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Radioactive waste management is embedded in broader societal issues such as the environment, risk management, energy, health policy and sustainability. In all these fields, there is an increasing demand for public involvement and engagement. This 2015 update of Stakeholder Involvement Techniques: Short Guide and Annotated Bibliography, assists practitioners and non-specialists by outlining the steps and issues associated with stakeholder involvement in decision making and by facilitating access to useful online resources (handbooks, toolboxes and case studies). The updated guide has been considerably enriched with experiences since 2004 and includes extensive references to the literature. It is published alongside the release of an online annotated bibliography that will be updated regularly.

“强壮开端”系列图书是经济合作与发展组织( O E C D)对成员国 的早期儿童教育与保育所做的国际比较研究成果,每五年形成一份研究 报告,总结行之有效的经验。

质量意味着什么? 在不同的地方或许会有不同的阐释。2 0 1 1 年出 版的《强壮开端Ⅲ—儿童早期教育与保育质量工具箱》将视角聚焦于 质量这一关键问题,从政策的视角来定义“质量”;并回顾相关文献,以确定有效的政策杠杆;同时阐明有效施行这些杠杆需要行动的具体领

域。本报告是一个政策“工具箱”,也是一份便捷的参考指南,提供了 制定与规范质量目标、设计与实施课程、改善培训与提升资质、促进家 庭和社区参与、收集与监测数据的详细指导,有助于实现有效的决策管 理,最终提升早期教育与保育的质量。

English, French, German, Korean

Les pays en développement ont de plus en plus recours à des politiques et des plans nationaux stratégiques, dont l'efficacité dépendra de l'évaluation correcte de la vulnérabilité de ce pays au changement climatique. Ce rapport se fonde sur les pratiques de suivi et d'évaluation qui émergent des pays développés et en développement, et identifie quatre outils que les pays peuvent utiliser dans leurs propres cadres d'évaluation: 1) l'évaluation des risques et vulnérabilités liés au changement climatique, 2) des indicateurs pour suivre les progrès réalisés quant aux priorités d'adaptation, 3) l’évaluation de projets ou programmes, permettant de recenser les approches d'adaptation les plus efficaces, et 4) des audits nationaux et suivi des dépenses liées au climat.
La combinaison appropriée d'outils pour suivre et évaluer l'adaptation nationale au changement climatique sera dans une large mesure déterminée par la disponibilité des données, la capacité de suivi et d'évaluation, et la capacité donnée d’un pays à réunir les producteurs et les utilisateurs d'informations climatiques pertinentes. Le rapport examine également comment les apporteurs de coopération pour le développement peuvent soutenir les pays partenaires dans leurs efforts pour suivre et évaluer l'adaptation.

  • 06 Jan 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 176

Ten years after the introduction of publically-funded universal health insurance, the Mexican health system finds itself at a critical juncture. Unquestionably, some measures of health and health system performance have improved: those previously uninsured now use health services more often, whilst numbers reporting impoverishing health expenditure having fallen from 3.3% to 0.8%. Other indicators, however, remain worrying. Rates of survival after heart attack or stroke are markedly worse than in other OECD countries. Prevention is a particular concern: with 32% of the adult population obese, Mexico ranks as the second most obese nation in the OECD and almost 1 in 6 adults are diabetic. Other key metrics imply deep-rooted inefficiencies in the system: administrative costs, at 8.9% of total health spending, are the highest in the OECD and have not reduced over the past decade. Likewise, out-of-pocket spending has stuck at nearly 50% of total health spending - the highest in the OECD - and implies that individuals feel the need to visit private clinic despite having health insurance. In short, Mexico’s massive public investment in its health system has failed to translate into better health and health system performance to the extent wished and a programme of continued, extensive reform is needed. This report sets out the OECD’s recommendations on the steps Mexico should take to achieve this.


El programa de la OCDE sobre Análisis de los resultados medioambientales proporciona una evaluación independiente del progreso de los países para cumplir los compromisos nacionales e internacionales en materia de políticas ambientales junto con recomendaciones relevantes a dichas políticas. Las evaluaciones están dirigidas para promover el aprendizaje entre pares, estimular una mayor rendición de cuentas entre países y ante la opinión pública y para que los países mejoren su comportamiento individual y colectivo en la gestión del medio ambiente. Los análisis están avalados por un amplio espectro de datos económicos y ambientales. Cada ciclo de Análisis de los resultados medioambientales cubre todos los países miembros de la OCDE y algunos países socios. Entre las más recientes evaluaciones se encuentran: Islandia (2014), Suecia (2014) y Colombia (2014).

Este informe es el tercer análisis de los resultados medioambientales de España. Evalúa el progreso hacia el desarrollo sostenible y el crecimiento verde y se centra en políticas sobre biodiversidad y resultados medioambientales del sector industrial.


Parte I. Progreso hacia el desarrollo sostenible

Capítulo 1. Principales tendencias medioambientales

Capítulo 2. Entorno decisorio

Capítulo 3. Hacia el crecimiento verde

Parte II. Progreso hacia objetivos medioambientales seleccionados

Capítulo 4. Conservación y uso sostenible del medio ambiente marino y terrestre

Capítulo 5. Resultados medioambientales del sector industrial

English, French

O propósito deste Manual é sensibilizar os inspetores tributários para questões relacionadas com o fenómeno

da corrupção. Este Manual fornece orientações sobre a forma de reconhecer indicadores de possível

corrupção no decurso de uma ação de inspeção.


O que são suborno e corrupção?

O papel da administração fiscal no combate ao suborno e corrupção

O papel dos inspetores tributários

Indicadores de possível suborno ou corrupção

Indicadores relativos ao risco interno e externo do contribuinte

Indicadores relativos às operações do contribuinte

Indicadores relativos a pagamentos e fluxos financeiros

Indicadores sobre os resultados das operações do contribuinte

Indicadores relativos ao beneficiário dos proventos de possível suborno ou corrupção

Anexo A - Lista de sites úteis e outros recursos

Anexo B - Informações que devem constar numa comunicação de suspeitas de possível suborno ou corrupção

Anexo C - Indicadores de possível suborno ou corrupção


English, Greek, Dutch, German, French, All
  • 12 Jan 2016
  • OECD, The World Bank
  • Pages: 238

Эффективное использование школьных ресурсов является приоритетной политикой в странах ОЭСР. В

Страновом обзоре ОЭСР: Эффективность использования ресурсов в школах



раскрываются возможности

управления, распределения, использования и менеджмента ресурсов для повышения качества, равенства и

эффективности школьного образования.

Данный выпуск Обзора учитывает в анализе четыре типа ресурсов: финансовые ресурсы: например,

государственное финансирование школ; человеческие ресурсы: учителя, школьные директора, работники

отделов и управлений образования; материально-технические ресурсы: месторасположение, здания школ и их

оснащение, а также другие ресурсы такие как количество учебных часов.

Этот Обзор предоставляет своевременные рекомендации органам управления и образовательному сообществу.

Серия публикаций по данному проекту включает страновые отчеты и тематические сборники.


Глава 1. Школьное образование в Казахстане

Глава 2. Управление использованием школьных ресурсов в Казахстане

Глава 3. Распределение школьных ресурсов в Казахстане

Глава 4. Использование школьных ресурсов в Казахстане

Глава 5. Менеджмент школьных ресурсов в Казахстане

  • 12 Jan 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 66

This brochure is published within the framework of the Scheme for the Application of International Standards for Fruit and Vegetables established by OECD in 1962. It comprises explanatory notes and illustrations to facilitate the uniform interpretation of the Cherries Standard. This brochure illustrates the standard text and demonstrates the quality parameters on high quality photographs. Thus it is a valuable tool for the inspection authorities, professional bodies and traders interested in international trade in Cherries.

Kazakhstan’s economy and society have undergone deep transformations since the country declared independence in 1991. Kazakhstan’s growth performance since 2000 has been impressive, averaging almost 8% per annum in real terms and leading to job creation and progress in the well-being of its citizens. Extractive industries play an important role in the dynamism of the economy, but sources of growth beyond natural resource sectors remain underexploited. In the social arena, dimensions of well-being beyond incomes and jobs have not kept pace with economic growth.
Kazakhstan has set itself the goal of becoming one of the 30 most developed countries in the world by 2050. To sustain rapid, inclusive and sustainable growth and social progress, Kazakhstan will need to overcome a number of significant challenges. Natural-resource dependency, the concentration of economic clout and a fragile and underdeveloped financial sector limit diversification and economic dynamism. Widespread corruption still affects multiple state functions, undermines the business environment, meritocracy and entrepreneurial spirit. More generally, the state has limited capacity to fulfil some of its functions, which affects the delivery of public services like health and education, as well as the protection of the environment and the generation of skills.

This report on the Public Procurement Service of Korea examines the effectiveness of its system, identifying good practices that can inspire reform efforts in other countries. In particular, the report highlights the efficiency gains achieved by implementation of a comprehensive e-procurement system and the savings generated by an integrated support for government-wide contracts. It also looks at how Korea is adopting a strategic and multi-dimensional approach to using public procurement in the support of small businesses and other social objectives. In identifying possible improvements to Korea’s system, recommendations include a more centralised look at workforce training and development issues and additional features for Korea’s e-procurement system, as well as a review of existing certification and preference programs.

Backed by strong economic growth Chile has made substantial progress in improving the quality of life of its citizens. Nonetheless, gaps in living standards vis-à-vis other OECD countries remain large and there are strong differences in well-being across the Chilean population. The government has introduced important steps to strengthen redistribution and improve equality of opportunities, including ambitious tax, labour and education reforms. But there is room to further improve the design of many policies to promote inclusiveness. Moreover, to sustain progress in well-being, Chile also needs faster productivity growth which stagnated until recently. This requires policies that foster competition, improve human capital accumulation and increase the diversification of the economy that still relies heavily on commodity exports.


Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events, notably of droughts and floods to which the agriculture sector is particularly exposed. While agricultural productivity growth and policy development have allowed to better cope with these risks and reduce overall impacts on the sector and commodity markets, there is substantial room to improve policy responses and co-ordinate across policy domains, including with respect to water rights and allocation, weather and hydrological information, innovation and education, and insurance and compensation schemes. Indeed, drought and flood risks are likely to become a major policy concern as increasing population will increase the demand for food, feed, fibre, and energy, not to mention the competition for water resources, and urbanisation will increase the demand for flood protection and mitigation, raising the issue of the allocation of flood risks across sectors and areas.

  • 18 Jan 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 128

This 2016 OECD Economic Survey of Norway examines recent economic developments, policies and prospects. The special chapters cover: Higher education; Agriculture and rural policy.

Gracias a un sostenido crecimiento económico, Chile ha logrado avances significativos en la mejora de la calidad de vida de sus ciudadanos. No obstante, sigue habiendo grandes brechas de nivel de vida en comparación con otros países de la OCDE, junto con importantes diferencias de bienestar entre los distintos segmentos de población del país. El gobierno ha introducido medidas importantes para reforzar la redistribución y mejorar la igualdad de oportunidades, entre las que se incluyen ambiciosas reformas fiscales, laborales y educativas. Sin embargo, hay espacio para mejorar aún más el diseño de políticas que promuevan la inclusión. Asimismo, para sostener los avances conseguidos en materia de bienestar, Chile necesita un mayor crecimiento de la productividad, que ha estado estancada hasta hace poco. Para ello, es necesario adoptar políticas que favorezcan la competencia, mejoren la acumulación de capital humano e incrementen la diversificación de la economía, la cual sigue dependiendo en gran medida de la exportación de materias primas.

  • 18 Jan 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 116

Le rapport 2015 de l’OCDE sur la fragilité contribue au débat global que suscitent la définition et la mise en œuvre des Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) pour l’après-2015. Ce rapport montre à quel point il importe de prendre en compte la fragilité si l’on veut marquer des points dans la lutte contre la pauvreté. Il fait valoir des arguments en faveur de l’ODD 16 - Promouvoir l’avènement de sociétés pacifiques et ouvertes – qui vise à réduire toutes les formes de violence.
Le rapport 2015 se démarque sensiblement des précédentes éditions en ce qu’il cherche à présenter une nouvelle façon d’appréhender la fragilité, au-delà des États fragiles. La fragilité est perçue comme une question à caractère universel qui peut concerner tous les pays, pas seulement ceux qui sont classiquement considérés comme « fragiles » ou touchés par un conflit. Le rapport s’appuie ainsi sur trois indicateurs liés aux cibles de l’ODD 16 et deux indicateurs qui relèvent du cadre plus général des ODD : la violence, l’accès à la justice, des institutions responsables et ouvertes, l’intégration économique et la stabilité, ainsi que la capacité de prévenir les chocs et catastrophes d’ordre économique, social ou environnemental et de s’y adapter. Il les applique à l’ensemble des pays du monde, et recense ceux qui se classent parmi les 50 pays les plus vulnérables dans les cinq dimensions considérées. Le groupe de pays les plus exposés sur les cinq fronts ne diffère guère de la liste traditionnelle des États et économies fragiles. Toutefois, il apparaît que dans plusieurs pays à revenu intermédiaire, les violences liées à la délinquance, les conflits infranationaux ou les difficultés d’accès à la justice atteignent des niveaux disproportionnés. Le rapport conclut que pour progresser au regard de telles cibles, il conviendra de déployer un nouvel ensemble d’outils et d’interventions, et de bien appréhender quel rôle la communauté internationale doit et peut jouer pour accompagner ce processus.


English, German

Colombia has made major economic and social advances in recent years. The combination of strong economic growth and policies targeted at the most vulnerable groups improved considerably the living standards of the Colombian population. Today, the country enjoys higher employment and labour force participation rates than the average of OECD countries and unemployment is steadily declining. Nevertheless, despite these positive trends, deep structural problems remain. Labour informality is widespread, the rate of self-employment is high and many employees have non-regular contracts. Income inequality is higher than in any OECD country and redistribution through taxes and benefits is almost negligible. In addition, half a century of internal conflict and violence has displaced a significant part of the population, and many of them are living in extreme poverty. Despite considerable progress, violence continues to be a challenge and also affects trade union members and leaders. The Colombian Government has undertaken important reforms in recent years to address these labour market and social challenges, and the efforts are gradually paying off. However, further progress is needed to enhance the quality of jobs and well-being for all. The main trust of this report is to support the Colombian Government in tackling labour market duality, generate trust between the social partners, develop inclusive and active social policies, and get the most out of international migration.

The document provides guidance to both industry and regulatory authorities in the context of pre-submission consultations prior to submission of applications for the registration of microbial biological control agents. This document describes the procedure and the information which should be submitted at a pre-submission consultation.

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