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The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the legal and institutional framework for extradition and mutual legal assistance in corruption cases in 27 of the 28 jurisdictions which have endorsed the Anti-Corruption Action Plan for Asia-Pacific of the ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia-Pacific: Australia; Bangladesh; Cambodia; P.R. China; the Cook Islands; the Fiji Islands; Hong Kong, China; India; Indonesia; Japan; Kazakhstan; Korea; the Kyrgyz Republic; Macao, China; Malaysia; Mongolia; Nepal; Pakistan; Palau; Papua New Guinea; Philippines; Samoa; Singapore; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Vanuatu; and Vietnam. This report does not cover Bhutan which became the 28th member of the Initiative in September 2007 after the thematic review began.

Reducing the time for registering a company from weeks and months to under one hour is a concrete result of a unique and ambitious initiative in Portugal to make the public sector more efficient and effective. The Simplex initiative aims at making life easier for citizens and businesses. It focuses on how e-government can be used as a lever for broader administrative simplification, making service delivery more coherent and efficient.

This is the first integrated study undertaken by the OECD to analyse administrative simplification and e-government in a national context. By bringing those two areas together in the context of public management reform, this review helps countries identify how these reform activities can best support overall government performance and economic growth.

  • 18 déc. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 284

Suomi on OECD:n maaseutuvaltaisimpia maita. Se on myös ensimmäisten joukossa omaksunut monialaisen lähestymistavan maaseutupolitiikkaan. Näin ollen Suomen maaseutupolitiikan synty ja kehitys kiinnostavat huomattavasti sekä OECD-maita että muita maita, joista monet ovat vielä kehityksen alussa. Ensimmäinen Suomen maaseutupolitiikan maatutkinta tehtiin vuonna 1995, ja tämänkertainen maatutkinta sisältää ainutlaatuista tietoa siitä, kuinka Suomen maaseutupolitiikka on kehittynyt vuoden 1995 ensimmäisistä suosituksista lähtien.

Suomalainen maaseutupolitiikan malli on suhteellisen hyvin onnistunut yhdenmukaistamaan maaseutua koskevat sektoripolitiikat (nk. laaja maaseutupolitiikka) ja räätälöimään kohdennettuja ohjelmia maaseudun kehittämisen edistämiseksi (nk. suppea maaseutupolitiikka). Maaseutupolitiikan yhteistyöryhmällä on ollut merkittävä rooli maaseutupolitiikan hallinnassa, eri toimijoiden yhteen saattamisessa ja maaseutuyhteisöjen puolestapuhujana. Tulevaisuudessa avainasioita ovat julkisten palveluiden tarjoaminen entistä tasapuolisemmin ja tehokkaammin ikääntyvälle hajallaan asuvalle väestölle, myös muussa kuin maataloudessa toimivien maaseudun yritysten (joiden määrä kasvaa jatkuvasti) kilpailukyvyn kohentaminen ja maaseudun liiketoimintaympäristön parantaminen siten, että maaseudun runsaita luontaisia vetovoimatekijöitä hyödynnetään täysimääräisesti.

Tämä raportti on kiinnostavaa luettavaa politiikan päättäjille, tutkijoille, kansalais-järjestöille ja muille aktiivisesti maaseudun kehittämisen parissa toimiville. Tässä kirjassa on ruotsin- ja englanninkieliset käännökset arvioinnista ja suosituksista. Tämän kirjan teksti on kokonaisuudessaan luettavissa internetistä osoitteessa: www.maaseutupolitiikka.fi

  • 27 nov. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 96

Over the past 20 years, the management of the public service has changed tremendously in most OECD countries. First, governments have tried to reduce the size of their public employment to decrease the costs of producing government services, either directly or indirectly by contracting out the production of services to the private sector under the assumption that it would be more efficient. Second, in many cases, governments have tried to apply general good management principles to the management of public employees. As a consequence, many areas of public employment have lost their uniqueness and have become quite similar to the general employment system in the different countries. This book takes stock of the main changes in the management of public services across OECD countries. It also examines how countries manage to find a balance between, on the one hand, attention to fundamental values such as fairness, equity, justice and social cohesion to maintain political confidence in the government system as a whole and, on the other hand, a focus on efficiency, productivity and effectiveness.

Français, Coréen
Ce rapport examine, du point de vue politique, quelques-unes des principales difficultés que soulève la mise en œuvre de la réforme réglementaire. Il s’appuie sur les informations disponibles des pays de l’OCDE qui veulent convaincre par des résultats et élaborent des stratégies de mobilisation. Il fait ainsi la synthèse des débats menés lors de la réunion du Groupe de l’OCDE sur la politique de la réglementation en décembre 2007. Les questions centrales portent sur les moyens de susciter l’adhésion générale à la réforme et sur le choix des acteurs et parties prenantes qu’il faut associer à la réalisation des réformes. Les questions de programmation et de calendrier sont d’une importance capitale. Il faut aussi que les citoyens et le public comprennent l’intérêt économique de la libéralisation et de la simplification des formalités administratives que permet la réforme réglementaire.

Des chapitres spécifiques analysent le rôle des organes de mobilisation pour la réforme réglementaire, ainsi que la politique de la concurrence. Ces chapitres examinent leurs incitations et leurs modalités d’intervention compte tenu de leur environnement culturel, politique et administratif. Ils doivent jouer le rôle de puissants moteurs de la réforme, intégrant le point de vue des entreprises et des citoyens dans l’élaboration des politiques. Un exemple est présenté sous la forme d’une étude de cas évaluant la viabilité politique du contrôle réglementaire centralisé comme stratégie institutionnelle à partir de l’expérience des États-Unis. En ce qui concerne la mobilisation pour la politique de la concurrence, ce rapport examine l’équilibre entre l’indépendance institutionnelle et l’objectivité qui sont nécessaires pour veiller à l’application des règles. Il étudie comment associer les politiques d’ouverture des marchés dans un environnement favorable à la réforme, tirant les enseignements des ajustements des échanges et des ajustements structurels. Il souligne le rôle des négociations internationales, en tant que moyen pour mobiliser l’appui au niveau politique, et les stratégies visant à organiser et à entretenir les réformes d’ouverture des marchés.

  • 14 nov. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 252

Although Poland has managed to maintain high growth levels since the mid-1990s, with the second-best performance in the OECD in 2006-07, territorial disparities are persistent and rising, especially between large urban areas and rural ones. Like many OECD countries, Poland must seek to achieve an appropriate balance between support for poles of growth and the development of lagging regions, particularly its eastern peripheral regions, which are among the poorest in the European Union. This report explores the various challenges and opportunities for Polish regional development policy, and provides recommendations to best design and implement the policy mix, looking in particular at governance challenges.

Polonais, Français

The OECD has collectively underlined the importance of a high quality regulatory environment since the mid 1990s when the Council adopted the 1995 Recommendation on Improving the Quality of Government Regulation and its checklist as the first international standard on regulatory quality, and the 1997 Report on Regulatory Reform and its Principles of good regulation.
Since 1997, the OECD has carried out a series of country reviews based on the Principles, which have documented progress in the reviewed countries. Twenty OECD countries have been reviewed. The reviews have been multidisciplinary, covering the broader economic context, competition policy, market openness, sectoral reforms and not least, the development of regulatory policies, institutions and tools to build up capacities for a high quality rule-making environment supportive of economic growth and specific policy goals. This work has been complemented by the specific research of the OECD secretariat and others on issues such as the link between product market reforms and economic performance. Ample material is now available to take stock of the progress made in OECD countries and to reflect on the continued relevance of the 1997 Principles.
This report integrates more detailed papers prepared for the committees and working parties responsible for regulatory management, competition policy and trade, as well as relevant papers prepared for the Economic Policy Committee.

  • 04 nov. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 250

Belgian citizens want the look and feel of a single public sector entity and the provision of integrated e-government services customised to their needs rather than to have to understand the complex division of governmental responsibilities. Belgium already has internationally recognised examples to show: most importantly the transformation of the social sector administration through e-governance tools, and more recently the link of e-government services to administrative-burden reduction. Future transformation will be enabled by the common electronic identity card (eID) that has been adopted by all governments. This report shows that the development and provision of the next generation of user-focused services will require the maximisation of synergies between the federal, regional and community governments and local authorities in Belgium.

  • 30 oct. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 248

El estado mexicano de Yucatán, con su ubicación de importancia estratégica cerca de Estados Unidos de América, América Central y el Caribe, es una de las regiones más dinámicas de la OCDE. Yucatán es también una tierra de contrastes. Es una región rezagada pero en crecimiento, que ofrece una alta calidad de vida y vastos recursos naturales, pero que a la vez padece problemas de sustentabilidad. Sus atracciones turísticas se localizan en zonas rurales que no se benefician de ellas. Cuenta con servicios médicos estatales y peninsulares, pero su cobertura de servicios de salud es desequilibrada. Yucatán es un centro de educación superior en la península y, sin embargo, sus graduados no consiguen empleo. Tienen varias comunidades marginadas en organismos administrativos fragmentados y, si bien los estados que pertenecen a la península comparten un legado y un atractivo culturales comunes, sus instituciones no cooperan entre sí.
Resulta claro que Yucatán no aprovecha por completo sus múltiples recursos y, de hecho, los desafíos que prevalecen en la región amenazan con debilitar los bienes locales. Entre estos desafíos se encuentra la necesidad de convertir determinadas actividades en procesos de innovación y diseño de un valor agregado más alto, así como fomentar el que las actividades primarias lleguen a los mercados internacionales. Pese a que el gobierno estatal ha propuesto programas para estimular la formalización de la economía informal, medidas como una mejor reglamentación, la reducción de la burocracia y la oferta de oportunidades de empleo y el acceso al crédito formal podrían causar un mayor impacto. La falta de una visión a largo plazo compartida y coherente es un reto fundamental para mejorar la competitividad regional y la cohesión social en Yucatán. Las recomendaciones de la OCDE sólo pueden ser parte de una estrategia de mayor envergadura para desarrollar una visión colectiva del futuro del estado.

  • 29 oct. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 12

The goal of regulatory reform is to improve national economies and enhance their ability to adapt to change. Better regulation and structural reforms are necessary complements to sound fiscal and macroeconomic policies. Continual and far-reaching social, economic and technological changes require governments to consider the cumulative and inter-related impacts of regulatory regimes, to ensure that their regulatory structures and processes are relevant and robust, transparent, accountable and forward-looking. Regulatory reform is not a one-off effort but a dynamic, long-term, multi-disciplinary process...

Corruption is a serious concern in many parts of the world. In Eastern Europe and Central Asia, transition processes provided particularly rich ground for corruption. This volume analyses a broad range of anti-corruption measures recently implemented in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and identifies where interim progress has been achieved, and where further or reinforced action is needed. The book covers such areas as: anti-corruption strategies, and action plans and mechanisms to monitor their implementation; as well as anti-corruption criminal legislation and its application in practice, including the key role of specialised, independent and well-resourced anti-corruption law-enforcement bodies. The volume also examines a diverse range of measures to prevent corruption among public officials, in political parties, and in the private sector. It  is rich with country data and practical examples, and will provide a useful source of information for anti-corruption decision makers and practitioners in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and beyond. 

With 14.5 million inhabitants and an economy worth over EUR 290 billion, the North of England is larger than many European countries. At the heart of the industrial revolution, the region has been a historic centre for world-changing innovation in transport, computing and in vitro fertilisation. Yet, in the wake of massive losses in manufacturing employment over the past few decades, the region is having to adapt in order to catch up to more prosperous regions in the UK and remain competitive globally.

Like many regions around the OECD, the North of England is seeking to support economic development through innovation, with strategies that build on the region's heritage while also looking to develop new strengths. This report reviews how both national policy and regional strategies support innovation in the North and how these efforts could be improved. It will be of interest to policy makers, firms and others active in promoting innovation and regional economic development.

  • 29 sept. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 146

In order to curb rising unemployment and to upgrade low value-added activities, the competitive edge lost in low-cost labour must be earned back through education and innovation. Regional policy stands as a key tool to achieve this shift in a relatively small yet diverse country with moderate economic growth and limited public spending capacity. This report analyses how a paradigm shift in regional policy, building on the knowledge of both public and private stakeholders in specific regions (ranging from dynamic urban areas on the coast to lagging inland areas), could help Portugal fully exploit its potential for sustainable development.

  • 16 sept. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 362

Ce volume fournit des informations quantitatives sur les titres d’emprunt d’État pour les 30 pays membres de l'OCDE en vue de répondre aux besoins analytiques des utilisateurs tels que les pouvoirs publics, les spécialistes de la gestion de la dette et les analystes de marché.  Les statistiques sont présentées selon un plan d’ensemble normalisé pour permettre une comparaison entre les différents pays. Les notes par pays donnent des informations sur les émissions de titres d’emprunt dans chacun des pays, ainsi que sur le cadre institutionnel et réglementaire dans lequel s’inscrivent la politique de gestion de la dette et les techniques de vente.

Ces Principes directeurs de l’OCDE à l’intention des entreprises multinationales  sont des recommandations à l’intention des entreprises multinationales sur la conduite de leurs activités dans des domaines comme le travail, l’environnement, la protection des consommateurs et la lutte contre la corruption. Ces recommandations émanent des gouvernements qui ont souscrit aux Principes directeurs et se sont ainsi engagés à les faire respecter, même si elles n’ont pas un caractère contraignant. Ce rapport annuel dresse un état des mesures prises entre juin 2005 et juin 2006 par les 39 gouvernements adhérents pour renforcer la contribution des Principes directeurs à un meilleur fonctionnement de l’économie mondiale. Cette édition analyse en particulier, la responsabilité des entreprises et le secteur financier.
  • 05 sept. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 312

Dramatic events, such as the earthquake that struck China’s Sichuan Province in 2008 and the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina in the United States in 2005, have brought the financial management of catastrophic risks once again to the forefront of the public policy agenda globally. To address these issues and develop sound policies, the OECD has established an International Network on the Financial Management of Large-Scale Catastrophes. This publication supports the ongoing activities of the Network.

This book contains three reports focusing on different institutional approaches to the financial management of large-scale catastrophes in selected OECD and non-OECD countries, the role of risk mitigation and insurance in reducing the impact of natural disasters, and the importance of strategic leadership in the management of non-conventional crises.

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