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O Objetivo 7 de Desenvolvimento do Milénio apela à garantia da sustentabilidade ambiental ao integrar os princípios de desenvolvimento sustentável nas políticas e programas nacionais. A Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica (AAE) é uma das principais ferramentas disponíveis para alcançar esta integração. A Declaração de Paris sobre a Eficácia da Ajuda, acordada entre mais de cem doadores e países em desenvolvimento em março de 2005, compromete os doadores e países parceiros a conjuntamente “desenvolverem e aplicarem abordagens comuns de Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica aos níveis setorial e nacional”.

O presente guia de boas práticas explica os benefícios da utilização da AAE na cooperação para o desenvolvimento e apresenta os passos fundamentais para a sua aplicação, com base em experiências recentes. São identificados doze pontos de entrada diferentes para a aplicação prática da AAE à cooperação para o desenvolvimento. Para cada um dos pontos de entrada, é fornecida uma nota de orientação com uma checklist de perguntas e de casos-estudo práticos. São igualmente abordados a avaliação e o desenvolvimento de capacidades no processo de AAE.

Apesar de a publicação se dirigir em primeiro lugar aos profissionais a trabalhar nas agências de desenvolvimento e nos governos dos países em desenvolvimento, a mesma será igualmente útil a outros analistas políticos e planeadores.

Inclui um prefácio redigido por Rt. Hon. Hilary Benn MP, Secretária de Estado para o Desenvolvimento Internacional, RU, Kemal Devis, Administrador, PNUD, e Richard Manning, Presidente do Comité de Ajuda ao Desenvolvimento da OCDE.

A Equipa de Trabalho de Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica, do CAD da OCDE, que preparou este guia, recebeu em 2006 o Prémio Institucional da Associação Internacional para a Avaliação de Impactos (AIAI).

Com o apoio financeiro do Instituto Português de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento (IPAD).

O texto integral desta obra encontra-se disponível online através do seguinte link:

English, French, Spanish

Humanity has witnessed unprecedented growth and prosperity in the past decades, with the size of the world economy more than tripling and population increasing by over 3 billion people since 1970. This growth, however, has been accompanied by environmental pollution and natural resource depletion. The current growth model and the mismanagement of natural assets could ultimately undermine human development.

The OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050 asks “What will the next four decades bring?” Based on joint modelling by the OECD and the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, it looks forward to the year 2050 to find out what demographic and economic trends might mean for the environment if the world does not adopt more ambitious green policies. It also looks at what policies could change that picture for the better. This Outlook focuses on four areas: climate change, biodiversity, freshwater and health impacts of pollution. These four key environmental challenges were identified by the previous Environmental Outlook to 2030 (OECD, 2008) as “Red Light” issues requiring urgent attention.

French, German
  • 08 Mar 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 172
The need to reform water policies is as urgent as ever. Water is essential for economic growth, human health, and the environment. Yet governments around the world face significant challenges in managing their water resources effectively. The problems are multiple and complex: billions of people are still without access to safe water and adequate sanitation; competition for water is increasing among the different uses and users; and major investment is required to maintain and improve water infrastructure in OECD and non-OECD countries.   Despite progress on many fronts, governments around the world are still confronted with the need to reform their existing water policies in order to meet current objectives and future challenges. Building on the water challenges identified by the OECD Environment Outlook to 2050, this report examines three fundamental areas that need to be addressed whatever reform agendas are pursued by governments: financing of the water sector; the governance and institutional arrangements that are in place; and coherence between water policies and policies in place in other sectors of the economy. The report provides governments with practical advice and policy tools to pursue urgent reform in their water sectors.
  • 05 Mar 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 84

This study examines the broad range of factors driving farm management decisions that can improve the environment, including drawing on the experiences of OECD countries. It identifies policy options that would contribute to a sustainable and resilient agricultural sector in the context of climate change.


Ce rapport aborde les enjeux de gouvernance multi-niveaux dans la mise en œuvre de la politique de l’eau et identifie les bonnes pratiques en matière de coordination de la politique de l’eau entre les ministères,  les niveaux de gouvernement et les acteurs locaux au niveau infranational. Basé sur un cadre méthodologique, il évalue les principaux « écarts de coordination » en termes d’élaboration des politiques publiques, de financement, d’information, de responsabilité, d’objectifs et de renforcement des capacités et il fournit une plateforme de mécanismes de gouvernance existants afin de les combler. A partir d’une étude exhaustive sur la gouvernance de l’eau, ce rapport dresse un tableau institutionnel complet des rôles et responsabilités dans l’élaboration des politiques de l’eau au niveau national et infranational dans 17 pays de l’OCDE. Enfin, il fournit des directives préliminaires  en matière de gouvernance multi-niveaux pour une politique intégrée de l’eau.

  • 22 Feb 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 246

Depuis quelques années, Israël renforce sa politique d’environnement et devrait maintenant mettre au point un plan de croissance verte regroupant les politiques environnementale, économique et sociale. Telle est la principale recommandation formulée par l’Examen des performances environnementales de l’OCDE : Israël 2011.

Ce rapport constitue le premier examen de l’OCDE consacré à la politique de l'environnement d’Israël depuis l’adhésion du pays à l’Organisation, l’année dernière. Compte tenu de sa superficie relativement petite, de ses faibles ressources en eau, de la densité de sa population et de son taux élevé d’urbanisation, Israël doit faire face à des défis environnementaux pressants. Le pays a réalisé des progrès appréciables en ce qui concerne la pollution atmosphérique et l’utilisation de l’eau notamment. Ce faisant, Israël a développé un secteur des « technologies propres » dynamique. Cependant, sa forte croissance économique et démographique fait peser sur l’environnement des pressions de plus en plus fortes, imputables à la production de déchets, à la dégradation des habitats et aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre. L’Examen présente 41 recommandations pour aider le pays à relever ces défis.



The principles of sustainable development play an integral role in making development assistance work at the level of policies, plans and programmes. In response to the  Paris Declaration call to “… develop and apply common approaches for ‘Strategic Environmental Assessment’ at sector and national levels” among donors and partners, the Guidance on Applying Strategic Environmental Assessment was endorsed in 2006 by members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee, representatives of developing countries receiving aid, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Environment Programme, the World Bank and many other agencies. Since then, a growing number of countries at all levels of development have legislation or regulations prescribing the application of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)  and many more are introducing it as part of their policy tools. This is creating unique opportunities for better policy making and planning by incorporating environmental considerations into high-level decision-making and opening new mechanisms to build consensus on development priorities within governments themselves and between governments and societies.

Many development co-operation agencies and their partners are already making good progress in applying SEA. This publication presents the nine most interesting case studies of SEA in progress, selected from a total 100.  These nine cases highlight that SEA can:
• Safeguard environmental assets for sustainable poverty reduction and development;
• Build public engagement in decision making;
• Prevent costly mistakes by alerting decision-makers to potentially unsustainable development options at an early stage in the decision-making process;
• Speed up implementation of projects and programmes;
• Facilitate co-operation around shared environmental resources and contribute to conflict prevention.


Le programme d’examens environnementaux de l'OCDE propose des évaluations indépendantes des progrès accomplis par les pays eu égard à leurs engagements nationaux et internationaux en matière d’environnement, ainsi que des recommandations orientées vers l’action des pouvoirs publics. Ces examens ont pour objectif de promouvoir l’apprentissage entre pairs, d’encourager les pays à rendre compte de leur action aux autres pays et à leur opinion publique, ainsi que d’améliorer les performances environnementales des gouvernements, individuellement et collectivement. Les analyses s’appuient sur un large éventail de données économiques et environnementales.

Cet ouvrage est le deuxième examen effectué par l'OCDE des performances environnementales de la République slovaque. Le précédent examen a été publié en 2002.

English, Slovak

The book presents a major meta-analysis of 'value of a statistical life' (VSL) estimates derived from surveys where people around the world have been asked about their willingness to pay for small reduction in mortality risks. The analysis seeks to explain the differences in the estimates, for example across countries. Differences in incomes and the magintude of the risk reduction people have been asked to value were found to be the factors having the strongest impact on VSL, but a number of other policy-relevant factors are also important. Based on the meta-analysis, and a broad review of the literature, the book also presents clear advice on how VSL values best can be used in assessments of environmental, health and transport policies, such as in cost-benefit analyses. Using explicit VSL estimates to quantify the benefits to society of fatality risk reductions can play an important role in the development of more cost-effective public policies.


This policy guidance outlines a number of steps to be considered when building capacity for greening national development planning, national budgetary processes and key economic sector strategies. It identifies the key actors to be engaged in the decision making processes, outlines possible capacity needs and suggests how these can be addressed. This policy guidance is intended to support developing countries in their efforts to move to a greener development path. It is also intended to assist development co-operation and environment agencies in their efforts to support that process.

  • 16 Jan 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 104

The OECD Green Growth Strategy aims to provide concrete recommendations and measurement tools, including indicators, to support countries’ efforts to achieve economic growth and development, while ensuring that natural assets continue to provide the resources and environmental services on which well-being relies. The strategy proposes a flexible policy framework that can be tailored to different country circumstances and stages of development. This report was coordinated with the International Energy Agency (IEA).

This report looks at the role of the energy sector in moving towards a green growth model and the policies to facilitate the transition.  Together with innovation,  going green can be a long-term driver for economic growth, through, for example, investing in renewable energy and improved efficiency in the use of energy and materials. 


Ce livre fournit des instruments de mesure, notamment des indicateurs, qui aideront les pays à engendrer la croissance économique et le développement, tout en veillant à ce que les actifs naturels continuent de fournir les ressources et les services environnementaux sur lesquels repose notre bien-être. La Stratégie propose un cadre d’action adaptable selon les spécificités nationales et le stade de développement des pays. Cet ouvrage accompagne le rapport intitulé Vers une croissance verte.


This publication provides preliminary, quantitative estimates of direct budgetary support and tax expenditures supporting the production or consumption of fossil fuels in selected OECD member countries. The information has been compiled as part of the OECD’s programme of work to develop a better understanding of environmentally harmful subsidies (EHS). It has been undertaken as an exercise in transparency, and to inform the international dialogue on fossil-fuel subsidy reform. It is also intended to inform the ongoing efforts of G20 nations to reform fossil-fuel subsidies.

For each of the 24 OECD countries covered, the Inventory provides a succinct summary of its energy economy, and of the budgetary and tax-related measures provided at the central-government level (and, in the case of federal countries, for selected sub-national units of government) relating to fossil-fuel production or consumption.

Many measures listed in this inventory are relative preferences within a particular country’s tax system rather than absolute support that can be readily compared across countries, and for that reason no national totals are provided.

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