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Title Index

Year Index

  • 02 Mar 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 138

Each year, 740 000 people die as a result of armed violence. It increasingly exploits a link between conflict and crime and undermines our chances of reaching the Millennium Development Goals. This book will help aid donors - both policy advisors and programme staff - to transform good words into good programmes that can ultimately help reduce armed violence globally.


The rapid advances of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years have led to numerous creative applications in science. Accelerating the productivity of science could be the most economically and socially valuable of all the uses of AI. Utilising AI to accelerate scientific productivity will support the ability of OECD countries to grow, innovate and meet global challenges, from climate change to new contagions.

This publication is aimed at a broad readership, including policy makers, the public, and stakeholders in all areas of science. It is written in non-technical language and gathers the perspectives of prominent researchers and practitioners. The book examines various topics, including the current, emerging, and potential future uses of AI in science, where progress is needed to better serve scientific advancements, and changes in scientific productivity.

Additionally, it explores measures to expedite the integration of AI into research in developing countries.

A distinctive contribution is the book’s examination of policies for AI in science. Policy makers and actors across research systems can do much to deepen AI’s use in science, magnifying its positive effects, while adapting to the fast-changing implications of AI for research governance.

  • 06 Jun 2003
  • OECD, Asian Development Bank
  • Pages: 227

This book demonstrates some of the pitfalls associated with services liberalisation but recommends perseverance and even acceleration of the reforms.  Contributors call for orderly and rapid progress towards regional integration of the services sector, based on the gradual removal of the barriers to competition.  The benefits will be increased FDI flows and domestic investment, with a subsequent contribution to growth and poverty reduction. This book is based upon the 2002 International Forum on Asian Perspectives organised by the ADB and the OECD Development Centre.


Illicit financial flows (IFFs) such as tax evasion are a major policy challenge for developing and emerging economies, in particular as the COVID-19 pandemic has drained domestic resources. This report presents results from a joint project between the OECD and the National Treasury of South Africa, which assesses tax compliance and IFFs in South Africa. The report provides an overview of macroeconomic, tax and fiscal developments in South Africa since the global financial crisis. It discusses the concepts of IFFs, how they relate to the South African context and provides an overview of South Africa’s participation in multilateral initiatives to combat tax evasion. It also provides a quantitative analysis of tax compliance and IFFs over time amid a variety of tax transparency initiatives implemented in South Africa. Finally, the report examines the effectiveness of tax transparency initiatives such as voluntary disclosure programmes, and looks into income and wealth characteristics of applicants to these programmes.

Russia’s war against Ukraine is causing a humanitarian, social and economic crisis for the Ukrainian people. The consequences of this full-scale military invasion are disrupting the global supply of commodities, sharply increasing food and energy prices, and threating the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Countries with established commercial and financial ties with the economies of Russia and Ukraine appear to be particularly vulnerable.

Assessing the Impact of Russia’s War against Ukraine on Eastern Partner Countries investigates the exposure of Eastern Partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine) to the economic shocks caused by the war, and in particular through the impact that the conflict is having on inflation, migration, remittances, investment and trade.

This report is published as part of the multi-country project “EU4Business: From Policies to Action – phase 2”, implemented in the Eastern Partnership with the financial support of the European Union within the EU4Business initiative.

Governments in developed countries have long used, directly or indirectly through their tax systems, policies that subsidise or otherwise encourage the population at large to acquire assets such as financial savings, home ownership, retirement funds, education (human capital) or business capital. These policies seldom reach the poor. In fact, for the poor these policies often do not stimulate saving but rather discourage it. However, the evidence reported in this book is that the poor want to save, and can do so in modest amounts. In fact, they will do so, often with sacrifices greater than either policy makers or the more well-off might imagine. Extending asset-building policies to the poor can represent an effective attack on both poverty and economic and social alienation of the poor, because it has positive welfare effects that income support alone cannot provide.

This book establishes the context for a fruitful debate on the merits and demerits of asset building for the poor by setting out the basic ideas involved in asset-building programmes and proposals. It also outlines the social policy advantages that their proponents claim, and documents what the existing programmes and demonstration projects look like.
French, Italian, Spanish

Illustrated with graphics and maps, the Atlas of Gender and Development gives readers a unique insight into the impact of social institutions − traditions, social norms and cultural practices − on gender equality in 124 non-OECD countries.

Gender inequality holds back not just women but the economic and social development of entire societies. Overcoming discrimination is important in the fight against poverty in developing countries and for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. Tackling these inequalities is not easy: in many countries, discrimination against women is deeply rooted in social institutions such as the family and the law. These long-lasting codes of conduct, norms, traditions, and informal and formal laws determine gender  outcomes in education, health, political representation and labour markets.

  • 02 Jun 2003
  • OECD
  • Pages: 200

The OECD organised a conference on FDI, in Shanghai, China, in December 2002.  Some of the questions addressed in this book include:  What lessons can be drawn from experiences with policies for attracting FDI, including strategies based on tax and other incentives?  How can MNEs contribute to promote the developmental benefits of FDI?  How can FDI and portfolio investments best complement each other in support of development? Are there effective ways to achieve synergies between FDI and official development aid in leveraging private investment for development projects in LDCs?

El Índice de Políticas para PYMEs es una herramienta de evaluación comparativa que ha ayudado a economías emergentes en diversas regiones del mundo durante la última década a monitorear y evaluar el progreso de las políticas que apoyan a las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas. Esta primera aplicación de la metodología del Índice en la región de América Latina y el Caribe abarca los cuatro países miembros de la Alianza del Pacífico (Chile, Colombia, México, Perú), así como tres países sudamericanos participantes (Argentina, Ecuador, Uruguay). Es un esfuerzo conjunto entre el Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina (CAF) y la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE) a través de su Programa Regional de América Latina y el Caribe (LACRP), en cooperación con el Sistema Económico Latinoamericano y del Caribe (SELA) y la “Fundación para El Análisis y Desarrollo Estratégico de la PYME ”(FAEDPYME). Dividido en siete dimensiones de políticas, este informe evalúa las fortalezas y debilidades que existen en las diferentes áreas de diseño, implementación, y monitoreo y evaluación de políticas para PYMEs. Ayuda a medir el nivel de desarrollo de políticas en cada dimensión, y proporciona orientación a los responsables de políticas en la identificación e implementación de futuras reformas alineadas con buenas prácticas internacionales.


Agenda na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju 2030 przyjęta przez światowych przywódców w ramach Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych w dniu 25 września 2015 r. wyznacza ambitny plan działania służący poprawie życia ludzi na całym świecie. W dniu 14 lutego 2017 r. Rząd RP przyjął Strategię na rzecz odpowiedzialnego rozwoju, w której przewidziano ponad 700 działań ukierunkowanych na zwiększenie dochodu obywateli Polski oraz wzmocnienie społecznej, gospodarczej, środowiskowej i terytorialnej spójności kraju. Przyjmując Strategię na rzecz odpowiedzialnego rozwoju, Polska wykonała pierwszy ważny krok w stronę zmierzenia się z tymi wyzwaniami. Osiągnięcie celów zrównoważonego rozwoju będzie jednak długim procesem z wieloma przeszkodami, podczas którego Polska będzie musiała regularnie dostosowywać swoje strategie, plany działania i środki polityki oraz aktualizować zobowiązania wszystkich interesariuszy. Wymiana doświadczeń z innymi państwami, służąca ustaleniu sprawdzających się i niesprawdzających się rozwiązań, może pomóc Polsce w pomyślnej realizacji tego procesu.

  • 29 Jul 2016
  • PARIS21
  • Pages: 52

The Road Map for a Country-led Data Revolution was produced by the Informing a Data Revolution (IDR) project, which was launched by PARIS21 in 2014 and financed by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The project aims to help ensure the data revolution serves the post-2015 development agenda. Its focus is on National Statistical Systems (NSS) in developing countries. These are crucial to generating the data needed to promote development and reduce poverty and to monitor international development goals.
As well as this report, the IDR project has a number of other components, including the following:
- Country studies: A study of statistical systems in 27 countries and in-depth studies of 7 countries.
- Innovations Inventory: Inventories of innovative solutions that can help fill data gaps, reduce costs and improve efficiency.
- IDR Metabase: A database on the organisation, management and performance of national statistical systems to provide a baseline and a means for monitoring progress over time
For more on the methodology used to create this report, see Annex - Methodology.

English, Portuguese, Spanish, French

Reconhecendo a necessidade de melhores abordagens, adaptadas à aprendizagem e à prestação de contas em situações de conflito, o Comité de Ajuda ao Desenvolvimento (CAD) lançou uma iniciativa para desenvolver orientações para avaliar as atividades de prevenção de conflitos e de construção da paz. O objetivo deste processo tem sido o de ajudar a melhorar as práticas de avaliação e, assim, de apoiar a comunidade mais alargada de peritos e de organizações de implementação a melhorar a qualidade das intervenções de prevenção de conflitos e de construção da paz. Procura igualmente orientar os decisores políticos, técnicos na sede e no terreno, e os parceiros do país no sentido de alcançar uma melhor compreensão do papel e da utilidade das avaliações. As linhas de orientação apresentadas neste livro fornecem o enquadramento sobre questões políticas fundamentais que afetam o envolvimento dos doadores em contextos de conflito e de fragilidade e apresenta alguns dos desafios para a avaliação específicos nestes contextos. Em seguida, proporciona orientações detalhadas sobre os passos fundamentais no planeamento, implementação e aprendizagem a partir da avaliação, bem como alguns princípios básicos sobre a conceção e gestão de programas.

French, English

Der OECD-Fragilitätsbericht 2015 will einen Beitrag zur Debatte über die Festlegung und Umsetzung der Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDG) für den Zeitraum nach 2015 leisten. Er macht deutlich, dass die Armutsbekämpfung in der neuen Entwicklungsagenda entscheidend von Fortschritten bei der Verringerung der Fragilität abhängt. Er plädiert für das empfohlene Ziel 16 der SDG – die Förderung friedlicher und inklusiver Gesellschaften –, das auf die Verringerung aller Formen von Gewalt ausgerichtet ist.

Die Ausgabe 2015 dieses Berichts unterscheidet sich deutlich von den vorhergehenden. Sie stellt ein neues Fragilitätskonzept vor, das über fragile Staaten hinausgeht. Sie befasst sich mit Fragilität als einer universellen Frage, die alle Länder betreffen kann, nicht nur jene, die traditionell als „fragil“ oder von Konflikten betroffen gelten. Dazu stützt sie sich auf Indikatoren, die mit drei Unterzielen des SDG 16 und zwei aus dem Gesamtrahmen der Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung zusammenhängen: Gewalt, Zugang zur Justiz, rechenschaftspflichtige und inklusive Institutionen, wirtschaftliche Inklusion und Stabilität sowie Kapazitäten zur Verhütung bzw. Bewältigung sozialer, wirtschaftlicher und ökologischer Schocks und Katastrophen. Diese Indikatoren werden auf alle Länder weltweit angewandt, um die fünfzig Länder zu identifizieren, die nach den fünf Aspekten jeweils zu den am stärksten gefährdeten Ländern gehören. Zu der Gruppe der Länder, die nach allen fünf Indikatoren als am stärksten gefährdet zu betrachten sind, gehören hauptsächlich solche, die auch auf der herkömmlichen Liste der fragilen Staaten und Volkswirtschaften stehen. Zusätzlich rücken aber auch einige Länder der mittleren Einkommensgruppe ins Blickfeld, die durch einen überproportional hohen Grad an krimineller Gewalt, subnationale Konflikte oder einen unzureichenden Zugang zur Justiz gekennzeichnet sind.

Der Bericht kommt zu dem Schluss, dass Fortschritte bei den verschiedenen Zielen nicht nur einen neuen Katalog von Instrumenten und Maßnahmen voraussetzen, sondern auch ein neues Verständnis der Rolle, die die internationale Gemeinschaft in diesem Prozess spielen sollte und kann.

French, English

O Objetivo 7 de Desenvolvimento do Milénio apela à garantia da sustentabilidade ambiental ao integrar os princípios de desenvolvimento sustentável nas políticas e programas nacionais. A Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica (AAE) é uma das principais ferramentas disponíveis para alcançar esta integração. A Declaração de Paris sobre a Eficácia da Ajuda, acordada entre mais de cem doadores e países em desenvolvimento em março de 2005, compromete os doadores e países parceiros a conjuntamente “desenvolverem e aplicarem abordagens comuns de Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica aos níveis setorial e nacional”.

O presente guia de boas práticas explica os benefícios da utilização da AAE na cooperação para o desenvolvimento e apresenta os passos fundamentais para a sua aplicação, com base em experiências recentes. São identificados doze pontos de entrada diferentes para a aplicação prática da AAE à cooperação para o desenvolvimento. Para cada um dos pontos de entrada, é fornecida uma nota de orientação com uma checklist de perguntas e de casos-estudo práticos. São igualmente abordados a avaliação e o desenvolvimento de capacidades no processo de AAE.

Apesar de a publicação se dirigir em primeiro lugar aos profissionais a trabalhar nas agências de desenvolvimento e nos governos dos países em desenvolvimento, a mesma será igualmente útil a outros analistas políticos e planeadores.

Inclui um prefácio redigido por Rt. Hon. Hilary Benn MP, Secretária de Estado para o Desenvolvimento Internacional, RU, Kemal Devis, Administrador, PNUD, e Richard Manning, Presidente do Comité de Ajuda ao Desenvolvimento da OCDE.

A Equipa de Trabalho de Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica, do CAD da OCDE, que preparou este guia, recebeu em 2006 o Prémio Institucional da Associação Internacional para a Avaliação de Impactos (AIAI).

Com o apoio financeiro do Instituto Português de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento (IPAD).

O texto integral desta obra encontra-se disponível online através do seguinte link:

English, French, Spanish

This publication presents a synthesis of the main findings and policy recommendations of China in the World Economy: Domestic Policy Challenges. After more than two decades of progress in market reforms and trade and investment liberalisation, the entry of China into the World Trade Organisation marks a new era for its integration into the world economy. Drawing on the experiences of OECD Members over the past 50 years, and the Organisation’s extensive work with non-Member economies around the world, this publication provides readers with a synthetic view of the interrelated domestic policy issues at stake and with specific recommendations as to actions to be taken. List of themes: Agricultural prospects and policies Rural industries Implications for the rural economy Overview of industry prospects Priorities for industry reorganisation and restructuring Technology challenges for China’s industries Challenges to the banking industry The development of the insurance industry Prospects for the distribution sector Foreign direct investment: prospects and policies An OECD perspective on regulatory reform in China The role of competition law and policy Establishing effective governance for China's enterprises Developing the financial system and financial regulatory policies Priorities for development of China’s capital markets Labour market and social benefit policies Environmental priorities for China’s sustainable development The current tax system and priorities for reform Public sector budget management issues Issues concerning central-local government fiscal relations China's regional development: prospects and policies Macroeconomic policy priorities Annex 1 : Summary of China’s commitments under WTO Annex 2 : Summary of studies of the impact of WTO on China This publication is part of the OECD's ongoing co-operation with non-Member economies around the world.

French, English, Chinese
  • 18 Mar 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 157

Die Entwicklungsländer setzen sich heute – mit Unterstützung der multilateralen Institutionen, der bilateralen Gebergemeinschaft wie auch der zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen – nachdrücklicher als je zuvor für die Verwirklichung des prioritären Entwicklungsziels, einer Halbierung der Armut bis zum Jahr 2015, ein. Den Mittelpunkt aller EZ-Bemühungen bilden nunmehr Armutsbekämpfungsstrategien, die von den betreffenden Ländern selbst getragen und unter ihrer Leitung durchgeführt werden und die sich an den lokalen Bedürfnissen und Prioritäten orientieren, wie sie von den unmittelbar betroffenen Parteien selbst definiert werden. Die DAC-Leitlinien für die Armutsbekämpfung enthalten konkrete Informationen über die Art der Armut wie auch über die effizientesten Konzepte, Maßnahmen, Instrumente und Wege für die Bewältigung der Armut.

English, French
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