Reviews of National Policies for Education: Tertiary Education in Switzerland 2003

image of Reviews of National Policies for Education: Tertiary Education in Switzerland 2003

OECD reviews of national education policies provide a well-established means for member countries to engage their peers in reviewing their country’s policies. This report is divided into two parts: a background report, prepared by the Swiss authorities, and the OECD examiners’ report. This review makes recommendations for further improvements to the tertiary education system in Switzerland as it grapples with national and global challenges emerging from the transition to a knowledge society. 

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Executive Summary

This review came in the midst of substantial recent and prospective reforms of the Swiss tertiary education sector. Its purpose was to evaluate these developments and offer recommendations for addressing emerging challenges. The terms of reference for the review covered the full range of the tertiary sector, with particular focus on the following: access to tertiary provision; the capacity and flexibility of the sector in meeting social and economic demand and the requirements of the recent and planned reforms; basic and applied research, and the quality of teaching and learning; governance, steering, quality assurance and accountability mechanisms; and the role of the new and strengthened colleges in provision of degree and non-degree learning opportunities.

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