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Les Principes de l’OCDE pour renforcer l’intégrité dans les marchés publics constituent un instrument novateur qui favorise la bonne gouvernance à toutes les étapes de la passation des marchés publics, depuis l’évaluation des besoins jusqu’à la gestion des marchés. S’inspirant de bonnes pratiques reconnues dans les pays membres et non membres de l’OCDE, ils représentent un réel progrès. Ils fournissent des orientations sur la mise en œuvre des instruments juridiques internationaux élaborés dans le cadre de l’OCDE, ainsi que par d’autres organisations comme les Nations Unies, l’Organisation mondiale du commerce et l’Union européenne.

Outre les Principes, cette publication très complète inclut une Liste de vérification pour la mise en œuvre du cadre à toutes les étapes du cycle de passation des marchés publics. Par ailleurs, elle établit une cartographie détaillée des risques afin d’aider les auditeurs à prévenir et à détecter la fraude et la corruption. Enfin, elle comprend une étude de cas utile sur le Maroc, qui a fait l’objet d’une application pilote des Principes.

 « La Liste de vérification aidera les États et les autorités publiques à élaborer des systèmes de passation de marchés plus transparents et plus efficients »

-Nicolas Raigorodsky, Sous-secrétaire chargé des stratégies de transparence, Bureau de lutte contre la corruption, Argentine

 « Dans le domaine de la gouvernance publique, la passation des marchés publics est une des questions les plus importantes. C’est en s’attaquant aux pots de vin et à la corruption qu’on pourra promouvoir l’intégrité. »

 -Comité consultatif économique et industriel auprès de l'OCDE

 « Il faut saluer l’orientation générale et le contenu de ce document. Ils s’inspirent très étroitement de la Convention des Nations Unies contre la corruption et de la Loi type de la Commission des Nations Unies pour le droit commercial international »

 -Stuart Gilman, Chef du Programme mondial de lutte contre la corruption et du Groupe de lutte contre la corruption, Office des Nations Unies contre la drogue et le crime


Les États-Unis sont l’un des plus importants producteurs de produits agricoles du monde. Ils disposent d’un très vaste marché intérieur et sont le premier exportateur mondial de produits agricoles. En effet, la part de la production qui est exportée est plus de deux fois plus élevée dans l’agriculture que dans n’importe quel autre secteur aux États-Unis et l’excédent commercial agricole est un important stimulant pour l’économie du pays. Par conséquent, les politiques agricoles américaines exercent une forte influence sur les marchés agricoles mondiaux.

Les États-Unis mettent en œuvre toute une série de politiques agricoles qui visent à atteindre des objectifs habituels, comme la stabilisation de la production et le soutien des revenus agricoles, aussi bien que d’autres dont l’importance s’est récemment accrue, consistant par exemple à assurer une alimentation suffisante, à garantir la sécurité des aliments, à promouvoir la protection de l’environnement et à favoriser le développement rural.

Cette étude analyse et évalue les politiques agricoles des États-Unis, et plus particulièrement la loi de 2008 sur l’alimentation, la conservation des ressources et l’énergie, en la replaçant dans le contexte de l’évolution de la politique agricole enregistrée aux États-Unis depuis 1985. Elle examine de près cinq lois agricoles : la loi sur la sécurité alimentaire de 1985 ; la loi sur l’alimentation, l’agriculture, la conservation des ressources et les échanges de 1990 ; la loi fédérale sur l’amélioration et la réforme de l’agriculture de 1996 ; la loi sur la sécurité agricole et l’investissement rural de 2002 ; et la loi sur l’alimentation, la conservation des ressources et l’énergie de 2008. Cette étude examine aussi plusieurs problèmes et défis qui se font jour auxquels devront répondre les politiques agricoles des Etats-Unis et propose des recommandations importantes à l’intention des pouvoirs publics.

  • 15 Mar 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 304

Eco-innovation is more important than ever on the public policy agenda. It is a major driver for green growth and contributes to the environmental performance and economic development of OECD and developing countries alike.

This report takes a pragmatic approach to policies that support the development and diffusion of eco-innovation. Building on the OECD Innovation Strategy, it argues that eco-innovation is not merely about technological developments: non-technical innovations matter as well. It acknowledges that policies do not operate in a vacuum and that they must take account of the contexts that influence the development and diffusion of eco-innovation, such as market structures. It explores links between eco-innovation policies and related fields such as industry, competition, and international cooperation.

This work builds on an OECD inventory of eco-innovation policies in OECD countries and in China. It also draws on studies of select environment-friendly innovations, highlighting different patterns of development across countries. It also incorporates extensive international consultation on the topics of eco-innovation and green growth.

The results from this publication will contribute to the Green Growth Strategy being developed by the OECD as a practical policy package for governments to harness the potential of greener growth.

For more information on OECD work on eco-innovation, visit: www.oecd.org/greengrowth

  • 15 Mar 2011
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 144
The International Energy Agency's 2011 comprehensive review of Norways energy policies and programmes. The review finds that Norway has a unique twin role as a major oil and gas producer and a strong global advocate of climate change mitigation. As the third-largest exporter of energy in the world, it contributes to global energy security by providing reliable supplies to consuming countries. At the same time, the Norwegians highly value environmental sustainability and the country is taking climate policy very seriously. Norway also manages its petroleum resources and revenue in a commendable way, setting a model for other countries. The challenge now for the government is to stimulate further increases in natural gas and petroleum production from safe and environmentally sustainable operations.  

Norway’s large potential for hydropower generation is an asset, as European electricity markets are integrating and variable renewable energy generation is set to increase. More cross-border interconnections are needed to realise the full potential of hydropower for balancing variations in demand and supply in the regional market. Increased interconnections would also improve electricity security in Norway in times of low hydropower availability. Gas-fired power plants should also be considered for use for the same purpose. 

In order to meet its ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Norway needs to step up efforts at home. Although the dominance of low-carbon electricity in the energy mix limits the scope for domestic measures, large potential for emission reductions remains in oil and gas production, manufacturing and transport. However, measures to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy should be carefully designed, because they often focus on electricity and would thus not reduce emissions. Recent large increases in spending on energy RD&D and ongoing efforts to develop carbon capture and storage are very welcome.

  • 15 Mar 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 260

Selon l'édition 2010 de l'examen périodique de l’OCDE consacré à l’économie de la Chine, le pays a continué de connaître une croissance spectaculaire au cours des dernières années relevant ainsi considérablement le niveau de vie. Le ralentissement lié à la crise financière et économique mondiale a été jugulé par une relance monétaire et budgétaire, ce qui a donné un coup de pousse à la demande intérieure. L’étude inclut des chapitres sur les récents accomplissements et perspectives économiques, la politique monétaire, les réformes financières, la réglementation des marchés des produits et la concurrence, les inégalités, le marché du travail, la sécurité des personnes âgées et le système de santé.

  • 16 Mar 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 162

The 2011 edition of OECD's periodic survey of the UK economy.  This edition includes chapters covering supporting the recovery and rebalancing the economy, improving the functioning of the housing market, reforming education in England, and climate change policy in the UK.


This publication provides information on value added taxes, taxes on goods and services and excise duty rates in OECD member countries. It provides information about indirect tax topics such as international aspects of VAT/GST developments in OECD member countries as well as in selected non-OECD economies.  It also describes a range of taxation provisions in OECD countries, such as the taxation of motor vehicles, tobacco and alcoholic beverages.

The provision of water supply, sanitation and wastewater services generates substantial benefits for public health, the economy and the environment. Benefit-to-cost ratios can be as high as 7 to 1 for basic water and sanitation services in developing countries.

Wastewater treatment interventions, for example, generate significant benefits for public health, the environment and for certain economic sectors such as fisheries, tourism and property markets.

The full magnitude of the benefits of water services is seldom considered for a number of reasons, including the difficulty in quantifying important non-economic benefits such as non-use values, dignity, social status, cleanliness and overall well-being. Also, information about the benefits of water services is usually hidden in the technical literature, where it remains invisible to key decision-makers in ministries.

This report draws together and summarises existing information on the benefits of water and sanitation.


The North Atlantic (NORA) region is a transnational area comprising the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, and the coastal counties of Norway. These territories are linked by shared characteristics and challenges, as well as by historical, institutional and cultural links. Improving accessibility to the region, ensuring sustainable development of its fisheries, enlarging and diversifying its economic base, and meeting the challenges of climate change are key issues. Strengthened regional co-operation can help these territories address them by exchanging know-how and best practices, pooling resources and reaching economies of scale, improving the efficiency of public sector provision, and increasing the “voice” of the region.  

However, transnational co-operation in the NORA region faces some barriers, as it involves territories that compete in their main economic activities, are separated by large distances, and have strong institutional and economic links with other countries and regions. In order to get the most from transnational co-operation, this report recommends that the NORA territories: focus co-operation efforts on targeted themes and issues; draw up a regional development strategy; promote greater awareness of the benefits of co-operation; develop a “variable geometry” approach to regional co-operation; and enlarge and refine the role of the NORA institution as a facilitator of co-operation.

Les mouvements de personnel entre les secteurs public et privé sont bien connus dans de nombreux pays sous le nom de « phénomène d’aller-retour ». Ils font l’objet d’une attention particulière dans le contexte de l’action des gouvernements face à la crise financière et économique.

Comment les gouvernements peuvent-ils tirer parti de l’expertise des anciens employés du secteur privé, tout en sauvegardant l’intégrité de leurs décisions d’action publique et en offrant des conditions d’emploi qui permettent d’attirer des candidats expérimentés vers la fonction publique ? Comment les gouvernements peuvent-ils laisser des fonctionnaires se tourner vers le secteur privé sans risquer que des informations privilégiées ne soient mal utilisées ? Comment assurer des conditions uniformes aux entreprises et éviter que des concurrents ne bénéficient d’avantages injustes ?  

L’enquête effectuée par l’OCDE dans ses 30 pays membres montre que la grande majorité d’entre eux s’est dotée de règles élémentaires pour empêcher les conflits d’intérêts dans l’emploi d’après‑mandat. En revanche, seuls quelques-uns ont adapté leurs règles en fonction des domaines et des fonctions à risque, comme celles des responsables de la réglementation ou des marchés publics. L’application de ces règles et de sanctions adéquates reste un défi pour de nombreux pays.  

La recherche de principes et de cadres de bonnes pratiques montre que l’efficacité des politiques et pratiques face au phénomène d’aller-retour  dépend des éléments suivants : premièrement, la connaissance et la réévaluation permanente des risques ; deuxièmement, une communication efficace entre toutes les parties, y compris les secteurs privé et à but non lucratif ; troisièmement, des procédures transparentes d’approbation et d’appel ; et quatrièmement, la mise en place de sanctions opportunes, cohérentes et équitables pour assurer le respect des règles.  

Ces principes servent de référence aux responsables politiques et aux gestionnaires pour examiner et moderniser les politiques d’emploi d’après-mandat. Ils font partie des efforts d’orientation qu’accomplit l’OCDE pour promouvoir l’intégrité du secteur public dans des économies plus saines, plus justes et plus fortes.



The theme of this fourth edition of Pensions at a Glance is pensions, retirement and life expectancy. Many countries have increased pension ages in the face of population ageing and longer lives. Some have introduced an automatic link between pensions and life expectancy. Improvements to the incentives to work rather than retire are also a common part of recent pension-reform packages. However, ensuring that there are enough jobs for older workers remains a challenge. 

An in-depth look at these important policy issues is provided by five special chapters on: pension ages, retirement behaviour, pension incentives to retire, the demand for older workers and linking pensions to life expectancy. This edition updates information on the key features of pension provision in OECD countries and provides projections of retirement income for today’s workers. It offers an expanded range of 34 indicators, covering the design of national retirement-income provision, pension entitlements, incomes of older people, the finances of pension systems, the demographic and economic context in which pension systems operate and private pensions. 

More countries are analysed than in previous editions, including four new members of the OECD: Chile, Estonia, Israel and Slovenia. Where possible, data are also provided for the other major economies in the G20: Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia, Saudi Arabia and South Africa. Along with data on the European Union’s 27 member states, this brings to 43 the number of economies covered in the report. 

About Pensions at a Glance...

 “An extraordinarily useful and careful compilation of pension information for a wide-range of countries, presented in a common format and following a thoughtful structure. The authors have brought cross-national pension comparisons to a new level, and they are to be commended for their intensive efforts. [This] represents some of the smartest comparative work out there, by people intimately familiar with the nuances – and complexities – of comparative pension work.” 

- Olivia Mitchell, Director of the Boettner Centre for Pensions and
Retirement Research, 
 Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania


As alterações climáticas são uma ameaça séria e a longo prazo que pode afetar todo o globo. Os seus impactes negativos atingirão as pessoas pobres e os países pobres de forma desproporcional e comprometerão a persecução dos seus objetivos de desenvolvimento.

Integração da Adaptação às Alterações Climáticas na Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento fornece informação essencial e aconselha o modo de facilitação a integração da adaptação nos processos de desenvolvimento. Os objetivos deste guia para o desenvolvimento de políticas são: i) promover o entendimento das implicações das alterações climáticas na prática do desenvolvimento e a necessidade associada de integrar a adaptação ao clima nas agências de cooperação para o desenvolvimento e nos países parceiros; ii) identificar abordagens apropriadas para integrar a adaptação às alterações climáticas nas políticas de desenvolvimento aos níveis nacional, setorial e de projeto e nos contextos urbanos e rurais; e iii) identificar meios práticos para os doadores apoiarem os países em desenvolvimento parceiros nos seus esforços para reduzir a sua vulnerabilidade à variabilidade e alterações climáticas. Enquanto os esforços para integrar a adaptação aos às alterações climáticas serão conduzidos pelos países em desenvolvimento parceiros, os doadores internacionais têm um papel crítico a desempenhar no apoio a tais esforços.

Este guia para o desenvolvimento de políticas é especialmente formatado para os agentes de definição de políticas e para as agências de cooperação e suas contrapartes nos governos dos países em desenvolvimento, bem como para as partes interessadas não governamentais.

English, Spanish, French

The National Accounts of OECD Countries, Financial Balance Sheets includes financial stocks (both financial assets and liabilities), by institutional sector (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions serving households, total economy and rest of the world) and by financial instrument.

  • 22 Mar 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 300

Questo rapporto su Venezia offre una valutazione complessiva dell’economia della città-regione e di quanto l’utilizzo del territorio, il mercato del lavoro e le politiche ambientali siano inseriti in una visione metropolitana. A guidare questa ricerca una nuova immagine delle province di Padova, Venezia e Treviso considerate come un’unica città-regione interconnessa di 2,6 milioni di abitanti. Venezia, con i suoi elevati livelli occupazionali e di crescita, si situa tra le aree urbane più dinamiche e produttive all’interno dell’ocse. Sviluppatasi sul modello delle piccole imprese e dei distretti industriali, sta ora affrontando una profonda trasformazione economica. Lo storico nucleo urbano di Venezia, erede di secoli di sviluppo economico costruito sui mari, vede ogni giorno accentuarsi l’esplosione nella terra ferma circostante di una struttura spaziale assai articolata capace di integrare in una unica area urbana altre antiche presenze come Padova e Treviso e la consistente rete di città minori. Il modello della city-region assunto dall’ocse per Venezia (uno spazio urbano entro cui si muove quotidianamente la gran parte dei lavoratori e degli studenti per la maggior parte dei giorni dell’anno) deve confrontarsi con sfide ambientali sempre più impegnative, conseguenza dell’aumento del traffico e dei crescenti costi infrastrutturali esacerbati dai fenomeni di dispersione urbana. Anche la sua struttura demografica sta mutando in seguito all’invecchiamento della popolazione, alla presenza di immigrati e al progressivo spopolamento del centro storico della città.

Questo rapporto offre un’analisi comparativa di questi temi e, utilizzando il database metropolitano ocse, si concentra nello specifico su produttività e crescita; considerando l’economia regionale, la pianificazione urbana, gli studi sul sistema dei trasporti e i problemi idrologici evidenzia i cambiamenti all’interno della città-regione. Alla luce del programmato sviluppo delle connessioni ferroviarie tra le città, questo studio richiama l’esigenza di programmi atti ad aumentare le sinergie economiche tra Venezia e le città vicine; prende in esame strumenti chiave per promuovere la crescita economica e la governance metropolitana, proponendo inoltre un migliore coordinamento delle politiche riguardanti l’uso del territorio, dei servizi aggiuntivi per lo sviluppo delle piccole e medie imprese e del potenziamento dell’innovazione legata alle università. Il rapporto valuta la qualità della governance delle acque e la potenzialità che Venezia ha di diventare un punto di riferimento essenziale in relazione alle strategie di adattamento al cambiamento climatico.

La “Territorial Review” di Venezia è parte di una serie di studi tematici sulle regioni metropolitane, condotti dal Territorial Development Policy Committee dell’ocse. L’obiettivo generale di questi studi è di delineare e diffondere presso i governi  nazionali raccomandazioni riguardo alle politiche orizzontali da adottare.


Le Comptes nationaux des pays de l'OCDE, Comptes de patrimoine financier inclut les stocks financiers (à la fois actifs financiers et passifs), par secteur institutionnel (sociétés non financières, sociétés financières, administrations publiques, ménages et institutions sans but lucratif au service des ménages, économie totale et reste du monde) et par instrument financier.


Allemagne, Australie, Autriche, Belgique, Canada, Corée, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, États-Unis, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Israël, Italie, Japon, Mexique, Norvège, Nouvelle-Zélande, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, République slovaque, République tchèque, Royaume-Uni, Slovénie, Suède, Suisse et Turquie.


These three Programming Notes build on the 2009 publication entitled Armed Violence Reduction: Enabling Development. These three notes cover: armed violence in urban areas, youth and armed violence, and linkages between armed violence reduction and security system reform.

Spanish, French

Trade promotes economic growth, alleviates poverty and helps countries reach their development goals. However, developing countries – in particular the least developed – face difficulties in making trade happen and turning trade into economic growth. The Aid for Trade Initiative – launched at the 2005 World Trade Organisation conference in Hong Kong – aims at helping these countries to take advantage of trade opportunities and to reap the benefits of their integration into the world economy. The Initiative has been a success: it has not only raised awareness among both donors and developing countries about the role of trade in development, but also helped secure increased resources.

Trade for Growth and Poverty Reduction: How Aid for Trade Can Help explains how Aid for Trade can foster economic growth and reduce poverty, and why it is an important instrument for a development strategy that actively supports poverty alleviation. Unlocking this potential requires carefully designed and sequenced trade reforms. While developing countries have many trade-related needs, but financial resources and political capital for reforms are limited, it is an important priority to tackle the most binding constraints to trade expansion. This report describes the diagnostic tools available, evaluates their strengths and weaknesses, and suggests a dynamic framework to guide the sequencing of reform and donor support.

  • 23 Mar 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 272

At a time when OECD and partner countries are trying to figure out how to reduce burgeoning debt and make the most of shrinking public budgets, spending on education is an obvious target for scrutiny. Education officials, teachers, policy makers, parents and students struggle to determine the merits of shorter or longer school days or school years, how much time should be allotted to various subjects, and the usefulness of after-school lessons and independent study. 

This report focuses on how students use learning time, both in and out of school. What are the ideal conditions to ensure that students use their learning time efficiently? What can schools do to maximise the learning that occurs during the limited amount of time students spend in class? In what kinds of lessons does learning time reap the most benefits? And how can this be determined?

The report draws on data from the 2006 cycle of the Programme of International Student Assessment (PISA) to describe differences across and within countries in how much time students spend studying different subjects, how much time they spend in different types of learning activities, how they allocate their learning time and how they perform academically.

This report presents an overview of country initiatives concerning efficient, effective public services and open and innovative government. It focuses on four core issues:  delivery of public services in times of fiscal consolidation; a more effective and performance-oriented public service; promotion of open and transparent government; and strategies for implementation of a reform agenda.  These issues were discussed at the OECD Public Governance Ministerial Meeting held in Venice, Italy, in November 2010, hosted by the Italian Ministry for Public Administration and Innovation.

This publication is a two-yearly report on trends in the steelmaking capacity in economies that are not members of the OECD. This report examines the current steelmaking capacity of these economies and likely changes therein up to the year 2012.

Developments in Steelmaking Capacity of Non-OECD Economies includes an appendix containing detailed information on an economy-by-economy, plant or project basis, as well as on existing capacity and equipment, the starting date of planned projects, works ownership and the information sources used. It also briefly describes the progress of projects, recent changes at existing works, and, where known, the financing of projects.

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