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Title Index

Year Index

  • 01 Jun 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 100

This publication provides information about VAT and excise duty rates (for alcoholic beverages, mineral oil products and tobacco products) across the OECD. It also describes a range of taxation provisions in OECD countries such as the taxation of motor vehicles and outlines the preliminary findings of a study of taxes on environmentally relevant goods currently in progress.

  • 20 Aug 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 121

This report examines the currently highly topical issue of corporate tax incentives for foreign direct investment (FDI). The ability to offer an internationally competitive tax system is increasingly seen today as a determinative factor influencing FDI. With corporate income tax identified as the component that impacts most directly on multinational companies, much of the pressure for lowering host country tax burdens to attract capital is focused upon this tax. At the same time, corporate taxation plays an important withholding function, raising revenues on domestic-source income that might otherwise escape the tax net. The desire to tax this income while not discouraging foreign investors raises critical questions concerning the sensitivity of FDI to taxation and the appropriate setting of various tax provisions that determine the host country tax burden and influence investment and financing behaviour.

This report considers various corporate tax measures to encourage FDI and a range of issues relevant to assessing their use. Given the central question of how much additional investment can be expected from tax relief and at what cost, the report summarises recent empirical findings which show increasing sensitivity of FDI to host country tax burdens, consistent with trends towards increasing globalisation of production. Other findings are considered which highlight tax-planning opportunities created by certain approaches, leading to unintended revenue leakage. The report emphasises the need to assess possible host and home country tax interactions which can influence tax incentive results, and more generally the need to look beyond what conventional economic analysis might suggest.

While the report is intended primarily as a guide for policy makers in emerging market economies, it may serve as a reference document to tax policy analysts more generally


This publication provides information about VAT/GST, excise and environmental taxes in OECD Member countries. It also provides information about indirect tax topics currently under study at the OECD. It describes a range of taxation provisions such as the taxation of motor vehicles and also outlines the preliminary findings from discussions on taxation of electronic commerce currently in progress.


This publication, published every two to three years, reviews the latest developments in taxing consumption in OECD countries, provides information on tax rates in OECD countries, and reviews current issues in consumption. The issues reviewed include taxation of motor vehicles, globalisation of services, taxation of financial services, and reducing VAT revenue leakage. An annex provides data on the structure of revenues from environmentally related taxes.


This publication presents information about VAT/GST and excise duty rates in OECD member countries as well as information about indirect tax topics such as international aspects of VAT development and application of VAT to small and medium-size enterprises. It also describes a range of taxation provisions in OECD member countries, such as the taxation of motor vehicles, tobacco and alcoholic beverages. Finally, it presents the structure and excerpts of the International VAT/GST Guidelines.

This publication presents information about VAT/GST and excise duty rates in OECD member countries as well as information about indirect tax topics such as international aspects of VAT development and application of VAT to small and medium-size enterprises. It also describes a range of taxation provisions in OECD member countries, such as the taxation of motor vehicles, tobacco and alcoholic beverages. This edition’s special feature describes the way VAT is implemented in three significant non-OECD economies: China, Russia and India.

  • 28 Oct 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 156

Many countries will likely face the need to increase tax revenues, as part of fiscal consolidation, during the next few years. But how is this best done? And what are the considerations when choosing between raising tax rates and broadening the tax base by scaling back or abolishing targeted tax provisions (such as allowances, exemptions and preferential rates)? This report aims to answer such questions by taking a close look at the economic and political factors that influence governments’ tax decisions. 

Although many countries have broadened their tax bases over the past 30 years, targeted tax provisions, notably tax expenditures, continue to be significant.  Like public expenditure, targeted tax reliefs mean that (other) tax rates need to be higher in order to finance these reliefs. This report therefore discusses whether such tax provisions continue to be worthwhile. It includes an annex covering country-specific revenue forgone estimates of tax expenditures for selected OECD countries.  

This report also identifies political factors, including the lobbying of influential interest groups, as the main obstacles to base-broadening reforms, and it considers how reforms can be best packaged and presented to overcome such obstacles.

This publication provides information on value added taxes, taxes on goods and services and excise duty rates in OECD member countries. It provides information about indirect tax topics such as international aspects of VAT/GST developments in OECD member countries as well as in selected non-OECD economies.  It also describes a range of taxation provisions in OECD countries, such as the taxation of motor vehicles, tobacco and alcoholic beverages.

  • 03 Aug 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 92

Corporate losses raise compliance risks if aggressive tax planning is used as a means of increasing or accelerating tax relief in ways not intended by the legislator, or to generate artificial losses. This report describes the size of loss carry-forwards, the rules applicable in relation to losses, and identifies the following risk areas: corporate reorganisations, financial instruments and non-arm’s length transfer pricing. After having summarised aggressive tax planning schemes on losses, as well as country detection and response strategies, it offers a number of conclusions and recommendation for tax administration and tax policy officials.


Consumption Tax Trends provides information on Value Added Tax/Goods and Services Tax (VAT/GST) and excise duty rates in OECD member countries. It also contains  information about indirect tax topics such as international aspects of VAT/GST developments in OECD member countries as well as in selected non-OECD economies, and describes a range of taxation provisions such as the taxation of motor vehicles, tobacco and alcoholic beverages. The special feature of 2012 Edition will look into "Value Added Taxes in Federal Countries". 


A erosão da base tributária constitui um grave risco à receita, à soberania e à equidade fiscais de muitos países. Embora essa prática possa afetar o erário nacional de diversas maneiras, a transferência de lucros é uma das mais comuns. Esse relatório apresenta os estudos e dados de domínio público disponíveis com relação à existência e à magnitude da problemática da erosão da base tributária e da transferência de lucros, apresenta também um panorama dos desenvolvimentos globais que podem ter impacto na tributação de pessoas jurídicas e delinea os princípios que norteiam a tributação das atividades transnacionais e as oportunidades de erosão da base tributária e de transferência de lucros que possam daí advir. O relatório conclui que as regras atuais oferecem possibilidades de aumentar os lucros, associando-os a disposições legais, direitos e obrigações intangíveis, bem como de transferir riscos legalmente no interior do grupo, o que, por conseguinte, reduz a parcela dos lucros associados a operações concretas. O relatório recomenda desenvolver um plano de ação de alcance mundial para abordar a problemática da erosão da base tributária e a transferência de lucros.

English, Japanese, German, Spanish, Russian, All

This report examines the relationship between large business taxpayers and revenue bodies, five years on from the publication of the FTA’s Study into the Role of Tax Intermediaries. The study recommended that revenue bodies develop a relationship based on trust and co-operation. The report is based on a detailed examination of the practical experiences of countries that have established this type of relationship.

The report finds that the pillars of an improved relationship highlighted in the Study remain valid. However, it identifies some additional features that are equally important: the part played by the tax control framework used by a large business in providing an objective basis for trust is emphasised. It also suggests that “co-operative compliance” is a better description of the recommended approach than the original “enhanced relationship” label.
The report addresses some questions that have been raised about the compatibility of the new approach with certain legal principles and discusses the internal governance of these programmes within revenue bodies. The importance of making a sound business case for the approach and how to measure the results of co-operative compliance programmes is addressed. The report concludes with some thoughts about the future direction of the co-operative compliance concept.


Preferential regimes continue to be a key pressure area in international taxation. The OECD’s 2013 BEPS report recognises that these need to be dealt with more effectively and the work of the Forum on Harmful Tax Practices (FHTP) needs to be refocused with an emphasis on substance and transparency. This is an interim report that sets out the progress made to date.

French, German, Chinese, Korean

Consumption Tax Trends provides information on Value Added Tax/Goods and Services Tax (VAT/GST) and excise duty rates in OECD member countries. It also contains information about indirect tax topics such as international aspects of VAT/GST developments in OECD member countries as well as in selected non-OECD economies, and describes a range of taxation provisions such as the taxation of motor vehicles, tobacco and alcoholic beverages.

La presente pubblicazione contiene il testo ufficiale della Convenzione Multilaterale sulla Mutua Assistenza Amministrativa in materia fiscale, come modificata dal Protocollo del 2010. La Convenzione originaria è stata elaborata congiuntamente dal Consiglio d’Europa e dall’OCSE ed è stata aperta alla firma degli Stati membri di entrambe le Organizzazioni il 25 gennaio 1988. La Convenzione originaria è stata modificata nel 2010 al fine di armonizzarla con gli standard internazionali in materia di scambio di informazioni a fini fiscali e per aprirla all’adesione di tutti i Paesi, rispondendo all’appello del G20 di consentire a tutti i Paesi di trarre vantaggio dal nuovo contesto di cooperazione in materia fiscale mediante un iter più semplice. La Convenzione modificata dal Protocollo 2010 è entrata in vigore il 1° giugno 2011.

La suddetta Convenzione mira ad aiutare i Governi ad assicurare il rispetto delle loro leggi fiscali e fornisce un quadro giuridico internazionale per la cooperazione tra Paesi per contrastare l’evasione e la frode fiscali a livello internazionale. La Convenzione offre una gamma di strumenti destinati alla cooperazione amministrativa in materia fiscale, prevedendo tutte le forme di scambio di informazioni, l’assistenza alla riscossione delle entrate e la notifica dei documenti. Facilita altresì i controlli congiunti e la condivisione di informazioni per contrastare altri delitti gravi (per esempio: il riciclaggio di denaro, la corruzione) quando siano state soddisfatte determinate condizioni. Tutela i diritti dei contribuenti, fornisce ampie garanzie per proteggere la confidenzialità delle informazioni scambiate, in particolare, riguardo ai dati personali. Il funzionamento di questa Convenzione multilaterale autonoma è supervisionato da un organo di coordinamento costituito dalle Parti alla Convenzione.

English, French

Preferential regimes continue to be a key pressure area. Current concerns are primarily about preferential regimes which can be used for artificial profit shifting and about a lack of transparency in connection with certain rulings. The report sets out an agreed methodology to assess whether there is substantial activity. In the context of IP regimes such as patent boxes, agreement was reached on the “nexus approach” which uses expenditures as a proxy for substantial activity and ensures that taxpayers can only benefit from IP regimes where they engaged in research and development and incurred actual expenditures on such activities. The same principle can also be applied to other preferential regimes so that such regimes are found to require substantial activity where the taxpayer undertook the core income generating activities.  In the area of transparency, a framework has been agreed for the compulsory spontaneous exchange of information on rulings that could give rise to BEPS concerns in the absence of such exchange. The results of the application of the existing factors applied by the FHTP, and the elaborated substantial activity and transparency factors, to a number of preferential regimes are included in this report.

Spanish, French, German

This report outlines the essential features of a Tax Control Framework (TCF) and addresses revenue bodies’ expectations of TCFs. It includes a discussion of the issue of materiality, as it is important to understand the relationship between what is material for the purposes of systems of control, such as the external audit of a multinational enterprise’s accounts, and what is material in terms of the tax liabilities arising from that enterprise’s activities in a particular country. It also discusses how revenue bodies could approach the task of testing the soundness of a TCF in any particular case and finally, sets out conclusions, recommendations and next steps.

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