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Year Index

  • 30 Oct 2008
  • Małgorzata Kuczera, Giorgio Brunello, Simon Field, Nancy Hoffman
  • Pages: 52

Learning for Jobs is an OECD study of vocational education and training (VET) designed to help countries make their VET systems more responsive to labour market needs.

The Norwegian VET system has many strengths including strong and trustful co-operation between employers, unions and VET authorities and high-status VET tracks in upper secondary education. Many employers are keen to attract apprentices and there is a high level of adult literacy. But there are significant challenges, including an ageing workforce of school-based trainers, weak quality assurance mechanisms, high levels of dropout and concerns that the priority accorded to student choice may make the system unresponsive to labour market needs.

The OECD review assesses the main challenges faced by the VET system and presents an interconnected package of policy recommendations. For each recommendation, the report describes the challenge, the recommendation itself, supporting arguments, and issues of implementation.

The goal of regulatory reform is to improve national economies and enhance their ability to adapt to change. Better regulation and structural reforms are necessary complements to sound fiscal and macroeconomic policies. Continual and far-reaching social, economic and technological changes require governments to consider the cumulative and inter-related impacts of regulatory regimes, to ensure that their regulatory structures and processes are relevant and robust, transparent, accountable and forward-looking. Regulatory reform is not a one-off effort but a dynamic, long-term, multi-disciplinary process...

  • 28 Oct 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 200

Are Latin American governments maximising the potential of fiscal policy as a development tool? The 2009 edition of the Latin American Economic Outlook shows that governments in the region could do much more to exploit the ability of fiscal policy to boost economic growth and combat poverty and inequality.

"An important step forward in the dialogue and exchange of experiences between OECD countries and our region." 

-Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary, ECLAC

"This publication will provide those concerned with Latin America's future with valuable lessons for fiscal policy drawn from the experiences of OECD and Latin American countries."

-Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Ex-President of Brasil

"This second Latin American Economic Outlook shows the importance of the micro aspects of a proper fiscal policy. The OECD Development Centre has done an outstanding report."

-Guillermo de la Dehesa,
Chairman of the Centre for Economic Policy Research

"Fiscal policy is an axis of the social contract and a key tool in economic and social development.  This is the core message of the OECD Latin American Economic Outlook 2009, a most helpful and timely contribution to the policy debate in Latin America."

-Augusto de la Torre,
Chief Economist for Latin America & the Caribbean Region
World Bank.

"The Latin American Economic Outlook 2009 once again gets it right: fiscal policies in Latin America are actively contributing to macroeconomic equilibrium, but the focus now should also be on economic growth, a necessary condition to reduce poverty and inequality."

-Alejandro Foxley, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chile

"The OECD Latin American Economic Outlook 2009 highlights the path to follow to continue improving fiscal policy action as a tool for development."  Juan C. Gómez Sabaini, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

“With this new volume on fiscal policy, the OECD Latin American Economic Outlook continues to enrich our knowledge and debate on the key topics affecting Latin America’s economic and social challenges.” 

-Enrique Iglesias,
Secretary-General of the Ibero-American General Secretariat

“This publication illustrates that the challenge ahead for the region is to find out how to use scarce tax resources to foster growth, reduce poverty and provide better public services.”

-Henrique Meirelles, Governor, Central Bank of Brazil

“This report urges policy makers to rediscover the potential use of fiscal policy and to make this policy instrument as effective as it can be.”

-Vito Tanzi, Former Director,
Fiscal Affairs Department of the IMF

Chinese, French, Spanish, Portuguese

Croissance et inégalités réunit de nombreuses analyses de la distribution des ressources économiques dans les pays de l'OCDE. Les données présentées sur la distribution des revenus et la pauvreté couvrent, pour la première fois, l'ensemble des 30 pays de l'OCDE au milieu des années 2000. En outre, des informations sur les évolutions observées depuis le milieu des années 80 sont fournies pour environ deux tiers d'entre eux. Cet ouvrage décrit également les inégalités dans divers domaines (tels que le patrimoine des ménages, les modes de consommation ou les services publics en nature) qui sont généralement exclus des analyses classiques sur la distribution des ressources économiques entre les individus et les ménages. Le lecteur trouvera dans ce rapport les informations les plus complètes, objectives et à jour qui soient. Il s’agit d’une référence essentielle pour permettre aux pouvoirs publics d'éviter un accroissement des inégalités sans sacrifier pour autant l'efficience de l'économie.

German, English

Value-added estimates are a significant improvement upon measures of school performance currently used in most education systems across OECD countries. They provide a fundamentally more accurate and valuable quantitative basis for school improvement planning, policy development and for enacting effective school accountability arrangements. This groundbreaking report provides examples of best practices in value-added modeling for measuring school performance.

Spanish, Slovenian
  • 24 Oct 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 290
Ziel des Projekts zur Untersuchung von Ausmaß und Folgen der Produkt- und Markenpiraterie ist es, mehr konkrete Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen und das Bewusstsein dafür zu schärfen, wie groß das Problem ist. Welche Auswirkungen haben Verletzungen geistiger Eigentumsrechte auf Staat, Unternehmen und Verbraucher in OECD-Ländern wie auch Nicht-OECD-Volkswirtschaften?

Im Rahmen dieser Studie wird eine rigorose Methodik entwickelt und angewendet, um die Inzidenz gefälschter und unerlaubt kopierter Produkte im Welthandel zu schätzen. Diese Methodik kann künftig dazu genutzt werden, die Untersuchung anhand qualitativ und quantitativ besserer Daten zu vertiefen. Die Studie liefert zudem eine Analyse des Markts für gefälschte und unerlaubt kopierte Produkte sowie der Effekte auf verschiedene hiervon betroffene Parteien, angefangen von den Inhabern geistiger Eigentumsrechte bis hin zu Verbrauchern und Staat. Ferner enthält sie eine Reihe detaillierter Momentaufnahmen unterschiedlicher Wirtschaftsbereiche, die aufzeigen, in welcher Art und Weise diese Sektoren von der Produkt- und Markenpiraterie betroffen sind und wie sie hierauf reagieren.

  • 24 Oct 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 260

The OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2008 reviews key trends in science, technology and innovation in OECD countries and a number of major non-member economies including Brazil, Chile, China, Israel, Russia and South Africa. Using the latest available data and indicators, the book examines topics high on the agenda of science and innovation policy makers, including science and innovation performance; trends in national science, technology and innovation policies; and practices to assess the socio-economic impacts of public research. This volume also provides an individual profile of the science and innovation performance of each country in relation to its national context and current policy challenges.

  • 23 Oct 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 100

The globalisation of production processes characterises the current phase of globalisation. Participation in global value chains (GVCs) can bring stability to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and allow them to increase productivity and expand their business. This OECD report identifies the ways in which governments, the business community, and international organisations can facilitate SMEs’ gainful participation in global value chains through policies, practices and targeted support programmes. It presents the findings of case studies carried out in five industries (the automotive sector, scientific and precision instruments, software, film production and distribution and tourism).

  • 23 Oct 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 180

This report presents three case studies to illustrate the relationship between environmental policy and technological innovation. The case studies cover abatement technologies for wastewater effluent from pulp production, abatement of motor vehicle emissions, and development of renewable energy technologies. On the basis of patent data, the nature, extent, and causes of innovation in each of these areas have been explored. While a particular focus has been placed on the role of environmental policy in bringing about the innovation documented, it is recognised that other factors play a key role in inducing innovation that has positive environmental implications.

  • 23 Oct 2008
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 152
Urban public transport services generally run at a large deficit. This has led public authorities to seek efficiencies, notably through private sector involvement. Support for the sector traditionally seeks to provide basic mobility services to all segments of society, including low-income users. Intervention is also required to manage the natural tendency towards concentration and market power in the provision of these transport services. Policy towards urban public transport is increasingly aimed at managing congestion on the roads and mitigating CO2 emissions by substituting for travel by car. 

Achieving coherent transport networks that are efficient and financially sustainable is a challenge for any public authority. This Round Table examines experience in integrating private management and capital with public transport policy objectives in a number of developed economies. For network operators, the Round Table concludes that innovation is the key to surviving the rapidly changing policy and regulatory environment.


Ce rapport présente trois études de cas illustrant la relation entre la politique environnementale et l'innovation technologique. Les études de cas entrepris sont les suivants : les technologies de réduction des effluents d’eaux usées issus de la production de pâte à papier, la réduction des émissions des véhicules à moteur, et le développement des technologies des énergies renouvelables. Sur la base de données sur les brevets, la nature, l'étendue et les causes de l'innovation dans chacun de ces domaines ont été explorées. Bien que l’accent soit mis particulièrement sur le rôle de la politique environnementale dans la réalisation de ce type d’innovation, il est reconnu que d'autres facteurs jouent un rôle clé pour induire une innovation ayant des répercussions positives sur l'environnement.

  • 23 Oct 2008
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 168
Les services de transports publics urbains connaissent une exploitation largement déficitaire dans une majorité de cas. Ceci a conduit les autorités publiques à rechercher des gains d’efficience, en particulier par la participation du secteur privé à l’offre de tels services. Traditionnellement, le subventionnement de tels services vise à procurer une mobilité de base à toutes les catégories de la population, en particulier pour celles défavorisées. Une intervention publique vise également à contrecarrer les tendances naturelles à la concentration et à l’apparition de positions dominantes dans les services de transports publics. Les politiques en matière de transports urbains veillent également de plus en plus à offrir des alternatives à l’usage de la voiture particulière pour combattre la congestion et réduire les émissions de CO2.

Construire des réseaux de transports publics cohérents qui soient viables financièrement est un défi pour toutes les autorités publiques. Cette Table Ronde a examiné les expériences d’intégration d’une gestion privée et de capital privé dans des objectifs de politique des transports publics au sein de nombres d’économies développées. A destination des opérateurs de ces réseaux, la Table Ronde a conclu que l’innovation est un élément clef pour faire face à des environnements politiques et réglementaires en mutation rapide.

Growing Unequal? brings together a range of analyses on the distribution of economic resources in OECD countries. The evidence on income distribution and poverty covers, for the first time, all 30 OECD countries in the mid-2000s, while information on trends extending back to the mid-1980s is provided for around two-thirds of the countries. The report also describes inequalities in a range of domains (such as household wealth, consumption patterns, in-kind public services) that are typically excluded from conventional discussion about the distribution of economic resources among individuals and households. The report provides evidence of a fairly generalised increase in income inequality over the past two decades across the OECD, but the timing, intensity and causes of the increase differ from what is typically suggested in the media. Precisely how much inequality there is in a society is not determined randomly, nor is it beyond the power of governments to change, so long as they take note of the sort of up-to-date evidence included in this report.

This report includes StatLinks, URLs linking tables and graphs in the book to Excel® spreadsheets containing the data.

French, German
  • 20 Oct 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 370

The Multilingual Dictionary of Fish and Fish Products is a world standard guide to the names of fish and fish products traded internationally. This fifth edition comprises 1187 items, with descriptions in English and French and the equivalents for the main headings in 18 other languages: Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Greek, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Croatian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish. Indexes are provided for each language, including an index of scientific names for species of fish, shellfish, etc.

  • 20 Oct 2008
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 264

Oil, coal and natural gas will remain the world’s dominant sources of energy over the next decades, with resulting carbon dioxide emissions set to increase to unsustainable levels. However, technologies that help reduce CO2 emissions from fossil fuels can reverse this trend. CO2 capture and storage (CCS) is particularly promising. CCS takes CO2 from large stationary sources and stores it in deep geological layers to prevent its release into the atmosphere.

Responding to a G8 Gleneagles request, this study documents progress toward the development of CCS, covering capture, transportation and storage technologies and their costs; storage capacity estimates, regional assessment of CCS potential; legal and regulatory frameworks; public awareness and outreach strategies; and financial mechanisms and international mechanisms.

It also discusses the role of CCS in ambitious new energy scenarios that aim for substantial emissions reduction. This publication elaborates the potential of CCS in coal-fuelled electricity generation and estimates for capture in the industry and fuel transformation sectors. Finally, it assesses the infrastructure needed to process and transport large volumes of CO2.

  • 20 Oct 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 232

This report assesses the current status of Hungary’s innovation system and policies, and identifies where and how the government should focus its efforts to improve the country's innovation capabilities. The report finds that the level of innovation activity and performance in Hungary has remained relatively low by international standards. This is attributable to both lagging innovation capabilities in the business sector and an insufficient contribution of public research organisations to the innovation system. There is a need for more stable governance of the innovation system and a more evidence-based approach to policy making in the area of science, technology and innovation policy.


Le Forum mondial sur la fiscalité qui réunit les pays membres de l’OCDE et des économies non membres, a instauré une évaluation annuelle des politiques de transparence et d’échange de renseignements fiscaux dans plus de 80 économies. Ce rapport constitue la seconde mise à jour annuelle de cette évaluation et fait apparaître les modifications intervenues par rapport à l’année précédente dans les législations et réglementations nationales couvertes par l’évaluation de 2007. Il présente dans une série de tableaux, pays par pays, des informations portant sur les points suivants : Législations et accords autorisant l’échange de renseignements à des fins fiscales, accès aux renseignements bancaires à des fins fiscales, accès aux renseignements concernant la propriété, l’identité et la comptabilité, disponibilité de renseignements sur la propriété, l’identité et la comptabilité en ce qui concerne les sociétés de capitaux, les fiducies, les sociétés de personnes et les fondations.


Corruption is a serious concern in many parts of the world. In Eastern Europe and Central Asia, transition processes provided particularly rich ground for corruption. This volume analyses a broad range of anti-corruption measures recently implemented in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and identifies where interim progress has been achieved, and where further or reinforced action is needed. The book covers such areas as: anti-corruption strategies, and action plans and mechanisms to monitor their implementation; as well as anti-corruption criminal legislation and its application in practice, including the key role of specialised, independent and well-resourced anti-corruption law-enforcement bodies. The volume also examines a diverse range of measures to prevent corruption among public officials, in political parties, and in the private sector. It  is rich with country data and practical examples, and will provide a useful source of information for anti-corruption decision makers and practitioners in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and beyond. 

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