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This report examined how Finland has been incorporating anticipatory functions within its governance system to deal with complex and future challenges in a systemic way. The report applies a new model of anticipatory innovation governance (AIG), developed by the OECD, addressing a considerable gap in prior knowledge and guidance on how governments prepare for unknowable futures. It consists of three parts: an overview of the anticipatory innovation governance model; the assessment of the anticipatory innovation capacity of the Finnish Government; and the pilot case studies, where the principles and functions of the model are explored in practice.

This report uses the OECD Principles on Water Governance as a tool for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue and practical assessment of the performance of flood governance systems. It applies the Principles to flood-prone contexts to help strengthen governance frameworks for managing the risks of “too much” water. By 2050, 1.6 billion people will be at risk of flooding, affecting nearly 20% of the world’s population at an increasing rate and many times over with dire social, economic and environmental consequences. In this report, a checklist is proposed as a self-assessment tool for stakeholders in flood management, based on lessons learned from 27 case studies that feature practical experiences and highlight common features and key challenges in flood governance.

  • 26 Nov 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 280

As Asian markets are now increasingly integrated in the world economy their domestic insolvency systems need to meet the expectations of international investors and lenders. Many Asian jurisdictions are responding by reforming  insolvency laws, introducing new procedures and strengthening institutions, but others are much less active. This conference proceedings includes papers showing how far various Asian countries have come in building effective and predictable insolvency systems and shows to what extent their systems provide confidence to investors and lenders.

  • 27 Nov 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

The successful governance of critical risks is a strategic investment in preserving economic competitiveness and sustainable growth and in ensuring safer and better lives for the future. Citizens and businesses expect governments to be prepared for a wide range of possible crises and global shocks. However, the increasing frequency of events previously believed impossible, and their significant economic impact, has often revealed significant governance gaps. This OECD report provides an overview of countries' progess in implementing the Recommendation of the Council on the Governance of Critical Risks, which were designed to better govern and manage complex national risks. Based on an OECD wide survey, the report evaluates the progress made by countries, seeking to evaluate the key challenges in institutional, policy, administrative and regulatory mechanisms, used to manage critical risks from a whole of government perspective. The ultimate goal is to guide governments in minimising the effects of critical risks on economies and on citizens' daily lives to preserve national security.

Illicit financial flows (IFFs) such as tax evasion are a major policy challenge for developing and emerging economies, in particular as the COVID-19 pandemic has drained domestic resources. This report presents results from a joint project between the OECD and the National Treasury of South Africa, which assesses tax compliance and IFFs in South Africa. The report provides an overview of macroeconomic, tax and fiscal developments in South Africa since the global financial crisis. It discusses the concepts of IFFs, how they relate to the South African context and provides an overview of South Africa’s participation in multilateral initiatives to combat tax evasion. It also provides a quantitative analysis of tax compliance and IFFs over time amid a variety of tax transparency initiatives implemented in South Africa. Finally, the report examines the effectiveness of tax transparency initiatives such as voluntary disclosure programmes, and looks into income and wealth characteristics of applicants to these programmes.

This review analyses the monitoring and evaluation system of Colombia's Online Government Strategy and provides recommendations for developing an impact assessment methodology for digital government. It looks at the background, evolution and current status of the Strategy, and draws insights from the first implementation of a transitional methodology. The findings will help Colombia build the tools and capacities needed to effectively and sustainably implement its digital government strategy.


Disasters disrupt socio-economic activities and cause substantial damage. Yet, their full economic impact remains largely unknown, especially the cost of smaller disasters and indirect impacts such as those due to business disruptions. Similarly, little information exists on the total amount of public resources that countries devote to disaster risk management. Reliable, comprehensive and comparable data on the economic impact of disasters as well as on public spending on disaster management and risk prevention are essential for developing effective disaster risk management policies. This report provides an overview of countries' efforts to improve the quality and quantity of information on the costs of disasters.


Many countries around the world have introduced systems of asset declarations for public officials in order to prevent corruption. These systems vary greatly from country to country. The impact of such systems on the actual level of corruption is not well known.

This study provides a systematic analysis of the existing practice in the area of asset declarations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and in some OECD member states in Western Europe and North America. It examines the key elements of asset declaration systems, such as policy objectives, legal frameworks and the institutional arrangements; the categories of public officials who are required to submit declarations, and types of required information; procedures for verifying declared information, sanctions for violations, and public disclosure. The study also discusses the cost-effectiveness and overall usefulness of declaration systems. It includes four case studies covering Lithuania, Romania, Spain and Ukraine, and many additional country examples and references.

The study presents policy recommendations on the key elements of asset declaration systems. These recommendations will be useful for national governments and international organisations engaged in development, reform and assessment of asset declarations systems on a country level.

  • 08 Apr 2010
  • OECD, Asian Development Bank
  • Pages: 300

Asian-Pacific countries have made significant efforts to address weaknesses in their procurement frameworks and practices. To support these efforts and to assist the ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative’s 28 member countries in strengthening their public-procurement mechanisms, the Initiative conducted a Regional Seminar on Fighting Bribery in Public Procurement in November 2007.  This volume compiles the experience that experts from Asian and Pacific countries – as well as beyond the region – shared during the seminar. It is addressed to policy makers and experts who wish to learn from other countries’ experiences in strengthening frameworks to protect public procurement from bribery and corruption risks.

Attractiveness for investment in innovation is high on the policy agenda in many countries as innovation is a key factor of growth and competitiveness in OECD countries. Virtually all governments are keen to attract international investment by multinational enterprises (MNEs) as a means to promote growth and employment, create new jobs and bring in new technologies.

While all countries and regions have some policy measures in place that are aimed at increasing their attractiveness for innovation, it is less clear if these policies are effective.

This report analyses the current trends in international investment in innovation and the attractiveness policies already implemented. These are often based on the more traditional instruments for attracting international investment. The book also explores in more detail the role of investment incentives that governments tend to give to international investors: their rationale, their impact and their usefulness.

The evidence presented in this report raises clear policy issues and questions existing policies. A number of policy principles are formulated to guide policy makers.

Public policies and services, such as education, health, welfare, infrastructure and sanitation, are increasingly developed and provided via different levels of government (national, regional and local), creating co-ordination and governance challenges. This report describes how Brazil’s 33 courts of accounts can use their oversight function – including audits – to help make such decentralised policies more effective and coherent. It presents the results of a 3-year project to improve how the courts can work together, using the area of education as a pilot for testing the use of indicators in the strategic selection of audits. The report offers a model for audit institutions to assess multi-level governance, and explores governance models for stronger collaboration among the courts of accounts in Brazil. These approaches may inspire and inform other supreme audit institutions with responsibilities for auditing decentralised policies and programmes involving central, regional and local governments.


Políticas e serviços públicos, como educação, saúde, previdência, infraestrutura e saneamento, são cada vez mais formulados e prestados por meio de diferentes níveis de governo (nacional, regional e local), criando desafios de coordenação e governança. O presente relatório descreve como os 33 tribunais de contas brasileiros podem aplicar a função de controle – como auditorias – para contribuir para maior eficácia e coerência das políticas públicas descentralizadas. O relatório apresenta os resultados de um projeto de 3 anos que visou aprimorar a atuação conjunta dos tribunais de contas, focando no setor da educação como área piloto para o teste da aplicação de indicadores na seleção estratégica de auditorias. O relatório propõe um referencial para que as instituições de auditoria possam avaliar a governança multinível e explora modelos de governança que podem ser adotados para garantir a colaboração entre os tribunais. Tais abordagens podem inspirar e informar outras entidades fiscalizadoras superiores que também sejam responsáveis por auditar políticas públicas e programas descentralizados envolvendo governos central, regional e local.

  • 26 Oct 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 252

A Caminho da Era Digital no Brasil analisa os desenvolvimentos recentes na economia digital brasileira, revisa políticas relacionadas à digitalização e faz recomendações para aumentar a coerência das políticas nessa área.

O relatório examina a disponibilidade e a qualidade das redes e serviços de comunicação no Brasil, bem como políticas e regulamentos relacionados. A Revisão também analisa as tendências no uso da tecnologia digital entre indivíduos, empresas e o governo, e examina políticas para promover sua difusão. Ela discute os esforços para aumentar a confiança na economia digital, com foco na segurança digital, privacidade e proteção do consumidor. Ela também analisa políticas para promover a inovação digital e examina as implicações políticas dos modelos de negócios emergentes em setores-chave.

O relatório reconsidera essas políticas em relação à sua coerência entre diferentes domínios, e fornece recomendações para promover sinergias entre ministérios, níveis e instituições do governo, com base no Marco de Políticas Integradas “A Caminho da Era Digital” da OCDE.

Esta publicação é a tradução de Going Digital in Brazil, parte da série OECD Reviews of Digital Transformation, publicada apenas em inglês.


A conectividade é a espinha dorsal da transformação digital e, como tal, são fundamentais políticas e medidas regulatórias que promovam o acesso a serviços de comunicação de alta qualidade a preços competitivos. Esta avaliação fornece um exame abrangente dos setores de comunicações e radiodifusão do Brasil, destacando áreas para reforma regulatória e de política pública com vistas a garantir uma transformação digital bem-sucedida e inclusiva no país. Analisa-se também o desempenho dos mercados de comunicação e radiodifusão, assim como suas políticas e regulamentações subjacentes. Com base nesta avaliação, são apresentadas recomendações em cinco áreas-chave: melhorar os arcabouços legal e regulatório; reformar a estrutura de tributos e taxas; melhorar as condições de mercado; promover a concorrência nos mercados da comunicação e da radiodifusão; e fortalecer as políticas públicas e sua elaboração baseada em evidências empíricas. Essas áreas devem ser tratadas simultaneamente para uma abordagem integrada da reforma.


Agenda na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju 2030 przyjęta przez światowych przywódców w ramach Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych w dniu 25 września 2015 r. wyznacza ambitny plan działania służący poprawie życia ludzi na całym świecie. W dniu 14 lutego 2017 r. Rząd RP przyjął Strategię na rzecz odpowiedzialnego rozwoju, w której przewidziano ponad 700 działań ukierunkowanych na zwiększenie dochodu obywateli Polski oraz wzmocnienie społecznej, gospodarczej, środowiskowej i terytorialnej spójności kraju. Przyjmując Strategię na rzecz odpowiedzialnego rozwoju, Polska wykonała pierwszy ważny krok w stronę zmierzenia się z tymi wyzwaniami. Osiągnięcie celów zrównoważonego rozwoju będzie jednak długim procesem z wieloma przeszkodami, podczas którego Polska będzie musiała regularnie dostosowywać swoje strategie, plany działania i środki polityki oraz aktualizować zobowiązania wszystkich interesariuszy. Wymiana doświadczeń z innymi państwami, służąca ustaleniu sprawdzających się i niesprawdzających się rozwiązań, może pomóc Polsce w pomyślnej realizacji tego procesu.


La OCDE ha realizado un Informe de Seguimiento para medir el progreso en la implementación de las recomendaciones efectuadas en el Estudio de Gobernanza Pública de la Contraloría General de la República de Chile, que se llevó a cabo en el año 2014. Este Informe de Seguimiento analizó las últimas actividades ejecutadas por la CGR en áreas claves – tales como la vinculación con partes interesadas, el apoyo al control interno gubernamental y el reequilibrio/restructuracion de su cartera de auditoría – y evaluó su impacto, a través de un proceso de consulta con funcionarios de la CGR y partes interesadas de los Poderes Ejecutivo y Legislativo, así como de la sociedad civil.


Many countries have introduced systems of asset declarations for public officials in order to prevent corruption. These systems vary greatly from country to country and their impact on mitigating corruption is not well known.

This study provides a systematic analysis of existing practices in asset declaration in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and in some OECD countries in Western Europe and North America. It examines (1) the key elements of asset declaration systems, such as policy objectives, legal frameworks and institutional arrangements; (2) the categories of public officials who are required to submit declarations, and the types of information required; and (3) procedures for verifying information declared, sanctions for violations, and public disclosure. The study also discusses the cost-effectiveness and overall usefulness of declaration systems. It includes case studies of Lithuania, Romania, Spain and Ukraine, and a large number of additional country examples and references.

The study presents policy recommendations on the key elements of asset declaration systems. These recommendations will be useful for national governments and international organisations engaged in development, reform and assessment of asset declarations systems at country level.


Esta avaliação da gestão de recursos humanos (GRH) no governo federal do Brasil visa a oferecer um diagnóstico detalhado e propor soluções para aperfeiçoar a administração de servidores públicos federais. As avaliações e as recomendações estão baseadas nas lições apreendidas da experiência dos países-membros da OCDE. 

Este livro tem por objetivo avaliar se o governo federal está administrando a dimensão, as habilidades e as competências de sua força de trabalho de maneira sustentável, se o sistema de GRH no governo é estratégico e orientado para o desempenho, se há um equilíbrio entre a flexibilidade e a consistência de práticas de GRH e, finalmente, se os valores adotados pelo governo são consistentes com as regras e as práticas de gestão.

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