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  • 03 Sept 2014
  • OECD
  • Pages: 127

This OECD Emission Scenario Document provides information on the sources, use patterns and potential release pathways of chemicals used in metalworking fluids. The document presents standard approaches for estimating the environmental releases of and occupational exposure to  chemicals ussed in metalworking fluids.


  • 03 Sept 2014
  • OECD
  • Pages: 69

This document incorporates two parts, an MRL Calculator User Guide and an MRL Calculator White Paper which discusses the methodology used in the User Guide.

  • 03 Sept 2014
  • OECD
  • Pages: 141

This OECD Emission Scenario Document (ESD) provides information on the sources, use patterns and release pathways of chemicals used as additives in plastics to assist in the estimation of releases of chemicals to the environment.

This document is the report of the “OECD Workshop on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) -
Strategies for the adoption and implementation of IPM in agriculture contributing to the sustainable use of
pesticides and to pesticide risk reduction”, that took place on 16 19 October 2011, in Berlin, Germany, and
was chaired by Dr. Wolfgang Zornbach of the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and
Consumer Protection.

The developed detailed recommendations for promoting and facilitating the adoption and implementation of IPM strategies and for encouraging appropriate stakeholders to use IPM tools and measures. The workshop was planned in the framework of the “OECD Strategic Approach in Pesticide Risk Reduction”. It addressed the following four main issues: technology and Information, economics and market access, policies and strategies and measurements and impact.  This report includes the outcomes of the workshop discussions, as well as the overall workshop conclusions (Section 4) and recommendations (Section 5) targeted at governments, all stakeholders and OECD.

This document dealing with biological pesticides provides guidance to both industry and regulatory authorities, in the context of applications for the approval of microbial biological control agents (mBCAs), and for the registration of microbial biological control products (mBCPs).

  • 03 Sept 2014
  • OECD
  • Pages: 35

This OECD Emission Scenario Document (ESD) provides information on the sources, production processes, pathways and use patterns of chemicals used as additives in plastics to assist in the
estimation of releases of chemicals to the environment.

This document examines the establishment of acceptable limits of microbiological contamination in microbial pest control products.

This OECD Emission Scenario Document (ESD) is intended to provide information on the sources, use patterns, and potential release pathways of chemicals to be used in water washing machines at industrial and institutional laundries. The document presents standard approaches for estimating the environmental releases of and occupational exposures to chemicals used in water washing machines in laundries.

  • 03 Sept 2014
  • OECD
  • Pages: 158

This OECD Emission Scenario Document (ESD) provides information on the sources, use patterns, and potential release pathways of chemicals used in the radiation curable products industry, specifically during formulation of radiation curable coatings, inks, and adhesives. The document focuses primarily on ultraviolet (UV) and electron beam (EB) curable products and presents standard approaches for estimating the environmental releases of and occupational exposures to components and additives used in radiation curable products.

  • 03 Sept 2014
  • OECD
  • Pages: 224

This report constitutes an emission scenario document (ESD) for chemicals used in the
electronics industry. It provides information on the sources and release pathways of chemicals during various processing techniques relevant to this varied industry sector, to help estimate releases of chemicals into the environment. Therefore, it will assist in the development of exposure scenarios and risk characterisation and assessment, for example as required by the REACH regulation (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of chemicals.

  • 03 Sept 2014
  • OECD
  • Pages: 268

This Emission Scenario Document (ESD) presents an approach to estimate the emissions of substances used in wood preservatives (EU Product Type 8) from two stages of their life cycle: 1) application (industrial applications / in situ applications by professionals and amateurs) and storage of treated wood prior to shipment, and 2) treated wood-in service.

  • 03 Sept 2014
  • OECD
  • Pages: 99

This guidance document is part of the OECD effort to provide guidance for assessing the hazards of chemical substances while gaining efficiencies and improving animal welfare. The approach described in this guidance document is to consider closely related chemicals as a group, or category, rather than as individual chemicals. In the category approach, not every chemical needs to be tested for every endpoint. Rather, the overall data for that category must prove adequate to support a hazard assessment. The overall data set must allow the estimation of the hazard for the untested endpoints.

To keep (Q)SAR applications on a solid scientific foundation, an international effort to articulate principles for (Q)SAR technology and to develop a guidance document for use of (Q)SAR in regulatory applications. This document presents those principles and helpful guides for validating (Q)SAR technology for a variety of applications.

The method described in this guidance document assesses the effects of plant protection products (PPPs), and has been validated using the active Fenoxycarb, which is known to act as an insect growth regulator (IGR), to the honey bee brood (Apis mellifera L.) under semi-field conditions (tunnel conditions followed by field conditions). The method can be used to address concerns regarding the impact on the brood development in honey bee colonies which are exposed to treatments of PPPs in agricultural crops. The aim of this test is to fill an identified gap or complement the sequential testing scheme with the development of a test method under semi-field conditions and to produce quantitative data that can be used as the basis for the evaluation of IGRs and other larvicidal compounds.

  • 25 Aug 2014
  • OECD
  • Pages: 192

Ce rapport examine les six mécanismes de financement novateurs tels que définis par la Convention sur la diversité biologique (CDB). Il s’agit de la réforme fiscale environnementale, des paiements pour services écosystémiques, de la compensation des atteintes à la biodiversité, des marchés de produits verts, de la biodiversité dans le financement climatique, ainsi que de la biodiversité dans le financement international du développement. Cette publication, qui s’est inspirée de la littérature existante et de plus de 40 études de cas réalisées dans le monde entier, examine les questions suivantes : Quels sont ces mécanismes et comment fonctionnent-ils ? Quelles ressources financières ont-ils mobilisées et quelles sont les possibilités de les accroître ? Enfin, quelles sont les considérations clés de conception et de mise en oeuvre – y compris les mesures de sauvegarde environnementale et sociale – dont il faut tenir compte pour que les pouvoirs publics puissent garantir l’efficacité environnementale, l’efficience économique et l’équité redistributive de ces mécanismes ?


In 2011, OECD conducted a survey of member countries to gain a better overview of the mechanisms in place in countries for assessing and managing the risks of obsolete pesticides. Obsolete pesticides are those that are no longer fit for purpose for some reason, be it product deterioration, de-registration or a revision of use conditions. This report documents the analysis, conclusions and recommendations stemming from all of the submitted information.

This scoping document aims at bringing forward relevant in vitro and ex vivo thyroid assays to the attention of OECD member countries, to provide recommendations for their development/use, and also, to identify aspects/blocks of the thyroid signalling pathways that are not covered and would require further development of thyroid assays.


Developing growth strategies that promote greener lifestyles requires a good understanding of the factors that affect people’s behaviour towards the environment. Based on periodic surveys of more than 10 000 households, this publication presents responses from the most recent round of the OECD survey implemented in 2011, in 5 areas (energy, food, transport, waste and water) and 11 countries: Australia, Canada, Chile, France, Israel, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

The survey provides a common framework to collect unique empirical evidence for better policy design. Analysis comparing the data across countries, policy conditions and household characteristics reveals which measures most effectively change behaviour. Each round of the survey also allows to track changes over time and to explore new emerging issues.

The new survey confirms the importance of providing the right economic incentives for influencing our decisions. The findings indicate that “soft” measures such as labelling and public information campaigns also have a significant complementary role to play. Spurring desirable behaviour change requires a mix of these instruments.

This edition completely replaces the previously posted 2013 edition.


L’eau est le principal vecteur par lequel les effets du changement climatique se feront sentir, et la clé de la réussite des stratégies d’adaptation. Ce rapport propose des orientations aux responsables de l’action gouvernementale pour les aider à élaborer des mesures davantage en phase avec les priorités, répondant mieux aux besoins du moment, plus efficientes et plus équitables. Il décrit une approche de l’adaptation au changement climatique fondée sur les risques et promouvant la sécurité de l’eau. Il détaille également les principales tendances et présente les pratiques optimales mises en lumière par l’enquête sur les politiques relatives à l’eau et à l’adaptation au changement climatique, que l’OCDE a menée auprès de ses 34 pays membres et de la Commission européenne. Cette enquête est la première de ce type à analyser de façon systématique les enjeux du changement climatique pour les ressources en eau douce et les nouvelles réponses qu’y apportent les pouvoirs publics dans les pays de l’OCDE. Pour finir, le rapport évalue comment améliorer les incitations à gérer les risques liés à l’eau et comment rendre plus flexibles les politiques de l’eau et les stratégies de financement.


  • 24 Jun 2014
  • OECD
  • Pages: 144

The OECD Green Growth Strategy supports countries in fostering economic growth and development while ensuring that natural assets continue to provide the resources and environmental services on which well-being relies. Policies that promote green growth need to be founded on a good understanding of the determinants of green growth and need to be supported with appropriate indicators to monitor progress and gauge results.

This book updates the 2011 Towards Green Growth: Monitoring progress. It presents the OECD framework for monitoring progress towards green growth and a selection of updated indicators that illustrate the progress that OECD countries have made since the 1990s.

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