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Year Index

  • 03 Nov 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 104

The OECD/EBRD Enterprise Policy Performance Assessment for Croatia presents an overall assessment of conditions for SMEs.  It assesses the conditions regarding the institutional framework, the rule of law, tax policy, financial services availability, advistory services availability, business incubators, and access to education and technology.

  • 03 Nov 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 108

Government and its agencies have a fundamental lead role to play in providing an environment favourable to business operations and conducive to private investment. This is especially true for small business. In order to flourish and grow they need an environment that facilitates and enables business start-ups, does not hamper them with excessive and costly regulations, and facilitates access to finance and business services.

In 2002, the OECD and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) launched the Enterprise Policy Performance Assessments (EPPAs) in the framework of the Investment Compact for South East Europe (SEE) Programme. The EPPAs consist of a series of reports covering all countries of South East Europe They assess the quality of government policy for the Small and Medium Enterprise sector, and regularly monitor its implementation. The 2004 edition of the EPPAs has been prepared by the OECD and the EBRD in close consultation with the European Commission. Synergies have been created between the EPPA and the European Union Charter for Small Business, covering seven policy dimensions:

  • institutional framework;
  • regulatory environment;
  • tax policy;
  • access to finance;
  • advisory services;
  • business incubators; and,
  • entrepreneurship, vocational training and access to technology.

 This Enterprise Policy Performance Assessment report is presented as an independent and constructive contribution to the debate on enterprise policy in Romania, bringing forward the views of the small business sector and providing a set of priority actions and policy recommendations to the government and the small business community.

This brochure presents an overview of the highlights of OECD Forum 2005 including texts of keynote addresses and summaries of sessions.

  • 02 Nov 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 172

This 2005 survey of Mexico's economy examines key challenges faced by Mexico including delivery of education services, improving business conditions, strengthening public finances, and getting the most out of public sector decentralisation.

Spanish, French
  • 02 Nov 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 138

This 2005 Economic Survey of Norway's economy examines key economic challenges including monetary policy issues, labour and product market competition, fiscal policy, the long-term sustainability of the welfare system and the performance of the health care sector.

  • 27 Oct 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 192

This economic survey examines the key challenges facing the US economy including fiscal sustainability and budgetary discipline, fiscal relations across levels of government, adjustment of the current account, and labour market issues such as trade adjustment assistance and reducing work disincentives in programmes for the disabled. It also advocates strengthening the electricity grid and adopting economic instruments to curtail energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, which are high by international standards.


This publication contains the proceedings of the World Forum on Key Indicators held in Palermo in November 2004. In it, statisticians from governmental statistical offices, international organisations, and academia explain why indicator systems are useful and how statistics can be used, how to implement systems related to different kinds of statistics, and what systems are already in place. This conference was the first co-ordinated world wide effort to study the development and implications of large-scale systems of public information for developed countries.

  • 17 Oct 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 172

L’édition 2005 de l’Étude économique de l’OCDE sur le Danemark, où la distribution du revenu est la plus équitable de la zone OCDE et les revenus parmi les plus élevés, est axée sur le maintien de la croissance et sur la préservation du système de protection sociale en dépit du vieillissement rapide de la population. En particulier, elle analyse les réformes gouvernementales visant à favoriser la viabilité budgétaire et les réformes du travail destinées à stimuler l’offre de main d’oeuvre. Elle examine aussi comment le développement de la concurrence pourrait renforcer la croissance et l’amélioration du système éducatif accroître la productivité.

Diese Veröffentlichung bietet einen einzigartigen Überblick über Fakten, Daten und Analysen des Wirtschaftswachstums in den OECD-Ländern. Betrachtet werden vor allem die Wachstumsstrukturen der OECD-Länder in den letzten zehn Jahren, wobei versucht wird, die wichtigsten Antriebskräfte des Wachstums zu identifizieren. Ferner wird untersucht, wie und warum Länder unterschiedlich auf diese Kräfte reagieren. Gegenstand der Analyse ist zum einen das Wachstum auf makroökonomischer, Branchen- und Unternehmensebene und zum anderen der Beitrag der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) auf jeder dieser Ebenen.

Mit über 50 Tabellen und Abbildungen bietet das Buch ein einzigartiges Datenmaterial zum besseren Verständnis der Realität des Wirtschaftswachstums.

Portuguese, English, French
  • 06 Oct 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 98

OECD in Figures is OECD's pocket data book. It contains key data on OECD countries, ranging from economic growth and employment to trade and migration. There are comparable tables on the environment, science and public finances. For added perspective, OECD in Figures includes a selection of graphs, giving snapshots on subjects such as GDP, education spending, services trade, health funding, development aid and renewable energy. OECD in Figures 2005 is a StatLink publication. It includes links to downloadable Excel™ data underlying each chart and graph.

  • 06 Oct 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 98

L’OCDE en chiffres contient les chiffres-clés des pays de l’OCDE dans un format poche. Il contient les principales statistiques relatives aux pays de l'OCDE, qui couvrent aussi bien la croissance économique et l’emploi que les échanges et les migrations. Des tableaux de données comparables existent aussi dans les domaines de l’environnement, de la science et des finances publiques. Pour ouvrir d’autres pistes d’analyse, L’OCDE en chiffres comprend une sélection de graphiques qui permet d’appréhender en un coup d’œil les évolutions du PIB, des dépenses d’éducation, des échanges de services, du financement de la santé, de l’aide au développement et des énergies renouvelables. L’OCDE en chiffres est une publication StatLinks, c'est-à-dire qu’elle contient des liens vers les données Excel™ qui sous-tendent chaque graphique ou figure.

  • 27 Sept 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 144

This 2005 edition of OECD's periodic review of the Euro Area economy systematically reviews economic developments and makes policy recommendations. This issue concentrates on growth performance and resilience. The first chapter presents an overview of developments and challenges. The second chapter concentrates on monetary policy and exchange rates. The third chapter examines fiscal issues and the fourth examines means for driving growth including enhancing the functioning of labour markets, integrating services markets, fostering innovation, and structural reform.

French, German
  • 27 Sept 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 156

OECD's 2005 survey of Slovakia's economy covers key economic challenges including policies for Euro area succession, policies to boost job creation and labour mobility, improving conditions for innovation and growth, and building a modern public sector.

  • 23 Sept 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 148

This 2005 edition of the OECD Economic Survey for New Zealand focuses on key challenges for consolidating economic success including improving competition and productivity growth, tax and regulatory changes to improve the efficiency of capital, preserving labour market flexibility and encouraging better labour utilisation, better results in education, and enhancing management of public finances.

  • 16 Sept 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 206
OECD's first Economic Survey of China documents the encouraging extent to which structural reforms in China have triggered a durable process of economic development. At the same time, the report points out where additional reform is needed. The major themes of the report include improving the framework for the private sector, labour market reforms, ageing, and reform of the public sector and the financial system.
  • 15 Sept 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 304

Dans cet examen approfondi de l’économie russe de 2004, l’OCDE analyse attentivement la forte dépendance de l’économie à l’égard des ressources et ses vulnérabilités. Elle recommande un programme complet de prudence budgétaire et de réforme structurelle, visant particulièrement les grandes institutions d’État. Des chapitres séparés sont consacrés à la compétitivité de l’industrie, au secteur du gaz naturel, au secteur de l’électricité, et à la réforme du système bancaire.  

Russian, English
  • 07 Sept 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 574

While China's economy has shown impressive dynamism following the increased reliance on market-based policies, the governance structures themselves will have to be reformed deeply for this growth to be sustainable. This report examines the many challenges of governance which China is facing.  In addition to the well-known problems related to the lack of openness in government and intellectual property rights, this book also looks at the delivery of public services, management of state assets, regulatory management, e-government, taxation and public expenditure, fighting corruption, and producing reliable information. Selected policy areas where the insufficient governance reforms have an impact on the policies themselves -- like the financial sector, agriculture, environmental protection, labour market and social protection, education, and competition -- are also discussed.


Depuis le lancement du Spoutnik en 1957, l’attention des médias a été pratiquement monopolisée par des missions spatiales spectaculaires comme l’alunissage d’Apollo en 1969 ou, plus récemment, les étonnantes images de Mars transmises par Mars Pathfinder en 1997 puis par Spirit en 2004. Pourtant, les acteurs de la conquête spatiale ont aussi connu des revers, avec des événements dramatiques comme la tragédie de Columbia, des dépassements budgétaires vertigineux, des espoirs largement déçus et des réductions drastiques des financements publics destinés aux programmes spatiaux. Au fil des années, les progrès des technologies spatiales ont conduit au développement d’équipements militaires et civils de plus en plus sophistiqués. Quelles sont maintenant les perspectives du secteur spatial ? Quels sont les obstacles à la poursuite de son développement ? Quel est son avenir à plus long terme ? Quelles sont ses applications les plus prometteuses ? Pour répondre à ces questions, ce rapport examine un certain nombre de scénarios afin d’explorer les possibilités d’évolution des principales composantes du secteur spatial (le volet militaire, le volet civil et le volet commercial) sur les trois décennies à venir, compte tenu des évolutions d’ordre géopolitique, socio-économique, énergétique et environnemental, et technologique.

  • 06 Sept 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 144

This 2005 edition of OECD's periodic survey of Greece's economy examines two key challenges: the need for sustained fiscal consolidation and closing the income gap with the European Union. After an examination of major economic trends, the Survey looks in more detail at the fiscal challenge and at raising productivity and labour force participation. This edition's special chapter looks at the economic impact of migration in Greece.

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