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Lowering high levels of unemployment and inequality are amongst the largest challenges facing South Africa. More entrepreneurs and thriving small businesses would contribute to inclusive growth. Measures of entrepreneurial activity are lower in South Africa than in other emerging economies. Barriers to entrepreneurship include bureaucratic procedures and licensing, which are also an ongoing burden on small firms. Public procurement is being used to overcome the dominance of large incumbents, but so far its net effect on small firms is not clear. An education system that better equipped students with basic skills as well as entrepreneurial skills would grow the pipeline of entrepreneurs. New forms of financing are slowly emerging in a system that is dominated by banks. A better evidence base is crucial for more effective financial and non-financial support programmes to boost start-up rates and small firms’ growth.

As with other policies offering lower prices to at least some buyers, loyalty and fidelity discounts are generally pro-competitive and beneficial to consumers even though they may harm certain competitors. Potential problems exist, however, when such discounts are employed in ways that reduce price transparency, exclude or restrict a significant number of actual or potential competitors, or raise the probability of anticompetitive co-ordination.
The sometimes complex pro- and anti-competitive effects of loyalty and fidelity discounts are explored in the executive summary, background paper and summary of discussion pertaining to a June 2002 OECD Competition Committee roundtable discussion of the topic. While these documents reveal some interesting policy differences among various members of the Competition Committee, they also point to general agreement that loyalty and fidelity discounts are more likely to raise competition concerns when practised by firms enjoying substantial market power.

Over the last two and a half decades, Luxembourg’s financial sector emerged as a leading international hub for asset management and investment funds and became a key contributor to growth. Diversification into new areas of financial asset management is continuing. However, changing financial market regulation in Europe, increased international transparency requirements for banking and heightened international competition pose challenges. Moreover, the financial sector has reached a size where its contribution to the economy’s overall growth might diminish. Maintaining sound framework conditions is important for further diversification in the financial sector, building on Luxembourg’s existing comparative advantage and investors’ trust in its economic stability. Regulators should ensure financial intermediaries maintain strong capital ratios to address potential financial market shocks from abroad and real estate risks in the domestic economy. Assessment of systemic risks should be based on a framework that accounts for the various linkages between the banks and the other relevant financial market actors, notably investment funds. Given that the bulk of the banks in Luxembourg are affiliates of foreign bank groups, the authorities should seek clear procedures that govern the (cross-border) resolution of large banks in bad times. Moreover, implementation of the remaining steps in upgrading the tax transparency regulations Luxembourg has committed to can increase incentives for banks to further refine their business models, benefitting Luxembourg’s financial sector in the medium term. This Working Paper relates to the 2015 OECD Economic Survey of Luxembourg (www.oecd.org/eco/surveys/economic-survey-luxembourg.htm).
Developing activities in areas other than finance would help to sustain growth and deal with the declining potential output and trend productivity growth that Luxembourg’s economy is facing. Given the relatively high labour costs, Luxembourg’s future comparative advantages are likely to lie in higher value added and skill intensive activities. Further development of Luxembourg’s high living standards thus requires strengthening the economy’s growth potential via further diversification of activity in high value added sectors. Stepping up investment in knowledge based capital and enterprise innovation can help Luxembourg to maintain and further develop comparative advantages in high value added activities. The government is promoting the formation of enterprise clusters by providing networking, infrastructure investment and financial support for research and development. To enhance the efficiency of the government’s policy, high priority should be given to outcome-oriented evaluation. This is required to ensure that costly infrastructure investment yields good results. Further efforts should be made to create synergies via cross-border initiatives, in particular with respect to research. Experience in other countries points to the importance of regulatory framework conditions in product and labour markets to spur enterprise dynamics. Regulation in professional services can be made more competition friendly, and impediments to labour force participation, notably for women, can be reduced. Productivity and innovation are also affected by the effectiveness of the secondary education system to produce skilled workers, which in Luxembourg is hampered by high repetition rates among students. This Working Paper relates to the 2015 OECD Economic Survey of Luxembourg (www.oecd.org/eco/surveys/economic-survey-luxembourg.htm).

Digitalisation, automation and future technological changes are changing the world of work, affecting the skills needed to perform them. The future of jobs will not look like the present situation: increasingly, workers will have to adapt to fast technological change, accept more mobility during their career, and regularly upgrade their skills to remain employable. Luxembourg’s workforce is highly skilled, reflecting the concentration in the country of sophisticated firms in the financial sector and other top-end international services. However, some middle- skilled routine jobs – especially back office, custodian and legal services in the financial sector – may disappear as a result of automation. Workers with strong and adaptable skills will be well prepared to thrive in this new environment. While many individuals working in Luxembourg already possess such characteristics, many others do not, resulting in a relatively high level of skills mismatch. Further improvements in the education system are needed to address this challenge, provide the young with learning-to-learn as well as technical capabilities and avoid that large groups of people are left behind. As skill sets will need to be updated during working careers, the system of initial education must be complemented by a flexible system of lifelong learning, tailored to the special needs of individuals with limited education attainment and older workers.
Better use of existing skills would entail reorienting labour market policies from supporting job creation towards high-quality training programmes with substantial on-the-job learning component and reflecting future labour market needs. The tax and benefit system needs to be adjusted to increase incentives to work for low-skilled youth, older workers and second earners. Fully individualised taxation would increase incentives to work of second earners and make the tax system more gender neutral, while an additional parental leave entitlement for fathers may result in more gender-balanced use of part-time work.
This Working Paper relates to the 2017 OECD Economic Survey of Luxembourg (www.oecd.org/eco/surveys/economic-survey-luxembourg.htm).

Luxembourg’s large foreign-born population is a pillar of the country’s prosperity: they have brought skills and knowledge to many sectors of the economy. They also tend to successfully find jobs, with a higher employment rate than natives. However, not all immigrants have done well. The minority from non-EU origin (about 10% of the country’s population) suffers from high unemployment, large gender gaps in activity and below-average incomes. Refugees are particularly vulnerable. Other integration shortcomings go beyond disadvantaged minorities. Pervasive labour market segmentation is well illustrated by the marked under-representation of the foreign-born in public sector jobs. Political participation of immigrants at local level is modest. At school, their children are often put at a disadvantage by an education system which tends to perpetuate socio-economic inequality.
The diversity of Luxembourg’s society contributed by immigrants should be seen as an asset for economic growth and well-being. Initiatives such as the diversity charter can help private and public organisations to reap the benefit of diversity through the inclusion of outsiders and the strengthening of social cohesion. Learning the languages of Luxembourg, developing social capital and having foreign qualifications validated are key preconditions for successful integration. Education requires both general equity-enhancing reforms, starting at early childhood, and targeted support to disadvantaged students, including upgraded vocational studies. Furthermore, job matching and social cohesion would benefit from greater immigrant participation in public sector employment and civic life. Avoiding that asylum seekers undergo protracted inactivity is also a concern.
This Working Paper relates to the 2017 OECD Economic Survey of Luxembourg (www.oecd.org/eco/surveys/economic-survey-luxembourg.htm).

This paper outlines the findings of the Poland case study of the Lódzkie region for the international project, Local scenarios of demographic change. The Lódzkie region is located in the central part of Poland, at the intersection of several major arterial roads; Berlin-Moscow and Gdansk-Vienna. Despite the excellent location, the region is affected by several demographic challenges, partly related to the region’s proximity to Warsaw, the Polish capital city. The official strategic documents for regional development have been focused on “hard” infrastructure development, with limited attention being paid to current or future demographic and social challenges, such as the declining and ageing population, which pose significant obstacles to future regional development. Profound public interest in demographic change, however, has resulted in the creation of a plan for 2013-2014 to forestall this predicted depopulation, and also, in the preparation of a demographic development strategy for the following years.

La transformación digital afecta a todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas: proporciona nuevos espacios y herramientas para comunicar, trabajar, consumir y disfrutar de nuestros derechos. Ofrece numerosas oportunidades sociales y económicas, pero también comporta riesgos nuevos y complejos. Por lo tanto, un entorno en línea seguro y que dé mayor poder a los usuarios y dé prioridad a las personas es un objetivo fundamental de la era digital. A través de una familia ficticia que explora estas oportunidades y los riesgos, este documento analiza la forma en que la transformación digital nos afecta como individuos, ya sea en condición de ciudadanos, consumidores o trabajadores. Esboza el panorama de políticas públicas y describe los esfuerzos internacionales, de múltiples partes interesadas y repletos de matices que se necesitan para alcanzar un equilibrio entre los diferentes derechos, intereses y valores en juego. Como documento de referencia para la Conferencia ministerial de la Economía Digital de 2022, este documento sirve de apoyo a los responsables políticos para diseñar y lograr una transformación digital centrada en el ser humano.

French, English

Este documento ofrece una visión general de la organización de los servicios sociales en los países de la Unión Europea. Con especial atención a España y a los países con organización federal o semifederal, el documento comienza analizando los servicios sociales desde una perspectiva jurídica. Ofrece una perspectiva comparada de varios aspectos concretos de los servicios sociales: fuentes de financiación (nacionales, regionales, locales, etc.), organización de la prestación de servicios, gastos, recursos humanos, gobernanza y coordinación entre instituciones. El análisis concluye que, a pesar de las diferencias entre países, no existe ningún vínculo entre la existencia de una legislación nacional integral de servicios sociales y la amplitud de la oferta de servicios sociales. Las principales diferencias entre los países se refieren a los servicios familiares y los servicios de vivienda ya que ciertos países consideran la vivienda como un derecho. Existen grandes diferencias en la contribución de las administraciones centrales, regionales y locales al gasto social. Gastar más en servicios no implica necesariamente gastar menos en transferencias monetarias. De hecho, parece que los países nórdicos, que gastan más en servicios en proporción a su PIB, también gastan más en transferencias monetarias. Por último, el documento subraya el importante papel de la tecnología de la información y de los mecanismos de coordinación horizontal y vertical para mejorar la calidad y la accesibilidad de los servicios.


Questo rapporto analizza la dimensione territoriale della produttività nelle cooperative italiane, segmento che esprime una quota relativamente ampia dell’occupazione nazionale. Le cooperative assolvono a un’importante funzione anticiclica nella creazione di occupazione durante le crisi. Dopo la pandemia, potrebbero contribuire in misura significativa a un riorientamento dell’economia verso modelli maggiormente improntati all’inclusività e allo sviluppo sostenibile. In futuro, un rafforzamento dei livelli di produttività potrebbe favorire le cooperative nel perseguimento delle loro finalità di natura economica e sociale. Nell’analizzare la produttività nelle cooperative italiane, questo rapporto adotta un approccio incentrato sulla dimensione territoriale, date le loro numerose interdipendenze con le comunità locali. Le evidenze emerse mettono in luce i fattori locali maggiormente correlati alla prevalenza e alla produttività delle cooperative tra le regioni, i settori economici e nelle diverse classi dimensionali d’impresa. Un confronto con le imprese italiane non cooperative, così come con le imprese spagnole, cooperative e non, consente di osservare come i livelli di produttività varino a livello territoriale e tra diversi tipi di imprese osservati. Questo rapporto utilizza l’approccio analitico sviluppato dallo Spatial Productivity Lab dell’OCSE.


Als Antwort auf die COVID-19-Krise haben einige Steuerverwaltungen bereits innerstaatliche Leitlinien zu bestimmten Verrechnungspreisfolgen von COVID-19 veröffentlicht. Dies ist zwar ein wichtiger erster Schritt, um Erwartungen zu formulieren, Zusammenarbeit zu ermöglichen und für mehr Steuersicherheit zu sorgen; aufgrund der zweiseitigen Natur der Verrechnungspreise kann die Steuersicherheit in diesem Bereich jedoch nur mit einem gemeinsamen Ansatz erhöht werden. Dieses Dokument soll nun erläutern, wie der in den OECD-Verrechnungspreisleitlinien verankerte Fremdvergleichsgrundsatz auf die besonderen Sachverhalte und Herausforderungen anzuwenden ist, die sich aus der COVID-19-Pandemie ergeben. Dabei stehen vier Themen im Vordergrund: i) Vergleichbarkeitsanalyse, ii) Verluste und Aufteilung der COVID-19-spezifischen Kosten, iii) staatliche Hilfsprogramme und iv) Vorabverständigungen über die Verrechnungspreise (APA). Diese Leitlinien wurden von den 137 Mitgliedern des Inclusive Framework on BEPS von OECD und G20 erarbeitet und gebilligt. Einige Mitglieder des Inclusive Framework orientieren sich zwar am United Nations Practical Manual on Transfer Pricing for Developing Countries (2017), in Fällen, in denen das VN-Handbuch ähnliche Analyse- und Lösungsansätze vorsieht wie die OECD-Verrechnungspreisleitlinien, dürften sie jedoch auch für sie hilfreich sein.

English, French

La "economía social" ha desempeñado un importante rol a la hora de abordar y mitigar los impactos a corto y largo plazo de la crisis de COVID-19 sobre la economía y la sociedad. A corto plazo, los agentes de la economía social han contribuido a la recuperación de la crisis aportando soluciones innovadoras destinadas a reforzar los servicios públicos como complemento de la acción gubernamental. A largo plazo, las organizaciones de economía social pueden contribuir a reconfigurar la economía posterior a la crisis promoviendo modelos económicos inclusivos y sostenibles. Apoyándose en décadas de experiencia, sus características específicas y sus principios subyacentes, la economía social puede inspirar modelos de innovación social y un sentido de propósito a las empresas que operan en la economía de mercado.


En una crisis sanitaria mundial sin precedentes, el comercio es una actividad esencial para salvar vidas y sostener los medios de subsistencia, y para que el comercio siga fluyendo, es crucial la cooperación internacional. Ante tal incertidumbre, cuatro son las medidas factibles: 1) aumentar la confianza en el comercio y los mercados mundiales; 2) mantener el flujo de las cadenas de suministro de productos imprescindibles como insumos de salud y alimentos; 3) evitar restricciones innecesarias a la exportación y otras barreras comerciales; y 4) incluso en plena crisis, pensar más allá de lo inmediato. El apoyo gubernamental de hoy debe prestarse de forma que sirva al interés público y no a intereses creados, y evitar futuras distorsiones del mercado de mañana. La OCDE apoya a los gobiernos mediante evidencia y análisis oportunos y objetivos que fundamenten las decisiones en materia de políticas públicas.

English, Portuguese, German

La crisis sanitaria y económica sin precedentes a la que se enfrentan los países en desarrollo agravará los problemas de desarrollo existentes. Aunque los gobiernos han empezado a responder, su capacidad es muy limitada. Los gobiernos de la OCDE y la comunidad internacional en general necesitan desbloquear un apoyo ambicioso, para evitar la pérdida de vidas, contener el riesgo de repercusiones e invertir en una recuperación sostenible. La respuesta internacional al COVID-19 debería no tener precedentes en términos de recursos movilizados, alcance y ambición. Esto debería conducir a un nuevo modelo de desarrollo que favorezca la resiliencia y la sostenibilidad.


Os riscos de segurança digital estão aumentando ao passo que atores mal-intencionados se aproveitam da epidemia do coronavírus (COVID-19). Indivíduos e empresas devem exercer cautela com comunicações relacionadas ao coronavírus e usar medidas apropriadas de "higiene" em relação à segurança digital. É essencial que os que os governos ampliem esforços de conscientização, monitorem o cenário de ameaças e publiquem diretrizes de fácil acesso para a higiene de segurança digital, em particular para grupos vulneráveis, como idosos e pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs).

French, English
  • 02 Jul 2019
  • Marisa Berbegal-Ibanez, Juan Casado-Asensio, Friederike Rühmann, Aussama Bejraoui, Guillaume Delalande, Julia Benn
  • Pages: 83

Este documento de trabajo resume los principales hallazgos y recomendaciones del estudio piloto realizado en Costa Rica como parte del desarrollo del marco de medición del apoyo oficial total al desarrollo sostenible (TOSSD). El documento incluye los flujos estimados de TOSSD a Costa Rica. Estos flujos en 2016 fueron de 559 millones de dólares estadounidenses de financiamiento oficial para el desarrollo y 60 millones de dólares de financiación privada movilizada a través de intervenciones oficiales de desarrollo. Estos flujos se calcularon a partir de las estadísticas CAD de la OCDE. Sin embargo, es probable que las cifras estén subestimadas en gran medida debido a la falta de información disponible, en particular con respecto al apoyo oficial a Costa Rica por parte China y otros países proveedores que no pertenecen al CAD. El estudio piloto también indicó que el gobierno puede acceder, recopilar, analizar y usar datos sobre financiamiento externo para el país utilizando datos nacionales gracias a sus sistemas institucionales y de tecnologías de la información. Sin embargo, el marco legislativo requiere ajustes y puede mejorarse la coordinación con el fin de evitar la duplicación de esfuerzos.

  • 26 Sept 2018
  • Carlo Menon, Timothy DeStefano, Francesco Manaresi, Giovanni Soggia, Pietro Santoleri
  • Pages: 88

Il presente rapporto fornisce una valutazione indipendente e approfondita dell’impatto economico e sociale del quadro d’intervento italiano per le imprese startup innovative, noto anche come “Startup Act”, introdotto inizialmente dal Decreto-legge 179 del 2012. La policy mira a creare un ambiente più favorevole alle piccole startup innovative attraverso una serie di strumenti complementari, tra cui figurano una modalità di costituzione rapida e gratuita, una procedura di fallimento semplificata, incentivi fiscali per gli investimenti in equity e un sistema pubblico di garanzia per l’accesso al credito bancario. Sebbene il rapporto si concentri unicamente sull’Italia, lo “Startup Act” può essere considerato come un “laboratorio” di grande utilità per l’elaborazione di policy a sostegno dell’imprenditorialità innovativa in tutti i Paesi membri dell’OCSE. La valutazione sottolinea che l’impatto dello “Startup Act” sulle imprese beneficiarie è stato complessivamente positivo, ma che sono necessarie azioni complementari in altre aree di policy per realizzare appieno il potenziale delle startup innovative italiane.

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