production system has slowly became evident. This report reviews how Piedmont’s new regional strategy supports innovation and how its efforts can be improved.

  • 05 Jun 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 228

OECD's comprehensive review of rural policy in Italy.  On average, rural regions in Italy have some of the highest GDP per capita among the OECD countries, yet unexploited potential remains. This analysis of rural Italy reveals heterogeneous economic conditions, an increasing elderly population and a diminished focus on environmental concerns. This suggests the need for a broader rural policy approach that reflects the changing demands upon rural resources and that considers other aspects of rurality including health, education and quality of life. 

Complex policy issues cannot be solved by government alone. Delivering high-quality public services at the least cost and achieving shared public policy goals requires innovative approaches and greater involvement of citizens. This book is a valuable source of information on government performance in fostering open and inclusive policy making in 25 countries. It offers rich insights into current practice through 14 in-depth country case studies and 18 opinion pieces from leading civil society and government practitioners. It includes 10 guiding principles to support open and inclusive policy making and service delivery in practice. 


“Including more people, earlier and more creatively, in public policy issues is vital not just to secure legitimacy for policy decisions, but also to unlock a mass of creativity and commitment. Innovation is increasingly going to become an open, social and networked activity. That is true in politics and policy as much as in business. This timely, thoughtful book will help make open innovation in public policy a practical reality.”

-Charles Leadbeater, author We-think: Mass innovation not mass production 


“We cannot engage the public only on issues of service delivery, but need also to seek their views, energy and resources when shaping public policy. To do otherwise is to create a false distinction between design and delivery, when in the citizens’ eyes it is all connected.”

-Irma Pavliniè Krebs, Minister of Public Administration, the Republic of Slovenia


Focus on Citizens shines a light on the practical difficulties and significant benefits of open and inclusive policy making – not only for OECD member country governments but equally for non-member countries.” 

-Bart W. Édes, Head, NGO and Civil Society Center, Asian Development Bank

  • 19 May 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 208

Despite progress in recent years, there is growing evidence that OECD countries are not on track to reach some of their key environmental goals. This report examines the strategies and instruments that governments use to ensure compliance with pollution prevention and control regulations, particularly in the industrial sector. It compares the compliance assurance systems of six OECD countries – Finland, France, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States – as well as those of China and Russia. The report provides policy makers, environmental regulators, and other stakeholders with a comprehensive analysis of the design, management aspects, and the main elements of government compliance and enforcement programmes. Focusing on compliance promotion, compliance monitoring, and non-compliance response, it identifies and compares good practices, sets them in context of different countries’ regulatory cultures and highlights the key international trends.

French, Chinese

En dépit des progrès accomplis ces dernières années, il est de plus en plus manifeste que certains des principaux objectifs environnementaux des pays de l’OCDE ne sont pas en voie d’être atteints. Cette étude examine les stratégies et instruments utilisés par les pouvoirs publics pour garantir la conformité aux réglementations en matière de prévention et de réduction de la pollution, en particulier dans le secteur industriel. Elle s’appuie sur une analyse comparative de la mise en application des dispositions environnementales dans six pays membres de l’OCDE (États-Unis, Finlande, France, Japon, Pays-Bas et Royaume-Uni), ainsi qu’en Chine et en Russie. L'étude propose aux responsables de l’action publique et aux organismes chargés de la réglementation sur l'environnement et autres parties prenantes une analyse approfondie de la conception, de la gestion et des principaux éléments qui constituent les programmes mis en place par les pouvoirs publics pour veiller au respect de la réglementation. Mettant plus particulièrement l’accent sur la promotion et la surveillance de la conformité aux réglementations et sur les mesures prises en cas de non-respect, elle recense et compare les bonnes pratiques observées dans les pays étudiés, les situe dans le contexte de la culture réglementaire de chaque pays et met en évidence les tendances clés observées à l’échelle internationale.

English, Chinese
  • 18 May 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 193

Public expenditure control has become a central element of economic policy in many countries. This report analyses budget practices and some recent innovations from the point of view of senior public servants in the central budget offices of nineteen OECD Member countries. It also summarises the institutional framework and procedures governing budgeting in each of these countries.

China has made enormous progress in developing the modern legal and regulatory foundation for the market economy. The private sector is now the main driver of growth, and new laws have gone a long way toward establishing private property rights, competition, and mechanisms for entry and exit comparable to those of many OECD countries. At the same time important challenges remain, including further clarification of the scope of state ownership, reform of relations among central and local governments, firmer establishment of the rule of law, and strengthening of regulatory institutions and processes.


This review of China's regulatory system focuses on the overall economic context for regulatory reform, the government’s capacity to manage regulatory reform, competition policy and enforcement, and market openness. The review also examines the regulatory framework in the electricity, water and health care sectors. As for OECD countries, the review follows a multidisciplinary and highly interactive approach. A number of OECD instruments and policies are used in this assessment, although the review also takes into account the specific challenges faced by the Chinese authorities. The review includes a comprehensive set of policy recommendations.

  • 05 May 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 258

With more than 700 million residents living in rural areas, China is still a predominantly rural country. But despite substantial improvements in standards of living, the Chinese countryside is largely lagging behind. This report analyses the key socio-economic forces at work in China's rural areas and discusses the current government strategy for rural development. It argues that in order to bridge rural-urban divides the current policy approach needs to go further in recognising rural-urban complementarities beyond agriculture and that food-security targets need to be balanced with wider rural development objectives.

  • 30 Apr 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 244

Az állam, a kormány, a közigazgatás modernizálása, 21. századi követelményekhez való igazítása, tevékenységének az állandóan változó társadalmi, politikai, gazdasági, szociális feladatok megoldására való átalakítása minden állam—akár fejlett,

akár kevésbé fejlett— egyik lefontosabb gondja. A magyar kormányok is programjaikba iktatták a kormányzat, a közigazgatás reformját, néhány lépést ebbe az irányba már meg is tettek. A korszer űsítés azonban nem vált széleskörűvé, s nem állítható az

sem, hogy az életbeléptetett változások hatása átüt ő erejű lett volna. Az okokat keresve sok mindenre hivatkozhatnánk, most csak egyet említünk meg: a nemzetközi tapasztalatok, próbálkozások összefogott, értékelt ismeretének hiányát.

Az OECD Párizsban székel ő központja sietett a kormányok segítségére, neves tudósok, egyetemi oktatók, elméleti és gyakorlati szakemberek közrem űködésével összeállítatta ezt a kötetet, amely, mint látni fogjuk az OECD tagországaiban folyó

államszervezési, különösen a közigazgatás, kormányzás terén fellelhet ő gondokat, s ezek megoldására tett intézkedéseket dolgozza fel, elméleti igénnyel, és ugyanakkor a gyakorlati hasznosíthatóságra egyaránt tekintettel. Könyvünk

felbecsülhetetlen segítséget nyújt az országunkban folyó modernizálódási törekvések megalapozásához is, egyben a közigazgatási szakemberképzés alapdokumentuma is lehet. A magyar kiadásnak sajátossága a már több országban lefordítva közreadott kötethez képest, hogy az alapm űvet kiegészíti öt olyan értékel ő bírálattal, amely az összehasonlító közigazgatás legrangosabb és legrégibb nemzetközi folyóiratában jelent meg, további tájékoztatást adva az általános tendenciák érvényesíthet őségének feltételeiről és korlátairól.

English, Spanish, French, Korean
  • 14 Apr 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 131

The size and the economic significance of the public sector make it a major contributor to economic growth and social welfare. The goods and services government provides, its redistributive and regulatory powers, and how those are exercised affect the way business is conducted and people live their lives in every country. Citizens are entitled to understand how government works and how public revenues are used. This book provides a significant contribution to developing a coherent, reliable system for data collection and analysis. It summarises the available OECD and other international data on public sector inputs and processes. It also examines the existing internationally comparable data on outputs and outcomes, and recommends new approaches to measurement.

  • 08 Apr 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 300

공공부문의 현대화는 이제 더 이상 선택이 아닌 절대적 요건이다. 이를 통해 정부는 변화무쌍한 사회적 요구에 대응하게 되고 불확실한 국제적 환경에서 경쟁력을 유지

하게 된다. 이 책은 지난 20년간의 OECD국가의 공공부문 현대화에 관한 방대한 정보를 담고 있다. 과거 20년간 새로운 많은 아이디어와 정책이 소개되었다. 이러한 아이디어는

실무적으로도 효과적인가? 이 책은 정부혁신의 성공 및 실패 요인을 진단하고 앞으 로의 도전과제, 그리고 주요 개혁방법 및 수단을 소개하고 있다.

이 책은 정책자들에게는 미래를 설계하기 위해 필요한 지식을, 공공행정에 관심있는 일반 사람들에게는 유 익한 정보를 제공하게 될 것이다.

“다른나라는공공행정을개선하기위해무엇을하고있는지궁금해하는행정가들과현대의정부개혁에대한개념적이해를구체화하기를원하는학자들에게이책은매우가치있는자료이다 신공공관리New Public Management) 시각을채택하고있는국가들뿐만아니라전통적공공행정을취하고있는국가들에게이책은매우유용한지침을제공한다” - Allen Schick, 메릴랜드대학정책학교수부르킹연구소-

English, Hungarian, Spanish, French
  • 26 Mar 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 292

The Copenhagen metropolitan region accounts for nearly half of Denmark's national output and plays a key role for the country as a whole.  Nevertheless, it has witnessed only modest economic growth over the last decade. This review of metropolitan area policy for Copenhagen examines key challenges including modest economic growth, scarcity of skilled workers and barriers to research and development. The report also examines how public institutions affect regional economic growth. Issues considered include: inter-municipal co-operation, local finance, public management, political leadership, and coordination mechanisms between the central government and the region.  

  • 24 Mar 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 140
The OECD Principles for Integrity in Public Procurement are a ground-breaking instrument that promotes good governance in the entire procurement cycle, from needs assessment to contract management. Based on acknowledged good practices in OECD and non-member countries, they represent a significant step forward. They provide guidance for the implementation of international legal instruments developed within the framework of the OECD, as well as other organisations such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organisation and the European Union.

In addition to the Principles, this exhaustive publication includes a Checklist for implementing the framework throughout the entire public procurement cycle. It also gives a comprehensive map of risks that can help auditors prevent as well as  detect fraud and corruption. Finally, it features a useful case study on Morocco, where a pilot application of the Principles was carried out.

“The Checklist will help governments and agencies to develop more transparent, efficient procurement systems”

-Nicolas Raigorodsky, Under-secretary of Transparency Policies, Anticorruption Office, Argentina

“Public procurement is one of the most important public governance issues. Action is needed to ensure integrity by reducing bribery and corruption”

-Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD

“The general thrust and content of the document is commendable. Much of it tracks very closely to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Model Law”

-Stuart Gilman, Head of the UN Global Programme Against Corruption and the Anticorruption Unit, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

  • 23 Mar 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 194
Well over one-third of the total economic output of OECD countries was generated by just 10% of OECD regions in 2005. This means the performance of regional economies and the effectiveness of regional policy matter more than ever. OECD Regions at a Glance is the one-stop guide for understanding regional competitiveness and performance, providing comparative statistical information at the sub-national level, graphs and maps. It identifies new ways that regions can increase their capacity to exploit local factors, mobilise resources and link with other regions. Measuring such factors as education levels, employment opportunities and intensity of knowledge-based activities, this publication offers a statistical snapshot of how life is lived – and can be improved – from region to region in the OECD area.

This third edition provides the latest comparable data and trends across regions in OECD countries, including a special focus on the spatial dimension for innovation. It relies on the OECD Regional database, the most comprehensive set of statistics at the sub-national level on demography, economic and labour market performance, education, healthcare, environmental outputs and knowledge-based activities comparable among the OECD countries. This publication provides a dynamic link (StatLink) for each graph and map, which directs the user to a web page where the corresponding data are available in Excel®.


This report examines both the challenges and the opportunities associated with designing and using indicator systems as a tool for the governance of regional development policy. It draws on the experiences of a number of OECD countries and provides an in-depth look at the cases of Italy, the United Kingdom (England), the United States and the European Union.  It builds on previous OECD work on the governance of  regional development policy by extending lessons about contractual relations among levels of government to performance indicator systems.  

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