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Improving the environmental performance of agriculture is a high priority for OECD countries. But measuring and evaluating the impact of agri-environmental policies on the environment can be challenging, as it requires linking economic and biophysical models in country-specific  contexts. 

The OECD has developed the Stylised Agri-environmental Policy Impact Model (SAPIM), which can be adapted and applied by researchers and policy makers to better understand the impact of policies on the agri-environment conditions in their countries. 

This report applies the model to representative farms in Finland, Japan, Switzerland and the United States. These countries include a wide range of objectives, policy measures and agri-environmental conditions. The results highlight that when positive or negative environmental externalities are not taken into account by farmers then the production choices by farmers will reflect private costs and benefits. Policies can potentially raise social welfare by taking account of those externalities. 

This report notes that, overall, the diversity of conditions across sectors and countries makes it difficult to generalise the impact of agri-environmental policies beyond the situations that are modeled. Nevertheless, some wider policy messages emerge. Drawing on the four case studies examined, this report recommends that; polluting activites that are not regulated should be included in policy design; the existing overall policy environment needs to be taken into account in evaluating agri-environmental policies; and environmental co-benefits and trade-offs need to be recognised.  

Green growth policies can stimulate economic growth while preventing environmental degradation, biodiversity loss and unsustainable natural resource use. The results from this publication contribute to the Green Growth Strategy being developed by the OECD as a practical policy package for governments to harness the potential of greener growth.

  • 16 nov. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 196

This 2010 review of Japan's environmental conditions and policies evaluates progress in reducing the pollution burden, improving natural resource management, integrating environmental and economic policies, and strengthening international co-operation. It includes coverage of policy for greening growth, implementation of environmental policies, climate change, waste management and the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle), and nature and biodiversity.

The review finds that since the last review, Japan has made steady progress in addressing a range of environmental issues, notably air and water pollution, and the management of chemicals and waste. The energy intensity of the economy has continued to decrease, particularly in the industrial sector, and is among the lowest in OECD countries.  Material intensity has also decreased. 

At the same time, several more complex, long-term challenges have come to the fore: climate change, sound waste, materials management, and  biodiversity conservation. Much of the last decade was characterised by sluggish economic growth, and environment and  green innovation are targeted as key drivers of future growth and job creation in Japan's New Growth Strategy.



The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are recommendations to international business for conduct in such areas as human rights, labour, environment, consumer protection, the fight against corruption and taxation.  The recommendations are made by the adhering governments and, although not binding, governments are committed to promoting their observance. 

This Annual Report provides an account of the actions taken by the 42 adhering governments over the 12 months to June 2010 to enhance the contribution of the Guidelines to the improved functioning of the global economy.
Ten years after the 2000 revision of the Guidelines, work is starting on an update of the Guidelines to ensure their continued role as a leading international instrument for the promotion of responsible business conduct.  This edition focuses on three core issues for consideration during the update: supply chains, human rights, and climate change.

  • 15 nov. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 308

Located on the southern coast of China, Guangdong is the country’s most populous and rich province. It has 95.4 million inhabitants and provides one-eighth of the national GDP. A key development feature of Guangdong has been “processing trade”, which has allowed companies to profit from importing materials, assembling goods and exporting them via Hong Kong, China.

The recent economic crisis has had a strong impact on the province, although Guangdong also faces in-depth structural problems. Growing labour costs and strain on land availability have increasingly challenged the province’s traditional model of development, as have new competitors in China and abroad. Meanwhile, regional disparities within the province have increased, with a high concentration of economic activities and foreign direct investment in the Pearl River Delta area, an agglomeration of nine prefectures of 47.7 million inhabitants that represents 79.4% of the province’s total GDP.

This review assesses Guangdong’s current approach to economic development. The province is focusing on industrial policies primarily aimed at heavy manufacturing industries (e.g. automobile, shipbuilding, petrochemicals) and supported by investment in hard infrastructure transport projects and energy supply, along with the implementation of the “Double Relocation” policies intended to move lower value-added factories to lagging regions through incentive mechanisms like industrial parks.

The review discusses how some principles of the OECD regional paradigm could help Guangdong. It also addresses the huge environmental challenges that the province is facing and explores the opportunity for developing a green growth strategy. Strategies to improve Guangdong’s governance are analysed as well, with particular attention paid to co-ordination issues within the Pearl River Delta.

The Territorial Review of Guangdong is integrated into a series of thematic reviews on regions undertaken by the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee. The overall aim of these case studies is to draw and disseminate horizontal policy recommendations for regional and national governments.



  • 15 nov. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 272

Si l’on se cantonne aux technologies existantes, résoudre les problèmes environnementaux de la planète pourrait peser très lourd sur la croissance économique. Nous savons que l’innovation – création et adoption de technologies et méthodes nouvelles – offre le moyen d’atteindre des objectifs écologiques locaux et mondiaux à un coût beaucoup plus faible. L’innovation est également un des principaux moteurs de la croissance économique.

Les pays de l’OCDE utilisent de plus en plus les taxes liées à l’environnement parce qu’elles constituent l’un des instruments d’action les plus efficaces. Il est essentiel d’analyser la relation entre fiscalité environnementale et innovation pour bien comprendre les effets de cet instrument, qui pourrait être un axe de la « croissance verte ». En attribuant un prix à la pollution, les taxes environnementales stimulent‑elles l’innovation ? Quels sont les types d’innovations induits ? La conception de la taxe joue‑t‑elle un rôle ? Quel est l’impact de cette innovation ?

Pour analyser ces questions, ce rapport s’appuie sur des études de cas qui couvrent la Corée, l’Espagne, Israël, le Japon, le Royaume‑Uni, la Suède, la Suisse et d’autres pays, et aborde un large éventail de questions et de technologies environnementales ainsi que de situations économiques et stratégiques. Les méthodes de recherche employées vont de l’analyse économétrique aux entretiens avec des chefs d’entreprise et cadres dirigeants. Ce rapport étudie également l’utilisation des taxes écologiques dans les pays de l’OCDE et formule un certain nombre de remarques à l’intention des responsables chargés de les mettre en œuvre.

Les politiques en faveur de la croissance verte peuvent stimuler la croissance économique tout en empêchant la dégradation de l’environnement, la perte de biodiversité et la surexploitation des ressources naturelles. Les conclusions de ce rapport contribueront à la Stratégie pour une croissance verte élaborée par l’OCDE, qui servira de guide pratique pour les pouvoirs publics désireux d’exploiter tout le potentiel d’une croissance plus respectueuse de l’environnement.

Pour en savoir plus

L’économie politique des taxes liées à l’environnement (2006)

Anglais, Chinois, Espagnol
  • 15 nov. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 504

Cette publication annuelle rassemble les principales données statistiques officielles du secteur des assurances pour tous les pays de l’OCDE. Le lecteur y trouvera des informations sur les activités de cette industrie ainsi que des indications sur les grandes tendances du marché international.

Die OECD in Zahlen und Fakten 2010 ist die sechste Ausgabe des umfassenden, dynamischen statistischen Jahrbuchs der OECD mit über 100 Indikatoren zu einem breiten Spektrum von Themen: Bevölkerung, Wirtschaft und Produktion, Handel und Investitionen, Energie, Erwerbsbevölkerung, Information und Kommunikation, öffentliche Finanzen, Innovation, Umwelt, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Landwirtschaft, Besteuerung, Bildung, Gesundheit und Lebensqualität.   Das Sonderkapitel der Ausgabe 2010 ist dem Thema Die Krise und die Zeit danach gewidmet.

Aufgezeigt werden Daten für alle OECD-Mitgliedsländer, ergänzt durch regionale Gesamtwerte, sowie Daten für ausgewählte Nicht-OECD-Volkswirtschaften. Für jeden

Français, Anglais
  • 14 nov. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 168

The 2010 edition of OECD's periodic survey of Australia's economy.  This edition includes chapters covering recovery from the crisis, fiscal policy effectiveness, meeting infrastructure needs, and enhancing labour utilisation.

Malgré les perspectives qu’elle laisse entrevoir, la mise en œuvre des technologies de l’information et des communications (TIC) dans le domaine des soins cliniques s’est révélée difficile. Des investissements publics considérables se soldent par des succès notables, mais également des retards et des échecs dont on a beaucoup parlé : voilà le bilan qui se dégage de plus d’une dizaine d’années d’efforts. Il a en outre manqué une prise de conscience générale, dans le grand public comme dans le monde médical, des avantages qu’offrent les TIC pour la tenue des dossiers médicaux et l’échange d’informations.

Faute d’informations suffisantes sur ces questions au plan international, l’OCDE s’est inspirée des conclusions d’études de cas réalisées en Australie, au Canada, en Espagne, aux États-Unis, aux Pays-Bas et en Suède pour recenser les possibilités d’application des TIC et analyser les conditions dans lesquelles ces technologies sont les plus à même de favoriser l’amélioration de l’efficience et de la qualité des soins. Les conclusions de ce rapport révèlent un certain nombre de pratiques ou de stratégies qui pourraient être utiles pour améliorer et accélérer l’adoption et l’utilisation des TIC dans le secteur de la santé.

  • 09 nov. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 196

Este reporte desarrolla conocimientos comparados sobre reformas en política docente y gestión y liderazgo escolar en el contexto de un país miembro de la OCDE: México. Los resultados educativos en México pueden mejorar si se refuerza la eficacia de sus escuelas. La brecha en estándares entre el desempeño de los estudiantes en México y otros países de la OCDE sólo puede ser reducida si las escuelas se vuelven buenas en lo que hacen. Este reporte analiza las áreas fundamentales y los retos a los que se enfrenta el sistema educativo mexicano, y provee recomendaciones de políticas públicas en las áreas de gestión, liderazgo escolar y política docente. Estas recomendaciones han sido desarrolladas considerando los resultados, la calidad, los estándares educativos y de las escuelas en México en términos de lo que se sabe a nivel internacional sobre las escuelas eficaces. El resultado es una serie de recomendaciones adaptadas al contexto mexicano.

El reporte tiene dos audiencias: Busca apoyar al gobierno de México y a los actores clave del sistema educativo en el desarrollo de una visión común de largo plazo y de políticas en las áreas de gestión escolar, liderazgo escolar, participación social, así como en políticas de selección, formación inicial, desarrollo profesional y evaluación de docentes en México. A su vez, ofrece conocimientos valiosos sobre desarrollo e implementación de políticas educativas para otros países miembros y asociados de la OCDE que se encuentran en procesos de reforma de sus sistemas educativos.

  • 09 nov. 2010
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 738

The world appears to be emerging from the worst economic crisis in decades. Many countries have made pledges under the Copenhagen Accord to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. Commitments have also been made by the G-20 and APEC to phase out inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies. Are we, at last, on the path to a secure, reliable and environmentally sustainable energy system?

Updated projections of energy demand, production, trade and investment, fuel by fuel and region by region to 2035 are provided in the 2010 edition of the World Energy Outlook (WEO). It includes, for the first time, a new scenario that anticipates future actions by governments to meet the commitments they have made to tackle climate change and growing energy insecurity.

WEO-2010 shows:

·         what more must be done and spent to achieve the goal of the Copenhagen Accord to limit the global temperature increase to 2°C and how these actions would impact on oil markets;

·         how emerging economies – led by China and India – will increasingly shape the global energy landscape;

·         what role renewables  can play in a clean and secure energy future;

·         what removing fossil-fuel subsidies would mean for energy markets, climate change and state budgets;

·         the trends in Caspian energy markets and the implications for global energy supply;

·         the prospects for unconventional oil; and

·         how to give the entire global population access to modern energy services.

With extensive data, projections and analysis, WEO-2010 provides invaluable insights into how the energy system could evolve over the next quarter of a century. The book is essential reading for anyone with a stake in the energy sector.

The books on “Safety Assessment of Transgenic Organisms” constitute a compilation of the OECD Biosafety Consensus Documents. When published, Volume 1 and 2 contained the documents issued before 2006; Volume 3 and 4 are a continuation of the compilation up to 2010.

The OECD Biosafety Consensus Documents identify elements of scientific information used in the environmental safety and risk assessment of transgenic organisms which are common to OECD member countries and some non members associated with the work. This is intended to encourage information sharing, promote harmonised practices, and prevent duplication of effort among countries.

These books offer ready access to those consensus documents which have been issued on the website thus far. As such, it should be of value to applicants for commercial uses of transgenic organisms (crops, trees, microorganisms), to regulators and risk assessors in national authorities, as well as the wider scientific community.

More information on the OECD's work related to the biosafety of transgenic organisms is found at BioTrack Online (http://www.oecd.org/biotrack).

  • 09 nov. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 164

Édition 2010 de l’examen périodique de Norvège. Elle contient des chapitres consacrés à la sortie de la crise, aux enjeux à long terme de la politique budgétaire, au changement climatique et à la pêche.


The books on “Safety Assessment of Transgenic Organisms” constitute a compilation of the OECD Biosafety Consensus Documents. When published, Volume 1 and 2 contained the documents issued before 2006; Volume 3 and 4 are a continuation of the compilation up to 2010.

The OECD Biosafety Consensus Documents identify elements of scientific information used in the environmental safety and risk assessment of transgenic organisms which are common to OECD member countries and some non members associated with the work. This is intended to encourage information sharing, promote harmonised practices, and prevent duplication of effort among countries.

These books offer ready access to those consensus documents which have been issued on the website thus far. As such, it should be of value to applicants for commercial uses of transgenic organisms (crops, trees, microorganisms), to regulators and risk assessors in national authorities, as well as the wider scientific community.

More information on the OECD's work related to the biosafety of transgenic organisms is found at BioTrack Online (http://www.oecd.org/biotrack).

As human capital is the source of innovation, one of the policy principles of the OECD Innovation Strategy is to "foster innovative workplaces". Education and training systems must rise to the challenge of providing people with the means to learn and re-train throughout their life. Companies and organisations need to maximise the human resources they have at their disposal.

Do employers make the best use of people’s skills for innovation? Are some work organisations more associated with innovation than others? If so, are these organisations more widespread in some countries than in others? Are they associated with particular labour market policies, managerial practices, learning cultures or certain levels of education? What are the challenges for innovation within organisations?
This volume shows that interaction within organisations - as well as individual and organisational learning and training - are important for innovation. The analytical tools and empirical results this study provides show how some work organisations may foster innovation through the use of employee autonomy and discretion, supported by learning and training opportunities.

Innovative Workplaces will be of interest to policy makers in the fields of education, employment and innovation as well as business leaders, academics and all readers interested in social issues.

  • 04 nov. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 154

Étude économique de l’Irlande 2009. Cette édition couvre les thèmes suivants : Corriger les déséquilibres macroéconomiques récents et restaurer la stabilité financière, reconstruire les finances publiques, lutter contre le chômage de longue durée, stimuler la compatibilité et relever le niveau de vie.

  • 04 nov. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 190

Fragile states lag far behind meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015, representing 75% of the MDG deficit. Fragile states already lacked the institutional strength to adequately respond to both financial and environmental shocks. The effects of three consecutive and inter-related shocks – food, fuel and the secondary effects of the financial crisis – risk reversing progress achieved by some post-conflict states, and further entrenching insecurity in others.

Although official development assistance to fragile states is growing in real terms, it is increasingly concentrated, and half of fragile states face the prospects of declining aid. There is a need to maintain aid levels and meet aid pledges, but also to improve the quality of support to fragile states.

This report serves as a tool to better monitor the levels, timing and composition of resource flows to fragile states, and presents salient facts on aid flows to fragile states, the impact on fragile states of the three crises and the need for a whole-of-government response.

  • 03 nov. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 154

In the wake of the recent financial and economic crisis, many OECD countries face the challenge of restoring public finances while still supporting growth. This report investigates how tax structures can best be designed to support GDP per capita growth.  

The analysis suggests a tax and economic growth ranking order according to which corporate taxes are the most harmful type of tax for economic growth, followed by personal income taxes and then consumption taxes, with recurrent taxes on immovable property being the least harmful tax. Growth-oriented tax reform measures include tax base broadening and a reduction in the top marginal personal income tax rates. Some degree of support for R&D through the tax system may help to increase private spending on innovation. 

But implementing pro-growth tax reforms may not be easy. This report identifies those public and political economy tax reform strategies that will allow policy makers to reconcile differing tax policy objectives and overcome obstacles to reform. It stresses that with clear vision, strong leadership and solid tax policy analysis, growth-oriented tax reform can indeed be realised.

The spectacular success of several well-known new ventures in technological fields, which in little more than a decade have jumped from the state of start-ups to that of top international businesses, has pointed to innovation as a key factor in the high growth of firms.  These high-growth enterprises often drive job creation and innovation, so policy makers are increasingly making such companies a key focus. Specifically, how can government policy foster the creation of more high-growth enterprises; what are the growth factors, and how can they be leveraged; what are the appropriate ways to provide such support?

To help answer these questions, this report presents findings from two new research studies: (1) reports from 15 countries (Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and Tunisia) that provide interesting insights into the operations of and challenges faced by high-growth enterprises; (2) a policy survey by the OECD Working Party on SMEs and Entrepreneurship, which reviewed more than 340 programmes that policy makers in 24 countries have put in place to support the growth of enterprises. 

Some of this report’s findings may surprise: any firm can be a growth company; growth is almost always a temporary phase; high-growth small firms are funded mostly by debt, not equity. These and many more insights are summarised and analysed, providing policy makers with ideas on how to power growth at the firm level.

  • 02 nov. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 114

Études économiques de l'OCDE : Islande 2009 examine l’impact de la crise financière et formule des recommandations sur la manière de gérer cette situation.

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