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Romania’s education system is at a turning point. In 2023, the government passed a new law on school education that sets out significant changes to how schooling is provided, governed and resourced. These changes come at a critical time for the country’s development. While Romania is one of Europe’s fastest-growing economies, its education outcomes remain among the lowest in the European Union. The measures in the new law are crucial for ensuring quality education, fostering economic growth and enhancing inclusivity.

This policy perspective offers recommendations on how to take forward planned reforms. It focuses on four specific sets of policies that will be instrumental in improving school quality and equity: school evaluation and support; resources for education; the teaching profession; and the data and monitoring system. At the centre of these are proposals to make teaching a highly skilled and rewarding profession by better connecting performance, promotion and pay, and progressively strengthening schools’ pedagogical leadership through developmental school evaluations and support. At a strategic level, Romania will need a step change in how education policies are funded and evaluated. This implies more strategic planning and budgeting to align resources with long-term policy priorities, and much-expanded analytical capacities to monitor and evaluate implementation and outcomes and hold institutions accountable.


<img src="https://assets.oecdcode.org/ilibraryres/img/DG-Reform_banner-Kappa_it.png" class="img-responsive" style="padding-bottom:5px;" alt="EU Funded Note"/>
Nelle odierne società guidate dalla conoscenza, le università svolgono un ruolo cruciale nel promuovere l'innovazione e la crescita sostenibile all'interno dei loro ecosistemi. Migliorare le attività di scambio e collaborazione di conoscenze (KEC) all'interno del sistema universitario italiano è essenziale per il progresso della società, il benessere e l'aumento della produttività delle imprese di diverse dimensioni e fasi di sviluppo e generare valore per la società. Questo documento offre una proposta di riforma per le politiche di potenziamento del sistema di scambio e collaborazione di conoscenze tra università e società in Italia.


This policy paper aims to help governments develop regulatory experimentation constructively and appropriately as part of their implementation of the 2021 OECD Recommendation for Agile Regulatory Governance to Harness Innovation. Regulatory experimentation can help promote adaptive learning and innovative and better-informed regulatory policies and practices. This policy paper examines key concepts, definitions and constitutive elements of regulatory experimentation. It outlines the rationale for using regulatory experimentation, discusses enabling factors and governance requirements, and presents a set of forward-looking conclusions.

La Provincia Autonoma di Trento (Trentino) è tra le regioni più produttive d'Europa, ma negli ultimi due decenni la crescita della sua produttività è stata stagnante. Di conseguenza, il divario di produttività del Trentino è aumentato di oltre il 20% rispetto a regioni con lo stesso livello di produttività nel 2000. L'analisi comparativa dei fattori di produttività del Trentino con quelli delle regioni "pari" evidenzia diverse priorità di politica economica. Queste includono: rilanciare la produttività nei settori commerciabili, anche attraverso una maggiore internazionalizzazione; aumentare la quota di forza lavoro con un'istruzione terziaria; e ottenere di più dalla R&S pubblica, incentivando al contempo la R&S del settore privato.


Romania’s education system is at a turning point. In 2023, the government passed a new law on school education that sets out significant changes to how schooling is provided, governed and resourced. These changes come at a critical time for the country’s development. While Romania is one of Europe’s fastest-growing economies, its education outcomes remain among the lowest in the European Union. The measures in the new law are crucial for ensuring quality education, fostering economic growth and enhancing inclusivity.

This policy perspective offers recommendations on how to take forward planned reforms. It focuses on four specific sets of policies that will be instrumental in improving school quality and equity: school evaluation and support; resources for education; the teaching profession; and the data and monitoring system. At the centre of these are proposals to make teaching a highly skilled and rewarding profession by better connecting performance, promotion and pay, and progressively strengthening schools’ pedagogical leadership through developmental school evaluations and support. At a strategic level, Romania will need a step change in how education policies are funded and evaluated. This implies more strategic planning and budgeting to align resources with long-term policy priorities, and much-expanded analytical capacities to monitor and evaluate implementation and outcomes and hold institutions accountable.


Continuing the recent fall in income inequality and poverty will necessitate stepping up efforts to both address pressing social issues and bolster economic growth. Redoubling efforts to improve education outcomes would help Mexicans gaining the skills needed to participate in an evolving job market and boost Mexico’s growth potential. Mexico has much to gain from closing gender participation gaps, as it would lead to stronger growth overall and to a more equitable distribution of income and opportunities. Reducing informality would not only ensure greater job security and social protection for workers but also stimulate economic growth.

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