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Many chemicals are used to produce hundreds of thousands of different goods, from cars and computers to synthetic fabrics, kitchen appliances and paints. Through green procurement (GP) it is possible to reduce risks that arise from the use of chemical products by encouraging the use of chemical products which have low impact on human health and the environment throughout their life cycle, and discouraging the use of chemical products with a high impact. However, given the large number and variety of available chemical products and the differing priorities of product users, it is challenging to compare and select products for green procurement...

Dalarna University has doubled its student numbers during the past five years, and now has the highest proportion of students from non-academic backgrounds of Swedish universities (37%). The province of Dalarna combines steel and paper industry in a number of relatively small towns with large areas of sparsely populated countryside. By tradition, people in Darlarna have one of the country’s lowest rates of university-level education and the establishment of the university in 1977 did little to change this situation. This was true up until the late 1990s, when the University began to set up a number of steering councils together with representatives of different areas of working life. The external representatives chair the councils and have in practice a considerable amount of influence on two undergraduate programmes. The first of these, which was established together with the education authorities in the region, has for example had a major impact on the structure of teacher education, on the types and rates of in-service learning and on the development of the schools themselves, combining research and practice. The Council for Educational Development was followed by similar bodies for the social services, for healthcare and for industry. The article discusses the opportunities and hazards involved in a university establishing this type of body.

The article also discusses the collaborative establishment of Learning Centres in the fifteen municipalities of the province and how these have contributed to major increases in tertiary participation, particularly in rural areas. Both these types of development make new demands of staff and university administration.


The gender breakdown in higher education in Canada and other western countries has switched from an imbalance in favour of men to an imbalance in favour of women over the last two decades. Programs to attract women into higher education have worked very well. At the University of Guelph for example, 70% of the students are women. Should educators be concerned about this phenomenon? Are there short- and long-term negative effects of gender imbalance? If so, what can and should educators do about the imbalance? Should programs to attract men into higher education be implemented? What accessibility steps can be taken to create a gender balance in higher education? This article explores the changes in the gender profile at universities and colleges in Canada, the United States, and other countries. Potential economic, social, and political causes and effects of gender imbalance are proposed. Accessibility techniques that could be used to create gender balance in university and college programs are explored.


Some of the recent “hype” about how advances in technology are forging a “new economy” has evaporated. Interest in “dot.com” start-up companies in the US has waned with the decline in stock market valuations. Some of the more extravagant claims – in particular, that the “new economy” would see the end to recessions – have been tempered by the recent slowdown in the US economy.

Les accords salariaux centralisés ont aidé à maîtriser l'inflation. On peut constater que les hausses de salaires ont été plus modérées lorsqu'il y avait accord centralisé que dans les périodes où on n'y était pas parvenu. Néanmoins, on constate aussi que la détermination centralisée des salaires a pour inconvénient, du fait du niveau élevé du salaire minimum, de réduire l'emploi chez les personnes peu qualifiées et les jeunes. Le système actuellement en vigueur comporte des éléments qui permettraient une plus grande souplesse salariale relative. Il faudrait les faire jouer davantage. Le rôle du gouvernement dans les accords futurs devrait être d'encourager une plus grande souplesse salariale relative à l'intérieur du système actuel de négociation. Ce document de travail se rapporte à l'Étude économique de la Finlande 2006. (www.oecd.org/eco/etudes/finlande).
The development of broadband Internet access, has triggered a shift in voice traffic from traditional public switched telephone networks (PSTN) to alternative Internet Protocol (IP) networks.

This study resulted from a discussion at the June 2002 meeting of the OECD/NEA Nuclear Science Committee, at which it was first suggested to set up a project to address very high burn-ups (specifically average discharge burn-ups in the range 60-100 GWd/t). The outcome was the setting-up in 2003 of the Expert Group on Very High Burn-ups in LWRs, which was charged with the single task of delivering a state-of-the-art report on high burn-ups in LWRs. It was felt that the report should concentrate on LWRs because that is where the bulk of experience and knowledge resides, but much of the analysis will also be applicable to other reactor types, even if not all the details are transferable.

A mesure que les entreprises s’orientent vers des modèles d’innovation plus ouverts fondés sur la collaboration et l’exploitation de sources externes de connaissances, elles tirent profit de leur propriété intellectuelle, notamment de leurs brevets, non seulement en intégrant des inventions protégées dans des produits, procédés et services nouveaux, mais aussi en les concédant sous licence à d’autres entreprises ou à des organismes de recherche publics, en les utilisant comme monnaie d’échange dans les négociations engagées avec d’autres entreprises et comme un moyen d’obtenir des financements extérieurs auprès des institutions bancaires, des investisseurs en capital-risque et d’autres sources...
  • 19 oct. 2006
  • Eugeny Gomin, Mikhail Kalugin, Dmitry Oleynik
  • Pages : 88

This report presents the VVER MOX Core Computational Benchmark Specification and Results, which was proposed as a benchmark within the OECD/NEA Expert Group on Reactor-based Plutonium Disposition (TFRPD). Benchmark results, obtained using three computer codes, are presented. The codes include: the MCU Monte Carlo code (Kurchatov Institute, Russian Federation), RADAR (Kurchatov Institute, Russian Federation), and the MCNP Monte Carlo code (GRS, Germany). The codes use different methods and different nuclear data. A comparison of the results shows good agreement among the various codes.

In the recent past, the analysis of plant transients and the analysis of reactor core behaviour were performed separately. Usually, the core was represented by a point kinetics model to analyse plant transients and, for the core physics calculations, boundary conditions were imposed at the inlet and the outlet of the core. In reality, these boundary conditions depend on the power generation in the core. To ensure a realistic description of the physical phenomena in an accident analysis, the application of coupled codes is required. In recent years code developers began coupling three-dimensional (3-D) neutron kinetics codes with advanced thermal-hydraulics system codes. Such complex computer codes allow modelling of the entire reactor system, including a 3-D neutronics core. When reactivity initiated accidents with an asymmetric neutron flux distribution in the core are analysed, only such coupled codes are capable of estimating the real feedback effects. These codes can perform safety analyses in order to replace the conservative estimations with best-estimate calculations.

This report provides guidance to members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) on using ODA more effectively to mobilise private investment for development (investment-enhancing ODA). It focuses on how development agencies can help influence the conditions that lead to increased levels of private investment and on how investment can better contribute to the achievement of broader societal goals, including poverty reduction. A fundamental objective is to help staff in development agencies, both in headquarters and the field, to pursue a more strategic and co-ordinated approach when they design and deliver investment-enhancing ODA.

This report presents numerous examples of the variety of tools for presenting and illustrating PRTR data and the types of uses of PRTR data in OECD member countries. It presents examples of uses for the purposes of the public, community groups, industry, the government, and academic and independent research institutions. The intent of this report is not to describe all of the many programmes, activities, and tools that use PRTR data, but to present examples in each category to illustrate the wide variety of current and evolving uses of such data.

Accroître la productivité grâce à l'innovation est l'un des principaux moyens d'élever le niveau de vie. Alors que le Japon se place au troisième rang des pays de l'OCDE pour ce qui est de l'intensité de R-D, les résultats obtenus ne paraissent pas à la hauteur des investissements. Le système d'innovation, qui s'est développé au cours du processus de rattrapage, est orienté dans une large mesure par l'investissement et met l'accent sur les innovations progressives fondées sur des structures d'entreprise et d'emploi fermées et stables. Or, cette approche est moins adaptée à l?environnement mondial actuel, qui favorise la prise de risque et des systèmes plus ouverts fondés sur des liens externes. Pour améliorer le système d'innovation, il importe de mettre en oeuvre une vaste stratégie consistant notamment à réformer les conditions cadres qui régissent les marchés de produits et du travail, afin de renforcer la concurrence et la mobilité, de favoriser les relations internationales en matière de R-D et d'améliorer l'environnement des entreprises innovantes. Il faudrait par ailleurs rendre l'éducation et la recherche publique plus performantes grâce à une concurrence plus intense. Il y aurait lieu également d'accroître l'efficacité de la politique scientifique et technologique en renforçant ses liens avec les politiques économiques générales. Ce Document de travail se rapporte à l'Étude économique du Japon 2006 (www.oecd.org/eco/etudes/japon).
Les premières publications des statistiques officielles sont souvent révisées dans des publications ultérieures, parfois substantiellement. Les révisions des données initiales peuvent avoir une incidence sur les décisions de politique économique car elles peuvent modifier l'appréciation portée antérieurement sur l'état de l'économie. En effet, l'analyse même des données révisées peut donner lieu à une nouvelle interprétation et la révision peut avoir une incidence sur les modèles économétriques intégrant parfois plusieurs statistiques, chacune sujette à révision. Bien qu'il s'agisse d'une question dont l?importance centrale est reconnue, la plupart de ceux qui produisent des statistiques officielles ne quantifient pas les révisions attendues de leurs données et les économistes ne disposent pas des données nécessaires pour tester la sensibilité de leurs modèles économétriques aux révisions des données utilisées pour les établir. Cette lacune importante dans les connaissances requises pour utiliser efficacement les statistiques officielles et les exigences des banques centrales ont incité l'OCDE à élaborer un nouveau produit unique : la Base de données de l'OCDE : « Principaux indicateurs économiques : première publication des données et révisions ultérieures. », désormais accessible gratuitement sur le site : http://stats.oecd.org/mei/default.asp?rev=1. L'accès à cette source de données initiales permettra aux analystes de tester l'efficacité probable des modèles économétriques en temps réel simulé. Il permettra aussi aux producteurs de statistiques officielles d'étudier l'importance et l'orientation des révisions apportées ultérieurement aux données publiées, ce qui devrait conduire à une meilleure compréhension du processus d'établissement des statistiques, faciliter la mise en évidence des problèmes et donner lieu à des améliorations. L'analyse des révisions fournit aussi des informations importantes aux utilisateurs sur la robustesse des premières estimations...
Le travail présenté démêle les relations étroites dans les pays en développement entre la rationalité politique et la rationalité technique. Cette question est centrale en particulier en Amérique latine, région sur laquelle se centre l’analyse, où les débordements idéologiques passés et présents tendent à éclipser la rationalité technique. A ce jour aucun exercice de cartographie exhaustive des institutions cognitives, produisant de la rationalité économique, appliquée et applicable à la conduite politique d’un pays latino-américain, n’a été engagé. Le présent travail est en ce sens...

Uganda’s economy has undergone major fluctuations from a vibrant economy in the 1960s, to suffering severe macroeconomic imbalances in the 1970s and 1980s, to enjoying an economic revival since the late 1980s. A key focus of recent public financial management reforms has been to improve macroeconomic performance and ensure strict budgetary discipline, in particular through the use of a three-year rolling budgetary plan as early as 1992/93. However, problems with the cash budgeting system undermined efforts to improve budget planning, requiring complementary reforms to cash management and commitment control systems. Reforms have also focused on poverty reduction, expenditure efficiency and effectiveness, financial management and accountability, and transparency and openness.

This paper aims to identify a few features of institutions and policies in the Dutch public sector that can be characterised as “typically Dutch” and that, moreover, may be considered as worthy of further thought, or perhaps even as a source of inspiration, for countries that are presently thinking about the modernisation of their public sector. This aim implies two limitations that ought to be emphasised at the outset...


The network of senior budget officials (SBO) was launched in 1980 as an ad hoc response to the budget stress that beset most developed countries in the aftermath of oil price shocks, high inflation, and economic stagnation.


The idea of an entrepreneurial university caught on fast after the American sociologist Burton R. Clark published his books on entrepreneurship in universities (Creating Entrepreneurial Universities, 1998; Sustaining Changes in Universities, 2004). Inspired by the alluring of the notion of an entrepreneurial university, and by decreasing levels of state funding for universities, we undertook a study on four very active ECIU universities (ECIU = European Consortium of Innovative Universities, www.eciu.org). To evaluate and quantify their level of entrepreneurship, we extracted from Burton Clark’s case studies twenty organisational practices against which a University’s entrepreneurship can be measured. These twenty practices or factors in effect formed the basis for an entrepreneurship audit. During a series of interviews, the extent to which the universities are seen as entrepreneurial by the interviewees was surveyed. We showed that the practices have been implemented only to various degrees and rather unsystematically. There are important differences among the universities, to some extent depending on the level of ambition that each university has regarding each practice. There are also important similarities; especially that entrepreneurship within universities has to be welcomed and facilitated top-down, but organically occurs and develops bottom-up. Implementing entrepreneurship at universities is thus about stimulating a culture of organic intrapreneurship and we provide practical recommendations and further research options to that effect.


This paper explores the relationship between the diversity within a higher education system and five key factors, namely: the environment, policy intervention, funding, competition and co-operation, and ranking. The exploration is based on the extent to which higher education systems, particularly those of Australia and New Zealand, have accommodated distinctive forms of higher education institutions characterised by the older traditional university at one extreme, and the newer university of technology at the other. Twelve interdependent propositions on diversity are proposed and discussed. These propositions indicate the ways in which each of the five key factors may influence institutional diversity or convergence. In the majority of circumstances, the convergent tendencies of institutions will predominate unless very specific environmental and economic conditions prevail, and/or specific directed policy is implemented.

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