Browse by: "2017"


Title Index

Year Index

  • 14 Feb 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 108

The OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) conducts periodic reviews of the individual development co-operation efforts of DAC members. The policies and programmes of each member are critically examined approximately once every five years.

This review assesses the performance of Poland, not just that of its development co-operation agency, and examines both policy and implementation. It takes an integrated, system-wide perspective on the development co-operation and humanitarian assistance activities of Poland.

  • 08 Feb 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 124

Sweden’s economy has fared well in recent years thanks to strong macroeconomic, fiscal and financial fundamentals, as well as a competitive and diversified business sector. Output has been lifted by an expanding labour force, investment and lately a pick-up in productivity. Unemployment is receding, although it remains high for vulnerable groups, notably the foreign-born. While income inequality is relatively low, it has risen more rapidly than in any other OECD country since the 1990s. Capital gains boosted top incomes, while benefits increased more slowly than wages. High labour market entry thresholds, spatial segregation, and bottlenecks in migrant settlement reduce opportunities and social mobility. Sweden is one of the world’s most gender-equal countries, even though foreign-born women are lagging behind. Women have a high employment rate, outperform men in education and are well represented in government and parliament. However, gender wage differences persist: women are under-represented on private company boards, in senior management positions, in many well-paid and influential professions and among entrepreneurs. This Economic Survey of Sweden assesses the country’s recent macroeconomic performance and prospects, and offers recommendations to foster more inclusive growth. In particular, reforms to housing, wage subsidies and migrant settlement and integration would raise the incomes and opportunities of the disadvantaged. So would a more systematic approach to benefits uprating. Better shared parental leaves would raise gender equality further. Fostering women entrepreneurship and promoting entry of women in senior management is also crucial.

Special Features: Income inequality; Gender inequality

  • 06 Feb 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 152

A economia portuguesa tem vindo a recuperar gradualmente de uma recessão profunda. Esta recuperação tem sido apoiada por reformas estruturais abrangentes, que têm igualmente contribuído para a redução dos desequilíbrios económicos construídos no passado. Um maior nível de investimento permitirá sustentar a continuação do reequilíbrio da economia e fortalecer o sector exportador. Os incentivos a novos investimentos podem ser reforçados através de melhorias ao nível da eficiência judicial, na reforma administrativa, na regulamentação dos mercados de produtos ou em menores custos do trabalho. A eliminação do crédito malparado dos balanços dos bancos aumentaria a sua capacidade de financiamento das empresas. Resolver os estrangulamentos regulativos existentes nos processos de insolvência e a abertura de novas fontes de financiamento também contribuiriam para aumentar o investimento das empresas. É essencial ultrapassar o legado de uma força de trabalho pouco qualificada para melhorar os níveis de vida. Apesar do progresso notável registado, o sistema de ensino pode dar um maior contributo para elevar os níveis de qualificações e reduzir a associação existente entre os resultados da aprendizagem e as origens socioeconómicas dos alunos. A elevada taxa de abandono escolar e o uso frequente da retenção escolar podem ser reduzidas através de uma alteração da afetação dos recursos a favor do ensino básico e dos alunos em risco, assim como uma melhoria da formação dos professores e da sua exposição às melhores práticas. A eficácia do ensino e formação vocacional/profissional poderia ser reforçada com a unificação do sistema, que se encontra atualmente fragmentado, num sistema dual de ensino, a par de um reforço da monitorização e avaliação. Têm de ser prosseguidos os esforços para melhorar os níveis de qualificações da população adulta pouco qualificada.


French, English
  • 06 Feb 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 140

Portugal’s economy has gone through a gradual recovery from a deep recession. A wide-ranging structural reform agenda has supported the recovery and the ongoing reduction of imbalances built up in the past. Raising investment will underpin the ongoing rebalancing of the economy and a stronger export sector. Incentives for new capital investments could be strengthened by improvements in judicial efficiency, administrative reform, product market regulation reforms or lower labour costs. Removing non-performing loans from bank balance sheets would enhance banks’ ability to provide new credit to firms. Addressing bottlenecks in insolvency procedures and opening up new sources of financing would also boost private sector investment. Overcoming a legacy of a low skilled labour force is key for higher living standards. Despite remarkable progress, the education system could do more to raise skill levels and reduce the link between learning outcomes and socio-economic backgrounds. The high share of early school drop-outs and frequent use grade repetition could be reduced by shifting resources towards primary education and students at risk and improving teacher training and exposure to best practices. Unifying the current fragmented Vocational Education and Training (VET) system into one dual VET system, and strengthening monitoring and evaluation could raise its effectiveness to meet the labour market needs and ability to contribute to a more skilled society. Efforts need to continue to raise the skills levels of the low-qualified adult population.


Portuguese, French

Companies can contribute to positive social and economic development when they involve stakeholders, such as local communities, in their planning and decision making. This is particularly true in the extractive sector, which is associated with extensive social, economic and environmental impacts. The OECD has prepared a Due Diligence Guidance for Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement in the Extractive Sector intended to provide practical guidance to mining, oil and gas enterprises in addressing the challenges related to stakeholder engagement. This guide is part of the work the OECD undertakes to create practical sectoral applications for the recommendations found in the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Find out more about OECD work on stakeholder engagement in the extractive sector please see: https://mneguidelines.oecd.org/stakeholder-engagement-extractive-industries.htm.

Spanish, French, German, Portuguese

Les entreprises peuvent apporter une contribution positive au développement social et économique lorsqu'elles engagent des parties prenantes telles que les populations locales dans leurs activités de planification et de prise de décision. L'utilité de cet engagement est particulièrement notable dans le secteur des industries extractives, auquel sont associées d'importantes incidences sociales, économiques et environnementales.

Le Guide de l'OCDE sur le devoir de diligence pour un engagement constructif des parties prenantes dans le secteur extractif propose des conseils pratiques aux entreprises des secteurs minier, pétrolier et gazier pour surmonter les difficultés liées au processus d’engagement des parties prenantes.

Ce Guide s’inscrit dans le cadre des travaux que mène l’OCDE pour créer des occasions concrètes d’application sectorielle des recommandations formulées dans les Principes directeurs de l'OCDE à l'intention des entreprises multinationales.

Pour en savoir plus sur les travaux de l'OCDE relatifs à l'engagement des parties prenantes dans le secteur extractif, consultez la page web https://mneguidelines.oecd.org/stakeholder-engagement-extractive-industries.htm

German, English, Portuguese, Spanish
  • 01 Feb 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 86

This OECD Emission Scenario Document (ESD) provides information on the sources, use patterns, and potential release pathways of non-volatile chemicals used in textile dyes. The document focuses primarily on the application of dyes to fibers, yarns and fabrics by batch or continuous processes. The document presents standard approaches for estimating the environmental releases of and occupational exposures to non-volatile chemicals used in dye formulations.

Over the past four years, the OECD has conducted a series of in-depth reviews of the policies and institutions that underpin the measurement and improvement of health care quality in 15 different health systems. This synthesis report draws on key lessons from the OECD Health Care Quality Review series. The objective is to summarise the main challenges and good practices to support improvements in health care quality, and to help ensure that the substantial resources devoted to health are being used effectively in supporting people to live healthier lives. The overarching conclusion emerging across the Health Care Quality Review series concerns transparency. Governments should encourage, and where appropriate require, health systems and health care providers to be open about the effectiveness, safety and patient-centredness of care they provide. More measures of patient outcomes are needed (especially those reported by patients themselves), and these should underpin standards, guidelines, incentives and innovations in service delivery. Greater transparency can lead to optimisation of both quality and efficiency – twin objectives which reinforce, rather than subvert, each other. In practical terms, greater transparency and better performance can be supported by changes in where and how care is delivered; changes in the roles of patients and professionals; and employing tools such as data and incentives more effectively. Key actions in these three areas are set out in the twelve lessons presented in this synthesis report.

  • 30 Jan 2017
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 224

The ITF Transport Outlook provides an overview of recent trends and near-term prospects for the transport sector at a global level, as well as long-term prospects for transport demand to 2050, for freight (maritime, air and surface), passenger transport (car, rail and air) and CO2 emissions. This edition looks at how the main policy, economic and technological changes since 2015, along with other international developments (such as the Sustainable Development Goals), are shaping the future of mobility, and presents alternative policy scenarios for long-term trends in transport demand and CO2 emissions from all transport modes, freight and passenger. A special focus on accessibility in cities also highlights the role of policies in shaping sustainable transport systems that provide equal access to all.

Dieser Bericht enthält Empfehlungen für nationale Regeln zur Neutralisierung des Effekts hybrider Gestaltungen sowie für entsprechende Änderungen des OECD-Musterabkommens.  Wenn sie in nationales Recht umgesetzt sind, werden die Empfehlungen in Teil 1 des Berichts die Effekte von grenzüberschreitenden hybriden Gestaltungen neutralisieren, die zu Mehrfachabzügen ein und desselben Betriebsausgabenpostens bzw. zu einem Betriebsausgabenabzug in einem Staat ohne entsprechende Einnahmenbesteuerung in einem anderen Staat führen. Teil I des Berichts enthält Empfehlungen für Regeln, um hybriden Besteuerungsinkongruenzen in Bezug auf Zahlungen im Rahmen eines hybriden Finanzinstruments oder Zahlungen von einem bzw. an einen hybriden Rechtsträger entgegenzuwirken.  Darüber hinaus werden Regeln empfohlen, um indirekten Besteuerungsinkongruenzen entgegenzuwirken, die sich ergeben, wenn die Effekte einer hybriden Gestaltung in einen Drittstaat importiert werden. Die Empfehlungen werden durch einen Kommentar und Beispiele vertieft, die veranschaulichen, wie sie angewendet werden sollten. In Teil 2 des Berichts werden Änderungen des Musterabkommens vorgeschlagen, die gewährleisten sollen, dass hybriden Rechtsträgern (einschließlich doppelt ansässiger Rechtsträger) die Vorteile von Steuerabkommen nur dann gewährt werden, wenn dies tatsächlich angemessen ist.  Des Weiteren wird in Teil 2 auf das Zusammenspiel zwischen dem OECD-Musterabkommen und den in Teil 1 empfohlenen nationalen Regeln eingegangen.

English, French
  • 27 Jan 2017
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 72

This report is the third and final output of a ten-year international research project studying the costs and viability of long-life road pavement surfacings. It describes the results of tests conducted with epoxy asphalt and high performance cementitious materials (HPCM) on real road sections in France, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. The project was initiated to address a growing problem for road administrations and road users: frequent closures of roadways for repairs and repaving as a result of surface pavements that have improved but still barely kept up with increased loads and traffic density.

This annual publication provides comprehensive data on the volume, origin and types of aid and other resource flows to around 150 developing countries. The data show each country's intake of official development assistance and well as other official and private funds from members of the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD, multilateral agencies and other key donors.  Key development indicators are given for reference.

  • 25 Jan 2017
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 136

This report sets out several of the recent advances, and suggests the most promising approaches, to the quantification and valuation of some of the wider economic benefits that flow from transport-related development. Economic appraisal can offer decision-makers important insights into the expected socio-economic impacts of transport projects. The sophistication of modern supply chains and the growing prominence of the services sector have increased the interest of decision-makers in economic benefits beyond those traditionally captured in transport appraisal.

  • 24 Jan 2017
  • OECD, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Pages: 48

Les Examens environnementaux de l’OCDE sont des évaluations indépendantes des progrès accomplis par les pays pour tenir leurs objectifs environnementaux. Ces examens sont destinés à favoriser les échanges de bonnes pratiques, à aider les gouvernements à rendre compte de leurs politiques et à améliorer la performance environnementale, individuelle et collective, des pays. Les analyses s’appuient sur un large éventail de données économiques et environnementales. Au cours de chaque cycle d’examens environnementaux, l’OCDE passe en revue l’ensemble de ses pays membres ainsi que certains pays partenaires. Les derniers pays examinés sont le Brésil (2015), les Pays-Bas (2015) et la France (2016).

Ce rapport est le deuxième examen environnemental du Chili. Il évalue ses progrès en matière de développement durable et de croissance verte, avec un accent particulier sur le changement climatique et sur la conservation et l’exploitation durable de la biodiversité.

Cette version française est une version abrégée de la version originale de la publication, OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Chile 2016. Elle inclut notamment l'avant-propos, le résumé et les recommandations qui donne une vue d'ensemble du rapport.

English, Spanish
  • 23 Jan 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 160

L'Étude économique de l'OCDE pour l'Israël 2016 examine les récents développements économiques, politiques, et les perspectives et jette un regard plus détaillé sur stimuler la concurrence sur les marchés israéliens et améliorer le système de retraite.


The Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China and India is a bi-annual publication on regional economic growth, development and regional integration in Emerging Asia. It focuses on the economic conditions of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member countries: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam. It also addresses relevant economic issues in China and India to fully reflect economic developments in the region. The 2017 edition of the Outlook comprises four main parts, each highlighting a particular dimension of recent economic developments in the region. The first part presents the regional economic monitor, depicting the near-term and medium-term economic outlooks, as well as macroeconomic and regional integration challenges in the region. The second part discusses the recent progress made in key aspects of regional integration. The third part presents this edition's special focus: addressing energy challenges and renewable energy development in particular. The fourth part includes structural policy country notes offering specific recommendations.

  • 20 Jan 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 140

L'Étude économique de l'OCDE pour le Danemark 2016 examine les récents développements économiques, politiques, et les perspectives et jette un regard plus détaillé sur les risques macroéconomique et financier, le vieillissement et bien-être.

  • 20 Jan 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 112

The Flemish economy is extremely diversified with a number of value-added industries and a highly skilled workforce. The shift to a green economy will however require specific knowledge, values and attitudes from the Flemish workforce. This report analyses the skills dimension of the transition to a green economy at the local level, with specific reference to emerging needs in the agro-food, construction and chemicals sectors. It also provides recommendations for the development of green skills and occupational profiles at the organisational level, while advising policy makers on the best method of assisting firms to transition to a green economy.

  • 20 Jan 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 152

L'Étude économique de l'OCDE pour la Turquie 2016 examine les récents développements économiques, politiques, et les perspectives et jette un regard plus détaillé sur : renforcer le secteur manufacturier et participer aux chaînes de valeur mondiales.


Le présent ouvrage est la huitième édition de Panorama de la société, recueil d’indicateurs sociaux de l’OCDE. Ce rapport s’efforce de répondre à la demande croissante de données quantitatives sur le bien-être social et ses tendances. Cette édition actualise certains indicateurs figurant dans les précédentes éditions publiées depuis 2001 et introduit plusieurs nouveaux indicateurs. Cette édition couvre 25 indicateurs au total. Y sont présentées des données pour les 34 pays membres de l’OCDE, ainsi que, lorsque les données sont disponibles, pour les partenaires clés (Afrique du Sud, Brésil, Chine, Inde, Indonésie et Fédération de Russie) et pour les autres pays du G20 (Arabie Saoudite et Argentine). On trouvera dans le présent rapport un chapitre spécialement consacré aux jeunes déscolarisés, sans emploi et ne suivant aucune formation (chapitre 1), ainsi qu’un guide destiné à aider le lecteur à comprendre la structure des indicateurs sociaux de l’OCDE (chapitre 2).
Tous les indicateurs sont disponibles sur le web et sous forme de publication électronique sur OECD iLibrary.


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