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Ce rapport renforce la transparence, la responsabilisation et la visibilité publique des lignes directrices pour les entreprises multinationales, l'un des instruments les plus réussis de l'OCDE, et plus particulièrement les améliorations majeures apportée par la mise à jour 2011, et met en évidence le résultat de la Table ronde 2011 Responsabilité d'entreprise, un multi -stakholder de réflexion sur le lancement des travaux des lignes directrices mises à jour.Le rapport fournit une première évaluation des résultats de la mise à jour 2011 des lignes directrices adoptées à la réunion ministérielle de l'OCDE et une compilation d'idées pour la mise en œuvre future. Il rend également compte des mesures prises par les 42 gouvernements adhérents partir de Juin 2010 à Juin 2011.

  • 20 sept. 2012
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 120

This report addresses the corporate governance framework and company practices that determine the nomination and election of board members. It covers some 26 jurisdictions  including in-depth reviews of four jurisdictions: Indonesia, Korea, the Netherlands and the United States.

This second volume of OECD's study on lobbying examines regulation and self-regulation of lobbying. It includes chapters defining and examining lobbying, describing the role of professional lobbying associations, exploring various codes of conduct and examining specific codes in various countries, examining lobbyists' attitudes toward regulation and self-regulation, and exploring various options for enhancing transparency and accountability.

  • 20 sept. 2012
  • OCDE, Banque africaine de développement
  • Pages : 188

This book features the results of a stocktaking exercise of business integrity and anti-bribery policies for 20 countries in Africa.  It is the result of a collaborative initative between OECD and the African Development Bank.   Countries covered include Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.


Ce livre présente les résultats d'un exercice d'inventaire de l'intégrité des entreprises et politiques anti-corruption pour 20 pays en Afrique. Il est le résultat d'une initative de collaboration entre l'OCDE et la Banque africaine de développement. Les pays couverts sont le Bénin, le Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Ethiopie, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritanie, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sénégal, Sierra Leone, Afrique du Sud, la Tanzanie, l'Ouganda et la Zambie.


«Basculement de la richesse" - un processus qui a commencé dans les années 1990 et a décollé dans les années 2000 - a conduit à une géographie complètement nouvelle de la croissance tirée par l'essor économique de grands pays en développement, en particulier la Chine et l'Inde. Le résultat de reconfiguration de l'économie mondiale sera à façonner les agendas politiques, économiques et sociaux du développement international que ceux des pays convergents et pays pauvres pour les années à venir.Ce rapport analyse l'impact de "basculement de la richesse" sur la cohésion sociale, en grande partie en se concentrant sur les pays à forte croissance convergentes. Une "cohésion" de la société travaille en faveur du bien-être de tous ses membres, crée un sentiment d'appartenance et de lutte contre la marginalisation au sein et entre les différents groupes de sociétés. La question de ce rapport demande est de savoir comment la transformation structurelle dans les économies convergentes affecter leur «tissu social», leur sentiment d'appartenance ou de mettre généralement leur capacité à gérer pacifiquement les problèmes d'action collective.Les événements récents dans les pays performants et dans le monde arabe, mais aussi au-delà comme en Thaïlande, la Chine et l'Inde semblent suggérer que la croissance économique, la hausse des ressources fiscales et l'amélioration de l'éducation ne sont pas suffisantes pour créer une cohésion, les gouvernements ont besoin pour combler les déficits sociaux et activement promouvoir la cohésion sociale, si à long terme le développement soit durable.


Este informe evalúa y analiza la evaluación la ley en Chile y hace algunas recomendaciones relacionadas con las cuestiones institucionales, metodológicos y de gobierno.


The growing importance of state-owned enterprises (SOE) in the global marketplace has given rise to concerns about how to ensure competitive neutrality – a level playing field – where public and private entities compete. The book aims to serve as a resource for governments that intend to ensure that public and private businesses compete on equal terms.  It provides a catalogue of relevant practices and experiences in OECD and other jurisdictions. The publication is structured around eight “building blocks” of competitive neutrality including how to ensure debt, tax or regulatory neutrality; calculating market consistent rates-of-return; transparent accounting for public service obligations; and competitive procurement. It also provides practical experience on how to coin a policy commitment to competitive neutrality and tradeoffs of different approaches. The book provides insights on fundamental questions concerning the role of the State in the marketplace and on the need to balance commercial interests with the sometimes important public policy functions vested in SOEs.

  • 30 août 2012
  • Brian Keeley
  • Pages : 202

Nous assistons à un basculement du pouvoir économique. Des pays autrefois pauvres deviennent des puissances économiques. Cependant, la pauvreté persiste à travers le monde : les besoins fondamentaux de milliards de personnes ne sont pas satisfaits, et les perspectives d’une vie meilleure leur sont fermées. Que faisons-nous pour relever ce défi ? Ce livre analyse l’univers multidimensionnel de l’aide et du développement, c’est-à‑dire les efforts – parfois controversés – menés à l’échelle mondiale pour améliorer la vie des plus pauvres de la planète. Il retrace l’histoire de l’aide, explique d’où elle vient et où elle va, tout en se demandant si elle accomplit autant qu’elle le pourrait. Il analyse également certains moyens d’accroître son efficacité, que ce soit à travers une bonne gouvernance ou un partenariat plus approfondi entre pays développés et pays en développement. Sans oublier l’essor économique de pays tels que la Chine et l’Inde et la nouvelle dynamique qu’il apporte à la coopération pour le développement.

Anglais, Espagnol

The reform programme called "General Review of Public Policies" (Révision Générale des Politiques Publiques, RGPP), implemented at central government level in France in 2007, is a novel approach for OECD countries by its mode of governance, directly and continuously involving the highest state officials in France. In this publication, the results of the reform programme of the RGPP are analysed in relation to the original objectives, but also in the new current, economic and budgetary context of France. Lessons are drawn in terms of budget savings, implementation of a culture of innovation and improvement of services to citizens. They will be important for all OECD countries in their efforts to improve governance and the performance of public administrations. They are also essential for local authorities, who also have to innovate in their practices in order to provide better services at a lower cost.


This publication examines the role of corporate governance arrangements in providing the right incentives to contribute to the value creation process within the private enterprises and the implications of the differences in ownership structures on corporate governance practices and frameworks. It also addresses these global changes from emerging markets perspective and the distinguishing features of these economies that shape their capital markets, corporate structures and corporate governance landscape.

This publication is an important reminder that all those corporate governance rules, regulations and practices that we discuss are not a goal in themselves. They are supposed to be means to a greater end. Be it minority rights, mandatory bids, or independent directors, the rules and regulations that we put in place should serve a purpose. And it is against this purpose and these objectives that the quality of any corporate governance system should be evaluated. So, we need to find a benchmark against which we can assess new regulations and evaluate existing ones.

The OECD Territorial Review of the Chicago Tri-State metropolitan area, the first of its kind conducted by the OECD in the United States, assesses the region’s capacity to contribute effectively to regional and national economic performance and quality of life. The Review focuses on four thematic policy issues: i) the effectiveness and coordination of workforce development programmes in the Chicago Tri-State metro-region; ii) the metro-region’s capacity for innovation; iii) its role as a major centre for logistics in North America; and (iv) its capacity to encourage green growth over the long term. The review also focuses on the state of region-wide institutional collaboration and offers a vision for effective tri-state region-wide stakeholder engagement.  

This book examines regional innovation in central and southern Denmark, looking at its role in the economy, its governance and policy context and regional strategies for innovation driven growth.

  • 25 juin 2012
  • Brian Keeley
  • Pages : 188

The balance of economic power is shifting. Countries that were once poor are becoming economic powerhouses. Yet poverty persists worldwide, depriving billions of people of basic necessities and the prospects of creating a better life. How are we responding to this challenge? This book explores the multi-faceted world of aid and development co-operation – a range of global, and sometimes contested, efforts aimed at reducing the impact of poverty. It traces the history of these efforts, explains where they come from and where they are going, and asks whether they are achieving as much as they could. It also examines some of the ways in which development efforts can be made more effective in achieving lasting benefits through good governance and the creation of a deeper partnership between developed and developing countries. And it looks at how the economic emergence of countries like China and India is bringing a new dynamic to development co-operation.

Français, Espagnol
  • 19 juin 2012
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 220

This book presents a comprehensive review of governance and public management in Slovenia.It identifies how reforms can better reinforce each other in support of overall government objectives and examines reform strategies that have worked in other countries to provide a series of recommendations.

  • 18 juin 2012
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 208

The focus of this greatly improved third edition is to provide comprehensive quantitative information on African central government debt instruments, both marketable debt and non-marketable debt.

The coverage of data is limited to central government debt issuance as well as bi-lateral, multi-lateral and concessional debt and excludes therefore state and local government debt and social security funds.

  • 13 juin 2012
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 152
This report presents the results of the assessment of the organisation of the central government of Australia. The study looks at reforms that are aimed at improving the quality of services (more value) and efficiency (less money) in central government. Starting with facts and quantitative benchmarks on the Australian central government, the study reviews recent reforms in Australia, and makes recommendations in ten selected areas. The study concludes with a survey of the effects on the quality of services and the potential savings.
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