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The OECD DAC Handbook on Security System Reform: Supporting Security and Justice provides guidance to operationalise the 2005 DAC Guidelines, Security System Reform and Governance, and closes the gap between policy and practice. It largely follows the external assistance programme cycle and contains valuable tools to help encourage a dialogue on security and justice issues and to support a security system reform (SSR) process through the assessment, design and implementation phases. It also provides new guidance on monitoring, review and evaluation of SSR programmes, and highlights how to ensure greater coherence across the different actors and departments engaged in SSR.
French, Spanish
  • 25 Feb 2008
  • OECD, The World Bank
  • Pages: 236

La mobilité des étudiants, des enseignants, du savoir et même des valeurs fait partie de l'enseignement supérieur depuis des siècles. Mais cette mobilité s’est récemment accélérée à un rythme sans précédent. Cette évolution présente de nombreuses opportunités : accès élargi à l'enseignement supérieur, alliances stratégiques entre pays et régions ainsi que valorisation des ressources humaines et renforcement des capacités institutionnelles. Ces opportunités ne vont cependant pas sans défis : accroissement potentiel des prestataires médiocres ou peu scrupuleux, titres et diplômes non reconnus par les employeurs ou les établissements locaux, ou encore élitisme source de tensions. Cet ouvrage vise à éclairer ces opportunités et ces défis, notamment pour les pays en développement qui souhaitent se servir de l'enseignement supérieur transnational comme levier de développement. Il examine le concept de renforcement des capacités par l'enseignement supérieur transnational et met l'accent sur le rôle clé de l'assurance qualité et des négociations commerciales.

Spanish, English
  • 21 Feb 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 158

Improving the performance of youth on the labour market is a crucial challenge in OECD countries facing persistent youth unemployment. As labour markets become more and more selective, a lack of relevant skills brings a higher risk of unemployment. Whatever the level of qualification, first experiences on the labour market have a profound influence on later working life. Getting off to a good start facilitates integration and lays the foundation for a good career, while a failure can be difficult to make up.

OECD has launched a series of reports on the school-to-work transition process in sixteen countries including New Zealand. Each report contains a survey of the main barriers to employment for young people, an assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of existing measures to improve the transition from school-to-work, and a set of policy recommendations for further action by the public authorities and social partners.This report is based on the proceedings of a seminar and is published in English only. However, a French translation of the summary and main recommendations has been included in this volume.

  • 21 Feb 2008
  • OECD, Statistical Office of the European Communities
  • Pages: 164

The purchasing power parities and real expenditures contained in this joint Eurostat - OECD publication cover 55 countries including the 30 OECD Member countries, the 27 EU countries, ten CIS countries, six Western Balkan countries and Israel. They are based on price and expenditure data for 2005 and have been calculated using the EKS aggregation method.  International comparisons of price levels and real GDP can be made using the price and volume measures presented in this publication.  This publication includes StatLinks, URLs under each graph and table providing links to Excel® spreadsheet files containing the underlying statistical data.

Gives a brief overview of regional issues and the history of education in the Dominican Republic and describes the development of education in the country over the past 15 years. It presents an analysis of the education system, identifying key directions for the reinforcement of the reforms in light of the challenges encountered by officials, communities, enterprises, educators, parents and students under very dynamic conditions. It concludes with a set of key recommendations concerning the structure of the system and its labour market relevance; access and equity; financing; governance and management; internationalisation; and research, development and innovation.


This publication presents and discusses some of the key information available in the newly created Database on Immigrants in OECD Countries (DIOC). The many graphs and tables include data on: immigrants’ demography including age, gender and duration of stay; and their labour market outcomes including labour market status, occupation and sector of activity.

The book consists of nine thematic chapters, each including a brief description of sources, and a discussion of cross-country differences. The chapters also include a short analysis of specific issues relevant to the data, such as the gender dimension of “brain drain”, the international migration of health professionals, and the role of low-skilled foreign-born workers in domestic services.

An introductory chapter provides an overview of the data to present a picture of international migration to the OECD from four regions: Africa, Asia, and Latin America and from within the OECD area. A methodogical note completes the report by summarizing the different sources and methods applied and explaining the structure of the new DIOC.

"Immigration is fascinating, and a new report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, A Profile of Immigrant Populations in the 21srt Century,  has some juicy nuggets."

-The Times (London)

  • 20 Feb 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 207

L’édition 2007 de l’étude périodique de l’OCDE consacrée à l’économie mexicaine analyse les principaux défis auxquels le pays est confronté à moyen terme : consolider les finances publiques, tirer le meilleur parti de l’intégration du Mexique dans l’économie mondiale, améliorer les infrastructures (transports, télécommunications, électricité et gaz naturel, notamment) et créer des emplois en plus grand nombre et plus intéressants afin de lutter contre la pauvreté.

English, Spanish
  • 19 Feb 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 197

OECD's periodic survey of the Danish economy.  After examining some of the key challenges faced by Denmark, the survey looks in more detail at the fiscal strategy; promoting employment and inclusiveness; tax reform, hours worked and growth; health care; and pension savings and capital taxation.

  • 18 Feb 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 154

This Review measures the level and composition of support provided to Chilean agriculture, and evaluates the effectiveness of current measures in attaining their objectives. The study finds that Chile provides much lower support and protection to its agricultural sector than most OECD countries, even though government expenditures on the sector have trebled in real terms over the past ten years. About half of that spending is on public goods such as infrastructure and irrigation, while the other half consists mostly of measures that seek to make Chile’s poorer farmers more competitive.

This report suggests ways in which the effectiveness of these policies might be enhanced, including by systematic evaluation of policy performance, by closer co-ordination across government agencies, and by framing policies for smallholders and salaried farm workers in an economy-wide context, so that agricultural policies can focus on potentially competitive farmers and be effectively distinguished from other development and social policies.


Nesta época de rápidas mudanças tecnológicas, a investigação e o desenvolvimento (ID) constituem um elemento importante para o crescimento económico. O acompanhamento dos esforços de ID realizados pela indústria, pela Administração e pelas universidades é a chave

para efectuar análises e levar a cabo políticas bem sucedidas. O Manual de Frascati tornou-se o guia metodológico internacionalmente reconhecido para compilar e utilizar estatísticas de ID, e é uma ferramenta indispensável nos gabinetes de estatística de todo o mundo. Inclui definições de conceitos fundamentais, directivas sobre a recolha de dados e as classificações que devem ser utilizadas na compilação dos dados estatísticos.

Esta sexta edição actualizada inclui directivas melhoradas que reflectem as mudanças nas economias da OCDE, incluindo a medição da ID no sector dos serviços, globalização da ID e recursos humanos em ID.

O Manual será publicado também em formato electrónico, o que permitirá fazer actualizações em tempo real.

Lithuanian, Chinese, French, Korean, English, All
  • 15 Feb 2008
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 200

The United States is the largest economy and energy user in the world. Significant developments have taken place in its energy policy since the last IEA review in 2002. Most important is the Energy Policy Act 2005 – a comprehensive energy legislation which has set new directions, including opening the way for a nuclear renaissance. Two closely connected challenges shape all debates on the nation’s energy policy path: how to increase security by reducing the dependence on imported supplies; and how to address growing emissions of greenhouse gases. This review takes an in-depth look at these issues and provides recommendations on how the United States can do more to answer the challenges of both improving its security of energy supply and lowering its emissions intensity, demonstrating the significant improvements that can already be realised through existing technologies.

  • 15 Feb 2008
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 260
Les transports terrestres jouent un rôle crucial dans presque toutes les activités sociales et économiques. La fourniture et l'entretien des infrastructures nécessitent des ressources considérables. C'est pourquoi il est essentiel de les aborder selon les modalités les plus efficaces et rentables possibles. De nombreuses options peuvent être envisagées pour la fourniture des infrastructures de transport terrestre : ministères et organismes publics, partenariats public-privé (PPP), entreprises publiques, sociétés privées à but non lucratif ou privatisation pure et simple.  Il existe également plusieurs moyens de financer ces infrastructures, notamment la tarification de l’utilisation, les subventions, les emprunts publics ou le financement privé.

Ce rapport passe en revue les principes clés que les gouvernements doivent prendre en considération dans leurs décisions relatives aux modalités de mise à disposition et de financement des infrastructures de transport terrestre, avec l'objectif de répondre aux besoins de la société et d'utiliser au mieux les ressources publiques. Il examine également les questions clés qui doivent être résolues pour faire davantage appel aux capacités de financement et au savoir-faire du secteur privé.
  • 14 Feb 2008
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 236

Surface transport plays a fundamental role in nearly all social and economic activity. Providing and maintaining the infrastructure consumes enormous resources. Thus, it is essential that this be carried out in the most efficient and effective way possible. 

Many options are available to provide surface transport infrastructure – public ministries and agencies, public-private partnerships (PPPs), state-owned companies, private and non-profit entities, and outright privatisation. There are also various means of paying for it, including user charging, subsidies, public borrowing or private financing.  

This report examines key principles that should be considered by governments in deciding how to provide and pay for surface transport infrastructure, with a view to best serving societies’ needs and employing public resources. It also considers the key issues that must be resolved in making more use of private financing and expertise.

  • 13 Feb 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 196

In the short span of just a few decades, Luxembourg has moved from a steel-based economy to one more broadly based on financial services.  But being nestled between three other countries, each with their own infrastructure and development issues presents challenges.  This review examines the economic trends and disparities within the region, including under-exploited assets.  It makes recommendations regarding planning, the urban-rural balance, housing and land policy, transport, and R&D and education.

  • 11 Feb 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 237
Tourism in OECD Countries 2008 is the first edition of a biennial publication which analyses best practice in OECD and selected non member economies. It surveys a number of initiatives taken by governments and businesses in the tourism field. The report opens with an overview of the key issues and challenges in tourism policy. The second chapter reviews two important aspects of tourism policy in more detail: the impact of global value chains on small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in tourism; and the role of services trade liberalisation in tourism development. The third chapter presents detailed profiles on organisation, budgets, policies, programmes and statistics in tourism for 32 countries.

Pour faire face à un problème environnemental donné, on peut utiliser une « combinaison d'instruments », par opposition à un instrument unique. Quelles sont les répercussions de ces « combinaisons d’instruments » sur l'efficacité environnementale et l'efficience économique ? Quels sont les principaux arguments qui justifient le recours à de telles combinaisons, et les combinaisons de mesures actuellement utilisées sont-elles effectivement bien conçues en réponse à ces arguments ? Telles sont les principales questions abordées dans ce rapport, qui repose sur une série d'études de cas approfondies. Ces études de cas analysent les combinaisons d'instruments appliquées dans les pays de l'OCDE pour s’attaquer aux problèmes suivants : les déchets ménagers, les sources diffuses de pollution de l'eau en agriculture, l'efficacité énergétique dans le secteur résidentiel, la pollution atmosphérique régionale et les émissions atmosphériques de mercure.

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