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Le basculement de l’activité économique vers les pays en développement a-t-il conduit à un accroissement des migrations internationales vers ces pays ? C’est une des questions auxquelles répond cette édition des Perspectives du développement mondial. Le rapport s’appuie sur les données les plus récentes concernant les migrations internationales entre 1995 et 2015. Il offre une nouvelle perspective sur les migrations en groupant les pays en fonction de leur croissance économique. Il décrit ainsi l’évolution globale récente des migrations internationales ainsi que les mouvements observés par groupe de pays. Le rapport explore les moteurs des migrations internationales et analyse le cas particulier des réfugiés. Les effets des politiques publiques (migratoires et sectorielles) sur les mouvements migratoires sont analysés aussi bien dans les pays d’origine que dans les pays de destination. Le rapport présente quatre scénarios illustrant l’évolution possible des migrations à l’horizon 2030. Il formule des recommandations en matière de politiques publiques afin de maximiser les bénéfices liés aux migrations non seulement dans les pays d’origine et de destination mais également pour les migrants eux-mêmes. De meilleures données, de nouveaux travaux de recherche et des politiques fondées sur les faits sont indispensables pour mieux se préparer à l’afflux croissant de migrants issus de pays en développement qui s’annonce. Il faut faire plus pour éviter les situations qui débouchent sur l’afflux massif de réfugiés ainsi que pour stimuler un développement mondial durable.

Cette version française est une version abrégée de la version originale de la publication, Perspectives on Global Development 2017: International Migration in a Shifting World. Elle inclut notamment l'éditorial, le résumé et le chapitre qui donne une vue d'ensemble du rapport.


La révolution technologique amorcée au cours des dernières décennies du XXe siècle a modifié les besoins en compétences sur le marché du travail. De nos jours, les compétences en traitement de l’information, les compétences interpersonnelles et d’autres aptitudes cognitives de haut niveau sont de plus en plus prisées. L’Évaluation des compétences des adultes, lancée dans le cadre du Programme de l'OCDE pour l’évaluation internationale des compétences des adultes (PIAAC), vise à fournir un nouvel éclairage sur le rôle de ces compétences dans la société d’aujourd’hui et sur leur utilisation dans le cadre privé et professionnel. Première évaluation de cette nature, elle mesure directement la maîtrise de plusieurs compétences en traitement de l’information : la littératie, la numératie et la résolution de problèmes dans des environnements à forte composante technologique.

Ce volume présente les résultats des 24 pays et régions qui ont participé à la première vague de l'évaluation en 2011-2012 (publiés pour la première fois dans Perspectives de l’OCDE sur les compétences 2013 : Premiers résultats de l’Évaluation des compétences des adultes) et des neuf pays supplémentaires qui ont participé à la deuxième vague en 2014-2015 (Chili, Grèce, Indonésie [Jakarta], Israël, Lituanie, Nouvelle-Zélande, Singapour, Slovénie et Turquie). Il décrit les compétences des adultes dans les trois domaines de compétences en traitement de l’information évalués et analyse le lien entre les compétences et les résultats sur le marché du travail ainsi que les résultats sociaux. Un rapport connexe, le second volume de L’Évaluation des compétences des adultes : Manuel à l’usage des lecteurs, décrit la conception et la méthodologie de l’évaluation, et les corrélations à établir avec d’autres évaluations internationales portant sur les compétences des jeunes étudiants et des adultes. Un rapport connexe, le second volume de L’Évaluation des compétences des adultes : Manuel à l’usage des lecteurs, décrit la conception et la méthodologie de l’évaluation, et ses relations avec d’autres évaluations internationales des compétences des jeunes encore scolarisés et des adultes.

  • 12 déc. 2016
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 141

Analysis on coal often tends to be one-sided. But to truly understand the important role that coal plays, for better or worse, in the global energy system, it is critical that we examine both sides of the coin. This means understanding the implications of climate agreements on the future for coal while at the same time coming to terms with what coal is doing – and will continue to do – for energy security and energy access in developing and emerging economies.

This means taking a close look at those emerging economies, specifically in South and Southeast Asia. For example, given China’s dominance in coal markets, the main problem for the coal industry is adjusting to how Chinese demand and imports will evolve in the future. In India, already the second largest coal consumer in the world, coal use is expected to grow. Will this trigger imports? Viet Nam, a net exporter until 2014, is building coal power plants at a fast pace. How much coal will they need to import? Where will that coal come from?
Meanwhile, despite an increase in the price of natural gas price in the United States, coal consumption continues to drop. Is this decline inevitable? The last coal plants closed in Belgium and Scotland in 2016 while other European nations have announced the end of coal generation. Is coal going to disappear forever from Europe? At the same time, banks and funds are turning away from coal financing. Will this bring a halt to construction of new coal power plants?

The Medium-Term Coal Market Report 2016 addresses these questions and more, providing insight into the drivers of coal demand, supply and trade through 2021.

  • 09 déc. 2016
  • OCDE, Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture
  • Pages : 176

The OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2016-2025 provides an assessment of prospects for the coming decade of the national, regional and global agricultural commodity markets across 41 countries and 12 regions, including OECD countries (European Union as a region) and other key agricultural producers, such as India, China, Brazil, the Russian Federation and Argentina among others. This year's special feature focuses on the prospects and challenges of the agricultural sector in Sub-Saharan Africa. This edition marks the twelfth year of partnership between the two organisations.

Anglais, Espagnol, Français

The liability of legal persons is a key feature of the emerging legal infrastructure for the global economy. Without it, governments face a losing battle in the fight against foreign bribery and other complex economic crimes. For many jurisdictions, corporate liability for corruption offences has only come into existence since the entry into force of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention in 1999.

This report presents a chronology and a “mapping” of the features of the systems for liability of legal persons found in Parties to the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.

  • 09 déc. 2016
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 104

This publication explores the link between trafficking in persons and corruption. Although many countries have taken considerable steps to combat trafficking in persons, these have not comprehensively focused on the fundamental role that corruption plays in the trafficking process. This publication presents a set of Guiding Principles on Combatting Corruption Related to Trafficking in Persons. These Guiding Principles are a useful guide for any country that is in the process of establishing, modifying or complementing a framework to address trafficking in persons-related corruption. The report includes two cases studies from Thailand and the Philippines, where the practical application and the effectiveness of the Guiding Principles is examined.

  • 08 déc. 2016
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 115

As the energy system becomes more globalised and interconnected, gas security challenges are evolving. The current period of gas oversupply – driven by overcapacity in the LNG market – should not overshadow the critical importance of global gas security.

Global Gas Security Review 2016, the first edition of a new annual series, examines the evolving global gas market structures and looks at the market’s ability to respond to potential shocks. It shows that the current situation could lead to a false sense of comfort about gas security, which could evaporate quickly once market conditions change.

The report also analyses how LNG markets responded to the Fukushima accident through case studies focusing on Japan and Europe. Both regions have fuelswitching potential but also face structural changes as coal and oil-fired capacity retires, affecting the gas market’s flexibility to respond to overall shocks.

Global Gas Security Review 2016 also addresses two critical forward-looking questions: how much redundancy is embedded in the LNG upstream and liquefaction chain, and how flexible is LNG production?

  • 08 déc. 2016
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 272

This report provides an in-depth, evidence-based analysis of open government initiatives and the challenges countries face in implementing and co-ordinating them. It also explores new trends in OECD member countries as well as a selection of countries from Latin America, MENA and South East Asia regions. Based on the 2015 Survey on Open Government and Citizen Participation in the Policy Cycle, the report identifies future areas of work, including the effort to mobilise and engage all branches and all levels of government in order to move from open governments to open states; how open government principles and practices can help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals; the role of the Media to create an enabling environment for open government initiatives to thrive; and the growing importance of subnational institutions to implement successful open government reforms.

Allemand, Français
  • 08 déc. 2016
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 192

The fully revamped and re-titled OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook is a biennial publication that aims to inform policy makers and analysts on recent and future changes in global science, technology and innovation (STI) patterns and their potential implications on and for national and international STI policies. Based on the most recent data available, the report provides comparative analysis of new policies and instruments being used in OECD countries and a number of major emerging economies (including Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, the Russian Federation and South Africa) to boost the contribution of science and innovation to growth and to global and social challenges. In this edition, detailed country and policy profiles are available on line.

Français, Espagnol

An estimated 22% of the world’s largest firms are now effectively under state control, this is the highest percentage in decades. These firms are likely to remain a prominent feature of the global marketplace in the near future. The upsurge of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) as global competitors has given rise to concerns related to a level playing field.  Some business competitors and observers claim that preferential treatment granted by governments to SOEs in return for public policy obligations carried out at home can give SOEs a competitive edge in their foreign expansion. The OECD has taken a multidisciplinary approach, looking at the issue from the competition, investment, corporate governance and trade policy perspectives.  The report aims to sort fact from fiction, and develop a stronger understanding, based on empirical evidence, on how to address growing policy concerns with regard to SOE internationalisation. The report concludes that although there is no clear evidence of systematic abusive behaviour by SOE investors, frictions need to be addressed, in view of keeping the global economy open to trade and investment.

  • 07 déc. 2016
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 204

This report is part of the series on "Investing in Youth" which builds on the expertise of the OECD on youth employment, social support and skills. This series covers both OECD countries and countries in the process of accession to the OECD, as well as some emerging economies. The report provides a detailed diagnosis of youth policies in the area of education, training, social and employment policies. Its main focus is on disadvantaged youth including those at risk of disengaging.

  • 07 déc. 2016
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 224

This report examines the key design and implementation features that need to be considered to ensure that biodiversity offset programmes are environmentally effective, economically efficient, and distributionally equitable. Biodiversity offsets are being increasingly used in a wide range of sectors as a mechanism to help compensate for the adverse effects caused by development projects in a variety of ecosystems. In this report, insights and lessons learned are drawn from more than 40 case studies from around the world, with an additional 3 in-depth country case studies from the United States, Germany and Mexico.

This OECD publication includes statistics by detailed type of service on international trade in services for the 35 OECD countries, the European Union, the Euro area, Colombia and the Russian Federation.


Les informations contenues dans cette publication rassemblent les statistiques sur les échanges internationaux par catégories détaillées de services pour les 35 pays de l’OCDE, l’Union européenne, la zone euro, la Colombie et la Fédération de Russie.


Die Internationale Schulleistungsstudie der OECD (PISA) untersucht nicht nur, was Schülerinnen und Schüler in den Bereichen Naturwissenschaften, Lesekompetenz und Mathematik wissen, sondern auch, inwieweit sie dieses Wissen anwenden können. Die Ergebnisse von PISA geben Aufschluss über die Qualität und Gerechtigkeit der Verteilung der Lernerträge weltweit und gestatten es Pädagogen und politisch Verantwortlichen, aus Praktiken und Politiken anderer Länder zu lernen. Dies ist einer von fünf Bänden, in denen die Ergebnisse von PISA 2015, der sechsten Runde dieser im Dreijahresturnus durchgeführten Erhebung, präsentiert werden.

Band I, Exzellenz und Chancengerechtigkeit in der Bildung, gibt einen Überblick über die Schülerleistungen in den Bereichen Naturwissenschaften, Lesekompetenz sowie Mathematik und befasst sich mit der Definition und Messung der Chancengerechtigkeit in der Bildung. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt den Einstellungen der Schülerinnen und Schüler zu Naturwissenschaften, auch in Bezug auf ihre Berufsvorstellungen. Außerdem wird erörtert, wie sich Schülerleistungen und Bildungsgerechtigkeit in den an PISA teilnehmenden Ländern und Volkswirtschaften in den letzten Jahren entwickelt haben.

Français, Anglais

The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) examines not just what students know in science, reading and mathematics, but what they can do with what they know. Results from PISA show educators and policy makers the quality and equity of learning outcomes achieved elsewhere, and allow them to learn from the policies and practices applied in other countries. PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools, is one of five volumes that present the results of the PISA 2015 survey, the sixth round of the triennial assessment. It examines how student performance is associated with various characteristics of individual schools and school systems, including the resources allocated to education, the learning environment and how school systems select students into different schools, programmes and classes.

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