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El presente estudio analiza las reformas en curso en materia de contratación pública en Nuevo León, México, tanto el progreso alcanzado hasta el momento como los múltiples desafíos pendientes por resolver. Discute los beneficios de avanzar hacia la centralización de las actividades de contratación pública de bienes y servicios, así como de la consolidación y de un cambio en la cultura administrativa, migrando de la formalidad excesiva hacia contrataciones públicas estratégicas y con enfoque en el valor por el dinero. El estudio plantea propuestas concretas que abordan cada aspecto del ciclo de las contrataciones, desde la planeación y las investigaciones de mercado hasta la gestión de contratos.


México avanza lentamente por el camino hacia la igualdad de género. Muchas políticas públicas encaminadas a empoderar a las mujeres ya están en marcha: en las dos últimas décadas, México ha incrementado la inversión en educación para niñas, aumentó considerablemente el cupo en estancias infantiles y en preescolar, mejoró la incorporación de la transversalidad de género en el gobierno y aseguró que las mujeres estén bien representadas en las elecciones. Sin embargo, a pesar de estos esfuerzos, muchas mexicanas aún no sienten los efectos de estas políticas en casa, en el trabajo o en los espacios públicos. Sigue habiendo grandes diferencias entre los sexos en cuanto a resultados educativos, participación en el mercado laboral, remuneraciones, informalidad y horas dedicadas al cuidado infantil y tareas domésticas no remuneradas. “Llevar a México a su máximo potencial”, como prescribe el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo, dependerá crucialmente de cuánto se cierren las brechas de género en la vida política, social y económica, y se promueva un cambio social verdadero. México debe continuar invirtiendo en políticas sociales y de mercado laboral que fortalezcan a las mujeres y revitalizar los esfuerzos para reducir las desigualdades en educación, participación en la fuerza de trabajo, calidad del trabajo, trabajo no remunerado y liderazgo. Esto requerirá incorporar los objetivos de igualdad de género en todas las políticas públicas y presupuestos, a través de todos los niveles de gobierno, y asegurar la implementación efectiva, aplicación y evaluación de políticas y leyes para lograr resultados inclusivos.


This book explores recent developments in environmental cost-benefit analysis (CBA). This is defined as the application of CBA to projects or policies that have the deliberate aim of environmental improvement or are actions that affect, in some way, the natural environment as an indirect consequence. It builds on the previous OECD book by David Pearce et al. (2006), which took as its starting point that a number of developments in CBA, taken together, altered the way in which many economists would argue CBA should be carried out and that this was particularly so in the context of policies and projects with significant environmental impacts.
It is a primary objective of the current book not only to assess more recent advances in CBA theory but also to identify how specific developments illustrate key thematic narratives with implications for practical use of environmental CBA in policy formulation and appraisal of investment projects.
Perhaps the most significant development is the contribution of climate economics in its response to the challenge of appraising policy actions to mitigate (or adapt to) climate change. Work in this area has increased the focus on how to value costs and benefits that occur far into the future, particularly by showing how conventional procedures for establishing the social discount rate become highly problematic in this intergenerational context and what new approaches might be needed. The contribution of climate economics has also entailed thinking further about uncertainty in CBA, especially where uncertain outcomes might be associated with large (and adverse) impacts.

  • 26 Jul 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 176

This review of Corporate Governance in Lithuania was prepared in the context of Lithuania’s accession process to the OECD. It assesses Lithuania’s corporate governance arrangements – the laws, regulations and institutions that shape company oversight – for listed companies and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) against the standards of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance and the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises. The report reaches a positive overall assessment of Lithuania’s willingness and ability to implement these corporate governance standards and makes a number of recommendations to address remaining weaknesses. With respect to listed companies, the report notably recommends that Lithuania give priority to monitoring implementation of recent legislative reforms to strengthen corporate boards of directors and, in the medium term, consider further strengthening and clarifying their legal responsibilities. With respect to SOEs, this report recommends that Lithuania give priority to further strengthening the effectiveness of the state’s ownership coordination function, ensuring that the state’s requirements on board composition and disclosure practices are fully implemented by the SOEs for which they are mandatory and moving forward with plans to convert commercially-oriented statutory SOEs to limited liability companies.

La captura de políticas implica que las decisiones públicas sobre políticas son apartadas de manera sistemática o reiterada del interés público hacia un interés específico de un individuo o un grupo particular. Este informe expone cómo la "captura de políticas" puede exacerbar desigualdades y socavar los valores democráticos, el crecimiento económico y la confianza en el gobierno. Identifica los diferentes mecanismos y riesgos de captura de políticas, y proporciona una guía para los responsables de las políticas sobre cómo mitigar estos riesgos a través de cuatro estrategias complementarias: involucrar a los actores interesados con diversos intereses; garantizar la transparencia y el acceso a la información; promover la rendición de cuentas; e identificar y mitigar el riesgo de captura a través de políticas de integridad organizativa.

  • 12 Mar 2019
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 32

Este documento tiene por objeto apoyar a las ciudades en el establecimiento de objetivos de seguridad vial y supervisar los avances en la mejora de la seguridad vial urbana. Los peatones, ciclistas y motociclistas representan casi el 80 % de las muertes por accidentes de tráfico urbanos. Por lo tanto, las ciudades deben intensificar sus esfuerzos para mejorar la seguridad de los usuarios vulnerables de la vía pública. Este documento presenta indicadores de seguridad vial para diferentes grupos de usuarios de la vía pública recolectados en 31 ciudades con el fin de facilitar la evaluación, la supervisión y la comparación de resultados de seguridad vial. Presta especial atención a la medición del riesgo de muerte en accidente de tráfico por unidad de distancia recorrida.


A strong corporate governance framework is essential for MENA economies as they strive to boost economic growth, strengthen competitiveness and build prosperous societies. The G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance and the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises are a reference in order to build such a framework. This report assesses the corporate governance landscape in the MENA region by identifying challenges and proposing policy options for reform. The findings of the report are based on an analysis of policies and practices in four thematic areas: boosting access to finance and capital markets, improving transparency and disclosure, achieving gender balance in corporate leadership and enhancing the governance of state-owned enterprises in MENA. Overall, the report finds that MENA economies have made progress in strengthening corporate governance frameworks in recent years, but that the region still faces challenges in adopting and implementing corporate governance measures that support economic efficiency, sustainable growth and financial stability.

French, Arabic

The Swedish economy is innovative and rich in intellectual property (IP), with nearly every industry either producing or using IP. Swedish innovative industries are also export-dependent and very deeply integrated in the global economy, through active participation in global value chains. At the same time, the threats of counterfeiting and piracy are growing – and Sweden is vulnerable. This report measures the direct economic effects of counterfeiting on Swedish industry, government and consumers. It examines both the impact of the imports of fake products to Sweden and – more importantly – the impact of the global trade in fake products that infringe on the IP rights of Swedish innovative companies.


This report takes stock of approaches taken by public organisations to counter external fraud in social benefit programmes (SBP) and suggests areas for improvement. It provides insights on preventive and detective measures, and promotes a risk-based approach to addressing fraud and error in SBPs in line with the OECD Recommendation of the Council on Public Integrity. It explores how public organisations can leverage data-driven approaches to improve fraud detection, and how strengthening evaluation activities can promote continuous improvement of anti-fraud measures.

Con el fin de alcanzar sus objetivos de política pública, las regulaciones deben de estar acompañadas de una estrategia de promoción del cumplimiento diseñada cuidadosamente y bien implementada, la cual incluya las fiscalizaciones. Este reporte provee una evaluación de la estrategia de promoción del cumplimiento regulatorio y de las fiscalizaciones en el sector ambiental de Perú, además de incluir recomendaciones para fortalecer dicha estrategia. Este reporte evalúa las políticas y el marco legal del Organismo de Evaluación y Fiscalización Ambiental de Perú, así como las prácticas y recursos empleados en las actividades de promoción del cumplimiento y fiscalizaciones. Asimismo, ofrece opciones de política pública para mejorar el desempeño. El punto de partida para el análisis comparativo es la Guía de la OCDE para el cumplimiento regulatorio y las inspecciones. Utilizando una lista de 12 criterios, esta Guía es una herramienta simple para evaluar el sistema de promoción del cumplimiento y las fiscalizaciones un una jurisdicción, institución o estructura.


La iniciativa Nuevos Enfoques ante los Retos Económicos de la OCDE invitó a los expertos internos y externos de la organización a analizar la teoría de la complejidad como un medio para comprender mejor la naturaleza interconectada de las tendencias y las influencias que conforman nuestro entorno socioeconómico. Sus aportaciones, aquí reunidas, examinan los supuestos, las fortalezas y las deficiencias de los modelos tradicionales, y proponen una manera de construir nuevos modelos que tomen en cuenta factores como la psicología, la historia y la cultura, descuidados por estos modelos. Los autores se centran en la disciplina de la economía como tal, el Sistema financiero y las aplicaciones de la teoría de la complejidad a la formulación de políticas y la gobernanza. Sostienen que se requiere una nueva narrativa que integre las esperanzas, los valores, las actitudes y las conductas de las personas en la

economía, junto con los hechos y los datos que los economistas están más acostumbrados a tratar.

French, English
  • 07 Oct 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

This review of Corporate Governance in Costa Rica was prepared as part of Costa Rica’s accession process for OECD membership. During the three-year period of the review, the government made substantial progress in strengthening its institutional and legal framework in line with the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance and OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). The report evaluates Costa Rica’s corporate governance policies and practices for both listed and state-owned companies. It finds that while Costa Rica’s capital market is quite small, its framework for corporate governance of listed companies is largely consistent with the Principles. Costa Rica has seen particular progress in issuing a new corporate governance code and requirements related to ownership disclosure. For SOEs, which play a key role in the Costa Rican economy, the Presidency has taken important steps to establish a co-ordinating unit which has spearheaded numerous reforms. These reforms include issuing a government ownership policy, more transparent and structured appointments of SOE board members (while removing politicians from boards), and reporting on SOEs’ performance. To further strengthen SOE performance and accountability, the report recommends additional steps to improve board practices, clarify performance objectives and implement International Financial Reporting Standards.

  • 10 Nov 2020
  • OECD, International Labour Organization, Center of Arab Woman for Training and Research
  • Pages: 264

At a moment when many countries of the MENA region are looking to accelerate economic growth and build more stable, open societies, this report argues that greater women’s economic empowerment holds one of the keys. It asserts that despite challenges some countries are facing in guaranteeing women equal access to economic opportunity, progress is underway and can be further nurtured through targeted, inclusive and coordinated policy actions. Building on the conclusions of a first monitoring report released in 2017, the report analyses recent legislative, policy and institutional reforms in support of women’s economic empowerment in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia and seeks to identify success factors that have helped anchor reform. Moreover, it delivers actionable examples and practical tools for policy makers to help them transform policies into effective actions for women’s economic empowerment.

French, Arabic
  • 23 Mar 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 103

The Swiss economy is innovative and knowledge-intensive. Consequently, it relies heavily on intellectual property rights. Swiss industries are also export-oriented and solidly integrated in the global economy. At the same time, the threats of counterfeiting and piracy are growing, and Swiss industries are vulnerable. This report measures the direct economic effects of counterfeiting on Swiss industry and the Swiss government. It estimates the impact of the global trade in fake products that pose as “Swiss made” in terms of lost jobs, forgone profits and lower tax revenues.

  • 16 Jun 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 180

At the global level, civic space is narrowing and thus efforts to protect and promote it are more important than ever. The OECD defines Civic Space as the set of legal, policy, institutional, and practical conditions necessary for non-governmental actors to access information, express themselves, associate, organise, and participate in public life. This document presents the Civic Space Scan of Finland, which was undertaken at the request of the Finnish government and is the first OECD report of its kind. OECD Civic Space Scans in particular assess how governments protect and promote civic space in each national context and propose ways to strengthen existing frameworks and practices. The Scan assesses four key dimensions of civic space: civic freedoms and rights, media freedoms and digital rights, the enabling environment for civil society organisations, and civic participation in policy and decision making. Each respective chapter of the report contains actionable recommendations for the Government of Finland. As part of the scan process, a citizens’ panel – also overseen by the OECD – was held in February 2021 and generated a wide range of recommendations for the government from a representative microcosm of Finnish society.

  • 28 Jun 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 153

Thanks to tremendous renewable energy and energy efficiency potential and a stable, dynamic economy, Indonesia has become a coveted destination for investors in the clean energy sector. Clean energy investment, however, remains far below the level needed to realise Indonesia’s ambitious clean energy and sustainable finance goals. Instead, investment in fossil fuels continues to dominate.

This first Clean Energy Finance and Investment Policy Review of Indonesia supports efforts to reverse these trends and achieve a clean energy transition. The report provides a comprehensive overview of the current policy framework, highlighting progress and identifying untapped opportunities for strengthening policy interventions that can help scale up clean energy finance and investment. It also provides a number of tailored recommendations for the Government of Indonesia and development partners. The Review was undertaken within the OECD Clean Energy Finance and Investment Mobilisation (CEFIM) Programme, which supports governments in emerging economies to unlock finance and investment in clean energy.


Este estudio analiza el sistema, los procesos y las herramientas de contratación pública aplicados en el Estado de México, la entidad federativa más grande del país en cuanto a población. Evalúa los alcances de la centralización de la función de contratación, sus implicaciones y las áreas de oportunidad para lograr los beneficios de dicha estrategia. Al analizar el grado de competencia en las licitaciones públicas, el estudio sugiere alternativas para incrementar las presiones competitivas con el fin de maximizar la eficiencia y el valor por el dinero. De igual forma, evalúa la plataforma de contratación electrónica COMPRAMEX y su potencial de incorporar nuevas funciones transaccionales. Finalmente, el estudio pondera las medidas implementadas para promover la integridad en las contrataciones públicas y la profesionalización de la fuerza de trabajo dedicada a esta actividad. Proporciona propuestas concretas que abordan cada etapa del ciclo de la contratación, desde la planeación y el análisis de mercados hasta la gestión de contratos.


From combating COVID-19 and climate change to tackling corruption and tax evasion, international organisations (IOs) play a critical role in helping countries find solutions to common problems. But for IOs to deliver optimal support to countries and their populations, the international instruments they develop need to be inclusive, well understood and have a tangible impact. This Compendium of International Organisation’s Practices gathers the experiences of some 50 IOs with different mandates, members and institutional frameworks to draw lessons for international rulemaking. It examines the diversity of instruments in the international rulemaking ecosystem; describes trends and challenges; and discusses how to strengthen the implementation and evaluation of international instruments, ensure efficient stakeholder engagement, and maximise opportunities for co-ordination across IOs.

The IO Compendium is designed to serve not only all national and international policy practitioners, but also civil society actors, academic experts, private actors, and citizens who seek to understand, benefit from and possibly contribute to the international rulemaking process.

French, Spanish
  • 05 Nov 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 75

Los mecanismos y herramientas regulatorias domésticas están llegando a sus límites para hacer frente a los desafíos transfronterizos. La acción conjunta permite a los países navegar eficazmente el rápido crecimiento de la integración económica y la interdependencia, impulsadas especialmente por tecnologías innovadoras. Sin embargo, los marcos institucionales y los procesos regulatorios contemporáneos están sujetos a las jurisdicciones nacionales que limitan las soluciones comunes para hacer frente a la creciente naturaleza internacional de los desafíos de política pública. Tras las secuelas de crisis globales, como la crisis financiera de 2008 o la pandemia COVID-19, que expusieron las vulnerabilidades de los sistemas de salud, económicos y de gobernanza mundiales, es momento de un verdadero cambio de paradigma hacia una consideración más sistemática del entorno internacional en los marcos regulatorios domésticos. Los Principios de Mejores Prácticas de la OCDE sobre Cooperación Regulatoria Internacional proporcionan una guía práctica que ayuda a los responsables de la formulación de políticas públicas a adaptar los marcos regulatorios a una realidad interconectada. En ellos se describen los elementos clave para definir una estrategia y una estructura de gobernanza, incorporando consideraciones internacionales en todo el diseño, desarrollo y ejecución de la regulación, y aprovechando la cooperación internacional bilateral, regional y multilateral para respaldar los objetivos de las políticas nacionales. Al recopilar diversas formas de cooperación regulatoria internacional y experiencias de los países, estos principios orientan a los funcionarios públicos en distintos entornos legales y administrativos, a formas de promover la calidad y la resiliencia del marco regulatorio en tiempos de un mundo cada vez más interconectado.

French, English
  • 25 Nov 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 381

COVID-19 and Well-being: Life in the Pandemic explores the immediate implications of the pandemic for people’s lives and livelihoods in OECD countries. The report charts the course of well-being – from jobs and incomes through to social connections, health, work-life balance, safety and more – using data collected during the first 12-15 months of the pandemic. It also takes stock of what has happened to human, economic, social and natural capital that, beyond their effects on people’s lives today, shape living conditions for years to come. It shows how COVID-19 has had far-reaching consequences for how we live, work and connect with one another, and how experiences of the pandemic varied widely, depending on whether and where people work, their gender, age, race and ethnicity, education and income levels. The report also examines the role that well-being evidence can play in supporting governments’ pandemic recovery efforts. It argues that a well-being lens can prompt policy-makers to refocus on the outcomes that matter the most to people, to redesign policy content from a more multidimensional perspective, to realign policy practice across government silos, and to reconnect people with the public institutions that serve them.

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