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This report contains a new set of results on the levels of real per capita GDP and its main components in OECD countries in 1980, with estimates for later years upto 1984. Real per capita GDP is obtained by valuing the goods and services in different countries at a fixed set of prices, namely, the average prices prevailing at the time within the group of countries covered. This procedure is essentially the same as that used to measure volume changes over time within a single country when the fixed prices of some base year are used to compile expenditure or output series at constant prices. The international measures of real per capita GDP for different countries can therefore be interpreted in the same way as the volume indices which are used to measure real rates of growth within a single country.

These international volume measures may be contrasted with measures of per capita GDP which are frequently obtained by converting data for different countries into a single currency ...

The aim of this paper is to provide an assessment of the medium-term financial strategies operating in and available to OECD economies. Three issues are discussed: first, the rationale for the increasing adoption of medium-term budgetary and monetary objectives; second, the appropriate criteria for the determination of medium-term policy norms, and the institutional means through which these are implemented; and third, the problems of ensuring consistency between short-term policies and medium-term goals. Underlying these issues is the theme of monetary and fiscal policy co-ordination and the medium-term effectiveness of demand management. To the extent that central banks can contain the pressures stemming from the mix of restrictive monetary targets and expansionary budgets, monetary and fiscal policies might be assigned to different objectives - inflation control and short-term employment support respectively (although monetary restraint would not free expansionary fiscal action ...

L'objet de cette étude est de présenter une analyse de la dynamique des prix industriels en relation avec l'évolution des coûts de production et les fluctuation de l'activité économique, dans quelques pays de l'OCDE au cours des vingt dernières années. Les succès récents que certains pays ont connu dans la lutte contre l'inflation amènent à se poser une question fondamentale. Le processus de désinflation qu'ont connu certains pays au cours de la dernière période résulte-t-il simplement de la sévérité et de la longueur inhabituelle de la récession qu'on vient ...

Devant le recul sensible de la demande de pétrole des pays de l'OPEP, que l'on observe depuis 1980, les prix internationaux en dollars du pétrole ont fléchi légèrement en 1981 et en 1982 pour chuter nettement au début de 1983. La présente note s'appuie sur des simulations réalisées à partir du modèle de l'économie mondiale, INTERLINK, du Secrétariat de l'OCDE, pour examiner les facteurs qui détermineront les principales conséquences macro-économiques de la baisse des prix du pétrole pour la zone de l'OCDE. Les pays importateurs nets de pétrole en retireront trois avantages non négligeables: la poursuite du recul de l'inflation, le redressement de la balance des opérations courantes et l'augmentation des revenus réels. L'incidence sur la production est moins sûre car elle dépend en partie de la confiance des entreprises et des changements induits dans l'orientation de la politique économique ...

  1. Exchange rates are relative prices of national currencies, and under a floating rate regime they may naturally be viewed as being determined by the interplay of supply and demand in foreign exchange markets. This proposition is uncontroversial, but it provides no more than a starting point for understanding exchange rate determination and its relationship to other macroeconomic variables and to policy. Supply and demand in currency markets are dependent on conditions in other markets, real and financial, which are affected in turn by exchange rates themselves. In fact any analysis which attempted to be general would describe exchange rates as being determined in a complex process of interaction simultaneously with all other variables in the international macro-economy. Such an approach would prove too cumbersome to be helpful empirically. Simplifying assumptions have therefore been used in most standard models to provide explanations which are in varying degrees partial. Each model ...

Ce document examine un certain nombre des conséquences que les deux grandes augmentations des prix du pétrole - 1973-74 et 1979-80 - ont eues sur l'économie de l'ensemble de la zone de l'OCDE.

Cette étude porte sur la "ventilation" des variations de la croissance du revenu nominal entre la croissance réelle et l'inflation. Elle présente une analyse descriptive des données de la période d'après-guerre ainsi qu'une analyse par régression qui postule l'existence d'une ventilation dynamique stable. Cette analyse a été effectuée pour tous les pays Membres de l'OCDE. On admet en général que les pouvoirs publics ont la possibilité de maîtriser l'évolution du revenu nominal encore que l'étude présente également quelques données relatives aux rapports entre l'inflation et la croissance du revenu nominal et de la masse monétaire. On examine aussi le rôle des anticipations et de l'incertitude et leurs rapports avec l'action des pouvoirs publics ...

This paper sets out the various stages in the construction and estimation of a supply block for medium-term projection models. It describes the theoretical basis for the specification chosen and the estimation results.

The basic block is a set of production factor demand functions. It is refined by modelling the scrapping behaviour of firms, introducing the effects stemming from movements in hours worked, and examining the role of profits. Other possible changes or improvements are outlined. The model is used to simulate the effects of movements in the relative prices of labour, capital and energy in recent years ...

La question des réactions de la demande de pétrole et d'énergie aux variations du revenu et des prix reste au premier plan des débats consacrés à la politique économique. Comme l'on n'escompte qu'un ...

The purpose of this paper is to examine the processes of wage formation in France sector by sector, to idenitfy the reasons for fluctuations in sectoral wage differentials and ascertain whether wage emulation exists. In France no information is available quarterly on sector wages with breakdowns by sex or according to a number of other characteristics, so it was not possible to make use of a number of studies done in other countries on the degree of wage dispersion, such as those of Bouteiller (1971), Pollen (1977), Tachibanaki (1974), and all the studies on the much researched relationship between wage level and membership of a trade union. Here it would be appropriate to ...

  1. Participants in the Special Meeting on National Accounts held in February 1980 requested the Secretariat to prepare a report on service lives of capital assets. Estimating service lives is one of the more difficult problems in using the perpetual inventory method to calculate capital stocks. While an earlier OECD report, The Measurement of Capital (40), had touched on the problem, participants agreed that this was an area where a more detailed study of country practices would be useful. A consultant, M. Pierre Teillet, was asked to conduct a survey of country practices and to prepare an initial report, which was briefly discussed at the Special Meeting on National Accounts held in June 1981. The present study, which has been prepared by the Economic Statistics and National Accounts Division of the ESD, draws both on the earlier work by M. Teillet and on the substantial quantity of reports, working papers and other documentation on capital stock estimates supplied by statistical ...
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