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  • 02 janv. 2013
  • Miho Taguma, Ineke Litjens, Kelly Makowiecki
  • Pages : 59

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) can bring a wide range of benefits – for children, parents and society at large. However, these benefits are conditional on “quality”. Expanding access to services without attention to quality will not deliver good outcomes for children or long-term productivity benefits for society.

This series of country reports focuses on quality issues. Each report tackles a specific theme that was selected by the country reviewed. These reports suggest strengths and point to areas for further reflection on current policy initiatives.

  • 07 janv. 2013
  • Mihály Fazekas, Simon Field
  • Pages : 110

Higher level vocational education and training (VET) programmes are facing rapid change and intensifying challenges. What type of training is needed to meet the needs of a changing economies? How should the programmes be funded? How should they be linked to academic and university programmes?  How can employers and unions be engaged? This report on Switzerland looks at these and other questions.

Chaque année, environ 1,3 million de personnes sont tuées et 50 autres millions de personnes sont blessées sur les routes à travers le monde. Ces accidents de la route coûtent aux pays entre 1 et 3 % de leur PIB. Bon nombre de ces accidents pourraient être évités par des interventions bien ciblées. Ce rapport aide à identifier les contre-mesures de sécurité les plus efficaces.

Les décideurs ont besoin de justifier leurs dépenses sur la sécurité routière en termes d'efficacité, en concurrence pour les ressources limitées disponibles. Le risque de prendre de mauvaises décisions et le coût de la prise de meilleures décisions peuvent être réduits grâce à l'utilisation d'études fiables sur l'efficacité des mesures de sécurité, réalisées sur la base de fonctions de modification de l'accidentalité (FMA). Ce rapport montre qu'il existe une perspective de progrès significatifs et des économies importantes par le biais du transfert des résultats à l'échelle internationale, permettant l'adoption plus rapide de nouvelles mesures de sécurité.

Le rapport sert de guide à la façon dont les résultats des recherches peuvent être partagées au niveau international. Il fournit une liste de contrôle pour l'examen systématique des études de sécurité routière et un cadre pour la normalisation méthodologie.

  • 08 janv. 2013
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 292

The report provides evidence-based assessment and policy recommendations in support of Mexico’s water reform. It analyses implementation bottlenecks and identifies good practices in four key areas considered as essential drivers for change in the water sector of Mexico: multi-level and river basin governance; economic efficiency and financial sustainability; and regulatory functions for water supply and sanitation.

This report is the result of a one-year policy dialogue between the OECD and Mexico, after the adoption of the 2030 Water Agenda as a strategic and long-term vision for Mexico’s water sector.

  • 09 janv. 2013
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 116

Partout dans le monde, de nombreuses zones sont affectées par la surpêche,  une faible productivité et une rentabilité insuffisante. Les redresser entraînerait pourtant des avantages considérables. Ce rapport analyse les défis et les grandes questions auxquels doivent faire face les gouvernements lorsqu'ils élaborent et mettent en œuvre des initiatives visant à redresser les pêcheries. Il porte essentiellement sur les questions économiques et institutionnelles et s'appuie sur des données provenant des pêcheries des pays de l’OCDE.

  • 15 janv. 2013
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 180
This Environmental Performance Review of Mexico provides an independent assessment of Mexico's progress in achieving its domestic and international environmental commitments, together with policy-relevant recommendations. It evaluates progress towards sustainable development and green growth, with a focus on policies that tackle climate change and address biodiversity and forest conservation objectives.
Français, Espagnol
  • 16 janv. 2013
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 152

When trying to measure fiscal decentralisation, the OECD Network on Fiscal Relations Across Government Levels has made significant progress in the last years, especially on tax autonomy of sub-central governments. But in many respects, real-world fiscal decentralisation still escapes the measuring tools, especially when it comes to measure the spending power of sub-central governments or the various regulations attached to intergovernmental grants. This book deals with two interrelated issues. The first concerns  the various measurement of fiscal decentralization in general and their usefulness for policy analysis. The second and more specific issue concerns the taxonomy of intergovernmental grants and the  limits of the current classifications, and how policy changes to the intergovernmental grants framework may require that measurement devices be adapted.

Growth and diversity have characterised higher education in OECD countries for fifty years. Chile is no exception and has experienced dramatic increases in the number of students, the range of institutions and the programmes that they offer. But wider participation and diversification are only part of the story. Chilean society remains highly unequal in economic and social terms, and the quality of the academic, technical and professional programmes on offer is uneven. The establishment of a culture of quality in higher education which goes beyond accreditation, and the provision of accurate and reliable information, have become issues of concern not only to institutions, students and employers but to a wider public.

This report  analyses the performance of the relatively young higher education quality assurance system (SINAC-ES). It provides a set of key principles that the OECD review team believes both reflect international practice and are relevant for Chile. The report makes a set of recommendations about the place of the SINAC ES in Chilean higher education and society; the focus of its work; its structure and leadership; and the functions of licensing; accreditation and information that it carries out.


A lo largo de los últimos 50 años, la educación superior de los países de la OCDE se ha caracterizado por los fenómenos de expansión y diversificación. Chile no es una excepción a esta tendencia: se ha experimentado un aumento espectacular enel número de alumnos, así como de la oferta de nuevas instituciones y carreras. No obstante, el aumento de la participación y la diversificación del sistema sólo es una parte de la historia. La sociedad chilena sigue experimentando altas desigualdades a nivel económico y social. La calidad de la oferta de formación académica, profesional y técnica difiere entre programas e instituciones. El establecimiento de una cultura de calidad en la educación superior que vaya más allá de la acreditación, juntamente con el suministro de información fidedigna, son temas que preocupan no sólo a las instituciones, sino también a los estudiantes, los empresarios y a la sociedad chilena en general.
Este informe analiza el funcionamiento del Sistema Nacional de Aseguramiento de la Calidad de la Educación Superior (SINAC-ES). El equipo de expertos de la OCDE proporciona una serie de principios básicos que cree que reflejan prácticas a nivel internacional que son de relevancia y utilidad para el caso de Chile. A lo largo del informe se encuentran una serie de recomendaciones de mejora en referencia a: el encaje del SINAC-ES en el sistema de educación superior y la sociedad chilena, el enfoque de su trabajo, su estructura y liderazgo, así como las funciones de licenciamiento, acreditación e información que desarrolla el sistema.

  • 24 janv. 2013
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 112
  • 24 janv. 2013
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 343

The National Accounts of OECD Countries, Financial Balance Sheets includes financial stocks (both financial assets and liabilities), by institutional sector (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions serving households, total economy and rest of the world) and by financial instrument.

  • 24 janv. 2013
  • OCDE, La Banque mondiale
  • Pages : 320

In Colombia, the beginning of a new century has brought with it a palpable feeling of optimism. Colombians and visitors sense that the country’s considerable potential can be realised, and education is rightly seen as crucial to this process. As opportunities expand, Colombians will need new and better skills to respond to new challenges and prospects.

The government is therefore determined to address key challenges confronting tertiary education in the country: expanding enrolment and improving equity, increasing quality and relevance, and making governance and finance more responsive. Colombia has more than a decade of progress under its belt, and the energy to reach ambitious policy goals. Getting there in practice will involve dialogue and consensus-seeking among all stakeholders, as well as new resources and new rules.

  • 24 janv. 2013
  • OCDE, La Banque mondiale
  • Pages : 348

En Colombia, el inicio del nuevo siglo ha traído consigo un sentimiento palpable de optimismo. Colombianos y visitantes sienten que el importante potencial del país puede ser realizado y se considera, con razón, que la educación es crucial en este proceso. A medida que las oportunidades se expanden, los colombianos necesitarán de nuevas y mejores competencias para responder a los nuevos retos y perspectivas.
El gobierno está por lo tanto decidido a tratar los principales retos de la educación superior en el país: ampliar la cobertura y mejorar la equidad, aumentar la calidad y la relevancia, y hacer que la gobernabilidad y las finanzas funcionen mejor. Colombia tiene más de una década de progreso y la energía para alcanzar sus ambiciosos objetivos. Cómo lograr esas metas en la práctica implica el diálogo y la búsqueda de consenso entre todos los participantes, así como nuevos recursos y nuevas reglas.

This Inventory is concerned with direct budgetary transfers and tax expenditures that relate to fossil fuels, regardless of their impact or of the purpose for which the measures were first put in place. It has been undertaken as an exercise in transparency, and to inform the international dialogue on fossil-fuel subsidy reform. For each of the 34 OECD countries covered, the Inventory provides a succinct summary of its energy economy, and of the budgetary and tax-related measures provided at the central-government level (and, in the case of federal countries, for selected sub-national units of government) relating to fossil-fuel production or consumption. The transfers associated with these measures are reported for recent years using the Producer Support Estimate (PSE) and Consumer Support Estimate (CSE) as organising frameworks. These frameworks have already been used extensively by the OECD, most notably in respect of agriculture. The Inventory covers a wide range of measures that provide a benefit or preference for a particular activity or a particular product, either in absolute terms or relative to other activities or products, against a specified baseline. Many measures listed in this inventory are relative preferences within a particular country’s tax system rather than absolute support that can be readily compared across countries, and for that reason no national totals are provided.
  • 28 janv. 2013
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 256

The taxation of different sources and uses of energy (particularly those that give rise to emissions of greenhouse gases) will play a key role in governments’ efforts to mitigate the scale of global warming and climate change. At present, effective tax rates vary widely across different sources and uses of energy within countries, as well as across countries. This publication provides the first systematic statistics of such effective tax rates – on a comparable basis - for each OECD country, together with ‘maps’ that illustrate graphically the wide variations in tax rates per unit of energy or per tonne of CO2 emissions. These statistics and maps should be an invaluable tool for policymakers, analysts and researchers considering both domestic fiscal reform in response to climate change and other environmental challenges (e.g. to achieve emissions reductions targets most cost-effectively) and wider international responses.

Le Comptes nationaux des pays de l'OCDE, Comptes de patrimoine financier inclut les stocks financiers (à la fois actifs financiers et passifs), par secteur institutionnel (sociétés non financières, sociétés financières, administrations publiques, ménages et institutions sans but lucratif au service des ménages, économie totale et reste du monde) et par instrument financier.


Allemagne, Australie, Autriche, Belgique, Canada, Chili, Corée, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, États-Unis, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Israël, Italie, Japon, Luxembourg, Mexique, Norvège, Nouvelle-Zélande, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, République slovaque, République tchèque, Royaume-Uni, Slovénie, Suède, Suisse et Turquie.

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