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Title Index

Year Index

  • 18 Oct 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 112

Cette publication fait partie d’une série d’études de politique fiscale réalisées par la Division des affaires fiscales de l’OCDE. Elle examine la difficile question de l’imposition des bénéfices dans le secteur de l’assurance vie et de l’assurance dommages. Dans le cas particulier de l’assurance vie, les pays de l’OCDE ont utilisé diverses méthodes pour s’efforcer d’imposer les revenus générés par les compagnies d’assurance. Cette étude analyse les problèmes politiques et techniques qui se posent lors de la détermination d’un mode d’imposition efficace des bénéfices.
Les auteurs exposent tout d’abord les approches d’ensemble adoptées par les pays de l’OCDE dans ce domaine. Leur analyse met en lumière la vaste expérience pratique qu’ont acquise ces pays lors de l’élaboration du régime fiscal de leur secteur des assurances. Ils traitent ensuite des principales questions de fond auxquelles doivent faire face les décideurs et procèdent à une analyse critique des différents problèmes techniques que pose le passage de la théorie à la pratique.


In accordance with decisions made by the FDI, the OECD has initiated surveys on fiscal decentralisation for the purpose of providing international comparisons on the design of fiscal systems across levels of government. The FDI is a joint initiative of the OECD, the World Bank, USAID, the Council of Europe, The Open Society Institute, UNDP and OECD Member countries to assist transition economies in Central and Eastern Europe in carrying out intergovernmental reforms. In 2000 the surveys took place in six countries: three OECD Member countries, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, and the three Baltic States, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. In "Fiscal Design Surveys across Levels of Government" OECD Tax Policy Studies, no 7, 2001, the overall concept of the surveys and the comparative results for the six countries are brought.

It is now widely recognised that a greater use of market based instruments is a key element of effective and economically efficient environmental policies, and an important framework condition for sustainable development. Hence, over the last decade, economic instruments have been playing a growing role in environmental policies of OECD countries. In this context, a distinctive feature is the increasing role of environmentally related taxes. All countries have introduced environmental taxes to a varying extent, and an increasing number of countries are implementing comprehensive green-tax reforms, while others are contemplating doing so.

This report analyses current use of environmentally related taxes in OECD Member countries. Focus is given to their environmental effectiveness. The report identifies obstacles to a broader use of such taxes -- in particular the fear of loss of sectoral competitiveness -- and ways to overcome such problems.


In accordance with decisions made by the FDI, the OECD has initiated surveys on fiscal decentralisation for the purpose of providing international comparisons on the design of fiscal systems across levels of government. The FDI is a joint initiative of the OECD, the World Bank, USAID, the Council of Europe, The Open Society Institute, UNDP and OECD Member countries to assist transition economies in Central and Eastern Europe in carrying out intergovernmental reforms. In 2000 the surveys took place in six countries: three OECD Member countries, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, and the three Baltic States, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. In "Fiscal Design Surveys across Levels of Government" OECD Tax Policy Studies, no 7, 2001, the overall concept of the surveys and the comparative results for the six countries are brought. The full country reports are available through the OECD iLibrary, www.OECD-iLibrary.org, and the internet site of the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, www.oecd.org/daf/fa

In accordance with decisions made by the FDI, the OECD has initiated surveys on fiscal decentralisation for the purpose of providing international comparisons on the design of fiscal systems across levels of government. The FDI is a joint initiative of the OECD, the World Bank, USAID, the Council of Europe, The Open Society Institute, UNDP and OECD Member countries to assist transition economies in Central and Eastern Europe in carrying out intergovernmental reforms. In 2000 the surveys took place in six countries: three OECD Member countries, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, and the three Baltic States, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. In "Fiscal Design Surveys across Levels of Government" OECD Tax Policy Studies, no 7, 2001, the overall concept of the surveys and the comparative results for the six countries are brought.

In accordance with decisions made by the FDI, the OECD has initiated surveys on fiscal decentralisation for the purpose of providing international comparisons on the design of fiscal systems across levels of government. The FDI is a joint initiative of the OECD, the World Bank, USAID, the Council of Europe, The Open Society Institute, UNDP and OECD Member countries to assist transition economies in Central and Eastern Europe in carrying out intergovernmental reforms. In 2000 the surveys took place in six countries: three OECD Member countries, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, and the three Baltic States, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. In "Fiscal Design Surveys across Levels of Government" OECD Tax Policy Studies, no 7, 2001, the overall concept of the surveys and the comparative results for the six countries are brought. The full country reports are available through www.OECD-iLibrary.org, and the internet site of the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, www.oecd.org/daf/fa

In accordance with decisions made by the FDI, the OECD has initiated surveys on fiscal decentralisation for the purpose of providing international comparisons on the design of fiscal systems across levels of government. The FDI is a joint initiative of the OECD, the World Bank, USAID, the Council of Europe, The Open Society Institute, UNDP and OECD Member countries to assist transition economies in Central and Eastern Europe in carrying out intergovernmental reforms. In 2000 the surveys took place in six countries: three OECD Member countries, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, and the three Baltic States, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. In "Fiscal Design Surveys across Levels of Government" OECD Tax Policy Studies, no 7, 2001, the overall concept of the surveys and the comparative results for the six countries are brought. The full country reports are available through www.OECD-iLibrary.org, and the internet site of the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, www.oecd.org/daf/fa

In accordance with decisions made by the FDI, the OECD has initiated surveys on fiscal decentralisation for the purpose of providing international comparisons on the design of fiscal systems across levels of government. The FDI is a joint initiative of the OECD, the World Bank, USAID, the Council of Europe, The Open Society Institute, UNDP and OECD Member countries to assist transition economies in Central and Eastern Europe in carrying out intergovernmental reforms. In 2000 the surveys took place in six countries: three OECD Member countries, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, and the three Baltic States, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. In "Fiscal Design Surveys across Levels of Government" OECD Tax Policy Studies, no 7, 2001, the overall concept of the surveys and the comparative results for the six countries are brought. The full country reports are available through www.OECD-iLibrary.org, and the internet site of the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, www.oecd.org/daf/fa

  • 02 Oct 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 297

Data on government sector receipts, and on taxes in particular, are basic inputs to most structural economic descriptions and economic analyses and are increasingly used in international comparisons. This annual publication gives a conceptual framework to define which government receipts should be regarded as taxes and to classify different types of taxes. It presents a unique set of detailed and internationally comparable tax data in a common format for all OECD countries from 1965 onwards. This year's edition presents two special features. The first reviews a number of current issues related to how tax revenues shoud be reported: the use of accrual accounting, the treatment of non-wastable tax credits and the reporting of church taxes. The second discusses the impact of revised GDP figures on reported tax levels

  • 20 Sept 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 109

Face à la demande de plus en plus forte des décideurs, divers indicateurs ont été mis au point pour évaluer la charge fiscale des ménages, des entreprises individuelles et du secteur des entreprises dans son ensemble. Cette étude examine certains des indicateurs les plus communément utilisés pour mesurer la charge fiscale des ménages et des sociétés. A titre d'exemple, elle offre également des données provenant de sources diverses sur les taux d’imposition et les prélèvements fiscaux dans les pays de l’OCDE. Tous les indicateurs examinés comportent au moins quelques insuffisances graves, telle est la conclusion de cette étude. L’interprétation des résultats fondés sur ces indicateurs doit donc tenir compte de ces limites, et une certaine prudence s’impose lorsqu’on les utilise pour déterminer les actions à entreprendre.


Table des matières
Programmes de clémence pour lutter contre les ententes injustifiables 7 Rapport du CLP
Examen du droit et de la politique de la concurrence en Italie 73 Michael Wise
Politique de la concurrence et droits de propriété intellectuelle 141 Synthèse 143 Note de référence 152 Willard K. Tom Aide-mémoire 185 Contribution par pays et par expert 224

  • 17 Sept 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 196

Drawing on the best of the recent work of the OECD Committee on Competition Law and Policy, this journal provides insight into the thinking of competition law enforcers while focusing on the practical application of competition law and policy. This issue includes articles on leniency programs to fight hard core cartels, competition law and policy in Italy, and competition law and intellectual property rights.

  • 20 Aug 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 121

This report examines the currently highly topical issue of corporate tax incentives for foreign direct investment (FDI). The ability to offer an internationally competitive tax system is increasingly seen today as a determinative factor influencing FDI. With corporate income tax identified as the component that impacts most directly on multinational companies, much of the pressure for lowering host country tax burdens to attract capital is focused upon this tax. At the same time, corporate taxation plays an important withholding function, raising revenues on domestic-source income that might otherwise escape the tax net. The desire to tax this income while not discouraging foreign investors raises critical questions concerning the sensitivity of FDI to taxation and the appropriate setting of various tax provisions that determine the host country tax burden and influence investment and financing behaviour.

This report considers various corporate tax measures to encourage FDI and a range of issues relevant to assessing their use. Given the central question of how much additional investment can be expected from tax relief and at what cost, the report summarises recent empirical findings which show increasing sensitivity of FDI to host country tax burdens, consistent with trends towards increasing globalisation of production. Other findings are considered which highlight tax-planning opportunities created by certain approaches, leading to unintended revenue leakage. The report emphasises the need to assess possible host and home country tax interactions which can influence tax incentive results, and more generally the need to look beyond what conventional economic analysis might suggest.

While the report is intended primarily as a guide for policy makers in emerging market economies, it may serve as a reference document to tax policy analysts more generally


¿Porqué se ha movilizado la OCDE, al igual que otros miembros de la comunidad internacional, para luchar contra la corrupción? La respuesta es sencilla: la corrupción no respeta fronteras, no hace distinciones económicas e infecta todo tipo de gobierno. En el largo plazo, ningún país puede asumir los costos sociales, políticos o económicos que trae consigo este negativo fenómeno.
No hace mucho tiempo que el cohecho de servidores públicos extranjeros con el fin de obtener negocios era una práctica, si no aceptable, al menos tolerable en muchos países de la OCDE. Hoy, la corrupción ha pasado a ocupar el lugar principal de la agenda política global conforme su severo impacto en el desarrollo económico y su corrosivo efecto sobre la estabilidad política y las instituciones democráticas se hace cada vez más evidente.
En el nuevo milenio, la OCDE y los países asociados, que representan poco más del 75% del comercio y la inversión en el mundo, aplicarán reglas más estrictas. La Convención contra el cohecho de servidores públicos extranjeros en transacciones comerciales internacionales prohibirá la práctica de sobornar a dichos servidores públicos, haciendo que la competencia en los negocios internacionales sea mucho más justa y abierta.
El cohecho en las transacciones comerciales internacionales es sólo parte del problema. Actualmente, se ha desarrollado todo un arsenal de instrumentos legales para combatir la corrupción y mejorar las normas de ética en el sector público, al igual que para terminar con la posibilidad de deducir fiscalmente el cohecho; para contrarrestar el lavado de dinero y para sanear las prácticas en las compras gubernamentales. El sector privado y la sociedad civil continuarán desempeñando un papel crucial para lograr que estas nuevas reglas se conviertan en una realidad.
Este libro presenta los elementos clave que se requieren para establecer y mantener libres de corrupción a instituciones, sistemas y empresas privadas.

English, French

Cette édition 2001 des Principes de l’OCDE applicables en matière de prix de transfert à l’intention des entreprises multinationales et des administrations fiscales a été substantiellement révisée depuis; voir la version approuvée en juillet 2010.

Cette édition de poche des Principes de l'OCDE applicables en matière de prix de transfert contient la version intégrale des principes en matière de prix de transfert adoptée par les pays membres à l’usage des entreprises multinationales qui transfèrent des biens ou des services d’un pays à l’autre ou au sein d’un seul et même groupe d’entreprises. Ils réaffirment qu’un traitement de pleine concurrence doit être appliqué aux entreprises faisant partie d’un groupe multinational et que pour ce faire, les méthodes transactionnelles traditionnelles doivent être privilégiées. Ces questions controversées n’intéressent pas uniquement les spécialistes de la fiscalité. De fait, les administrations fiscales, les contribuables et les chefs d’entreprises ont tous un rôle à jouer pour éviter la coexistence de règles fiscales contradictoires qui risqueraient d’entraver sérieusement le développement des échanges mondiaux. Les Principes ont été également publiés en classeurs.

English, Turkish

The 2001 edition of Transfer Pricing Guidelines was substantially revised in July 2010.  See the current edition .

This compact version of Transfer Pricing Guidelines provides the complete and current text of the OECD pricing guidelines accepted by member countries and to be used by multinational enterprises when transferring goods and services across boundaries and within the same group of companies. They maintain the arm's length principle of treating related entreprises within a multinational group and affirm traditional transaction methods as the prefered way of implementing the principle. These controversial issues are not just of interest to tax experts. National tax administrations, taxpayers, and businessmen alike all have a share in avoiding conflicting tax rules which might seriously hamper the development of world trade.

These guidelines have also been published in a loose leaf version.

Turkish, French

Comment les pouvoirs publics doivent-ils imposer le commerce électronique ? Quelles sont les incidences du commerce électronique sur les principes et régimes de fiscalité internationale actuels ? Quels problèmes administratifs son imposition pose-t-elle et comment peut-on les résoudre ? Comment les gouvernements peuvent-ils exploiter les nouvelles technologies pour améliorer les services aux contribuables et réduire le coût du respect de la réglementation ? Ce ne sont là que quelques-unes des questions pressantes traitées dans cet ouvrage.
Ce livre propose un guide complet sur l’état d’avancement des travaux internationaux menés sous l’égide de l’OCDE sur ces questions. Il présente ainsi les conclusions et recommandations qui se dessinent dans un large éventail de domaines relatifs à la politique et à l’administration fiscales. Il est également l'expression des réflexions les plus récentes du Comité des affaires fiscales de l’OCDE sur les problèmes de fiscalité liés au commerce électronique et sur les progrès de la mise en oeuvre des Conditions cadres d’Ottawa sur la fiscalité. On y trouvera un certain nombre de documents destinés à être diffusés publiquement pour examen et commentaires ainsi que des précisions sur les résultats du dialogue intensif mené au cours de ces deux dernières années avec les milieux d’affaires internationaux et les économies non membres. En tant que tel, cet ouvrage constitue une référence inestimable pour tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la façon dont les pouvoirs publics du monde entier réagissent aux problèmes fiscaux que pose le commerce électronique.


How should governments tax e-commerce? What does e-commerce mean for existing international tax principles and systems? What are the administrative challenges of taxing e-commerce, and how can these be tackled? How can governments harness the new technology to improve taxpayer service and reduce compliance costs? These are just some of the pressing questions addressed in this book.

This volume provides a comprehensive guide to the status of the OECD-led international work on these questions, and hence to emerging conclusions and recommendations across a wide span of tax policy and tax administration issues. It sets out the latest thinking of the OECD's Committee on Fiscal Affairs on the taxation aspects of electronic commerce, and on progress toward implementing the Ottawa Taxation Framework Conditions. It includes a number of documents for public review and comment, and details the outputs from the past two years' intensive dialogue with the international business community and with non-member economies. As such it is an invaluable reference for all those interested in how governments around the globe are responding to the taxation challenges presented by e-commerce.

  • 05 Apr 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 345

Taxing Wages provides unique information on income tax and social security contributions levied from employees and their employers in all OECD countries. In addition, this annual publication specifies family benefits paid as cash transfers. Amounts of taxes and benefits are detailed program by program, for eight household types which differ by income level and household composition. Results reported include the marginal and effective tax burden for one- and two-earner families, and total labour costs of employers.

  • 03 Apr 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 140

Drawing on the best of the recent work of the OECD Committee on Competition Law and Policy, this journal provides insight into the thinking of competition law enforcers while focusing on the practical application of competition law and policy. This issue includes articles on competition in postal services, merger law and policy, and OECD competition law recommendations, developing countries and possible WTO competition rules.

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