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  • 09 févr. 2010
  • Fabrice Hénard
  • Pages : 113
Leaders and academics can improve the quality of higher education teaching, and thereby the quality of their graduates, by reflecting on institution-wide practices. This book explores the interplay between actors within institutions, organisational structure, commitment of senior leadership, involvement of faculty and students, and evaluation instruments.

Based on an OECD review of 46 quality teaching initiatives in 20 countries, the report highlights the significant impact of the institutions’ environment, trends in the quality of academia, teaching methods and learning conditions. The sample represents 29 higher education institutions, from technological and vocational institutions to business and economic schools, from small undergraduate institutions to multidisciplinary postgraduate universities. 

The book illustrates the following factors with examples from around the world:

  • the aims of institutions when fostering quality teaching, their options and the guiding philosophy behind a quality approach;
  • concrete ways to apply quality teaching initiatives, challenges to implementing them, and key actors in their dissemination;
  • evaluation systems and the impacts of institutional support on teaching, research and quality culture;
  • how institution-wide approaches can be combined to enhance quality teaching in a sustainable way.

The book also analyses the effects of quality teaching on institutional leaders, faculty members, quality units and students.

  • 09 févr. 2010
  • OCDE, Agence pour l'énergie nucléaire
  • Pages : 194

These workshop proceedings highlight the significant amount of work accomplished over the past decade in delivering transparent, proportionate regulation for geological disposal, and identify important differences between national regulations even if these are not in contradiction with international guidance. They also underline the importance of R&D carried out on behalf of the regulator. In addition to the contributed papers, these proceedings trace the numerous discussions that formed an integral part of the workshop. They constitute an important and unique documentary basis for researchers and radioactive waste management specialists. Themes addressed include duties to future generations, timescales for regulation, stepwise decision making, roles of optimisation and best available techniques (BAT), multiple lines of reasoning, safety and performance indicators, recognition of uncertainties and the importance of stakeholder interactions.

State legitimacy matters because it transforms power into authority and provides the basis for rule by consent, rather than by coercion. In fragile situations, a lack of legitimacy undermines constructive relations between the state and society, and thus compounds fragility. Multiple sources of legitimacy often compete and conflict, leaving the state unable to impose the ultimate rules of the game.

Donors working in fragile environments have paid relatively little attention to legitimacy, instead concentrating their efforts on capacity development and institution building as a way of strengthening state effectiveness. The State’s Legitimacy in Fragile Situations urges donors to pay much more attention to legitimacy. It also invites them to broaden their understanding to encompass aspects of legitimacy that derive from people’s shared beliefs and traditions, not just from Western state models. Finally, it encourages donors to monitor the impact of their interventions so as to avoid undermining state legitimacy. The publication concludes with practical recommendations on how donors can support better relations between state and society in fragile situations.


In the Accra Agenda for Action (2008), donors and developing country governments commit to deepening their engagement with civil society organisations (CSOs). Better aid requires a broader understanding of the aid effectiveness agenda and a place for CSOs as development actors in their own right and as aid donors, recipients and partners. This book is a resource for implementing the recommendations on civil society and aid effectiveness emerging from the Accra High Level Forum and its preparatory process. These recommendations address a broad community, including developing country governments, donors, and CSOs from developing and developed countries.


Dans le Programme d’action d’Accra (2008), les donneurs et les gouvernements des pays en développement se sont engagés à approfondir leur engagement avec les organisations de la société civile (OSC). L’amélioration de l’aide au développement requiert qu’on fasse plus largement connaître le Programme d’action à l’appui de l’efficacité de l’aide et qu’on reconnaisse le rôle que jouent les OSC tant en leur qualité d’acteurs du développement que comme donneurs ou bénéficiaires de l’aide et partenaires. Cet ouvrage contient d’abondantes informations sur la mise en œuvre des recommandations relatives à la société civile et à l’efficacité de l’aide qui se sont dégagées du Forum de haut niveau d’Accra et de ses travaux préparatoires. Ces recommandations s’adressent à une large communauté, notamment aux gouvernements des pays en développement, aux donneurs et aux OSC des pays en développement et des pays développés.

  • 02 févr. 2010
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 184

This 2009 IEA review of Italy's energy policies and programmes finds that the Italian government has made substantial progress in a number of sectors since the last IEA in-depth energy policy review in 2003. The success of the green certificate and white certificate schemes and continued reform of the electricity and natural gas supply markets are just a few examples and build on the recommendations contained in the previous review. Nonetheless, many challenges remain.

Italy recognises the need to diversify its energy supply portfolio to reduce its heavy dependence on fossil fuels and electricity imports, and to decrease its growing greenhouse gas emissions. In 2008, the government announced its intention to recommence the country's nuclear power program and start building a new nuclear power plant by 2013. To do so, Italy must first develop an efficient process for identifying critical energy infrastructure, including nuclear power, and subjecting it to an effective, streamlined siting and permitting process. 

Italy will face another major challenge in complying with Europe’s new climate and energy package, particularly in relation to renewable energy and emissions targets. The government must step up efforts to comply with its new responsibilities, specifically by developing and putting in place a comprehensive climate change strategy for the years until 2020.  

In mid-2009, the legislature enacted a wide-ranging new law that will facilitate the emergence of a robust long-term energy policy. The government must respond to this opportunity and elaborate, with industry, a long-term strategy for the development of the energy sector. 

This review analyses the energy challenges facing Italy and provides sectoral critiques and recommendations for further policy improvements. It is intended to help guide Italy towards a more sustainable energy future.

  • 02 févr. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 130

Using this Guide will facilitate the practical implementation of the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises in the areas of transparency and accountability. It provides viable policy options and a step-by-step road map on how to address typical difficulties, risks and hurdles that may be encountered. It also provides concrete examples of good practices that can serve as a reference and inspiration. The Guide will help governments, their ownership entities and other stakeholders to evaluate existing practices and support reforms.

In most countries, improving transparency and accountability in state-owned enterprises entails a number of complex challenges. Addressing these, with the help of this Guide, is an important step in the process of establishing well-governed and economically sound state-owned enterprises
Français, Espagnol
  • 02 févr. 2010
  • OCDE, Agence pour l'énergie nucléaire
  • Pages : 90

De nombreux pays en sont venus à reconnaître qu'un plus grand recours à l'energie nucléaire pourrait contribuer utilement à réduire les émissions de dioxyde de carbone. Cependant, compte tenu des coûts élevés d’investissement et de la complexité des centrales nucléaires, le financement de leur construction reste souvent un défi de taille. Cela est particulièrement vrai lorsque ces financements sont laissés au secteur privé dans un contexte de concurrence des marchés de l’électricité.


Cette étude examine les risques financiers qu'implique l'investissement dans une nouvelle centrale nucléaire, les moyens de les atténuer et les façons de structurer les projets de telle sorte que les risques résiduels soient pris par ceux qui sont les plus à même de les gérer. Compte tenu du fait que l'expansion des programmes nucléaires exigera des aides substantielles et durables des pouvoirs publics, l'étude met en avant le rôle que peuvent jouer les États pour faciliter et encourager les investissements dans de nouvelles capacités de production.

  • 02 févr. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 234

This 2010 edition of OECD's periodic review of China's economy finds that China's spectacular expansion has continued in recent years, making for impressive improvements in living standards. The slowdown associated with the global financial and economic crisis was contained by massive fiscal and monetary policy stimulus, which has boosted domestic demand. This survey includes chapters on recent achievements and prospects, monetary policy, financial reforms, product market regulation and competition, inequality, the labour market, old-age security and the health care system.

  • 02 févr. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 334

Der OECD-Wirtschaftsausblick analysiert die aktuelle Wirtschaftslage und untersucht, welche wirtschaftspolitischen Maßnahmen in den einzelnen Mitgliedstaaten zur Förderung einer nachhaltigen Erholung erforderlich sind. Die vorliegende Ausgabe behandelt die Aussichten bis Ende 2011 sowohl für die OECD-Länder als auch für ausgewählte Nicht-OECD-Volkswirtschaften. Der Wirtschaftsausblick, der durch ein breites Spektrum ländervergleichender Statistiken ergänzt wird, stellt ein in seiner Art einzigartiges Instrument dar, um sich über die weltwirtschaftliche Entwicklung auf dem Laufenden zu halten.

Neben den in jeder Ausgabe regelmäßig behandelten Themen enthält der Wirtschaftsausblick diesmal ein Sonderkapitel mit dem Titel „Die Automobilindustrie in der Krise und danach“. Darin werden folgende Punkte behandelt:

  • Wie eng ist der Konjunkturzyklus der Automobilindustrie mit dem der Gesamtwirtschaft verflochten?
  • Wie wurde die Automobilindustrie von der Krise getroffen?
  • Wie sind die Aussichten für den Automobilabsatz?
Anglais, Français
  • 02 févr. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 250
Dans tous les pays de l’OCDE, l’administration collecte ses recettes par le biais de l’impôt et redistribue cet argent public, souvent sous la forme de dépenses obligatoires allouées à des programmes sociaux d’éducation ou de santé. Le système d’imposition inclut généralement des « dépenses fiscales » – c'est-à-dire des dispositions qui permettent à certaines catégories de contribuables, comme les dirigeants de petites entreprises, les retraités, les mères qui ont un emploi ou encore les personnes ayant réalisé certaines actions, telles que des dons à des œuvres caritatives, de payer moins d’impôts. L’usage des dépenses fiscales par les administrations se répand et croît. Alors que nous traversons une période où les budgets nationaux sont sous la menace du vieillissement des populations et d’évolutions cycliques défavorables, il devient urgent d’éviter les programmes publics inefficaces, dont certains peuvent recourir aux dépenses fiscales. Cet ouvrage étudie l’emploi des dépenses fiscales dans 10 pays de l’OCDE : Allemagne, Canada, Corée, Espagne, États-Unis, France, Japon, Pays-Bas, Suède et Royaume-Uni. Il aidera les hauts fonctionnaires et le public à mieux comprendre certaines des questions politiques et techniques qui sous-tendent le recours aux dépenses fiscales. Il met en lumière les tendances clés et les pratiques fructueuses, et traite d’un large éventail de questions budgétaires nationales telles que l’élaboration de la politique fiscale, l’efficacité des impôts et du budget, la responsabilisation budgétaire et l’établissement des règles.
This review presents a general picture of the overall regulatory reform frameworks in Italy, examining quality regulation, competition policy and professional services. The review also offers a special focus on multi-level governance, where key issues include local public services, commercial distribution, local transport and energy.

The review finds that Italy has made significant progress using regulatory reform since the first OECD review in 2001. Administrative simplification and the increasing role of competition policy, combined with devolution of state powers to regions, have helped. But there are still key challenges for regulatory policy and its implementation, including enforcement, capacity in the civil service, impact analysis for evidence-based decision-making, and building a culture of consultation. The current global economic crisis is an opportunity for Italy to further clarify how the state intervenes in the economy, to improve multi-level co-ordination, and to expand competition in specific sectors.

  • 01 févr. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 234
Die Agrarstützung ist in den OECD-Ländern insgesamt zurückgegangen: 2008 machte sie 21% der Bruttoeinnahmen der Landwirte aus – gegenüber 22% im Jahr 2007 und 26% im Jahr 2006 –, womit sie auf das niedrigste Niveau seit Mitte der 1980er Jahre gesunken ist. Agrarpolitik in den OECD-Ländern: Monitoring und Evaluierung 2009 zeigt auf, dass sich dieser Rückgang großenteils aus der Verringerung der Differenz zwischen den Inlands- und den Weltmarktpreisen für Agrarerzeugnisse erklärt. Bei der Entkopplung der Agrarstützung von der Produktion wurden Fortschritte erzielt, auch wenn produktionsgebundene Stützungsmaßnahmen immer noch eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Zudem sind im Ländervergleich große Unterschiede bei der Höhe sowie der Zusammensetzung der Agrarstützung festzustellen.

Besonderes Augenmerk gilt den Auswirkungen der gegenwärtigen Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise auf die Landwirtschaft und den seitens der Politik in diesem Zusammenhang ergriffenen Maßnahmen. Die Landwirtschaft wird durch die Krise voraussichtlich weniger beeinträchtigt werden als viele andere Sektoren: Das Engagement des Agrarsektors auf den Finanzmärkten ist vergleichsweise gering, die Nachfrage reagiert weniger auf Einkommensrückgänge, und mit dem bestehenden Katalog an Stützungsmaßnahmen können die Auswirkungen der Krise in vielen Ländern abgefedert werden. Angesichts der schwieriger gewordenen Haushaltssituation, mit der sich die Regierungen konfrontiert sehen, wird es wahrscheinlich zu einer weiteren Neubeurteilung der Förderpolitik insgesamt und damit auch der Agrarstützung kommen.

Weitere Themen dieses Berichts sind das 2008 verabschiedete neue Landwirtschaftsgesetz der Vereinigten Staaten, der „Gesundheitscheck“ der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der Europäischen Union und der neue agrarpolitische Rahmen in Kanada, „Growing Forward“. Ein Sonderkapitel befasst sich mit Agrarumweltmaßnahmen in den OECD-Ländern.

Anglais, Français
  • 01 févr. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 344

The tourism sector, a vital driver of job-creation and growth, is under pressure. Facing an increasingly competitive landscape, tourism in many OECD countries has started to lag, in both growth rate and productivity. This book defines the major trends and challenges facing tourism in the next decade – from globalisation to environmental issues. To address these challenges, the book then provides specific policy guidance and recommendations for making tourism more competitive and environmentally sustainable. Tourism data from 42 countries are presented and analysed including all OECD countries, and fast-growing tourism centres such as Brazil, Chile, China and India.

Learning for Jobs is an OECD study of vocational education and training (VET) designed to help countries make their VET systems more responsive to labour market needs.

The Czech Republic has done much to improve its VET system through the introduction of a new qualification system and a national standardised exam in apprenticeship programmes, among other initiatives. The Czech VET system is supported by an impressive date base on labour market outcomes of education and training. At the same time, the general skills of apprenticeship graduates are poor and their situation in the labour market is fragile. Students also need better information about career choices, and the provision of workplace training is highly variable.

The OECD review assesses the main challenges faced by the VET system and presents an interconnected package of policy recommendations. For each recommendation, the report describes the challenge, the recommendation itself, supporting arguments, and issues of implementation.

The full-length version of the OECD Model Tax Convention is produced in a two-volume loose-leaf format to accommodate regular updates. The full-length version is now also available electronically. This new electronic version includes such features as extensive internal linking (making it easy to link from an article to its commentary), fast searching capabilities, the ability for the user to attach notes to specific areas of text and cut-and-paste capabilities.

Grec, Anglais, Français

Este volumen está concebido para ofrecer orientaciones generales a las autoridades y a los responsables de las políticas educativas, en cuanto al diseño y la instrumentación de las reformas necesarias en las políticas de evaluación e incentivos a docentes. El libro ofrece indicios y respuestas a planteamientos como los siguientes: qué elementos del desempeño en educación deberían premiarse y medirse en un sistema de evaluación; quién debe ser recompensado, los maestros, grupos de maestros o las escuelas; cuáles mecanismos sólidos y confiables se pueden utilizar para premiar a los maestros; las políticas de evaluación y compensación, cómo se desarrollan y se llevan a la práctica para asegurar que las partes involucradas se adueñen de ellas.

  • 27 janv. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 146

OECD's 2010 survey of Chile's economy. This edition focuses on four key issues currently challenging Chile: overcoming the crisis; strengthening fiscal policy; fostering productivity growth, and improving the quality of Chile's schools. The survey finds that Chile is now emerging from the crisis and that the financial system has held up well, but that some areas of regulation and the fiscal framework need to be strengthened.  Chile needs to enhance productivity growth, broaden innovation policy beyond basic research, and improve the quality of education.

  • 27 janv. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 102

National Accounts data is more than just GDP.  This book, to be published annually, and its related database present national accounts in a way that reflects the richness inherent in the data and the value that represents for analysts and policymakers.  It responds to the Stiglitz Commission’s recommendation that policymakers look beyond GDP to get a fuller picture of the entire economy.


In particular it uses national accounts data to show important findings about households and governments, including important new series on gross adjusted household income and non-financial fixed assets of households. It presents each of the series on a two-page spread, with the page on the left providing information on the meaning, usage, and comparability of the data and the page on the right presenting data from 1995 onwards for the OECD countries as well as graphics highlighting differences among countries.

This book includes OECD’s unique StatLink service, which enables readers to download Excel®  versions of tables and graphs. Look for the StatLink at the foot of each table and graph.

  • 27 janv. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 196

Esta cuarta edición del Panorama de la salud ofrece los últimos datos comparables y las tendencias en diferentes aspectos del funcionamiento de los sistemas sanitarios en los países de la OCDE. Proporciona evidencia de la existencia de grandes variaciones entre los países en los indicadores del estado de salud y factores de riesgo. Por primera vez, esta publicación incluye un capítulo sobre los nuevos indicadores de calidad de los cuidados mostrando las variaciones entre países en datos como son las tasas de supervivencia después de un ataque cardíaco, accidente cerebrovascular y el cáncer.
En el libro cada indicador se presenta en un formato de fácil uso, compuesto de gráficos que muestran las variaciones entre países y en el tiempo, un breve análisis descriptivo, destacando las principales conclusiones sugeridas por los datos, y un cuadro metodológico sobre la definición del indicador. En la publicación se incluye un anexo estadístico con información adicional para la mayoría de los indicadores; a menudo se presentan series temporales desde 1960. Esta publicación se basa en la información disponible en la OECD Health Data 2007, constituyendo el conjunto más completo de estadísticas e indicadores que permite la comparación de los sistemas sanitarios en los 30 países miembros de la OCDE. La publicación también incluye un enlace interactivo (StatLink) que remitiendo al lector a una página web en la que encontrará las estadísticas y las gráficas correspondientes en formato Excel.

Coréen, Français, Anglais, Allemand
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