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Year Index

  • 15 Sept 1994
  • OECD
  • Pages: 238

This report examines the impact of policy interdependence on how governments regulate. It has two purposes. The first is to understand better the dynamics of thc emerging multi-governmental regulatory system, and the relationships, institutions, and processes that comprise its working parts. The second is to suggest practical approaches by which national governments can establish solid managerial and administrative foundations for regulatory co-operation, within thc constraints of democratic and open government. The chapters in the report are based on papers prepared for an OECD Symposium on ‘‘Managing Regulatory Relations Between Levels of Government” held in October 1993, and on discussions at the Symposium.

  • 01 Dec 1997
  • OECD
  • Pages: 280

This is the first report to look across the OECD membership at how regulatory impact analysis is actually designed and carried out. Concrete "best practices" are identified in areas such as improving the capacity of government to produce high-quality analysis, applying analytical methods including benefit-cost analysis, collecting data, and consulting with the public to ensure that estimates are realistic.


As border barriers to international trade and investment continue to be reduced thanks to liberalisation efforts, "behind-the-border" barriers -- which are typically regulations aiming at achieving domestic objectives such as health, safety, environmental or consumer protection -- are increasingly recognised as impeding trade and competition. The OECD project on regulatory reform has undertaken to tackle these new trade problems. This Workshop is aimed at expanding the horizon to dynamic economies outside the OECD area, particularly those in Asia and Latin America. What are the regulatory reform challenges for those economies, and how can they remain competitive in a global economy? How effectively can international mechanisms help them? The discussion revealed that regulatory reform has undoubtedly become a truly "global issue". This proceedings volume examines the role regulatory failures played in Asia's economic crisis, looks at regional trade groupings such as Mercosur and sheds light on the current international debate on food regulation as well as on the latest developments concerning the Information Technology Agreeement (ITA).

La Reforma Regulatoria ha sido clave para la transformación de la economía mexicana en los últimos quince años. De una economía cerrada y sobreregulada, la economía mexicana es ahora en gran medida abierta y fundada en principios de mercado. El ritmo acelerado, el amplio alcance y la profundidad de las reformas regulatorias exceden a aquéllas de la mayoría de los países miembros de la OCDE. Estas reformas han ya producido importantes beneficios para México, y en particular han incrementado su flexibilidad económica permitiéndole recuperarse de las crisis económicas. No obstante, los beneficios de la reforma han sido mermados por la crisis macroeconómica de la década de los noventa. Es necesaria ahora una atención sostenida para completar e instrumentar reformas que establezcan las condiciones para una competencia y un acceso al mercado vigorosos, reforzando a la vez la capacidad del Estado mexicano para utilizar instrumentos regulatorios de gran calidad y transparencia para llevar a cabo las políticas públicas. Un período de varios años de estabilidad de las políticas que logre un crecimiento basado en principios de mercado puede producir beneficios amplios y duraderos para los consumidores y las empresas mexicanos. México fue uno de los primeros países de la OCDE en solicitar una revisión detallada por parte de la OCDE sobre sus prácticas y reformas regulatorias. Este reporte - resultado de una extensa evaluación por parte de la OCDE y de la revisión por parte de los países miembros - es único dado que presenta e integra una evaluación de la reforma regulatoria en áreas claves tales como el contexto macroeconómico, la calidad del sector público, la política de competencia y su aplicación, la integración de principios de apertura comercial en los procesos regulatorios y en sectores tal como el de las telecomunicaciones. Las recomendaciones de política presentan un programa de acción balanceado tanto para el corto como para el largo plazo, y están basadas en las mejores prácticas regulatorias internacionales. Este volumen 2 contiene los reportes temáticos que sirvieron de base para la realización del reporte sintético publicado como volumen 1. Consiste en cuatro reportes temáticos sobre (i) las capacidades del gobierno para asegurar una regulación de alta calidad, (ii) el papel de la política de competencia en la reforma regulatoria, (iii) la apertura comercial a través de la reforma regulatoria, y (iv) la reforma regulatoria en la industria de las telecomunicaciones.
Lecturas adicionales En la misma serie: Reforma Regulatoria en los Estados Unidos, Reforma Regulatoria en Japón, Reforma Regulatoria en los Países Bajos. El análisis general de la política de reforma regulatoria, en el cual se basan los estudios de los países, se encuentra en el Reporte sobre La Reforma Regulatoria de la OCDE: Síntesis, así como en los dos volúmenes que comprende El Reporte de la OCDE en Reforma Regulatoria: Estudios Temáticos y Sectoriales; ambos publicados en 1997.

Infrastructure sectors -- particularly railroads, telecommunications, electricity and natural gas -- are vital in providing necessities of life to the Russian Federation’s citizens and key inputs into the rest of the economy. A top priority of the current government in Russia is to reform the infrastructure sectors, specifically in such sectors as rail transport and electric power, to create an efficient and effective regulatory regime that supports the creation of competition where possible and provides more effective protection to consumers in those spheres where competition is not possible. This book compiles the proceedings of four meetings held at the request of the Minister for Antimonopoly Policy of the Russian Federation, on the reform of railroads, telecommunications, electricity and natural gas, during December 2000-September 2001. This review is part of the OECD's ongoing co-operation with non-Member economies around the world.

The Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce are designed to help ensure that consumers are no less protected when shopping on line than they are when they buy from their local store or order from a catalogue. By setting out the core characteristics of effective consumer protection for online business-to-consumer transactions, the Guidelines are intended to help eliminate some of the uncertainties that both consumers and businesses encounter when buying and selling on line. The Guidelines reflect existing legal protections available to consumers in more traditional forms of commerce. Their aim is to encourage: - fair business, advertising and marketing practices; - clear information about an online business’s identity, the goods or services it offers and the terms and conditions of any transaction; - a transparent process for the confirmation of transactions; - secure payment mechanisms; - fair, timely and affordable dispute resolution and redress; - privacy protection; and - consumer and business education.

Dutch, Slovak, Finnish, Portuguese, Polish, All

The Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce are designed to help ensure that consumers are no less protected when shopping on line than they are when they buy from their local store or order from a catalogue. By setting out the core characteristics of effective consumer protection for online business-to-consumer transactions, the Guidelines are intended to help eliminate some of the uncertainties that both consumers and businesses encounter when buying and selling on line. The Guidelines reflect existing legal protections available to consumers in more traditional forms of commerce. Their aim is to encourage: - fair business, advertising and marketing practices; - clear information about an online business’s identity, the goods or services it offers and the terms and conditions of any transaction; - a transparent process for the confirmation of transactions; - secure payment mechanisms; - fair, timely and affordable dispute resolution and redress; - privacy protection; and - consumer and business education.

German, Italian, Portuguese, English, French, Korean, All

The Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce are designed to help ensure that consumers are no less protected when shopping on line than they are when they buy from their local store or order from a catalogue. By setting out the core characteristics of effective consumer protection for online business-to-consumer transactions, the Guidelines are intended to help eliminate some of the uncertainties that both consumers and businesses encounter when buying and selling on line. The Guidelines reflect existing legal protections available to consumers in more traditional forms of commerce. Their aim is to encourage: - fair business, advertising and marketing practices; - clear information about an online business’s identity, the goods or services it offers and the terms and conditions of any transaction; - a transparent process for the confirmation of transactions; - secure payment mechanisms; - fair, timely and affordable dispute resolution and redress; - privacy protection; and - consumer and business education.

Slovak, German, Dutch, Japanese, Swedish, All

The Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce are designed to help ensure that consumers are no less protected when shopping on line than they are when they buy from their local store or order from a catalogue. By setting out the core characteristics of effective consumer protection for online business-to-consumer transactions, the Guidelines are intended to help eliminate some of the uncertainties that both consumers and businesses encounter when buying and selling on line. The Guidelines reflect existing legal protections available to consumers in more traditional forms of commerce. Their aim is to encourage: - fair business, advertising and marketing practices; - clear information about an online business’s identity, the goods or services it offers and the terms and conditions of any transaction; - a transparent process for the confirmation of transactions; - secure payment mechanisms; - fair, timely and affordable dispute resolution and redress; - privacy protection; and - consumer and business education.

Slovak, Finnish, Italian, Korean, English, French, All
  • 10 Aug 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 96

Public utility industries, once regarded as monolithic monopolies, in fact are made up of many separate activities, many of which can sustain effective competition. But owners of bottleneck facilities are often in a position to restrict or limit the growth of competition. There is a growing realisation that fundamental structural changes are often necessary if the full benefits of competition are to be achieved for users and consumers.

This publication explores the nature and impact of rules which affect the structure of public utility industries. It covers not only the theory behind different forms of separation but also practical experience in a wide variety of countries and sectors (railways, electricity, postal services, telecommunications, gas, air services, and maritime transport). It also contains the new OECD Recommendation on Structural Separation of Regulated Industries, which urges Member countries to consider separating the monopoly and the competitive parts of regulated industries, especially during the process of privatisation or liberalisation.

  • 17 Apr 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 125

This publication reports on current definitions and uses of functional regions in the OECD countries. It sets forth the reasons that prompt countries to formulate such entities, takes stock of responsibilities and prerogatives existing at these echelons, and tallies their financial resources.The publication is an assessment of the relevance of using these regions as analytical territorial entities in the OECD countries, and as a framework for the application of certain territorial policies.

  • 25 Apr 2002
  • OECD, Asian Development Bank
  • Pages: 216

Regional integration and co-ordination are not a panacea but they could hold the key to African countries' long-awaited participation in the world economy. This was one of the conclusions of the second International Forum on African Perspectives, jointly organised by the African Development Bank and the OECD Development Centre in February 2001, at which OECD and African economists discussed the prospects for regional initiatives in Africa.

While many other factors need to be taken into consideration, regional approaches -- provided they are accompanied by domestic reforms -- can present an effective response to globalisation. Indeed, given the isolation of the African countries from the world economy, regional initiatives may be the only sustainable solution to the economic, political and social challenges raised by globalisation.


In the past 20 years, few reforms of the public sector have received more attention, and stimulated more controversy, than the reforms made to regulation making and regulatory management. The rise of regulatory policies -explicit policies aimed at continuously improving the quality of the regulatory environment -- shows how early notions of "deregulation" or "cutting red tape" quickly gave way to a central "good governance" notion. This notion is based on an understanding of how regulatory practices can substantially improve market performance, public sector effectiveness and citizens’ satisfaction, through a mix or deregulation, re-regulation and better quality regulation, backed up by new or improved institutions.

Regulatory Policies in OECD Countries documents the development and emergence of that understanding. It describes the "state of play" in the regulatory policy agenda in OECD countries, and identifies the key challenges facing regulatory practitioners in the future.

Bulgarian, French
  • 09 Jul 2003
  • OECD
  • Pages: 166

An analytical framework for assessing and managing the relationship between regional agreements and the world multilateral trading system. Regional trade agreements (RTAs) are increasingly portrayed as a threat to the free global exchange of goods and services. Moreover, should the WTO-approved Doha Round of multilateral talks end in deadlock, many member countries would likely place even greater emphasis on regional agreements. This book provides WTO members with an analytical framework for assessing and managing the relationship between regionalism and the world multilateral trading system.


In October 2001, the Stability Pact and the OECD launched the Regulatory Governance Initiative (RGI) to strengthen the institutional, knowledge and process capacities for developing and implementing more efficient and effective regulation, supportive of sound and competitive markets. The RGI is one of the policy implementation initiatives under the Investment Compact (the South East Europe Compact for Reform, Investment, Integrity and Growth) of the Stability Pact.

This report of the Regulatory Governance Initiative provides an assessment on the progress of regulatory governance reforms in South East Europe (SEE), and the remaining reform challenges. It includes the Governance Action Plans developed by the SEE countries. Short-term reform priorities identified by the countries provide the basis for the Agenda for Regional Action, an overview of main governance reform trends in the SEE region and recommendations for the successful implementation of reforms. The report responds to the decision, taken by the Ministers from South East Europe (SEE) at the meeting in Vienna in July 2003, to place major emphasis on reviewing progress in the area of governance at their 2004 Ministerial meeting. It aims to inform policy-makers, donors, investors and the international community of progress in regulatory governance reforms in South East Europe. Practitioners in the region can draw on this report as a guide for their work in the future.

  • 25 Jan 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 148

At a time when public expenditure is undergoing change to accommodate new needs, this report studies the impact of four institutions of the budget process upon re-allocation:  medium-term expenditure frameworks, rules of budgetary discipline, the Minister of finance, and programme review.  It develops a micro-economic classification of public expenditures and gives insight into the shifting pattern of central government expenditure in the last 20 years in 12 selected OECD countries on the basis of that classification.

  • 28 Apr 2005
  • OECD, The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre at the University of South Australia
  • Pages: 285

This report, published by the OECD's International Futures Programme in co-operation with the Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre in Australia, aims to stimulate informed debate about the main integration issues facing the Asia-Pacific region in the decades ahead.  It examines such issues as how the region compares to other regions of the world in terms of economic and political integration; regional co-operation on trade, investment and environment; and security and transportation concerns.  The book concludes with Mike Moore's "Reflections on Asia Pacific Integration".

La mayoría de los países de la OCDE han hecho una prioridad la elaboración de políticas para disminuir las cargas administrativas (reducir el papeleo). La burocracia es onerosa particularmente para las empresas pequeñas y puede inhibir el emprendimiento. Estos efectos son más costosos en los mercados mundiales, en donde la competitividad puede ser afectada por la eficiencia de la regulación local y el entorno administrativo. Pero también los ciudadanos y las grandes empresas se quejan de la elaboración de reportes solicitados que son innecesarios.
¿Qué pueden hacer los gobiernos al respecto? Las estrategias incluyen establecer metas cuantitativas para reducir las cargas administrativas cuando se diseñan o modifican normativas existentes; codificación; mejorar la coordinación multi-nivel; y la introducción rápida de servicios de e-gobierno. Cada vez más los gobiernos asignan responsabilidad a una unidad administrativa central apoyados por grupos de trabajo y comités externos. Este acercamiento de “gobierno entero” representa un paso mayor en los años recientes incrustando la simplificación administrativa en todo el sistema de calidad normativo en el nivel nacional.

English, French, Portuguese
  • 04 Sept 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 182

Regulatory impact analysis (RIA) is a systemic approach to critically assessing the positive and negative effects of proposed and existing regulations and non-regulatory alternatives. This publication brings together recent OECD research and analysis concerning methodological issues and country experiences with RIA. The collected papers cover a number of challenges to the effectiveness of RIA including: systemic factors which influence the quality of RIA; methodological frameworks that can assist RIA to improve regulation; guidance on using RIA to avoid unnecessary regulation of competitive markets; and a review of the use of RIA in the regulation of corporate governance across a number of OECD countries. Taken together, this publication provides valuable, practical guidance on how to improve the performance of RIA systems to promote economic welfare through better quality regulation.  

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