Browse by: "2012"


Title Index

Year Index


En el presente informe se abordan los desafíos de gobernabilidad entre niveles de gobierno en las políticas del agua de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) y se identifican las buenas prácticas para la coordinación del sector del agua entre ministerios o secretarías, entre órdenes de gobierno y entre actores locales y regionales. Con base en el Marco de Gobernabilidad Pluri-nivel de la OCDE y en un cuestionario sobre la gobernabilidad del agua, este informe: i) hace una revisión de la asignación de funciones y responsabilidades en las políticas del agua de 13 países de ALC en los niveles de gobierno central y subnacional; ii) identifica las principales “brechas” de coordinación en términos de fragmentación territorial e institucional, desajuste de financiamiento, asimetría de información, rendición de cuentas, objetivos y capacidad, y iii) ofrece una gama de mecanismos para mejorar la gobernabilidad del agua e impulsar el fortalecimiento de capacidades en todos los niveles.

  • 21 Nov 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 116

Études économiques de l'OCDE : Norvège 2012 examine les développements récents, la politique et les perspectives économiques de ce pays. Ce rapport fournit une analyse détaillée de la rentabilité des dépenses publiques et de la réforme de l'impôt sur le capital.

  • 20 Nov 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 380

Data on government sector receipts, and on taxes in particular, are basic inputs to most structural economic descriptions and economic analyses and are increasingly used in international comparisons. This annual publication gives a conceptual framework to define which government receipts should be regarded as taxes and to classify different types of taxes. It presents a unique set of detailed and internationally comparable tax data in a common format for all OECD countries from 1965 onwards. 

  • 20 Nov 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 188

Le programme d’examens environnementaux de l'OCDE propose des évaluations indépendantes des progrès accomplis par les pays eu égard à leurs engagements nationaux et internationaux en matière d’environnement, ainsi que des recommandations orientées vers l’action des pouvoirs publics. Ces examens ont pour objectif de promouvoir l’apprentissage entre pairs, d’encourager les pays à rendre compte de leur action aux autres pays et à leur opinion publique, ainsi que d’améliorer les performances environnementales des gouvernements, individuellement et collectivement. Les analyses s’appuient sur un large éventail de données économiques et environnementales. Chaque cycle des examens environnementaux couvre l’ensemble des pays membres de l’OCDE ainsi que certains pays partenaires. Les examens les plus récents ont porté sur Israël (2011), la République Slovaque (2011), la Norvège (2011) et le Portugal (2011).

Cet ouvrage est le troisième examen effectué par l'OCDE des performances environnementales de l’Allemagne. Axé sur les mesures d’action publique qui favorisent l’innovation environnementale et ciblent le changement climatique, il évalue les progrès réalisés pour parvenir au développement durable et à la croissance verte.

English, German

Technological innovation can lower the cost of achieving environmental objectives, so it is important to understand how environmental policy design and technological innovation are linked. This is particularly true in the area of climate change where the estimated future costs of reducing greenhouse gas emissions are affected greatly by the technological trajectory of the economy. While we suspect that public policy can play an important role in accelerating the development and diffusion of climate change mitigation and adaptation technologies, empirical evidence in this area remains scant. This book presents a series of papers that explore the extent to which technological innovation can lower the cost of achieving climate change mitigation objectives.

  • 19 Nov 2012
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 194
The IEA's 2012 review of Australia's energy policies and programmes finds that Australia enjoys the benefit of abundant and diverse energy resources; it is the world’s ninth-largest energy producer and is one of only three net energy exporters in the OECD. Its substantial conventional energy resource base includes coal, natural gas, oil and uranium. The country also enjoys extensive wind, solar and geothermal resources as well as large biomass and ocean energy potential.

The energy sector is a significant contributor to the Australian economy. Exports have more than tripled over the past decade and surging economic and social expansion in relatively nearby emerging economies such as China and India has driven significant demand for Australian energy and mineral resources. This boom is widely forecast to continue in the coming decades.

Late in 2011, the Australian government released a draft energy white paper, which sets out a comprehensive strategic policy framework to guide the development of the energy sector. Also in 2011, the Australian government announced a climate change plan including a wide-ranging package of clean-energy proposals and the introduction of a carbon price mechanism accompanied by significant levels of financial support for innovation in clean-energy technologies.

The scale of Australia’s energy policy ambitions is enormous and very costly even for a resource-rich nation. Significant investments will be needed for the clean-energy transition and building the infrastructure necessary to expand the domestic resource base. This review analyses the energy-policy challenges facing Australia and provides critiques and recommendations for further policy improvements. It is intended to help guide the country towards a more secure and sustainable energy future.

  • 19 Nov 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 332

The National Accounts of OECD Countries, Financial Accounts includes financial transactions (both net acquisition of financial assets and net incurrence of liabilities), by institutional sector (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions serving households, total economy and rest of the world) and by financial operation.

  • 19 Nov 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 80

Dans ce rapport, publié en mai lors de la réunion annuelle du Conseil de l'OCDE au niveau ministériel, le Secrétaire général résume les activités de l'OCDE au cours de l'année précédente.

  • 19 Nov 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 80

In this report, released in May at the annual meeting of the OECD Council at ministerial level, the Secretary-General summarises the activities of the OECD during the previous year.


Le Comptes nationaux des pays de l'OCDE, Comptes financiers inclut les transactions financières (à la fois acquisition nette d'actifs financiers et accroissement net des passifs), par secteur institutionnel (sociétés non financières, sociétés financières, administrations publiques, ménages et institutions sans but lucratif au service des ménages, économie totale et reste du monde) et par opération financière.

Cette publication est également disponible sous forme de base de données en ligne qui permet aux utilisateurs d’extraire des données et de construire des tableaux et graphiques. Elle est disponible via l'OECD iLibrary sous le titre Comptes financiers, Statistiques de l'OCDE sur les comptes nationaux (http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/na-fa-data-fr).

  • 16 Nov 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 154

This second edition of Health at a Glance: Europe presents a set of key indicators of health status, determinants of health, health care resources and activities, quality of care, health expenditure and financing in 35 European countries, including the 27 European Union member states, 5 candidate countries and 3 EFTA countries. The selection of indicators is based largely on the European Community Health Indicators (ECHI) shortlist, a set of indicators that has been developed to guide the reporting of health statistics in the European Union.  It is complemented by additional indicators on health expenditure and quality of care, building on the OECD expertise in these areas. Each indicator is presented in a user-friendly format, consisting of charts illustrating variations across countries and over time, a brief descriptive analysis highlighting the major findings conveyed by the data, and a methodological box on the definition of the indicator and any limitations in data comparability.

  • 16 Nov 2012
  • OECD, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Pages: 192

En el corto plazo, América Latina crecerá a tasas relativamente altas y tiene margen para actuar contracíclicamente en caso que fuese necesario. Sin embargo, la región enfrenta un escenario de mediano plazo complejo. La menor demanda externa pondrá al descubierto las limitaciones del actual patrón de crecimiento basado en la escasa incorporación de valor agregado y la exportación de recursos naturales en muchos países de la región. Los gobiernos latinoamericanos deben tomar ahora las medidas –consistentes con las políticas macroeconómicas de corto plazo– para fortalecer las estructuras productivas y superar los problemas de heterogeneidad estructural mediante la diversificación y la mayor incorporación de conocimiento. Las pymes latinoamericanas pueden transformarse en agentes importantes del cambio estructural y del aumento de la productividad. Un esfuerzo de esta naturaleza requiere de un cambio de enfoque en las políticas públicas hacia las pymes. Para que estas sean efectivas, se necesita una mayor coherencia, articulación y coordinación entre las políticas de infraestructura, la provisión de servicios y las políticas sectoriales. En particular, las políticas en los ámbitos de financiamiento, competencias y formación, sistemas de innovación y difusión tecnológica, y las políticas de articulación productiva pueden ayudar a las pymes a superar sus barreras. Es necesario considerar las especificidades sectoriales, institucionales y territoriales. A su vez, su diseño debe de tomar en cuenta la heterogeneidad del conjunto de pymes en la región, ya que sus necesidades y potencial de desarrollo son muy diferentes. Para estas tareas hay que contar con instituciones capaces de liderar procesos complejos y con la flexibilidad para adaptarse a los cambiantes requerimientos del sector productivo.

Chinese, English
  • 16 Nov 2012
  • OECD, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Pages: 184

Latin America has weathered the recent turbulence in the global economy with relative strength, but the region now faces – beyond the short-term global uncertainty -- important medium-term risks. Policy makers need to make use of the policy space at their disposal to lay the foundations for inclusive and sustainable growth.  

SMEs play a key role as they are an integral part of the economic fabric, comprising over 95% of firms in the region as well as providing employment for over 60% of the region’s inhabitants. Nevertheless, relative to SMEs in the OECD, on average SMEs in Latin America exhibit low levels of relative productivity and weak links with the rest of the economy. In light of several decades of blanket SME policies with limited impacts in the region, this report proposes a more integrated approach that caters to the productive context and firm specificities. SMEs are part of a greater productive structure, and productive development policies need to be designed to address the particularities of heterogeneous SMEs. These differences can be manifested in many ways including the markets they serve, the types of products they produce, the level of technological sophistication and use of human capital involved in production, as well as the productive links with other firms in the industry. Providing policies which are adapted to the productive context requires co-ordination between various policy areas and levels of government to ensure that interventions are complimentary and effective. With this perspective in mind, the report explores key policy areas that address some of the main challenges to SMEs in the region including access to finance, skill development, innovation, and productive development.

Chinese, Spanish

Rapid growth of tertiary education is partly due to the expansion of post-secondary vocational education and training (PSV). A well developed post-secondary PSV system and links between universities and VET institutions improve skills and employment opportunities. What is post-secondary PSV and how does it relate to other components of the education system? How do the labour market and globalisation trends impact post-secondary PSV? How do OECD countries address the issues of transition, pathways and collaboration in tertiary education?

This report is part of the OECD work on Higher Education in Regional and City Development. In the course of the reviews of more than 30 cities and regions, this work identified VET-university linkages as one of the common issues that impact the engagement of tertiary education in socio-economic development across countries.

  • 15 Nov 2012
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 68

Hydropower could double its contribution by 2050, reaching 2 000 GW of global capacity and over 7 000 TWh. This achievement, driven primarily by the quest of clean electricity, could prevent annual emissions of up to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 from fossil-fuel plants. The bulk of this growth would come from large plants in emerging economies and developing countries.

Hydroelectricity’s many advantages include reliability, proven technology, large storage capacity, and very low operating and maintenance costs. Hydropower is highly flexible, a precious asset for electricity network operators, especially given rapid expansion of variable generation from other renewable energy technologies such as wind power and photovoltaics. Many hydropower plants also provide flood control, irrigation, navigation and freshwater supply.

The technology roadmap for Hydropower details action needed from policy makers to allow hydroelectric production to double, and addresses necessary conditions, including resolving environmental issues and gaining public acceptance.

  • 15 Nov 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 148

Austerity drives are leading governments to reduce operational cuts through the wage bill and staffing levels. A big lesson from past experience suggests that when pay cuts and freezes are necessary, it is essential to assess the savings relative to the costs – the loss of institutional knowledge if key contributors retire or resign, the time lost by managers and employees who have to deal with the issues related to vacancies and reorganizations, the lost productivity while people acquire new skills and learn new jobs, and the falloff in performance among employees who become discouraged or unsatisfied. This assessment does not appear to have taken place in the current crisis.

This report argues that any new approaches to public sector pay must help to: enhance external competitiveness of salaries; promote internal equity throughout the public sector; reflect the values of public organisations; and align compensation with government’s core strategic objectives. It calls for a recognition of the supply and demand for specific expertise.

  • 14 Nov 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 135

L'Étude économique de l'OCDE : Finlande 2012 examine les développements économiques récents, la politique et les perspectives de ce pays ; comment relancer la croissance économique. Ce rapport fournit une analyse détaillée du système de santé de la Finlande.


Consumption Tax Trends provides information on Value Added Tax/Goods and Services Tax (VAT/GST) and excise duty rates in OECD member countries. It also contains  information about indirect tax topics such as international aspects of VAT/GST developments in OECD member countries as well as in selected non-OECD economies, and describes a range of taxation provisions such as the taxation of motor vehicles, tobacco and alcoholic beverages. The special feature of 2012 Edition will look into "Value Added Taxes in Federal Countries". 


Le rapport Coopération pour le développement de l’OCDE est le document clé annuel de référence pour des statistiques et des analyses sur les tendances de l’aide internationale. Cette édition 2012 vise à fournir des pistes de réflexion sur la façon d’aborder les défis actuels du développement durable, en se focalisant sur la participation et la bonne gouvernance afin d’assurer que nos ressources limitées soient équitablement réparties, aujourd'hui comme demain.

Le partage des ressources limitées  entre un nombre croissant de personnes – et de consommateurs - représente un défi crucial. C'est dans cet esprit que J. Brian Atwood, Président du Comité d'aide au développement (CAD), a invité plusieurs personnalités intellectuelles, leaders dans le domaine des défis du développement durable et participatif, à contribuer à ce rapport.

German, English

The Development Co-operation Report is the key annual reference document for statistics and analysis on trends in international aid. This year, the Development Co-operation Report 2012 seeks to provide insights into how to address today’s sustainable development challenges, with a focus on inclusiveness and good governance to ensure that our finite resources are equitably distributed, now and in the future.

Sharing finite resources among a growing number people – and consumers – is a critical challenge. It is in this spirit that J. Brian Atwood, Chair of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), invited several intellectual leaders on the challenges of inclusive, sustainable development to contribute to this year’s report.

French, German
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